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The purpose of this article was to study the trade-offs among vegetative growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction in an aquatic invasive weed Spartina alterniflora that experienced different inundation depths and clonal integration. Here, the rhizome connections between mother and daughter ramets were either severed or left intact. Subsequently, these clones were flooded with water levels of 0, 9, and 18 cm above the soil surface. Severing rhizomes decreased growth and clonal reproduction of daughter ramets, and increased those of mother ramets grown in shallow and deep water. The daughter ramets disconnected from mother ramets did not flower, while sexual reproduction of mother ramets was not affected by severing. Clonal integration only benefited the total rhizome length, rhizome biomass, and number of rhizomes of the whole clones in non-inundation conditions. Furthermore, growth and clonal reproduction of mother, daughter ramets, and the whole clone decreased with inundation depth, whereas sexual reproduction of mother ramets and the whole clones increased. We concluded that the trade-offs among growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction of S. alterniflora would be affected by inundation depth, but not by clonal integration.  相似文献   

Festuca idahoensis (Idaho fescue) is a perennial caespitose grass, common in semi-arid rangelands of the Intermountain West. To determine how individuals are recruited into a population, we studied two long-term monitoring plots that were established in 1937 at the Northern Great Basin Experimental Range in southeastern Oregon. The plots measured 3.05×3.05 m, and were located approximately 30 m apart. One plot was ungrazed, the other was subject to moderate levels of cattle grazing. The number of F. idahoensis plants in both plots increased ten-fold between 1937 and 1996, but whether this was due primarily to reproduction by seed or clonal fragmentation was unknown. In 1996, we mapped and sampled 160 plants of F. idahoensis. We used dominant inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers and codominant allozyme markers in order to identify genetic individuals and measure genetic diversity. Both plots were characterized by high levels of genetic and clonal diversity. When information from ISSRs, allozymes and sample location were combined, 126 genets were recognized, each consisting of one to four samples (ramets). By measuring the diameter of clones surrounding plants that were present in 1937, we estimated that clonal spread occurred at a rate of approximately 3.7 cm per decade, and thus was of secondary importance in the maintenance and increase of F. idahoensis stands. Sexual reproduction, rather than clonal fragmentation, accounted for most of the recruitment of new plants into these plots. The grazed plot had fewer ramets, genotypes, and clones than the ungrazed plot, but the ramets were significantly larger. Levels of genetic diversity did not differ in the grazed and ungrazed plots, but there was some evidence for a small, but significant level of genetic differentiation between the two. The results also indicate that F. idahoensis has the potential to be a long-lived species with some individuals persisting in excess of 60 years. This study demonstrates how long-term monitoring can be supplemented by genetic analysis to obtain detailed information on the population dynamics of plants. In the case of this community dominant species, this provides essential information for understanding succession and developing management and restoration strategies.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00442-003-1332-2  相似文献   

Most plants combine sexual reproduction with asexual clonal reproduction in varying degrees, yet the genetic consequences of reproductive variation remain poorly understood. The aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus exhibits striking reproductive variation related to ploidy. Diploids produce abundant viable seed whereas triploids are sexually sterile. Diploids also produce hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils, whereas triploids exhibit only limited clonal multiplication through rhizome fragmentation. We investigated whether this marked difference in reproductive strategy influences the diversity of genotypes within populations and their movement between populations by performing two large-scale population surveys (n = 58 populations) and assaying genotypic variation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). Contrary to expectations, sexually fertile populations did not exhibit higher genotypic diversity than sterile populations. For each cytotype, we detected one very common and widespread genotype. This would only occur with a very low probability (< 10-7) under regular sexual recombination. Compatibility analysis also indicated that the pattern of genotypic variation largely conformed to that expected with predominant clonal reproduction. The potential for recombination in diploids is not realized, possibly because seeds are outcompeted by bulbils for safe sites during establishment. We also failed to find evidence for more extensive movement of fertile than sterile genotypes. Aside from the few widespread genotypes, most were restricted to single populations. Genotypes in fertile populations were very strongly differentiated from those in sterile populations, suggesting that new triploids have not arisen during the colonization of North America. The colonization of North America involves two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that, despite striking reproductive differences, exhibit largely clonal population genetic structures.  相似文献   

