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We examined the impacts of three facultative planktivorous fishes, Congo tilapia (Tilapia rendalli), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), and an obligate planktivorous fish, silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on plankton community and water quality of a tropical eutrophic reservoir, Paranoá Reservoir, Brasília, Brazil, conducting both laboratory selective grazing experiments and an enclosure experiment. The first two species inhabit this reservoir and the remaining two are recommended for introduction. The field experiment was performed in ten limnocorrals (2 m3 each) and lasted five weeks. During the enclosure experiment, silver carp suppressed copepod nauplii, cladocerans and rotifers while the presence of tilapia and bluegill were associated with increased rotifers density. The dominant blue-green algae,Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (98% of phytoplankton biomass) was enhanced in the presence of bluegill, tilapia and tambaqui, but reduced in the presence of silver carp. This impact on plankton is in agreement with the results of the laboratory feeding trials. The observed alterations in water quality parameters in fish limnocorrals are discussed in relation to plankton community and eutrophication of this ecosystem. It is suggested that the control of the undesirable algaeC. raciborskii directly by silver carp grazing is a promising management tool.  相似文献   

Two short-term (4–5 week) sets of enclosure experiments were conducted during winter periods (1982, 1983) in Americana Reservoir near Sao Paulo to test effects of fish predation reducing grazing pressure by large cladoceran zooplankton (mainlyDaphnia gessneri) on phytoplankton density, cell size distribution, biomass, species composition and richness. Two enclosures were stocked with the zooplanktivorous characin fishAstyanax whereas two others remained fishless during each set of experiments. Within two weeks or less, phytoplankton cell density and biomass were significantly reduced in the fishless enclosures, particularly in the small cell size (< 15 µm) fraction. Changes also occurred in species composition and richness. These shifts generally were maintained or intensified during the course of the experiments.  相似文献   

Food quality of the natural food (seston) from Lake Monte Alegre was evaluated throughout a series of life-table experiments with cladocerans from the same lake carried out in summer and autumn. Experiments were performed using cohorts of newborns originated from ovigerous females cultured for several generations in the lab or taken directly from the lake. For these tests of food limitation, juveniles of different species were submitted to one of the following treatments: (1) lake seston and (2) lake seston + green algae. The age at first reproduction, mean clutch size, total offspring and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) were estimated. Cladocerans responded to both seasonal changes in food resources and to additions of green algae. In summer, food levels were higher and cladocerans grew better than in autumn. The low fecundity and population growth rates of Daphnia gessneri, together with high C:P ratios (>500) in the seston in summer, suggested P limitation. The other cladocerans (Moina micrura, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Simocephalus mixtus) were apparently less sensitive than D. gessneri to P-limitation in summer. However, energy limitation cannot be disregarded even in summer, although in a lower degree compared to autumn. In this season, the predominance of large diatoms and dinophyceans of low nutritional value and the low food concentration suggested both quantitative and qualitative food limitation. Phytoplankton composition, nutritional value and particle size appeared to be important factors in determining cladocerans reproduction rates with seston diets.  相似文献   

1. Based on two mesocosm experiments and 10 in vitro predation experiments, this work aimed to evaluate the impact of nutrient supply and Chaoborus predation on the structure of the zooplankton community in a small reservoir in Côte d'Ivoire. 2. During the first mesocosm experiment (M1), P enrichment had no effect on phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) but significantly increased the biomass of some herbivorous zooplankton species (Filinia sp, Ceriodaphnia affinis). During the second experiment (M2), N and P enrichment greatly increased phytoplankton biomass, rotifers and cladocerans (C. affinis, C. cornuta, Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma excisum). In both experiments, nutrient addition had a negative impact on cyclopoid copepods. 3. Larger zooplankton, such as cladocerans or copepodites and adults of Thermocyclops sp., were significantly reduced in enclosures with Chaoborus in both mesocosm experiments, whereas there was no significant reduction of rotifers and copepod nauplii. This selective predation by Chaoborus shaped the zooplankton community and modified its size structure. In addition, a significant Chaoborus effect on chlorophyll a was shown in both experiments. 4. The preference of Chaoborus for larger prey was confirmed in the predation experiments. Cladocerans D. excisum and M. micrura were the most selected prey. Rotifer abundance was not significantly reduced in any of the 10 experiments performed. 5. In conclusion, both bottom‐up and top‐down factors may exert a structuring control on the zooplankton community. Nutrients favoured more strictly herbivorous taxa and disadvantaged the cyclopoid copepods. Chaoborus predation had a strong direct negative impact on larger crustaceans, favoured small herbivores (rotifer, nauplii) and seemed to cascade down to phytoplankton.  相似文献   

