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The Aspergillus aculeatus rhaA gene encoding an alpha-L-rhamnosidase has been expressed in both laboratory and industrial wine yeast strains. Wines produced in microvinifications, conducted using a combination of the genetically modified industrial strain expressing rhaA and another strain expressing a beta-glucosidase, show increased content mainly of the aromatic compound linalool.  相似文献   

Highly efficient nitrogen-fixing strains selected in the laboratory often fail to increase legume production in agricultural soils containing indigenous rhizobial populations because they cannot compete against these populations for nodule formation. We have previously demonstrated, with a Sinorhizobium meliloti PutA- mutant strain, that proline dehydrogenase activity is required for colonization and therefore for the nodulation efficiency and competitiveness of S. meliloti on alfalfa roots (J. I. Jiménez-Zurdo, P. van Dillewijn, M. J. Soto, M. R. de Felipe, J. Olivares, and N. Toro, Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 8:492-498, 1995). In this work, we investigated whether the putA gene could be used as a means of increasing the competitiveness of S. meliloti strains. We produced a construct in which a constitutive promoter was placed 190 nucleotides upstream from the start codon of the putA gene. This resulted in an increase in the basal expression of this gene, with this increase being even greater in the presence of the substrate proline. We found that the presence of multicopy plasmids containing this putA gene construct increased the competitiveness of S. meliloti in microcosm experiments in nonsterile soil planted with alfalfa plants subjected to drought stress only during the first month. We investigated whether this construct also increased the competitiveness of S. meliloti strains under agricultural conditions by using it as the inoculum in a contained field experiment at León, Spain. We found that the frequency of nodule occupancy was higher with inoculum containing the modified putA gene for samples that were analyzed after 34 days but not for samples that were analyzed later.  相似文献   

Myotonias are muscle diseases in which the function of the muscular chloride channel ClC-1 is impaired. Null alleles of the corresponding Clc1 gene on mouse chromosome (Chr) 6 provide animal models for human myotonias. It was shown that the allele adr (Clc1 adr ) is due to an insertion of an ETn type transposon that is transcribed and leads to multiple splicing events; the allele mto (Clc1 adr-mto ) involves a stop codon near the N-terminus. We have determined the genomic organization of the mouse Clc1 gene and the sequence requirements for the transposon insertion in the Clc1 adr allele. The mouse Clc1 gene is composed of 23 exons, ranging from 39 to 372 bp, and spans approximately 23 kb of genomic DNA. The exon/intron organization is highly homologous to that of the human CLCN1 gene; the homology of the coding sequence is 97% to rat and 89% to human. In the adr allele the ETn transposon is inserted into intron 12, the largest intron. Whereas the 5′ and 3′ LTR sequences of the ETn transposon are homologous to those reported for other insertional mutations of the mouse, no consensus motif for an insertion target site could be defined. On the basis of flanking sequences, we provide duplex PCR diagnoses for the adr, adr-mto, and wild-type alleles of Clc1. Close to the 3′ end of intron 12, a tetranucleotide repeat (AATC)n was found that is polymorphic between mouse species Mus musculus, M. molossinus, M. castaneus, and M. spretus, and can thus be used for chromosomal mapping studies. Received: 13 October 1996 / Accepted: 10 May 1997  相似文献   

The Twirler mutation arose spontaneously and causes inner ear defects in heterozygous and cleft lip and/or cleft palate in homozygous mutant mice, providing a unique animal model for investigating the molecular mechanisms of inner ear and craniofacial development. Here, we report the identification of a novel homeobox gene, Iroquois-related homeobox like-1 (Irxl1), from the Twirler locus. Irxl1 encodes a TALE-family homeodomain protein with its homeodomain exhibiting the highest amino acid sequence identity (54%) to those of invertebrate Iroquois and vertebrate Irx subfamily members. The putative Irxl1 protein lacks the Iro-box, a conserved motif in all known members of the Irx subfamily. Searching the databases showed that Irxl1 orthologs exist in Xenopus, chick, and mammals. In situ hybridization analyses of mouse embryos at various developmental stages showed that Irxl1 mRNA is highly expressed in the frontonasal process and palatal mesenchyme during primary and secondary palate development. In addition, Irxl1 mRNA is strongly expressed in mesenchyme surrounding the developing inner ear, in discrete regions of the developing mandible, in the dermamyotome during somite differentiation, and in a subset of muscular structures in late embryonic stages. The developmental expression pattern indicates that Irxl1 is a good candidate gene for the Twirler gene.  相似文献   

