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Plant tip growth has been recognized as an actin-based cellular process requiring targeted exocytosis and compensatory endocytosis to occur at the growth cone. However, the identity of subcellular compartments involved in polarized membrane trafficking pathways remains enigmatic in plants. Here we characterize endosomal compartments in tip-growing root hair cells. We demonstrate their presence at the growing tip and differential distribution upon cessation of tip growth. We also show that both the presence of endosomes as well as their rapid movements within the tip region depends on an intact actin cytoskeleton and involves actin polymerization. In conclusion, actin-propelled endosomal motility is tightly linked to the polar tip growth of root hairs.  相似文献   

In vivo visualization of filamentous actin in all cells of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings is essential for understanding the numerous roles of the actin cytoskeleton in diverse processes of cell differentiation. A previously introduced reporter construct based on the actin-binding domain of mouse talin proved to be useful for unravelling some of these aspects in cell layers close to the organ surface. However, cells more deeply embedded, especially stelar cells active in polar transport of auxin, show either diffuse or no fluorescence at all due to the lack of expression of the fusion protein. The same problem is encountered in the root meristem. Recently introduced actin reporters based on fusions between A. thaliana fimbrin 1 and GFP gave brilliant results in organs from the root differentiation zone upwards to the leaves, however failed to depict the filamentous actin cytoskeleton in the transition zone of the root, in the apical meristem and the root cap. To overcome these problems, we have prepared new transgenic lines for the visualization of F-actin in vivo. We report here that a construct consisting of GFP fused to the C-terminal half of A. thaliana fimbrin 1 reveals dynamic arrays of F-actin in all cells of stably transformed A. thaliana seedlings.  相似文献   

Müller J  Menzel D  Samaj J 《Protoplasma》2007,230(3-4):231-242
Summary. The cytoskeleton in plant cells plays an important role in controlling cell shape and mediating intracellular signalling. However, almost nothing is known about the reactions of cytoskeletal elements to heat stress, which represents one of the major environmental challenges for plants. Here we show that living epidermal root cells of Arabidopsis thaliana could cope with short-term heat shock stress showing disruption and subsequent recovery of microtubules and actin microfilaments in a time-dependent manner. Time-lapse imaging revealed a very dynamic behavior of both cytoskeletal elements including transient depolymerization and disassembly upon heat shock (40–41 °C) followed by full recovery at room temperature (20 °C) within 1–3 h. Reaction of microtubules, but not actin filaments, to heat shock was dependent on cell type and developmental stage. On the other hand, recovery of actin filaments, but not microtubules, from heat shock stress was dependent on the same parameters. The relevance of this adaptive cytoskeletal behavior to intracellular signalling is discussed. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Cellular and Molecular Botany, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of brefeldin A on membrane trafficking and the actin cytoskeleton of pollen tubes of Lilium longiflorum with fluorescent dyes, inhibitor experiments, and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The formation of a subapical brefeldin A-induced membrane aggregation (BIA) was associated with the formation of an actin basket from which filaments extended towards the tip. The orientation of these actin filaments correlated with the trajectories of membrane material stained by FM dyes, suggesting that the BIA-associated actin filaments are used as tracks for retrograde transport. Analysis of time series indicated that these tracks (actin filaments) were either stationary or glided along the plasma membrane towards the BIA together with the attached membranes or organelles. Disturbance of the actin cytoskeleton by cytochalasin D or latrunculin B caused immediate arrest of membrane trafficking, dissipation of the BIA and the BIA-associated actin basket, and reorganization into randomly oriented actin rods. Our observations suggest that brefeldin A causes ectopic activation of actin-nucleating proteins at the BIA, resulting in retrograde movement of membranes not only along but also together with actin filaments. We show further that subapical membrane aggregations and actin baskets supporting retrograde membrane flow can also be induced by calyculin A, indicating that dephosphorylation by type 2 protein phosphatases is required for proper formation of membrane coats and polar membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of aluminium on the actin filament (AF) cytoskeleton of Triticum turgidum meristematic root tip cells were examined. In short treatments (up to 2 h) with 50–1000 μM AlCl3·6H2O, interphase cells displayed numerous AFs arrayed in thick bundles that lined the plasmalemma and traversed the endoplasm in different directions. Measurements using digital image analysis and assessment of the overall AF fluorescence revealed that, in short treatments, the affected cells possessed 25–30% more AFs than the untreated ones. The thick AF bundles were not formed in the Al-treated cells in the presence of the myosin inhibitors 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) and 1-(5-iodonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)-1H-hexahydro-1,4-diazepine (ML-7), a fact suggesting that myosins are involved in AF bundling. In longer Al treatments, the AF bundles were disorganised, forming granular actin accumulations, a process that was completed after 4 h of treatment. In the Al-treated cells, increased amounts of callose were uniformly deposited along the whole surface of the cell walls. In contrast, callose formed local deposits in the Al-treated cells in the presence of cytochalasin B, BDM, or ML-7. These results favour the hypothesis that the actomyosin system in the Al-treated cells, among other roles, participates in the mechanism controlling callose deposition. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Athens 157 84, Greece.  相似文献   

