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Wind farming is a relatively new form of obtaining energy that does not cause air pollution or other forms of environmental degradation associated with fossil fuel technologies. However, their use impacts on the environment, and the current rate at which they are being put into operation, combined with poor understanding of their medium- and long-term impact, is a cause of concern. Wind farms represent a new source of impact and disturbance for birds that adds to the long list of disturbance factors caused by human activity, such as power lines, radio and television towers, highways, glass windows, the practice of poisoning, illegal hunting and overexploitation. Due to the precarious situation of several bird species and their decline, any additional cause of mortality may be significant and should give rise to increased attention and research. The aim of the present work is to analyse the effect of the “Sierra de Aguas” wind farm on bird density and abundance, flight behaviour, and bird mortality. Mortality rates did not increase due to the presence of the wind turbines. The results suggest that the presence and operation of the wind turbines did not have a clearly negative effect on passerine birds present in the region where wind farm is located. However, raptors used the space around the wind farm with lower frequency than prior to its existence, which represented a displacement of the home range of these species.  相似文献   

Wind farms are steadily growing across Europe, with potentially detrimental effects on wildlife. Indeed, cumulative impacts in addition to local effects should be considered when planning wind farm development at a regional scale, and mapping the potential risk to bats at this scale would help in the large-scale planning of wind turbines and focus field surveys on vulnerable areas. Although modelling offers a powerful approach to tackle this goal, its application has been thus far neglected. We developed a simple regional-scale analysis in an area of central Italy (Molise region) that is undergoing considerable wind farm development. We implemented species distribution models (SDMs) for two bat species vulnerable to wind farm impact, Nyctalus leisleri and Pipistrellus pipistrellus. We developed risk maps by overlaying SDMs for the two species with turbine locations, assessed the alteration of the landscape patterns of foraging habitat patches determined by the wind turbines, and identified highly vulnerable areas where wind farm construction would be particularly risky. SDMs were statistically robust (AUC ≥0.8 for both species) and revealed that 41 % of the region offers suitable foraging habitat for both species. These areas host over 50 % of the existing or planned wind farms, with 21 % of the turbines located within 150 m of forest edges, suggesting an increase in fatality risk. The alterations in suitable foraging patches consisted of a 7.7 % increase in the number of patches, a 10.7 % increase in the shape index, and a 8.1 % decrease in the mean patch area. The region’s western portion, which is most suitable to both species, requires careful consideration with regard to future wind farm planning.  相似文献   

  1. The consequences of bird mortality caused by collisions with wind turbines are increasingly receiving attention. So‐called acceptable mortality limits of populations, that is, those that assume that 1%–5% of additional mortality and the potential biological removal (PBR), provide seemingly clear‐cut methods for establishing the reduction in population viability.
  2. We examine how the application of these commonly used mortality limits could affect populations of the Common Starling, Black‐tailed Godwit , Marsh Harrier, Eurasian Spoonbill, White Stork, Common Tern, and White‐tailed Eagle using stochastic density‐independent and density‐dependent Leslie matrix models.
  3. Results show that population viability can be very sensitive to proportionally small increases in mortality. Rather than having a negligible effect, we found that a 1% additional mortality in postfledging cohorts of our studied populations resulted in a 2%–24% decrease in the population level after 10 years. Allowing a 5% mortality increase to existing mortality resulted in a 9%–77% reduction in the populations after 10 years.
  4. When the PBR method is used in the density‐dependent simulations, the proportional change in the resulting growth rate and carrying capacity was species‐independent and largely determined by the recovery factor (Fr). When Fr = 1, a value typically used for robust populations, additional mortality resulted in a 50%–55% reduction in the equilibrium density and the resulting growth rate. When Fr = 0.1, used for threatened populations, the reduction in the equilibrium density and growth rate was about 5%.
  5. Synthesis and applications. Our results show that by allowing a mortality increase from wind farm collisions according to both criteria, the population impacts of these collisions can still be severe. We propose a simple new method as an alternative that was able to estimate mortality impacts of age‐structured stochastic density‐dependent matrix models.

