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中国植物引种栽培及迁地保护的现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄宏文  张征 《生物多样性》2012,20(5):559-571
本文在概要总结我国植物引种驯化和迁地保育的历史基础上,全面综述了中国植物园迁地保育植物的现状和特点、中国农作物种质资源保护现状、野生植物种子库的进展。我国植物园迁地栽培植物约396个科、3,633个属、23,340个种;我国农作物资源保存数量达到41.2万份,涉及作物种及近缘种1,890个;我国野生生物种质资源库收集植物种子5.4万份、7,271种植物。文章同时阐述了我国植物迁地保护存在的问题并对相关领域的未来发展进行了展望:(1)启动《中国迁地栽培植物志》编研计划;(2)部署迁地保护与就地保护的整合研究;(3)加强我国特有植物类群的迁地保育原理和方法研究;(4)促进基于迁地保育濒危植物的野外回归:(5)拓展重要植物资源的评价及发掘利用。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物迁地保护策略中植物营养问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
营养缺乏、过量或不平衡都会直接导致植物生长繁殖障碍甚至死亡,通过改良土壤或补充矿质元素来解决这些问题是植物营养学研究的主要内容。这一学科的研究范围已经从传统人工生态系统发展到自然生态系统中。但总的来说,这一学科还没有真正渗透到珍稀濒危物种的迁地保护领域中来。中国各植物园目前正在开展大规模的珍稀濒危植物迁地保护工作,但人们都只重视了物种的引入,却忽视了它们在迁地保护过程中业已存在和可预见的生长繁殖障碍,对迁地保护植物的研究很少涉及其生长繁殖所需的营养条件。针对这一现状,本文提出了目前应开展的几项工作:(1)明确优先开展植物营养学研究的物种范围;(2)物种原产地土壤与植物化学元素背景值的分析;(3)迁地保护物种营养状况动态监测与营养诊断。该研究思路的提出,无论是从植物营养学与植物保育学的学科交叉角度,还是从珍稀濒危物种迁地保护保育策略的理论探索与解决实际问题的角度,都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of microbial resource collections in the ex situ conservation of microbial diversity and, in particular, the activities of a recently completed Darwin Initiative project to facilitate collection, identification and exploitation of Indonesian microbial diversity. This helped revitalize the collection of the Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuea Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), LIPI, Research and Development Centre for Biology, Bogor, Indonesia. It is suggested that a focus on microorganisms beneficial to man is essential to enable ex situ collections to be a useful tool in the conservation and sustainable utilization of microbial diversity. This task is enormous and far beyond the capabilities of one collection and its achievement will necessitate a network of collections.  相似文献   

The science and economics of ex situ plant conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Russello MA  Amato G 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(12):2405-2406
Seven years into this new millennium, species and habitat loss continue at an accelerated rate. While there have been individual examples of conservation success, the trend towards catastrophic loss of biological diversity persists. If we are to be successful in saving even a handful of critically endangered species, it is clear that they will need to be intensively managed using a variety of in situ and ex situ approaches. The highest profile ex situ conservation strategy is captive breeding. Although its relative role in an overall conservation management plan varies, captive breeding may present the only viable option for propagating the future of a species once rendered extinct in the wild. The study of Iyengar et al. in this issue of Molecular Ecology on one such species, the scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah), represents an important contribution to ex situ conservation, demonstrating how critical insights into demographic history and population genetic structure obtained using molecular approaches may significantly contribute to captive breeding and reintroduction strategies.  相似文献   

A Geographical Information Systems (GIS)-facilitated approach for the in vitro propagation and ex situ conservation of the conservation priority species Achillea occulta is presented. To realize the species?? ecological requirements, the coordinates of the original habitat were linked with thematic layers derived from digital databases in a GIS environment. From wild plants, shoot tips were established in vitro in a basal medium with 4???M 6-benzyladenine (BA) and 0.5???M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). A modified basal MS medium (modMS, double amount of Fe) proved to be the most effective for in vitro adventitious shoot production. The effect of BA in combination with ??-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) or IBA on shoot proliferation was also tested. The highest number of new microshoots/explant (3.5), with 0.93?cm shoot height was obtained when the modMS was supplemented with 5???M BA and 2.5???M IBA. To evaluate the root induction ability, microshoots produced were transferred to modMS media supplemented with 0?C20???M IBA and 0?C20???M NAA. Rooting proved to be very difficult and only by adding 20???M IBA, a 12.5% rooting percentage was achieved. Acclimatization succeeded only during early spring. Young plants transplanted at the Balkan Botanic Garden of Kroussia produced flowers and seeds in the first year. This GIS-approach provided useful guidelines for A. occulta??s (a) effective propagation (selection of greenhouse temperatures, temperatures during in vitro culture, suitable period for cuttings and acclimatization of plantlets), and (b) ex situ cultivation (selection of watering regime, temperatures, locations and exposures for growing sites).  相似文献   

