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The siphon withdrawal response evoked by a weak tactile (water drop) or light stimulus is mediated primarily by neurons in the siphon. Central neurons (abdominal ganglion) contribute very little since the response amplitude and latency are not changed following removal of the abdominal ganglion. Similarly, habituation and dishabituation of this withdrawal response are not different after removal of the abdominal ganglion, indicating that the peripheral neural circuit in the isolated siphon can mediate habituation itself, and thus has many of the properties attributed to central neurons. Responses evoked by electrical stimulation of the siphon nerve habituate, depending upon the stimulus intensity and interval. These habituated responses may be dishabituated by tactile or light stimulation of the siphon. These results show that each neural system, peripheral and central, has an excitatory modulatory influence on the other. Normally adaptive siphon responses must be shaped by the integrated activity of both of these neural systems.  相似文献   

In older Aplysia, the central nervous system (CNS) (abdominal ganglion) exerts suppressive and facilitatory control over the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which initially mediates the gill withdrawal reflex and its subsequent habituation evoked by tactile stimulation of the siphon. In young animals, both the suppressive and facilitatory CNS control were found to be absent. In older animals, removal of branchial nerve (Br) input to the gill resulted in a significantly reduced reflex latency and, with ctenidial (Ct) and siphon (Sn) nerves intact, a significantly increased reflex amplitude and an inability of the reflex to habituate with repeated siphon stimulation. In young animals, removal of Br had no effect on reflex latency and with Ct and Sn intact, the reflex amplitude latency was not increased and the reflex habituated. Older animals can easily discriminate between different intensity stimuli applied to the siphon as evidenced by differences in reflex amplitude, rates of habituation, and evoked neural activity. On the other hand, young animals cannot discriminate well between different stimulus intensities. The lack of CNS control in young animals was found to be due to incompletely developed neural processes within the abdominal ganglion and not the PNS. The lack of CNS control in young Aplysia results in gill reflex behaviours being less adaptive in light of changing stimulus conditions, but may be of positive survival value in that the young will not habituate as easily. The fact that CNS control is present in older animals strengthens the idea that in any analysis of the underlying neural mechanisms of habituation the entire integrated CNS-PNS must be taken into account.  相似文献   

NdWFamide is an Aplysia cardioexcitatory tri-peptide containing D-tryptophan. To investigate the roles of this peptide, we examined the immunohistochemical distribution of NdWFamide-positive neurons in Aplysia tissues. All the ganglia of the central nervous system (CNS) contained NdWFamide-positive neurons. In particular, two left upper quadrant cells in the abdominal ganglion, and the anterior cells in the pleural ganglion showed extensive positive signals. NdWFamide-positive processes were observed in peripheral tissues, such as those of the cardio-vascular system, digestive tract, and sex-accessory organs, and in the connectives or neuropils in the CNS. NdWFamide-positive neurons were abundant in peripheral plexuses, such as the stomatogastric ring. To examine the NdWFamide contents of tissues, we fractionated peptidic extracts from the respective tissues by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and then assayed the fractions by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A fraction corresponding to the retention time of synthetic NdWFamide contained the most immunoreactivity, indicating that the tissues contained NdWFamide. The prevalence of the NdWFamide content was roughly in the order: abdominal ganglion >heart >gill >blood vessels >digestive tract. In most of the tissues containing NdWFamide-positive nerves, NdWFamide modulated the motile activities of the tissues. Thus, NdWFamide seems to be a versatile neurotransmitter/modulator of Aplysia and probably regulates the physiological activities of this animal.  相似文献   