张帅  陈修康  肖利娟  胡韧 《生态科学》2011,30(3):280-287
2009年5月31日-6月20日在广东省大沙河水库利用微型生态系统比较不同放养密度的褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata)和背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)对水体氮、磷及浮游植物的影响,探讨两种蚌在控制南亚热带水库富营养化水体藻类水华上的可行性。实验结果表明,在褶纹冠蚌和背角无齿蚌处理组中,总氮、总磷和叶绿素a浓度显著增加,而铵氮的浓度显著下降;褶纹冠蚌和背角无齿蚌导致了浮游植物群落组成结构的改变和数量的增加,实验过程中绿藻所占的比例迅速上升。两种蚌之间没有显著的差异,只是在不同的作用强度下,时间上的响应不同。综合实验结果,褶纹冠蚌和背角无齿蚌难以有效地运用于我国华南地区水库的水质改善与富营养化控制。  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance and transport in a tropical white-water river   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Zooplankton abundance and transport were studied in the Apure River of western Venuzuela over a 15-month period. Much of the lower portion of the drainage basin, which is an extensive savanna of low relief, is subject to seasonal flooding. Although more than 50 zooplankton species were recorded during the study, nine rotifer species accounted for more than 90% of total density (mean, 138 individuals · L-1). Copepods were represented primarily by Mesocyclops decipiens. Most cladocerans were planktonic, but cladocerans were not abundant. Crustaceans comprised 46% of annual mean zooplankton biomass (1.9 gC·L-1) but only 2% of zooplankton numbers. The annual transport of zooplankton biomass from the watershed was 29 300 kgC. Zooplankton abundance showed a strong, inverse relationship to discharge. Secondary branches (caños) of the braided channel appeared to be the primary source areas, but populations of some species also reproduced in the main channel at low water. As the river began to rise, caños were flushed and thus abruptly ceased to serve as source areas. Zooplankton transport fell sharply and remained low until the river inundated the floodplain. Secondary production in the floodplain was exported to the river as long as a connection existed. After drainage ceased from the floodplain, transport fell to very low levels until caños again became suitable habitat. Seasonal fluctuations in river level regulate the development of source areas suitable for zooplankton growth and control the export of plankton from the source areas. Plankton in the running waters reproduce only at low water.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the phytoplankton community of a small tropical reservoir were monitored over a four year period comprising of an initial two seasonal cycles during which the water column stratified strongly for extended periods each year, and two further seasonal cycles after installation of a mechanical aeration system to induce artificial destratification. In the unmanaged reservoir, the concentration of chlorophyll a at 0.5 m reached maximum values (on one occasion > 90 mg m−3) when the water column was stratified and the epilimnion was very shallow (ca 2 m depth). The hypolimnion at this time was anoxic (less than 2% oxygen saturation) and had a high concentration of bacteriochlorophyll (100–200 mg m−3). The phytoplankton community of the unmanaged reservoir was generally dominated by cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Anabaena tenericaulis) during the warmer months of the year (November–March) (but replaced by chlorophyta, dinophyceae and euglenophyceae after periods of intense rain) and by bacillariophyceae (Synedra ulna var. chaseana, S. tenera) during the cooler, dry months. In the artificially destratified reservoir (8 h aeration day−1), the phytoplankton community was largely dominated by diatoms except after depletion of the silica content of the water column which caused diatoms to be replaced by cyanobacteria (dominated by A. tenericaulis) and a range of chlorophytes. The changing pattern of stratification and circulation of the water column in the unmanaged reservoir caused repeated disruption of the established phytoplankton assemblage with peaks of high biomass associated with transient cyanobacterial blooms. Continuous aeration and the consequent increase in the ratio mixed: euphotic depth provided conditions suitable for dominance of the phytoplankton by diatoms, as long as silica was available, and resulted in average chlorophyll levels higher than in the unmanaged reservoir (120 ± 10 v. 64 ± 9 mg m−2). Hierarchical fusion analysis based on the biomass of species differentiated the phytoplankton samples into cluster groups that could be related primarily to stratification or mixing of the water column.  相似文献   