Mcve.  JA 《生物多样性》1999,7(1):38-51
"Their strength, lightness, smoothness, straightness, roundness, and hollowness, the facility and regularity with which they can be split, their many different sizes, the varying length of their joints, the ease with which they can be cut and with which holes can be made through them, their hardness outside, their freedom from any pronounced taste or smell,their great abundance, and the rapidity of their growth and increase, are all qualities which render them useful for a hundred different purposes, to serve with other materials which require much more labour and preparation. The bamboo is one of the most wonderful and most beautiful productions of the tropics." (Alfred Russel Wallace, 1869).  相似文献   

Sun P  Yu HH  Zhao XQ  Wang DH 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):561-565
行为是反映动物应对环境变化的最直接形式。动物可以根据周围环境条件的变化以及自身的生理状况来调整行为,异地放养是保护珍稀动物的有效方法,但必然会对其行为产生影响。为了探讨藏羚(Pantholops hodgsonii)对异地环境的行为学适应,对异地圈养藏羚的警戒行为进行了不同季节间的比较研究,采用全事件记录法和焦点动物取样法,记录和统计了异地圈养藏羚在冷季和暖季的警戒行为,进而推测其对人类干扰的行为适应性。研究结果表明,雌性和雄性藏羚的警戒时间及警戒比例(警戒时间占全天活动时间的比例)在暖季存在显著差异(警戒时间:Z=4.36,P<0.05;警戒比例:Z=4.559,P<0.05),而在冷季则无差异(警戒时间:Z=0.001,P>0.05;警戒比例:Z=0.0014,P>0.05);而季节差异对雌、雄性藏羚的警戒时间、警戒比例均具有极显著的影响(雄性-警戒时间:F=31.758,P<0.01;警戒比例:F=21.768,P<0.01;雌性-警戒时间:F=14.98,P<0.01;警戒比例:F=11.05,P<0.01);但是季节和性别对藏羚警戒行为的影响没有交互作用(Z=?0.576,P>0.05)。这些结果提示异地圈养藏羚警戒行为的变化可能是对陌生环境适应的结果。  相似文献   

Seed-borne pathogens are a daily issue for ex situ collection managers who try to solve it using various chemicals more or less harmful to the staff and the plant material stored. The most common physical method for seed sterilisation is moist heat, in contrast to dry heat which is used much less frequently. Consequently, the efficiency of dry heat as disinfection method and the behaviour of seeds undergoing this treatment are currently poorly known, especially for wild species. In this study, seed viability was estimated by performing germination tests according to standard procedures. Germination tests were conducted on 13,200 seeds from 66 wild species of temperate regions belonging to 22 different families. Results indicate that dry seeds exposed to 60°C during 1hour were less infected by seed-borne pathogens in 14% of the cases, whereas no change has been registered in the other cases. For all 66 studied species, no decrease in germination percentage was detected after the heat treatment. Given its positive effect on infection control without affecting seed viability, dry heat treatment as proposed here opens opportunities for seed bank managers, but also for the disinfection of herbarium collections.  相似文献   

滇南热带植物物种多样性的迁地保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了滇南热带植物多样性迁地保护区的建设与稀有濒危植物的保护。进行了种子贮藏与萌发、幼苗生长条件和不同栽培条件等试验以及生物学特性观察等。雨季成熟的大粒型种子一般不耐贮藏,中、小粒型种子较耐贮藏,细小种子耐贮藏。育苗中幼苗除强阳性树种不需遮荫外,大多数热带雨林树种幼苗和幼树期都需要一定的荫蔽条件才能生长良好。西双版纳热带植物的发芽、抽梢、开花高峰期都集中在日平均温达20℃左右的3月。大量开始落叶是在1~2月,3月为多数植物的落叶盛期。果实在干凉季(11~2月)成熟的占23.9%,干热季(3~5月)成熟的占36.4%,湿热季(6~10月)成熟的占40%。  相似文献   