Exon II of glucokinase (Gk) was deleted to produce a systemic heterozygous Gk knockout (Gk+/−) mouse. The relative expression levels of Gk in the heart, lung, liver, stomach, and pancreas in Gk+/− mice ranged from 0.41–0.68 versus that in wild (Gk+/+) mice. On the other hand, its expression levels in the brain, adipose tissue, and muscle ranged from 0.95–1.03, and its expression levels in the spleen and kidney were nearly zero. Gk knockout caused no remarkable off-target effect on the expression of 7 diabetes causing genes (Shp, Hnf1a, Hnf1b, Irs1, Irs2, Kir6.2, and Pdx1) in 10 organs. The glucose tolerance test was conducted to determine the blood glucose concentrations just after fasting for 24 h (FBG) and at 2 h after high-glucose application (GTT2h). The FBG-GTT2h plots obtained with the wild strain fed the control diet (CD), Gk+/− strain fed the CD, and Gk+/− strain fed the HFD were distributed in separate areas in the FBG-GTT2h diagram. The respective areas could be defined as the normal state, prediabetes state, and diabetes state, respectively. Based on the results, the criteria for prediabetes could be defined for the Gk+/− strain developed in this study.  相似文献   

The human autosomal dominant neuromuscular disorder facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is associated with deletions within a complex tandem DNA repeat (D4Z4) on Chromosome (Chr) 4q35. The molecular mechanism underlying this association of FSHD with DNA rearrangements is unknown, and, thus far, no gene has been identified within the repeat. We isolated a gene mapping 100 kb proximal to D4Z4 (FSHD Region Gene 1:FRG1), but were unable to detect any alterations in total or allele-specific mRNA levels of FRG1 in FSHD patients. Human Chr 4q35 exhibits synteny homology with the region of mouse Chr 8 containing the gene for the myodystrophy mutation (myd), a possible mouse homolog of FSHD. We report the cloning of the mouse gene (Frg1) and show that it maps to mouse Chr 8. Using a cross segregating the myd mutation and the European Collaborative Interspecific Backcross, we showed that Frg1 maps proximal to the myd locus and to the Clc3 and Ant1 genes. Received: 24 September 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

alpha 1-Antitrypsin (alpha 1-AT) deficiency is a hereditary disorder associated with serum alpha 1-AT levels less than 35% of normal. There are two categories of alpha 1-AT genes that cause this state: the deficient alleles, in which alpha 1-AT is present in serum but in low levels, and the null alleles, in which no alpha 1-AT in serum can be attributed to the gene. The present study defines the molecular basis for the alpha 1-AT gene nullGranite Falls, identified and cloned from genomic DNA of an individual with severe alpha 1-AT deficiency and emphysema resulting from the heterozygous inheritance of the nullGranite Falls and Z alpha 1-AT genes. Sequencing of the 5'-flanking region, all five coding exons, and all exon-intron junctions of nullGranite Falls demonstrated it was identical with the common normal M1(Ala213) alpha 1-AT gene, except for two bases: a single deletion in the codon for amino acid Tyr160 of the mature protein and a single base substitution 168 base pairs 5' to exon I. Although no role for the promoter region mutation could be assigned, the coding exon deletion [Tyr(TAC)----(TA-)] resulted in a frameshift causing a stop coding to be formed approximately 44% from the N terminus of the precursor protein. Using oligonucleotide probes to evaluate the family of the index case demonstrated the deletion----frameshift/stop mutation was inherited in an autosomal co-dominant fashion. Thus, although the molecular basis for alpha 1-AT deficiency of the alpha 1-AT null haplotype such as nullGranite Falls is very different from the molecular basis of the more common deficient haplotypes such as Z, the phenotypic consequences of the two genes are similar; i.e. severe alpha 1-AT deficiency and an association of a high risk for the development of emphysema.  相似文献   

