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The structure of the icosahedral capsid of the H-1 parvovirus was probed by chemical cross-linking methods. Treatment of empty capsids with high-molecular-weight polyethylene glycols resulted in irreversible aggregation of the minor capsid protein VP1. Multimers of VP1 containing at least five and perhaps six molecules were obtained, but only with empty capsids and not with the full, DNA-containing virus. Cross-linking of the empty capsids with dimethylsuberimidate confirmed the assignments of the products formed after treatment with polyethylene glycol. With dimethylsuberimidate the most abundant product was a heterologous dimer containing VP1 and the major capsid protein VP2'. A small amount of homologous VP2' dimer was also obtained, but the majority of VP2' remained unreacted even at high concentrations of dimethylsuberimidate. The capsid proteins of the full virus, on the other hand, were completely unreactive to dimethylsuberimidate. The data suggest that the minor protein VP1 may be clustered in the capsid and perhaps composes one or two of the morphological units of the icosahedral shell.  相似文献   

The amino terminus of VP2', the major capsid protein of the parvovirus H-1, was identified and mapped to the H-1 genome. The protein initiates at the start codon at nucleotide 2797 and is translated uninterrupted to the stop codon at nucleotide 4582. The primary sequence predicts a protein of 593 amino acids (65,500 daltons) with an amino acid composition which very closely matches the experimentally determined composition of the pure protein. The data suggest that the VP2' mRNA has a 5' leader sequence of ca. 650 bases and that protein translation initiates downstream from the sole splice junction.  相似文献   

In rat embryo cell cultures infected with X14 or H-1 parvovirus the PRPP pool and the PRPP synthetase activity have been assayed. A radiometric method, prepared by Authors, based on the conversion of [6-14C) orotate to [6-14C) UMP by the mixed enzyme orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidylate decarboxylase and on the separation of UMP by ascending chromatography, has been utilized. The PRPP pool and te PRPP synthetase activity appeared nearly unmodified in the cells infected with X14 or H-1 parvovirus compared to the mock-infected cells. Therefore, the lowered pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis in infected cells, shown in previous studies, may depend, rather than on the diminished PRPP pool, on the lower PRPP utilization; in fact, some inhibition by metabolites, that may be removed by added PRPP, might occur in the infected cells.  相似文献   

We have analysed protein trafficking during the differentiation of rat L6 myoblasts into myotubes. Different proteins were found to lose different amounts of their processing by the Golgi apparatus during the myogenic differentiation, indicating that they were transported to this organelle with differing efficiencies. In order to investigate the destination of the nonprocessed glycoproteins we analysed the behaviour of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and Semliki Forest virus glycoproteins in the presence of Brefeldin A, which returns the enzymes of the Golgi apparatus to the ER. Such experiments indicated that during myogenesis a fraction of both glycoproteins was shunted into a compartment that did not participate recycling with the Golgi apparatus. Immunofluorescence studies with the mutant VSV tsO45 G protein suggested that this compartment was diffusively distributed. We investigated whether the cytoplasmic tail had a role in the myogenic transport modulation by analysing the behaviour of recombinant VSV G proteins. Exchanging the cytoplasmic tail or the tail plus the membrane anchor had no effect, suggesting that the luminal portion was responsible for the diverted transport. Taken together, the results suggest that during the myogenesis of L6 myoblasts, varying fractions of different viral glycoproteins were sorted from the ER into a specific compartment that did not recycle with the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Human and rat cells transfected with UV-irradiated linear double-stranded DNA from calf thymus displayed a mutator activity. This phenotype was identified by growing a lytic thermosensitive single-stranded DNA virus (parvovirus H-1) in those cells and determining viral reversion frequencies. Likewise, exogenous UV-irradiated closed circular DNAs, either double-stranded (simian virus 40) or single-stranded (phi X174), enhanced the ability of recipient cells to mutate parvovirus H-1. The magnitude of mutator activity expression increased along with the number of UV lesions present in the inoculated DNA up to a saturation level. Unirradiated DNA displayed little inducing capacity, irrespective of whether it was single or double stranded. Deprivation of a functional replication origin did not impede UV-irradiated simian virus 40 DNA from providing rat and human cells with a mutator function. Our data suggest that in mammalian cells a trans-acting mutagenic signal might be generated from UV-irradiated DNA without the necessity for damaged DNA to replicate.  相似文献   