An ecomorphological analysis of the skeletal remains of large canids, Canis (Xenocyon) falconeri and Canis etruscus (Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae), preserved in an assemblage of large mammals from the lower Pleistocene site at Venta Micena (Guadix–Baza Basin, Orce, Granada, southeastern Spain) is reported. Mean body mass of adult individuals was estimated to be around 10 kg for C. etruscus and approximately 28 kg for C. falconeri using multiple regression. A comparative study of tooth measurements in modem canids, using principal components and discriminant function analysis, infers quite different ecomorphological adaptations and feeding behavior for both fossil species. The craniodental morphology of C. falconeri is similar to that shown by extant hypercarnivorous canids whose diet include more than 70% of vertebrate meat, whereas C. etruscus shows a cranial morphology similar to those of modem omnivorous species, thus indicating a dietary niche in which vertebrate meat represented less than 70% of its diet, with other feeding resources making up the balance. These results suggest that there was a marked ecological segregation between both sympatric species of large canids. The find of a complete skull of C. falconeri showing bilateral asymmetry and marked dental anomalies could suggest high levels of genetic homozygosis in the population which inhabited this region during early Pleistocene times, possibly as a consequence of isolation and the low number of individuals. This may have subsequently led to the extinction of C. falconeri in the Western fringe of Europe. The survival of this pathological individual to adulthood indicates that this species may have developed cooperative behavior similar to that of modem African wild dogs.  相似文献   

Assessing the impacts of wind farms on birds   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The potential effects of the proposed increase in wind energy developments on birds are explored using information from studies of existing wind farms. Evidence of the four main effects, collision, displacement due to disturbance, barrier effects and habitat loss, is presented and discussed. The consequences of such effects may be direct mortality or more subtle changes to condition and breeding success. The requirements for assessing the impact of future developments are summarized, including relevant environmental legislation and appropriate methods for undertaking baseline surveys and post-construction monitoring, with particular emphasis on the rapidly developing area of offshore wind farm assessments. Mitigation measures which have the potential to minimize impacts are also summarized. Finally, recent developments in the monitoring and research of wind energy impacts on birds are outlined and some areas for future work are described.  相似文献   

Abstract. The dynamics of seed population on slope surfaces were studied to test the hypothesis that the lack of vegetation on badlands is caused by seed removal by erosion. The initial soil seed bank and two years of seed rain and seed removal by erosion were estimated in two small catchments, and a seed balance was constructed. In addition, six rainfall simulation experiments were performed to test the susceptibility of seeds to be removed by overland flow. A variety of soil surface conditions, rainfall characteristics and plot sizes were used in these experiments. Soil seed bank densities are low, but enough for the development of plant cover. Seed losses due to erosion after natural rains were low (< 13 %), and in agreement with seed losses from simulated rainfall experiments. After two years, seed inputs in the seed rain were greater than seed outputs through seed removal, which resulted in a continuous increase in the numbers of seeds in the soil bank. These results point out that seed removal by erosion is not the key factor explaining the lack of vegetation on badlands. It is suggested that other factors, such as those related to seed germination and seedling survival, may play an important role.  相似文献   


The overall aim of this study is to contribute to the creation of LCA database on electricity generation systems in Ethiopia. This study specifically estimates the environmental impacts associated with wind power systems supplying high voltage electricity to the national grid. The study has regional significance as the Ethiopian electric system is already supplying electricity to Sudan and Djibouti and envisioned to supply to other countries in the region.

Materials and methods

Three different grid-connected wind power systems consisting of four different models of wind turbines with power rates between 1 and 1.67 MW were analyzed for the situation in Ethiopia. The assessment takes into account all the life cycle stages of the total system, cradle to grave, considering all the processes related to the wind farms: raw material acquisition, manufacturing of main components, transporting to the wind farm, construction, operation and maintenance, and the final dismantling and waste treatment. The study has been developed in line with the main principles of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standard procedures. The analysis is done using SimaPro software multi-user, Ecoinvent database version 3.01, and ReCiPe 2008 impact assessment method. The assumed operational lifetime as a baseline is 20 years.