Regulation of energy metabolism is controlled by the brain, in which key central neuronal circuits process a variety of information reflecting nutritional state. Special sensory and gastrointestinal afferent neural signals, along with blood-borne metabolic signals, impinge on parallel central autonomic circuits located in the brainstem and hypothalamus to signal changes in metabolic balance. Specifically, neural and humoral signals converge on the brainstem vagal system and similar signals concentrate in the hypothalamus, with significant overlap between both sensory and motor components of each system and extensive cross-talk between the systems. This ultimately results in production of coordinated regulatory autonomic and neuroendocrine cues to maintain energy homeostasis. Therapeutic metabolic adjustments can be accomplished by modulating viscerosensory input or autonomic motor output, including altering parasympathetic circuitry related to GI, pancreas, and liver regulation. These alterations can include pharmacological manipulation, but surgical modification of neural signaling should also be considered. In addition, central control of visceral function is often compromised by diabetes mellitus, indicating that circuit modification should be studied in the context of its effect on neurons in the diabetic state. Diabetes has traditionally been handled as a peripheral metabolic disease, but the central nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating glucose homeostasis. This review focuses on key autonomic brain areas associated with management of energy homeostasis and functional changes in these areas associated with the development of diabetes.  相似文献   

C J Stoll 《Malacologia》1979,18(1-2):459-463
Extraocular photosensitivity in Aplysia fasciata was studied in the skin and in the central nervous system (CNS). Local illumination causes contractions of the muscles of the body wall, which are obviously mediated by the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Afferent sensory activity is supposedly mainly dependent on stretch reception. Light-induced peripheral reflexes habituate after repetitive stimulation in preparations in which the CNS is present. In preparations without CNS light-induced contractions are remarkably stronger and do not habituate after repititive stimulation. Central responses to peripheral stimulation could be evoked by both "light on" and "light off" stimulation, indicating that 2 types of photosensitive elements are present in the periphery. Observations on isolated CNS-preparations revealed that in the central ganglia photoreceptive elements are also present. Here, too, elements responding to the onset as well as elements responding to the offset of light have been detected.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(2):112055
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Habituation of the siphon withdrawal reflex (SWR) can be evoked by iterative tactile stimuli presented to one of several sites, including the siphon and gill. The SWR evoked at an arbitrary "test" site did not habituate when stimuli were presented at 20-min intervals. However, there was a large decrease in the reflex evoked at the test site when the trial was preceded by 10 repetitive stimuli (interstimuli interval = 30 s) presented to the opposite "habituation" site. Transfer of habituation occurred from gill to siphon stimulation sites, and vice versa. There was a concomitant decrease in the excitatory input evoked in the central siphon motor neurons LDS1 and LDS3. Moreover, transfer of habituation occurred after the abdominal ganglion (central nervous system) was removed. There was little change in the magnitude of the control responses or transfer of habituation after deganglionation. Since transfer of habituation between stimulation sites of the SWR was similar to that reported previously for the gill withdrawal reflex, it was suggested that a common mechanism may underlie the two behaviors.  相似文献   

In the present study the occurrence and localization of urotensin I (UI, a corticotropin releasing factor-like peptide) in the CNS of Aplysia californica were investigated by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay. The RIA cross-reactivity pattern indicated that the UI antiserum used recognized an epitope in the C-terminal region of the UI, but it did not cross-react with mammalian corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and partially recognized sauvagine (SVG, a frog CRF-like peptide). The use of CRF-specific and sauvagine-specific antisera failed to give positive immunostaining. The application of UI antiserum (which does not cross-react with CRF in RIA) gave a positive staining, which was blocked by synthetic sucker (Catostomus commersoni) UI, but not by rat/human CRF (10 microM). On the basis of immunostaining and RIA parallel to fish UI displacement curves of cerebral ganglia extracts, the unknown UI/CRF-like substance in the Aplysia ganglia is likely to have greater homology with sucker UI than with the known CRF peptides. Urotensin I-immunoreactive (UI-ir) neurons were seen mainly in the F neuron clusters, located in the midline and rostrodorsal portion of the cerebral ganglia. Few UI-ir neurons were also found in the C and D neuron clusters of the cerebral ganglia, as well as in the left pleural and abdominal ganglia. In addition, numerous fine and coarse, and beaded UI-ir fibers were found in the cerebral commissure. UI-ir fibers were also seen in the neuropile of the buccal, pedal and pleural ganglia, and abdominal ganglion. A cuff-like arrangement of UI-ir fibers was seen in the supralabial nerves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The possibility that proteins reaching the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia by axonal transport from the circumesophageal ganglia might be subject to secretion in that structure was examined. Transported labeled protein was found to be released from the abdominal ganglion; such release was enhanced by exposure to a high K+ medium and by electrical stimulation of the transporting axons. Stimulation of release was inhibited by lowering the Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio of the medium. The released material is predominantly of 1--2000 daltons in molecular weight and appears to have been derived from a group of transported peptides of about the same size. The possibility is raised that these data may reflect the existence of a peptidergic second-order neurosecretory pathway in this nervous system.  相似文献   