Defective interfering particles of parvovirus H-1.   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S L Rhode  rd 《Journal of virology》1978,27(2):347-356
Defective interfering particles of the parvovirus H-1 were produced by serial propagation at high multiplicities of infection. Such particles interfere with the synthesis of capsid proteins and infectious virus of standard H-1. The interference is sensitive to UV irradiation, dependent on the multiplicity of the challenge virus, and is active in heterotypic infections against parvovirus H-3 or LuIII. Defective interfering particle genomes have alterations characterized by integral numbers (1 to 10 or more) of a 60-base-pair addition in the neighborhood of the origin of replicative-form DNA replication and deletions that are located primarily within two regions, 32 to 44 or 80 to 90 on the genome map. Some of the implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of extracts of H-1 parvovirus-infected cells with virus-specific antiserum led to the identification of two forms of the noncapsid virus protein NCVP1. These two proteins had apparent molecular weights of 84,000 (NCVP1) and 92,000 (NCVP1') and were structurally related, based on their immunological reactivity and on peptide map analysis. Both of these proteins appeared early in the virus infection, about the same time that capsid proteins appeared. NCVP1' was a highly phosphorylated protein which was apparently derived from NCVP1 via a post-translational event. Phosphoserine was the predominant phosphorylated amino acid in NCVP1' and appeared to be localized in one site or a few sites on the protein. The possible involvement of these noncapsid proteins in parvovirus DNA replication is discussed.  相似文献   

An in-frame, 114-nucleotide-long deletion that affects the NS-coding sequence was created in the infectious molecular clone of the standard parvovirus H-1PV, thereby generating Del H-1PV. The plasmid was transfected and further propagated in permissive human cell lines in order to analyze the effects of the deletion on virus fitness. Our results show key benefits of this deletion, as Del H-1PV proved to exhibit (i) higher infectivity (lower particle-to-infectivity ratio) in vitro and (ii) enhanced tumor growth suppression in vivo compared to wild-type H-1PV. This increased infectivity correlated with an accelerated egress of Del H-1PV progeny virions in producer cells and with an overall stimulation of the viral life cycle in subsequently infected cells. Indeed, virus adsorption and internalization were significantly improved with Del H-1PV, which may account for the earlier appearance of viral DNA replicative forms that was observed with Del H-1PV than wild-type H-1PV. We hypothesize that the internal deletion within the NS2 and/or NS1 protein expressed by Del H-1PV results in the stimulation of some step(s) of the viral life cycle, in particular, a maturation step(s), leading to more efficient nuclear export of infectious viral particles and increased fitness of the virus produced.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy with cytochrome c conjugated anti-H-1 IgG was used to localize antigens of the parvovirus H-1 within synchronized human NB cells. Since glutaraldehyde destroyed H-1 antigenicity, a fixative containing formaldehyde was developed which preserved both cellular ultrastructure and antigenic function. The earliest H-1 specific staining occurred on the heterochromatin bordering the nuclear envelope at 8 h post infection (p.i.). At 10 h p.i., labeling was found on the chromatin associated with the nucleolar surface and tufts of heterochromatin distributed throughout the nucleoplasm. Except for this H-1 labeling, the chromatin appeared indistinguishable from that of uninfected cells. By 12 h p.i., however, coinciding with the abrupt rise in synthesis of H-1 hemagglutinin and infectious virus, H-1 labeled intranuclear chromatin had condensed and migrated toward the nuclear membrane. Also, trabeculae of intranuclear chromatin were tagged with anti-H-1 conjugate as contraction of nucleolar chromatin and disintegration of nucleolar ultrastructure began. Condensation of the nucleolar associated chromatin and nuclear heterochromatin appeared complete by 18–36 h p.i. when thick zones of this H-1 labeled material were observed at the nucleolar and nuclear periphery. Our results indicate that the binding of unassembled H-1 proteins to specific regions of chromatin is associated with their condensation and margination, resulting in early nucleolar destruction and subsequent nuclear damage during H-1 infection.  相似文献   