2003年7月到2004年6月对董铺水库的浮游生物进行了调查,对其种类组成、生物量、种群数量、污染指标种等相关指数进行了初步分析,得出结果是综合指数为1.46,种群数量为2.256×105个/升(浮游植物),多样性指数的值在3.01~3.22之间。这些指数表明:目前董铺水库的水质仍属清洁水体,从营养水平来看处于贫营养与中营养之间,并向中营养水平演化,水质存在着向轻度污染转化的趋势。  相似文献   

Gere  Géza  Andrikovics  Sándor 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):157-161
Birds possess fast metabolism, and therefore they ingest and egest relatively large quantities of organic materials. Effects on the eutrophication depend on the site where they release their excrements. Mallards were studied as model animal to evaluate this process. Mallards of different ages have different ecological roles. In the beginning of their individual life they reduce the trophic level but later they contribute to the eutrophication processes.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in phytoplankton (1954–1981) and chlorophyll (1969–1984) and their spatial distribution in summer 1989 were studied in the Rybinsk reservoir (second largest reservoir of the Volga River, North-West Russia). Estimation of trophic status and saprobity of the reservoir was based on phytoplankton biomass and species composition and chlorophyll content. The most eutrophic waters were found to occupy the peripheral areas in littoral zone and river inflows of the reservoir, while the waters in the central part of the basin were less eutrophic. Long-term changes of the phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll, chlorophyll/biomass-ratio and saprobity index observed in the central part of the reservoir were analyzed by statistical methods. An increase in saprobity and an inverse relationship between chlorophyll/biomass-ratio and water transparency demonstrate progressive eutrophication in the central part of the reservoir. Two distinct periods (1954–1970 and 1971–1984) could be discerned on the basis of annual mean phytoplankton biomass values. For the earlier period a relationship between biomass and climatic factors (solar radiation and wind velocity) could be established, but no such correlation could be found for the latter period. There was no significant increase in the phytoplankton biomass during the monitoring period, but a definite increase in the proportion of small-sized species of centric diatoms, cryptomonads and blue-greens. These forms are considered as r-strategists in the community, and their increase is interpreted as a sign of eutrophication.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We examined whether a large stock of tilapia (>750 kg ha?1, in littoral areas >1300 kg ha?1), mostly Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Tilapia rendalli (Boulenger), could contribute to the eutrophication of a tropical reservoir (Lago Paranoá, Brasília, Brazil) by enhancing P‐loading. 2. We took advantage of an extensive fish kill (>150 tons removed) during May–August 1997 in a hypereutrophic branch of the reservoir to compare water quality characteristics 1 year before and after this event by means of BACI statistics. We also measured P‐excretion rates in laboratory trials to assess the P‐loading of the reservoir by the tilapia relative to tributary inputs and loading from a sewage treatment plant. 3. Concentrations of chlorophyll a (decline from 84 to 56 μg L?1, P=0.018) and total P (decline from 100 to 66 μg L?1, P < 0.001) decreased significantly in the branch of the reservoir affected by the fish kill, compared with a similar but unaffected branch that served as a control. Because P‐loading by both a sewage treatment plant and tributaries remained high after the incidence, the fish kill was likely to contribute to the observed water quality improvement. 4. Removing 150 tons of dead tilapia corresponded to 20 days of external total phosphorus load (TP‐load) to the branch, and resulted in a reduction of 5.1 kg P day?1 in internal recycling via tilapia excretion, which is equivalent to 12% of the external TP‐load. 5. Implementing professional tilapia cast‐net fisheries could be an efficient biomanipulation approach to improve water quality and limit the occurrence of cyanobacteria blooms and fish kills in hypereutrophic branches of Lago Paranoá and similar tropical lakes.  相似文献   