The lack of effective tools has hampered out ability to assess the size, growth and ages of clonal plants. With Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) as a model, we introduce a novel analytical framework that integrates DNA fingerprinting and mathematical modelling to simulate growth and estimate ages of clonal plants. We also demonstrate the application of such life-history information of clonal plants to provide insight into management plans. Serenoa is an ecologically important foundation species in many Southeastern United States ecosystems; yet, many land managers consider Serenoa a troublesome invasive plant. Accordingly, management plans have been developed to reduce or eliminate Serenoa with little understanding of its life history. Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms, we genotyped 263 Serenoa and 134 Sabal etonia (a sympatric non-clonal palmetto) samples collected from a 20 × 20 m study plot in Florida scrub. Sabal samples were used to assign small field-unidentifiable palmettos to Serenoa or Sabal and also as a negative control for clone detection. We then mathematically modelled clonal networks to estimate genet ages. Our results suggest that Serenoa predominantly propagate via vegetative sprouts and 10,000-year-old genets may be common, while showing no evidence of clone formation by Sabal. The results of this and our previous studies suggest that: (i) Serenoa has been part of scrub associations for thousands of years, (ii) Serenoa invasion are unlikely and (ii) once Serenoa is eliminated from local communities, its restoration will be difficult. Reevaluation of the current management tools and plans is an urgent task.  相似文献   

Sexual and asexual reproduction may occur simultaneously in some plant species. Under certain environmental conditions asexual reproduction is predominant, which generates ecological consequences on sexual fecundity. In this context, we studied the reproductive ecology of the creeping clonal cactus Echinopsis thelegona in La Bodega (Salta, Argentina), where low fruit and seed production was preliminarily observed. Specifically, we studied the flower availability, fruit and seed production, reproductive system, floral visitors and effects of neighbor ramets on reproductive success. The number of available flowers per day was low, and fruit production was low or null as well. Echinopsis thelegona is self-incompatible. Although its flowers have sphingophilous traits, we did not find evidence of moths visiting them. Only native and exotic bees visited the flowers of this species, though with a low number of visits. Therefore, nocturnal visitors were not registered as pollinators of E. thelegona, perhaps because of their low local abundances. On the other hand, bees behaved as inefficient pollinators of E. thelegona due to their foraging behavior, which moves pollen within individuals. A pollen-addition experiment revealed that there is no fruit production at short distances among ramets. Therefore, the combination of self-incompatibility, low flower production and low local abundance of pollinators could account for the low fruit production observed in this species. This finding suggests that populations of E. thelegona persist by clonality and that they tend toward the loss of sexuality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore clonal integration of Spartina alterniflora under gradually changing substrate salinity conditions. We hypothesized that there might be a trade-off between growth and sexual reproduction influenced by soil salinity and, that clonal integration would change this trade-off. The experiment consisted of three levels of substrate salinity (5‰, 20‰ and 35‰), two clonal integration treatments (rhizomes severed or not), and three growth stages of daughter ramets (21, 40 and 60 cm tall). Both growth and sexual reproduction of S. alterniflora greatly decreased with increasing salinity. Clonal integration enhanced the survival, growth and sexual reproduction of daughter ramets experiencing salt stress, especially for young ramets, whereas the performance of mother ramets was reduced by clonal integration. Therefore, clonal integration did not affect performance of the whole clones. Contrary to expectations, there was no evidence for a trade-off between growth and sexual reproduction associated with salinity. In addition, clonal integration did not change the effect of salinity on the growth and sexual reproduction of mother and daughter ramets nor of the whole clones.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Allocation to sexual reproduction is an important life-history trait in clonal plants. Different selection pressures between competitive and competition-free environments are likely to result in the evolution of specialized genotypes and to maintain genetic variation in reproductive allocation. Moreover, selection may also result in the evolution of plastic allocation strategies. The necessary prerequisite for evolution, heritable genetic variation, can best be studied with selection experiments. Starting from a base population of 102 replicated genotypes of the clonal herb Ranunculus reptans , we imposed selection on the proportion of flowering rosettes in the absence of competition (base population: mean = 0.391, broad-sense heritability = 0.307). We also selected on the plasticity in this trait in response to competition with a naturally coexisting grass in a parallel experiment (base population: 14% lower mean in the presence of competition, broad-sense heritability = 0.072). After two generations of bidirectional selection, the proportion of flowering rosettes was 26% higher in the high line than in the low line (realized heritability ± SE = 0.205 ± 0.017). Moreover, genotypes of the high line had 11% fewer carpels per flower, a 22% lower proportion of rooted rosettes, and a 39% smaller average distance between rosettes within a clone. In the second experiment, we found no significant responses to selection for high and low plasticity in the proportion of flowering rosettes (realized heritability ± SE =–0.002 ± 0.013). Our study indicates a high heritability and potential for further evolution of the proportion of flowering rosettes in R. reptans , but not for its plasticity, which may have been fixed by past evolution at its current level. Moreover, our results demonstrate strong genetic correlations between allocation to sexual reproduction and other clonal life-history characteristics.  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan proteins in plant sexual reproduction   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A. Y. Cheung  H. -M. Wu 《Protoplasma》1999,208(1-4):87-98
Summary Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are a class of plant extracellular-matrix proteins believed to participate in a broad range of processes involving the plant cell surface. They are extremely abundant in female reproductive tissues and in pollen tubes, the haploid male structures that traverse the diploid female reproductive tissues to deliver sperms to the egg cells. The prevalence of AGPs in reproductive tissues has led to speculations that they play significant functional roles ranging from serving as nutrient resources to cell-cell recognition in plant reproduction. Recent research from several laboratories demonstrated functional participation by AGPs in reproductive processes and began to examine the mechanisms underlying these functional roles. An overview of these recent studies will be discussed with a historical perspective as well as with a view towards future studies in establishing the significance of AGPs that, as a class, they have prominent roles in plant sexual reproduction in multiple and diverse ways.  相似文献   