S L Rhode  rd 《Journal of virology》1977,22(2):446-458
The cleavage map of H-1 replicative-form DNA to the bacterial restriction endonuclease EcoRI, HaeII, HaeIII, HindII, HindIII, and HpaII has been determined. The 5'-phosphoryl end of the viral strand is on the right end of the molecule at or near the replication origin. Evidence is presented for the presence of inverted self-complementary sequences at the right end that differ from those at the left end. These sequences allow a foldback of the DNA after denaturation, and a minority of the native replicative-form DNA has the foldback configuration. The possible role of these structures in H-1 DNA synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The infectious particles of the parvovirus H-1 were characterized with respect to protein content, density in CsCl, and specific infectivity. Heavy-full and light-full particles were purified from infected simian virus 40-transformed newborn human kidney (NB) cells and from simian virus 40-transformed hamster kidney (THK) cells. Analysis of the protein content of these particles demonstrated that the ratio of viral protein VP2' to VP2 was the same in heavy-full and light-full particles derived from the same cell line, but differed significantly between the two hosts. However, the infectivity of the particles from each cell line was the same for all four viral species.. Also, in vitro conversion of VP2' to VP2 did not enhance the particle infectivity of either heavy-full or light-full virus. When the fate of input virus was studied with 125I-labeled H-1, the conversion of VP2' to VP2 occurred in a time-dependent manner up to 24 h postinfection. Simultaneous with the proteolytic cleavage, there was a shift in the density of the heavy-full virus to the light-full density. However, protein analysis of the 125I-labeled light-full virus at various times postinfection indicated that they were not enriched in VP2 when compared with heavy-full virus or the total virus population. Thus, the cleavage of VP2' to VP2 is not responsible for the shift in density from heavy-full to light-full virus, and although these events might be required for infection they appear not to be interdependent.  相似文献   

Parvovirus H-1 has been shown to suppress spontaneous and chemically or virally induced tumorigenesis in hamsters. In human cell culture systems propagation of H-1 is restricted to transformed cells, which are killed by H-1 infection, in contrast to normal diploid cells, which are nonpermissive for H-1. By analyzing the permissiveness of a variety of human cells for H-1, it was determined that the majority of tested transformed or immortalized cells which were permissive for H-1 contained the DNA of oncogenic viruses (human papillomavirus, simian virus 40, adenovirus, hepatitis B virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I). Of six transformed cell lines negative for persisting tumor virus DNA, only two were permissive for H-1, while two were semipermissive and two were nonpermissive. Thus, persistence and expression of tumor virus functions appears to promote full permissiveness for H-1 in human cells. However, neither expression of genes of specific viral genomes nor the transformed state of apparently virus-free cells alone was sufficient to render human cells permissive for H-1. Therefore, the effect of tumor virus functions on H-1 in transformed cells seems to be indirect, probably mediated by cellular factors which are induced or switched off during the transformation process. It appears that similar factors are induced or switched off by 5-azacytidine or calcium phosphate, both known inducers of cellular gene expression.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of chlorine on a small DNA-containing enteric virus. Parvovirus H-1 was exposed to sodium hypochlorite in a phosphate-buffered saline solution at pH 7. Then, the whole virion, the protein capsid, or the nucleic acid was subjected to analysis. The sedimentation rate of the chlorine-treated whole virus decreased from 110S to 43S. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the virus demonstrated the formation of higher-molecular-weight aggregates resulting from covalent cross-linking of the capsid proteins. Electron microscopic examination revealed that the DNA was extruded as a taillike structure which remained attached to the virus particle. Furthermore, the DNA was intact and still capable of in vitro replication. The adsorption of the chlorine-treated virions to host cells was inhibited, presumably due to the effect of chlorine on the particular spatial arrangement of the capsid proteins required for adsorption. Specific sites on these proteins had become highly reactive, indicating that the initial action of chlorine on parvovirus H-1 was on the viral capsid.  相似文献   