Dual oxidases generate the hydrogen peroxide needed by thyroid peroxidase for the incorporation of iodine into thyroglobulin, an essential step in thyroid hormone synthesis. Mutations in the human dual oxidase 2 gene, DUOX2, have been shown to underlie several cases of congenital hypothyroidism. We report here the first mouse Duox2 mutation, which provides a new genetic model for studying the specific function of DUOX2 in the thyroid gland and in other organ systems where it is hypothesized to play a role. We mapped the new spontaneous mouse mutation to chromosome 2 and identified it as a T>G base pair change in exon 16 of Duox2. The mutation changes a highly conserved valine to glycine at amino acid position 674 (V674G) and was named "thyroid dyshormonogenesis" (symbol thyd) to signify a defect in thyroid hormone synthesis. Thyroid glands of mutant mice are goitrous and contain few normal follicles, and anterior pituitaries are dysplastic. Serum T(4) in homozygotes is about one-tenth the level of controls and is accompanied by a more than 100-fold increase in TSH. The weight of adult mutant mice is approximately half that of littermate controls, and serum IGF-I is reduced. The cochleae of mutant mice exhibit abnormalities characteristic of hypothyroidism, including a delayed formation of the inner sulcus and tunnel of Corti and an abnormally thickened tectorial membrane. Hearing thresholds of adult mutant mice are on average 50-60 decibels (dB) above those of controls.  相似文献   

Mutation in the PROM1 gene previously has been identified in one family with retinal degeneration for which neither ERG recordings nor detailed information about visual impairment is available. A large family with multiple individuals affected by retinal degeneration was ascertained in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The visual acuity of all affected patients in the family was severely compromised beginning in early childhood. The retinal disease in this family is a severe form of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) accompanied by macular degeneration. Fundus changes advanced with age. Choriocapillaris atrophy and posterior RPE atrophy were obvious allowing visualization of the large choroidal vessels in patients over 40 years of age. Rod and cone responses on ERG recordings were extinguished in patient’s teens. A genome-wide scan mapped the disease to a 34.7 cM region of chromosome 4p14–p16 between D4S1599 and D4S405. A maximum lod score of 3.96 with D4S403 and D4S391 is seen at θ = 0. Sequence analysis of PROM1 located in the linkage interval identified a c.1726C>T homozygous transition in exon 15: resulting in p.Gln576X in the translated protein. This mutation is found in a homozygous state in all six affected individuals and was heterozygous in five of the six unaffected family members examined. The mutation was not detected in 192 chromosomes of unrelated control individuals of the same ethnicity and from the same region. This delineates the phenotypic characteristics of retinopathy caused by mutations in PROM1. Qingjiong Zhang, Fareeha Zulfiqar, Xueshan Xiao, Sheikh Riazuddin and J. Fielding Hejtmancik contributed equally.  相似文献   

A new, large kindred with hypobetalipoproteinemia and a previously undescribed truncated form of apolipoprotein B (apoB) has been identified. The asymptomatic, Caucasian male proband (CK, aged 37 years) has total plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein-(LDL) cholesterol, high density lipoprotein- (HDL) cholesterol, and apoB concentrations of 108, 131, 32, 50, and 16 mg/dl, respectively. Plasma samples of 11 family members spanning three generations, which had less than 5th percentile concentrations of LDL-cholesterol, contained three apoB bands detected on immunoblots: the normal apoB-100 and apoB-48 and an unusual band of apparent molecular mass of 299,356 +/- 9580 daltons (approximately 54% the molecular weight of apoB-100). Additional immunoblotting experiments using several different anti-apoB monoclonal antibodies showed that the carboxyl terminal of apoB-100 had been deleted somewhere between amino acid residues 2148-2488. A segment of genomic DNA from the proband was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) between nucleotides 7491-7791 of Exon 26 of the apoB gene. The DNA segment was cloned into pGEM3Zf(-) and sequenced. A C----T transition was found at nucleotide 7665, resulting in a premature stop codon at amino acid residue 2486 corresponding to apoB-54.8. These results were confirmed by direct sequencing of PCR products from three apoB-54.8 positive and three apoB-54.8 negative kindred members. Allele-specific oligonucleotides were used to identify other affected family members. Cosegregation of apoB-54.8 with the C----T transition occurred in all cases. Based on haplotypes constructed from restriction fragment length polymorphism, variable number of tandem repeats, and 5' insertion/deletion analyses and from the presence or absence of apoB-54.8, it was possible to assign a single allele of apoB to the mutation throughout the family. In contrast with other shorter truncations such as apoB-31, apoB-40, and apoB-46, which are found with particles in the HDL density range, and apoB-89 that is found primarily with LDL, apoB-54.8 was found primarily in very low density lipoproteins, much less in LDL, and was virtually absent in HDL. This suggests that the length of the truncation may significantly affect the metabolism of the associated lipoprotein particles.  相似文献   