红豆杉迁地保护中天然种群的形成   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
0年代自庐山植物园引种栽培于南京中山植物园的11株红豆杉〔Taxuschinensis(Pilger)Rehd.〕幼苗组成的栽培种群,在40多年的迁地保护过程中,生长发育正常,且在邻近的自然生境中繁衍出一个含有461株幼苗及小树的天然红豆杉种群,树高10~345cm,树龄1~15年,主要散生于海拔35~60m的山坡麻栎群落及山溪边的枫杨群落中。栽培种群中雌树5株,雄树6株,栽培红豆杉在30年左右开花结实。该天然种群的形成过程是:红豆杉成熟种子被鸟类取食,其肉质假种皮被消化后,在鸟类的栖息范围内随着鸟粪被随机散布,经过生境选择、适应,于适宜的生境条件下萌发生长成幼苗及小树。此外,讨论了天然红豆杉种群的形成和发展,对于植物迁地保护研究与实践的重要意义。  相似文献   

Zoos may play an important role in conservation when they maintain and breed large numbers of animals that are threatened with extinction. Bird conservation is in a privileged situation owing to the extensive biological information available about this class. Annual inventories produced by the "Sociedade de Zoológicos do Brasil" in the years 1981, 1990, 2000, and 2005 were analyzed. Variables, such as the number of zoos per geographic region; number of birds held; number of bird species in each IUCN threat category; number of exotic and native bird species; number of potentially breeding bird species; number of bird species in each order; and number of threatened bird species breeding, were analyzed. Brazilian zoos kept more than 350 bird species. The number of bird species and specimens held by the Brazilian Zoos increased from 1981 to 2000, but decreased in 2005. The same pattern was observed for the number of species in each IUCN threat category. Results showed that the potential of the Brazilian zoos in bird conservation needs to be enhanced because they maintain threatened species but do not implement systematic genetic, reproductive, or behavioral management protocols for most species.  相似文献   

Inter-specific hybridization may be especially detrimental when one species is extremely rare and the other is abundant owing to the potential for genetic swamping. The Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) is a critically endangered island endemic largely restricted to Zapata Swamp, where it is sympatric with the widespread American crocodile (C. acutus). An on-island, C. rhombifer captive breeding program is underway with the goals of maintaining taxonomic integrity and providing a source of individuals for reintroduction, but its conservation value is limited by lack of genetic information. Here we collected mtDNA haplotypic and nuclear genotypic data from wild and captive C. rhombifer and C. acutus in Cuba to: (1) investigate the degree of inter-specific hybridization in natural (in situ) and captive (ex situ) populations; (2) quantify the extent, distribution and in situ representation of genetic variation ex situ; and (3) reconstruct founder relatedness to inform management. We found high levels of hybridization in the wild (49.1%) and captivity (16.1%), and additional evidence for a cryptic lineage of C. acutus in the Antilles. We detected marginally higher observed heterozygosity and allelic diversity ex situ relative to the wild population, with captive C. rhombifer exhibiting over twice the frequency of private alleles. Although mean relatedness was high in captivity, we identified 37 genetically important individuals that possessed individual mean kinship (MK) values lower than the population MK. Overall, these results will guide long-term conservation management of Cuban crocodiles for maintaining the genetic integrity and viability of this species of high global conservation value.  相似文献   

中国龙脑香科植物受胁状况及迁地群落保护探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
广义的龙脑香科植物是泛热带分布,中国有5属13种,其中1种为引种栽培,仅分布于云南、广西、海南和西藏。许多龙脑香科植物具有很高的经济价值。由于近年来各地森林遭受强度破坏,加之其自身特殊的生物生态学特征和种子生物学特性,大多数种类的生存受到严重威胁。该文主要介绍中国龙脑香科植物目前的受威胁状况、具体保护研究工作及其不足,并提出了进行迁地群落建设的保护策略。  相似文献   

Ex situ germplasm collections seek to conserve maximum genetic diversity in a small number of samples. Geographic and environmental information have long been treated as surrogate measures of genetic diversity, proposed to be useful for increasing allelic diversity of collections. We examine the effect of maximizing geographic and environmental diversity on the retention of distinct haplotype blocks in germplasm subsets, using three species with extensive genomewide genotypic data. We show that maximizing diversity in the surrogate measures produces subsets with uneven representation of haplotypic diversity across the genome. Some regions are well-conserved, exhibiting high haplotypic diversity, while others are poorly-conserved and contain significantly less haplotypic diversity than would be obtained via random sampling. In two of three species, poorly-conserved genomic regions were enriched in regulatory genes which, as a class, contribute to phenotypic variation. The specific genes affected varied by species but, overall, haplotypic diversity was poorly-conserved at genes controlling?~?10% of major molecular functions and biological processes. While this study was limited to three exemplar species, we find little evidence to support continued use of geographic or environmental surrogates for ex situ conservation activities attempting to capture maximum genomewide allelic diversity. Although geographic and environmental diversity have proven to be reliable predictors of allele frequency differences and ecotypic differentiation across species ranges, they appear to be poor predictors of allelic diversity per se, offering little opportunity to enrich collections for haplotypic diversity overall, and ample opportunity to bias the conservation of important functional genetic variation. We propose a bioinformatic bridge between haplotypic diversity and the potential phenotypic diversity residing in collections using the Gene Ontology.  相似文献   