H-1 virus growth in synchronized rat embryo cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

In order to characterize the receptor subtype involved in histamine stimulation of increased cyclic AMP levels in rat mast cells with consequent impairment of anaphylactically induced mediator release, the binding of the H-1 receptor antagonist [3H] pyrilamine to mast cells was examined. Pyrilamine bound rapidly, in a saturable and reversible fashion, and with increased binding at 4°C as compared with 21°C and 37°C. [3H] Pyrilamine binding was displaced by H-1 antagonists (tripelnnamine > yrilamine ≧ iphenhydramine) > histamine > the H-2 antagonist, cimetidine. H-1 agonists displaced pyrilamine binding less efficiently than histamine but better than H-2 agonists. Rat mast cells have a single homogeneous population of low affinity (KD = 222 ± 33 nM) H-1 receptors with a Bmax of 9.7 ± 2.3 pm/106 mast cells and 5.4 ± 0.92 × 106 binding sites per mast cell. Thus, the mast cell has an H-1 type histamine receptor which is probably involved in histamine-induced cyclic AMP increases.  相似文献   

During cellular entry and infection, the parvovirus capsid follows a complex path from the cell surface to the nucleus, where the DNA is replicated. Various receptors have been characterized that bind to different parvoviruses and mediate their entry into cells. However, the subsequent trafficking pathways within the endosomal system, cytoplasm and into the nucleus are still not well defined. Studies of viruses entering various cell types under different conditions show particles located in many different endosomal compartments, within the cytoplasm and in the nucleus with significant variations in timing and distribution. Here, we define the previously unresolved issues that are now better understood for the infection pathways of these viruses, and outline some of the areas that remain to be clarified in future studies.  相似文献   

Rat virus (RV) is a common parvovirus of laboratory rodents which can disrupt rat-based research. Prenatal or perinatal infection can be pathogenic or lead to persistent infection, whereas infection of adult rats is typically self-limiting. Effects on the host immune system have been documented during RV infection, but little is known about immune responses necessary for viral clearance. Our studies were conducted to identify humoral and cellular responses to the predominant capsid protein, VP2, during experimental infection of adult rats. We observed VP2-specific proliferation, gamma interferon production, and an immunoglobulin G2a humoral response that is maintained for at least 35 days following RV infection. These results strongly suggest the induction of virus-specific Th1-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Gliomas are often resistant to the induction of apoptotic cell death as a result of the development of survival mechanisms during astrocyte malignant transformation. In particular, the overexpression of Bcl-2-family members interferes with apoptosis initiation by DNA-damaging agents (e.g., cisplatin) or soluble death ligands (e.g., TRAIL). Using low-passage-number cultures of glioma cells, we have shown that parvovirus H-1 is able to induce death in cells resistant to TRAIL, cisplatin, or both, even when Bcl-2 is overexpressed. Parvovirus H-1 triggers cell death through both the accumulation of lysosomal cathepsins B and L in the cytosol of infected cells and the reduction of the levels of cystatin B and C, two cathepsin inhibitors. The impairment of either of these effects protects glioma cells from the viral lytic effect. In normal human astrocytes, parvovirus H-1 fails to induce a killing mechanism. In vivo, parvovirus H-1 infection of rat glioma cells intracranially implanted into recipient animals triggers cathepsin B activation as well. This report identifies for the first time cellular effectors of the killing activity of parvovirus H-1 against malignant brain cells and opens up a therapeutic approach which circumvents their frequent resistance to other death inducers.  相似文献   

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