Global warming and sexual plant reproduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

That trade-offs result from the allocation of limited resources is a central concept of life history evolution. We quantified trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction in the aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus, by experimentally manipulating sexual investment in two distinct nutrient environments. Increasing seed production caused a significant but nonlinear trade-off. Pollinating half of all flowers strongly reduced clonal bulbil production, but pollinating the remaining flowers did not cause any further trade-off. Trade-offs were not stronger under low nutrient conditions that clearly limited plant growth. Experimentally induced trade-offs were not reflected in negative phenotypic correlations between sexual and clonal allocation among plants within eight populations grown in a uniform greenhouse environment. Diminishing effects of increased sexual allocation plus a lack of accord between experimental manipulations and phenotypic correlations suggest that trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction are unlikely to constrain the evolution of reproductive strategy in this species.  相似文献   

Aquatic plant invasions are often associated with long‐distance dispersal of vegetative propagules and prolific clonal reproduction. These reproductive features combined with genetic bottlenecks have the potential to severely limit genetic diversity in invasive populations. To investigate this question we conducted a global scale population genetic survey using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers of the world’s most successful aquatic plant invader –Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth). We sampled 1140 ramets from 54 populations from the native (South America) and introduced range (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Central America and the Caribbean). Although we detected 49 clones, introduced populations exhibited very low genetic diversity and little differentiation compared with those from the native range, and ~80% of introduced populations were composed of a single clone. A widespread clone (‘W’) detected in two Peruvian populations accounted for 70.9% of the individuals sampled and dominated in 74.5% of the introduced populations. However, samples from Bangladesh and Indonesia were composed of different genotypes, implicating multiple introductions to the introduced range. Nine of 47 introduced populations contained clonal diversity suggesting that sexual recruitment occurs in some invasive sites where environmental conditions favour seedling establishment. The global patterns of genetic diversity in E. crassipes likely result from severe genetic bottlenecks during colonization and prolific clonal propagation. The prevalence of the ‘W’ genotype throughout the invasive range may be explained by stochastic sampling, or possibly because of pre‐adaptation of the ‘W’ genotype to tolerate low temperatures.  相似文献   