Epimerase-deficiency galactosemia results from impairment of the human enzyme UDP-galactose-4-epimerase (hGALE). We and others have identified substitution mutations in the hGALE alleles of patients with the clinically mild, peripheral form of epimerase deficiency. We report here the first identification of an hGALE mutation in a patient with the clinically severe, generalized form of epimerase deficiency. The mutation, V94M, was found on both GALE alleles of this patient. This same mutation also was found in the homozygous state in two additional patients with generalized epimerase deficiency. The specific activity of the V94M-hGALE protein expressed in yeast was severely reduced with regard to UDP-galactose and partially reduced with regard to UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine. In contrast, two GALE-variant proteins associated with peripheral epimerase deficiency, L313M-hGALE and D103G-hGALE, demonstrated near-normal levels of activity with regard to both substrates, but a third allele, G90E-hGALE, demonstrated little, if any, detectable activity, despite near-normal abundance. G90E originally was identified in a heterozygous patient whose other allele remains uncharacterized. Thermal lability and protease-sensitivity studies demonstrated compromised stability in all of the partially active mutant enzymes.  相似文献   

A large French family including members affected by nonspecific X-linked mental retardation, with or without autism or pervasive developmental disorder in affected male patients, has been found to have a 2-base-pair deletion in the Neuroligin 4 gene (NLGN4) located at Xp22.33. This mutation leads to a premature stop codon in the middle of the sequence of the normal protein and is thought to suppress the transmembrane domain and sequences important for the dimerization of neuroligins that are required for proper cell-cell interaction through binding to beta-neurexins. As the neuroligins are mostly enriched at excitatory synapses, these results suggest that a defect in synaptogenesis may lead to deficits in cognitive development and communication processes. The fact that the deletion was present in both autistic and nonautistic mentally retarded males suggests that the NLGN4 gene is not only involved in autism, as previously described, but also in mental retardation, indicating that some types of autistic disorder and mental retardation may have common genetic origins.  相似文献   

Proteins located within the lipid bilayer, surrounding the intracellular bacterial magnetic particles (BMP) from Magnetospirillum sp. AMB-1, were separated using SDS-PAGE. Several major proteins of approximate molecular weight 66.2, 35.6, and 24.8 kDa were identified. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of one of these proteins, designated MpsA, was determined and used to design a pair of PCR primers which amplified a 105 bp DNA fragment from AMB-1 genomic DNA. Gene-walking, using anchored PCR, was used to determine the complete nucleotide sequence (954 bp) of the mpsA gene. The mpsA encodes a 317 amino acid protein which does not have an N-terminal cytoplasmic transport signal sequence. Intracellular localization studies were carried out using an mpsA-luc gene fusion expressed in AMB-1 following gene transfer by conjugation. The gene fusion was constructed by cloning a 1.6 kb mpsA fragment upstream of luc in the conjugal plasmid pKLC. The MpsA-Luc fusion protein was preferentially located on the magnetic particle membrane. Although the function of MpsA remains unknown, homology searches suggest similarity with the alpha subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and the CoA-binding motif.  相似文献   

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