The structure and seasonal dynamics of larvae of the Gobiidae family in the Mucuri Estuary (Bahia, Brazil) were studied for nine consecutive years. Sampling was conducted at three stations in the lower estuary channel, between 2002 and 2010, in relation to season, day and night and tidal variations. A total of 5802 Gobiidae larvae, representing 15 taxa (12 species and three morphotypes), were collected in the Mucuri Estuary during this time. The highest mean ± s.d. density of fish larvae, 54·7 ± 79·8 larvae 100 m?3, was recorded during the flood tide and night sampling. Ctenogobius boleosoma was the most abundant species (68%), being dominant in the rainy and dry seasons and had a long reproductive period. This species was classed as a marine estuarine‐opportunist because it was observed at high frequencies and active larvae entering the estuary between 6·1 and 12·0 mm standard length (LS). Gobionellus oceanicus, second in abundance (12%), occurred only in later larval stages but did not use the estuary as a preferred location for spawning, being classed a marine estuarine dependent. Microgobius carri (11%) was represented in all LS classes and was resident in the estuary for spawning, remaining there throughout their life cycle. The other species were considered rare due to their low densities and could not be classified in any guild.  相似文献   

1. Based on a comprehensive data set collected monthly during 8 years (1997–2004), we evaluated the effects of mechanical removal of Eichhornia crassipes on the limnological characteristics and algal biomass of a polymictic shallow tropical reservoir. 2. Interrupted time series analyses indicated that the limnological responses to macrophyte removal can be classified as an ‘abrupt permanent impact’ implying that the overall mean of the time‐series shifted promptly after intervention. These analyses indicated a significant increase for pH, total phosphorus, total phytoplankton and cyanobacterial biomass, and a decrease in water transparency and CO2 concentrations in the surface water; also, the increase in water stability, increase of bottom soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and decrease in bottom oxygen levels. 3. Cyclic anoxic periods previously observed during springs and summers were replaced by a persistent period of anoxic conditions in the sediment overlying water. Anoxic conditions were suitable for SRP release from sediments. Heavy cyanobacterial blooms became more persistent, maximum biomass (4229 mm3 L−1) was 30 times larger, the blooms frequently reached 2 m and sometimes the bottom of the reservoir, contrasting to the preremoval period in which it reached at most 1 m deep. 4. The long‐term P dynamics in the system, initially driven by allochthonous nutrient loadings were replaced by internal ecological processes. Water hyacinth removal markedly accelerated the process of eutrophication due to internal feedback mechanisms, leading to a switch to a more turbid state. Biological feedback mechanisms were driven by cyanobacterial blooms by enhancing water stability, oxygen anoxia at the bottom and by increasing suitable conditions for P internal loading. These data support the hypothesis of the role of cyanobacterial blooms as an important factor impairing water quality and driving the ecosystem towards a stable degraded state. 5. These findings have important implications for the restoration of shallow stratifying eutrophic lakes, as the alternative degraded state is most likely to occur when compared with their non‐stratifying counterparts. Moreover, feedback mechanisms in tropical and subtropical shallow lakes seem to be stronger than in temperate ones, as stratification events are more likely to occur over the year, intensifying system resilience to restorative strategies.  相似文献   