Genomics-based, longitudinal comparisons between ex situ and in situ agrobiodiversity conservation strategies can contribute to a better understanding of their underlying effects. However, landrace designations, ambiguous common names, and gaps in sampling information complicate the identification of matching ex situ and in situ seed lots. Here we report a 50-year longitudinal comparison of the genetic diversity of a set of 13 accessions from the state of Morelos, Mexico, conserved ex situ since 1967 and retrieved in situ from the same donor families in 2017. We interviewed farmer families who donated in situ landraces to understand their germplasm selection criteria. Samples were genotyped by sequencing, producing 74,739 SNPs. Comparing the two sample groups, we show that ex situ and in situ genome-wide diversity was similar. In situ samples had 3.1% fewer SNPs and lower pairwise genetic distances (Fst 0.008–0.113) than ex situ samples (Fst 0.031–0.128), but displayed the same heterozygosity. Despite genome-wide similarities across samples, we could identify several loci under selection when comparing in situ and ex situ seed lots, suggesting ongoing evolution in farmer fields. Eight loci in chromosomes 3, 5, 6, and 10 showed evidence of selection in situ that could be related with farmers’ selection criteria surveyed with focus groups and interviews at the sampling site in 2017, including wider kernels and larger ear size. Our results have implications for ex situ collection resampling strategies and the in situ conservation of threatened landraces.Subject terms: Agricultural genetics, Population genetics  相似文献   


Conservation programmes are always limited by available resources. Careful planning is therefore required to increase the efficiency of conservation and gap analysis can be used for this purpose. This method was used to assess the representativeness of current ex situ and in situ conservation actions of 234 priority crop wild relatives (CWR) in Indonesia. This analysis also included species distribution modelling, the creation of an ecogeographical land characterization map, and a complementarity analysis to identify priorities area for in situ conservation and for further collecting of ex situ conservation programmes. The results show that both current ex situ and in situ conservation actions are insufficient. Sixty-six percent of priority CWRs have no recorded ex situ collections. Eighty CWRs with ex situ collections are still under-represented in the national genebanks and 65 CWRs have no presence records within the existing protected area network although 60 are predicted to exist in several protected areas according to their potential distribution models. The complementarity analysis shows that a minimum of 61 complementary grid areas (complementary based on grid cells) are required to conserve all priority taxa and 40 complementary protected areas (complementary based on existing protected areas) are required to conserve those with known populations within the existing in situ protected area network. The top ten of complementary protected areas are proposed as the initial areas for the development of CWR genetic reserves network in Indonesia. It is recommended to enhanced coordination between ex situ and in situ conservation stakeholders for sustaining the long term conservation of CWR in Indonesia. Implementation of the research recommendations will provide for the first time an effective conservation planning of Indonesia’s CWR diversity and will significantly enhance the country’s food and nutritional security.


The yellow-breasted capuchin monkey, Cebus xanthosternos, is one of the most endangered species of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. In situ conservation for this species is problematic due to habitat destruction; therefore, captive conservation has been considered as an alternative strategy. A Studbook for C. xanthosternos has been kept for more than 20 years; however, no genetic data has been collected. Our aim was to provide a preliminary assessment of the genetic variability of C. xanthosternos in captivity in Brazil and compare it with data from the wild. Microsatellite and mtDNA sequencing were carried out in 40 samples from five Brazilian institutions registered in the international Studbook and compared with 8 samples collected in a wild population from REBIO-Una/BA. DNA for analysis was extracted from hair, feces and blood. Our results showed that two of the five captive groups assessed had a genetic variability comparable to wild animals. However, the other three groups apparently require urgent management to improve its genetic variability. Considering that inbreeding effects are more pronounced in captivity due to lack of gene flow, our data indicate a need to increase population size by introducing newly rescued individuals into these captive groups. Our results are the first attempt to provide genetic information for captive C. xanthosternos in Brazil.  相似文献   

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