Neurons of the circumesophageal ganglia of Aplysia synthesize 1--2000 dalton peptides and subject them to axonal transport in large quantities in the pleuro-visceral connective and pedal nerves. Most of the protein transported in the connective nerves accumulates in the abdominal ganglion, although some passes out its peripheral nerves. Autoradiography revealed no evidence for terminations of the transporting axons in possible neurohemal areas of this ganglion. It is suggested that these data reflect the existence of a pathway mediating the "directed delivery" of neural peptides in this nervous system.  相似文献   

The cerebellum, a structure derived from the dorsal part of the most anterior hindbrain, is important for integrating sensory perception and motor control. While the structure and development of the cerebellum have been analyzed most extensively in mammals,recent studies have shown that the anatomy and development of the cerebellum is conserved between mammals and bony fish (teleost) species, including zebrafish. In the mammalian and teleost cerebellum,Purkinje and granule cells serve, respectively, as the major GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons. Purkinje cells originate in the ventricular zone (VZ), and receive inputs from climbing fibers. Granule cells originate in the upper rhombic lip (URL) and receive inputs from mossy fibers. Thus, the teleost cerebellum shares many features with the cerebellum of other vertebrates, and isa good model system for studying cerebellar function and development. The teleost cerebellum also has features that are specific to teleosts or have not been elucidated in mammals, including eurydendroid cells and adult neurogenesis. Furthermore, the neural circuitry in part of the optic tectum and the dorsal hindbrain closely resembles the circuitry of the teleost cerebellum; hence,these are called cerebellum-like structures. Here we describe the anatomy and development of cerebellar neurons and their circuitry, and discuss the possible roles of the cerebellum and cerebellum-like structures in behavior and higher cognitive functions. We also consider the potential use of genetics and novel techniques for studying the cerebellum in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Numerous green-fluorescent neurons have been revealed by means of the glyoxylic acid histochemical method in cryostat sections of several organs of two Adriatic aplysiid gastropods, Aplysia depilans and A. fasciata. Catecholamine-containing perikarya and their processes have been found to be especially abundant in the vaginal portion of the large hermaphrodite duct, in the penis and its sheath, and in the gill. In the reproductive organs, two subpopulations of catecholamine-containing neurons could be distinguished according to their size and location. Axons of larger neurons formed bundles which seemed to project at the CNS.  相似文献   

We show that neurons that underlie rhythmic patterns of electrical output may be identified by optical imaging and frequency-domain analysis. Our contrast agent is a two-component dye system in which changes in membrane potential modulate the relative emission between a pair of fluorophores. We demonstrate our methods with the circuit responsible for fictive swimming in the isolated leech nerve cord. The output of a motor neuron provides a reference signal for the phase-sensitive detection of changes in fluorescence from individual neurons in a ganglion. We identify known and possibly novel neurons that participate in the swim rhythm and determine their phases within a cycle. A variant of this approach is used to identify the postsynaptic followers of intracellularly stimulated neurons.  相似文献   

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