The effects of enrichment with phosphate (0–500 µg. 1–1) and forms of nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia an and urea) (0–3500 µgg. –1) on the phytoplankton growth of Lobo Reservoir (Brazil) were studied in July, 1979. Suspended matter, chlorophyll a, cell concentrations and the carotenoid:cchlorophyll ratio were estimated following 14 days of in situ incubation. Phosphate alone caused no significant effects, but enrichment with nitrogen caused a substantial increase on the growth of phytoplankton. Comparison between the different forms of nitrogen showed insignificant effects after their additions with 350 µg. –1 and in combination with phosphate. However, when nitrogen was added in large quantities (3 500 µg. –1), significant differences between the nitrogeneous forms were found, with urea causing the strongest effect. In July, nitrogen is mhe main limiting nutrient to phytoplankton growth of Lobo Reservoir.Supported by CNPq and FAPESP.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton community of a eutrophic reservoir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamics of the phytoplankton community of a eutrophic reservoir are described for a two year period. Fifty-eight species were recorded, 25 of them common. Bacillariophyta dominated during the winter and early spring and Chlorophyta during late spring, to be replaced by a bloom of Cyanophyta. The mean and peak biomass of phytoplankton was 8.6 mg 1–1 and 40.8 mg 1–1 in 1981, and 8.3 mg 1–1 and 37.6 mg 1–1 in 1982. Temperature accounted for 67.3% and pH for 8% of the variation in total phytoplankton biomass over the two year period, using a multiple regression technique.Both horizontal and vertical patchiness, measured as an index of mean crowding, were recorded in the reservoir. Horizontal aggregations were associated with spring blooms of Chlorophyta and summer blooms of Cyanophyta, while vertical aggregations were most marked during the summer bloom of Cyanophyta. Concentrations of phytoplankton were influenced by wind, the prevailing southwesterly wind accumulating algae in the northeasterly arm of the reservoir during much of the year.  相似文献   

M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》1984,113(1):249-258
Monthly averages of standing stock wet biomass of zooplankton in Lake Kinneret (Israel) varied between 11 and 76 g m–2 during 1969–1981, with the exception of two months. Averaged contributions of different groups were: Cladocera 58%, Copepoda 35% and Rotifera 7%. Total standing crop wet biomass is highest during January–June, averages varied between 35 and 50 g m–2, and decreases during summer–fall (23–36 g m–2). The winter biomass of Cladocera fluctuated between 22 and 35 g m–2 and dropped to a range of 9–23 g m–2 in summer, whereas copepod biomass varied very little around an average of 18 g (ww) m–2 with the exception of low values from April to June. The stock biomass of Rotifera is relatively high during winter floods season (December-March) whilst in summer it is very low.Young stages of fish in Lake Kinneret feed mostly on zooplankton and zoobenthic forms. The most abundant fish in the Kinneret ecosystem, Mirogrex terraesanctae terraesanctae, also feed on zooplankton at the adult stage throughout the year, and herbivorous fish consume zooplankton during the summer when lake plankton resources are limited.The summer ecosystem of Lake Kinneret is characterised as a steady state type, in which the impact of the zooplankton-chain is of great importance. Increase of predation pressure on zooplankton by fish can disequilibrate the balanced trophic relations existing between nannoplankton production and zooplankton grazing capacity. Such a situation can lead to organics accumulation as nannoplankton blooms, resulting in water quality deterioration. Management options aimed at preventing collapse of zooplankton populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Primary production was measured every 2 weeks during 16 months (N = 33) in Tissawewa, a tropical shallow reservoir in the lowlands of south-east Sri Lanka. Results are interpreted in relation to selected environmental conditions such as oxygen concentrations, water temperature, Secchi-disc depth, wind force, conductivity, and morphoedaphic index and water level fluctuations. Because of regularly reoccurring high wind speeds the water column is well mixed. Daily gross primary production per unit area was plotted as a function of the algal biomass per unit area over the euphotic zone. Chlorophyll-a concentration in the euphotic zone was taken as measure for the algal biomass. The literature comparisons showed that the primary productivity in Tissawewa was in the same range as in 29 tropical lakes and reservoirs, of which 27 were from Africa. The productivity of these 30 tropical lakes and reservoirs was compared with: (a) 27 lakes of which 25 were temperate lakes, and (b) 49 North American temperate lakes. Firstly, comparisons were made on an annual basis for the tropical water bodies, but restricted to May–September, the growing season, for temperate water bodies. The gross primary productivity of tropical water bodies was ca. three times higher than that of temperate water bodies. These differences were even more dramatic if the two geographical regions are compared on an annual basis, i.e. the tropical systems are ca. six times more productive than their temperate counterpart.  相似文献   