Distyly is a sexual polymorphism in which plant populations contain two floral morphs differing in morphology and physiology. The dimorphism serves to promote animal-mediated cross-pollination between the floral morphs. Clonal propagation can interfere with the functioning of distyly by compromising intermorph pollinations, resulting in reduced fertility. Here, we investigate the relations between clonal growth and sexual reproduction in the aquatic macrophyte Nymphoides peltata (Menyanthaceae). Surveys of morph representation in 30 populations from five regions of China revealed that most populations exhibited strongly biased morph ratios and 30% contained a single floral morph. Experimental pollinations indicate that N. peltata possesses a strong dimorphic incompatibility system preventing self and intramorph fertilizations. An experiment involving the manipulation of morph ratios in an experimental population and an investigation in a natural population with strong morph substructure both provided evidence that compatible pollen dilution limits fertility. Despite constraints on the functioning of distyly in N. peltata we found no evidence for evolutionary changes to the heterostylous syndrome, as reported in Nymphoides, including populations of N. peltata in other parts of its geographical range.  相似文献   

Oxalis pes-caprae, a tristylous flowering plant native to South Africa, is described in the western Mediterranean basin as an asexual—only 5x short-styled morph (5x S-morph) invasive weed losing all mating partners after introduction. The objective of this study was to reassess the patterns of floral morph and cytotype distribution and the sexual reproduction ability in this invaded range. For that, floral morph and cytotype composition were evaluated in 39 populations of O. pes-caprae in a methodical sampling. The reproductive success of natural populations was assessed as fruit and seed production and seed germination for all floral morphs and cytotypes detected. Self- and morph-incompatibility were also studied with controlled hand pollinations. A remarkable diversity in floral morph and cytotype composition was observed. Furthermore, we observed successful sexual reproduction in several localities across the surveyed area. The S-morph is still dominant in this invaded area, and although it was mostly 5x, an additional cytotype (4x) was also recorded. Records of both a mid-styled morph (M-morph) and an area with trimorphic populations of this species are reported here for the first time in the invasive range of the Mediterranean basin. The long-styled morph appears to occur randomly across the surveyed area, while the M-morph is concentrated mainly in Estremadura province (Portugal), where a breakdown in the incompatibility system was observed. These distribution patterns may result from events of sexual reproduction after incompatibility breakdown and/or from multiple introduction events from the native area. The ability to reproduce sexually, undetected so far, may have important impacts in the population dynamics and major consequences for the adaptation and selection potential of O. pes-caprae in this invaded area.  相似文献   

D. C. Hartnett 《Oecologia》1990,84(2):254-259
Summary Populations of Silphium speciosum, Vernonia baldwinii, Solidago canadensis and Pityopsis graminifolia were studied to determine whether biomass allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction and the balance between them were size-dependent and whether interpopulation differences in allocation patterns could be predicted from differences in population size distributions. All four species showed strong linear relationships between inflorescence mass and vegetative mass with negative y-intercepts. As a result, sexual reproductive effort (SRE) was a monotonically increasing function of ramet size. Genet size was a poor predictor of SRE. In each species, the regression parameters of these relationships differed significantly between burned and unburned habitats indicating size-independent interpopulation differences in patterns of reproductive effort as well as sizedependent effects. Interpopulation variation in vegetative reproductive effort (VRE) was greater than variation in SRE, but neither VRE nor the pattern of partitioning of VRE among daughter rhizomes showed significant relationships to plant size.  相似文献   

A unique reproductive system has previously been described in Wasmannia auropunctata, a widespread invasive ant species, where males are produced clonally, female queens are parthenogens, and female workers are produced sexually. However, these findings were mostly based on samples originating from only a limited part of the native range of the species in South America. We used microsatellite markers to uncover the reproductive modes displayed by a large number of nests collected in various invasive W. auropunctata populations introduced 40 years ago into New Caledonia, where the species now forms a single 450-km-long supercolony. Although the main reproduction system in New Caledonia remained clonality for both male and female reproductives, we found evidence of rare sexual reproduction events that led to the production of both new queen and male clonal lineages. All clonal lineages observed in New Caledonia potentially derived from sexual reproduction, recombination, and mutation events from a single female and a single male genotype. Hence, the male and female gene pools are not strictly separated in New Caledonia and the two sexes do not follow independent evolutionary trajectories. Our results also suggest genetic determination for both parthenogenesis and caste. We discuss the evolutionary implications of the emergence of sex in the clonal reproduction system of introduced populations of W. auropunctata.  相似文献   

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