Results and discussion

The average midpoint environmental impact of Ethiopian wind power system per kWh electricity generated is for climate change: 33.6 g CO2 eq., fossil depletion: 8 g oil eq., freshwater ecotoxicity: 0.023 g 1,4-DCB eq., freshwater eutrophication: 0.005 g N eq., human toxicity: 9.9 g 1,4-DCB eq., metal depletion: 18.7 g Fe eq., marine ecotoxicity: 0.098 g 1,4-DCB eq., particulate matter formation: 0.097 g PM10 eq., photochemical oxidant formation: 0.144 g NMVOC, and terrestrial acidification: 0.21 g SO2 eq. The pre-operation phase that includes the upstream life cycle stage is the largest contributor to all the environmental impacts, with shares ranging between 82 and 96%. The values of cumulative energy demand (CED) and energy return on investment (EROI) for the wind power system are 0.393 MJ and 9.2, respectively.


The pre-operation phase is the largest contributor to all the environmental impact categories. The sensitivity and scenario analyses indicate that changes in wind turbine lifespans, capacity factors, exchange rates for parts, transport routes, and treatment activities would result in significant changes in the LCA results.


Abstract. The possible causes for the lack of vegetation in five badland sites from southeast Spain were experimentally tested. The main factors affecting seed germination and seedling survival considered were seed availability, regolith water dynamics in relation to rain events, regolith salinity, seedling predation by herbivores and seedling removal by erosion. Four issues are addressed: 1. Both rainfall and the temporal and spatial dynamics of regolith water during the seedling emergence period were monitored in five different zones at one site (Petrer, Alicante). 2. Effects of salinity and water potential on the rate and speed of germination of local seeds were determined. 3. Seed reserve and seedling emergence and mortality were followed throughout one season. 4. Regolith characteristics of all five sites were compared and the consequences for plant colonization discussed. The main factor limiting plant colonization in these sites was the very short duration of available water in the soil, due to the physical and chemical characteristics of the regolith. In addition, high regolith salinity and its effects on seed germination, the aspect of the site and the pattern of rain events, played a very important role reducing germination and survival. Herbivory and erosion were seldom responsible for seedling mortality. However, there were no highly erosive rain events during the study period, although several have been measured during the past few years.  相似文献   

European legislation requires Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) of national offshore wind farm (OWF) programmes and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for individual projects likely to affect birds. SEAs require extensive mapping of waterbird densities to define breeding and feeding areas of importance and sensitivity. Use of extensive large scale weather, military, and air traffic control surveillance radar is recommended, to define areas, routes and behaviour of migrating birds, and to determine avian migration corridors in three dimensions. EIAs for individual OWFs should define the key avian species present; as well as assess the hazards presented to birds in terms of avoidance behaviour, habitat change and collision risk. Such measures, however, are less helpful in assessing cumulative impacts. Using aerial survey, physical habitat loss, modification, or gain and effective habitat loss through avoidance behaviour can be measured using bird densities as a proxy measure of habitat availability. The energetic consequences of avoidance responses and habitat change should be modelled to estimate fitness costs and predict impacts at the population level. Our present ability to model collision risk remains poor due to lack of data on species-specific avoidance responses. There is therefore an urgent need to gather data on avoidance responses; energetic consequences of habitat modification and avoidance flights and demographic sensitivity of key species, most affected by OWFs. This analysis stresses the importance of common data collection protocols, sharing of information and experience, and accessibility of results at the international level to better improve our predictive abilities.  相似文献   