1. The variable ecological response of lakes to reduced nutrient loading (oligotrophication) at sites in Europe and North America was discussed at a workshop held in Silkeborg (Denmark) in January 2003. Studies of lake oligotrophication were presented based on both long‐term monitoring and data generated by palaeolimnological methods. 2. This introduction to the special issue provides short summaries of a series of the papers presented and their limnological context. Results show that the majority of lakes had approached a new equilibrium of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations 10–15 years (P) and 0–5 years (N) after a major reduction in loading, irrespective of hydraulic retention time. Phytoplankton biomass decreased and a shift towards meso‐oligotrophic species dominance occurred. The fish responded surprisingly fast to the loading reduction in most lakes. As a result, the percentage of piscivores increased and total fish biomass declined markedly, which may explain an increase in the body size of cladocerans and an increase in the zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratio seen in many of the lakes. 3. Monitoring has in general been initiated after the effects of eutrophication became apparent. In this context palaeolimnological techniques become very useful because they allow limnologists to extend time scales of coverage and to define restoration targets and baseline conditions. Moreover, lake sediments pre‐dating anthropogenic disturbance can be used to examine ecological response to, for instance, climate variability, allowing problems associated with multiple stressors to be addressed. 4. It is concluded that there is a great need for a synthetic, holistic approach to studying lake oligotrophication, combining multiple techniques of palaeolimnological sediment analysis with detailed but temporally limited long‐term monitoring of chemical and biological variables. This is important, not least to assess future responses to nutrient loading reductions, as global warming will interact with a range of external stressors and ultimately affect lake management strategies to deal with the resultant feedbacks.  相似文献   

1. The biomass of the different primary producers, and their relative contributions to the total, were measured quarterly from July 1997 to September 1998 in a tropical reservoir (Brobo, Côte-d'Ivoire). The study period was marked by an exceptional decrease in the water level as a result of a long drought with only one significant rainfall in June 1998.
2. In July 1997, at the beginning of the usual rainy season, the level of the lake was normal and the ecosystem was in a moderately clear water state dominated by littoral macrophytes, mostly Potamogeton octandrus (more than 55% of the 6.4 tons of carbon of the total primary biomass). The microphytobenthos (19%) and the phytoplankton (25%) were secondary contributors, whereas the periphyton on macrophytes (0.5%) and the epixylon (periphyton on dead flooded trees, 0.3%) were negligible.
3. As a result of the steady decline in water level due to a lack of rain, the macrophytes were progressively stranded on the shores and had disappeared by March 1998. From this time, microalgae (microphytobenthos and phytoplankton) became dominant. Their combined biomass increased slowly from 2.8 tons of carbon in July 1997 to 3.7 tons in September 1998. The microphytobenthic biomass contributed 78% to the total in March, 55% in June and 60% in September, while other contributions were mainly due to the phytoplankton. The epixylon remained negligible throughout the study (≤0.5% of the whole primary biomass).
4. The distribution and temporal changes in the biomass during each survey were mainly linked to hydrology and to interactions between primary producers.
5. The effect of water level changes on free (planktonic) and fixed primary producers (periphytic microalgae and rooted macrophytes) is discussed.  相似文献   

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