海上风电作为一种清洁能源在全球快速发展,其建设和运营皆会对底栖生境造成影响.海上风电对大型底栖生物的影响是研究热点之一.本文对国内外相关研究进行了整理和分析,海上风电场对大型底栖生物的影响主要从以下几个方面展开:栖息地改变、生物多样性变化、禁止拖网作业影响以及促进生态连通性等.未来研究应重点关注海上风电场在更长时间尺度...  相似文献   

Abstract. Univariate and bivariate distribution patterns of small shrubs on abandoned land in semi-arid southeastern Spain were investigated by second-order spatial analysis (Ripley's K-function). All shrubs (Anthyllis cytisoides and subdominant Artemisia barrelieri) were either randomly distributed or clumped at scales of 0.25 - 1.0 m. The pattern shown by A. cytisoides shrubs alone changed from clumped to random with decreasing density. Pattern analysis and demographic data suggest a successive replacement of A. barrelieri, which had high proportions (44 - 86 %) of dead shrubs, by the dominant A. cytisoides. In two of three plots there was a positive association between A. cytisoides and A. barrelieri at a scale of 0.25 - 0.5 m. In the third plot, believed to represent a more advanced stage of colonization, there was a negative association (repulsion) between the two species, presumably as a result of interspecific competition from A. cytisoides. Dead shrubs present in spring 1994 were randomly distributed in all plots. Living and dead A. cytisoides shrubs were positively associated at a scale of 0.5 m, suggesting that the shrubs died as a result of intraspecific competition in small clumps. The shrubland previously dominated by A. barrelieri is changing to A. cytisoides shrubland with increasing biomass and ground cover.  相似文献   

The serum zinc (Zn) concentrations of 80 healthy subjects (48 male, 32 female) from southeastern Spain were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The samples were digested by heating in a 4:1 mixture of nitric and perchloric acids. The concentration of Zn was determined against a Contox Trace Metal Serum Control Panel A standard reference. Zn concentrations in the standard were found to be 2.332 ±0.489 mg/L, with a mean recovery of 102.7%. In the serum samples, the relative standard deviation was <6% for the range of concentrations determined: 0.420-1.540 mg/L for women (mean value 0.947 ±0.265 mg/L) and 0.490-1.480 mg/L for men (mean value 0.951 ±0.243 mg/L). In healthy subjects, no statistically significant differences were observed in the Zn levels with respect to their sex (p > 0.05) or the location where they lived (mountainous vs coastal zones). It is concluded that the dietary Zn intake and Zn status for healthy adults in this region of Spain are within normal values.  相似文献   

Automated curtailment of wind turbines can reduce fatality rates of wildlife but the resulting increased number of curtailments can reduce power generation. Tailoring curtailment criteria for each individual turbine could reduce unnecessary curtailment, yet it is unknown whether the risk to wildlife varies among turbines. We demonstrate turbine-specific variation in the speed, altitude, approach angle and distance metrics associated with entry by eagles into rotor-swept zones. Our results thus illustrate the potential value of turbine-specific curtailment criteria to reduce fatality rates of wildlife at wind energy facilities.  相似文献   

Abstract. Single species and bivariate distribution patterns in a semi-arid shrubland in southeastern Spain, dominated by the tall leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa, were investigated by second-order spatial analysis based on Ripley's K-function. Shrubs were significantly clumped because of a strong association of dwarf shrubs, mostly Artemisia barrelieri, under the canopy of Retama. Retama shrubs were randomly distributed, but when different size-classes were analysed separately, the pattern changed from significantly clumped to random and then to regular with increasing canopy diameter, suggesting increasing intraspecific competition with shrub size. Artemisia was significantly clumped at all scales because of aggregation under the canopy of large Retama shrubs. The association between the species became stronger with increasing canopy diameter of Retama shrubs, suggesting that facilitation prevailed over interspecific competition because of niche separation in different tiers, both above and below ground. Retama shrub size thus determined both the type of pattern for its own size class and tier, and the scale and intensity of the association with its understorey shrubs.  相似文献   

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