The root hairs of plants are tubular projections of root epidermal cells and are suitable for investigating the control of cellular morphogenesis. In wild-typeArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh, growing root hairs were found to exhibit cellular expansion limited to the apical end of the cell, a polarized distribution of organelles in the cytoplasm, and vesicles of several types located near the growing tip. Therhd3 mutant produces short and wavy root hairs with an average volume less than one-third of the wild-type hairs, indicating abnormal cell expansion. The mutant hairs display a striking reduction in vacuole size and a corresponding increase in the relative proportion of cytoplasm throughout hair development. Bead-labeling experiments and ultrastructural analyses indicate that the wavy-hair phenotype of the mutant is caused by asymmetric tip growth, possibly due to abnormally distributed vesicles in cortical areas flanking the hair tips. It is suggested that a major effect of therhd3 mutation is to inhibit vacuole enlargement which normally accompanies root hair cell expansion.  相似文献   

Summary. In this work, we analyzed the developmental anatomy of cotyledons and leaves in the has mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. It is a recessive T-DNA insertion mutation that causes changes in the size, shape, and tissue organization of the cotyledons and leaves of has plants. Analysis of has cotyledons revealed a prominent decrease in the cell number and an increase in the area of cotyledon cells and intercellular spaces of has plants. At early stages of development, has leaves are fingerlike structures, but later they develop small, lobed blades with rare trichomes. An important characteristic of the mutant leaf anatomy is the absence of mesophyll tissue differentiation. In addition, both cotyledons and leaves display a disrupted pattern of vascular bundles. Furthermore, mutant plants are defective in root and shoot morphology, indicating that the has mutation affects a number of aspects in plant development. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Botany and “Jevremovac” Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, Belgrade University, Takovska 43, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plants have evolved remarkable morphological plasticity that enables them to adapt to their surroundings. One of the most important traits that plants have acquired is the ability to sense environmental cues and use them as a basis for governing their growth orientation. The directional growth of plant organs relative to the direction of environmental stimuli is a tropism. The Cholodny–Went theory proposes that auxin plays a key role in several tropisms. Recent molecular genetic studies have strongly supported this hypothesis for gravitropism. However, the molecular mechanisms of other tropisms are far less clear. Hydrotropism is the response of roots to a moisture gradient. Since its re-discovery in 1985, root hydrotropism has been shown to be common among higher plant species. Additionally, in some species, gravitropism interferes with hydrotropism, suggesting that both shared and divergent mechanisms mediating the two tropisms exist. This hypothesis has been supported by recent studies, which provide an understanding of how roots sense multiple environmental cues and exhibit different tropic responses. In this review, we focus on the overlapping and unique mechanisms of the hormonal regulation underlying gravitropism and hydrotropism in roots.  相似文献   

Plant organ growth changes under genetic and environmental influences can be observed as altered cell proliferation and volume growth. The two aspects are mutually dependent and intricately related. For comprehensive growth analysis, it is necessary to specify the relationship quantitatively. Here, we develop a simple mathematical model for this purpose. Our model assumes that the biological activity of a given organ is proportional to the cell number of the organ and is allocated into three aspects: cell proliferation, volume growth, and organ maintenance. We analyzed the growth of primary roots of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. in one tetraploid and four diploid strains using this model. The analysis determined various growth parameters, such as specific cost coefficients of cell proliferation and volume growth for each strain. The results provide insight into the basis of interstrain variations and ploidy effects in root growth.  相似文献   

The microtubular and actin cytoskeletons have been investigated during megagametogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana using immunofluorescence labelling of isolated coenocytic and mature embryo sacs. We found both actin and microtubules (MTs) to occur in abundance throughout megagametogenesis and in all constituent cells of the mature embryo sac. During many stages, the patterns of distribution of these cytoskeletal elements are congruent and may prove to be co-aligned. Many changes in the arrays of MTs and microfilaments take place and indicate varying roles of the cytoskeleton in the different stages and cell types of megagametogenesis. Two major populations of MTs recur throughout embryo sac formation: (1) Elaborate nuclear-based networks are found during the two-nucleate and four-nucleate developmental stages as well as in the egg cell. These arrays may function in positioning the nuclei. (2) Cytoplasmic MTs in longitudinal orientation in the two-nucleate embryo sac, synergids and part of the egg cell, or in a reticulate pattern in the four-nucleate embryo sac, egg and central cell probably participate in organization of the cytoplasm. Synergid MTs converge at the filiform apparatus. Preprophase bands of MTs are absent throughout megagametogenesis but phragmoplast arrays occur during cellularization of the embryo sac. Well developed arrays of cortical MTs are restricted to the antipodal cells. A large concentration of MTs in the part of the egg cell adjacent to the synergids is well placed for being involved with sperm cell movement within the degenerative synergid. On the basis of the morphology of the cytoskeleton, we concur with views that the shape of megagametophyte is largely determined by the surrounding tissues, including the integumentary tapetum.  相似文献   

Myrosinases (EC are β-thioglucoside glucosidases present in Brassicaceae plants. These enzymes serve to protect plants against pathogens and insect pests by initiating breakdown of the secondary metabolites glucosinolates into toxic products. Several forms of myrosinases are present in plants but the properties and role of different isoenzymes are not well understood. The dicot plant model organism Arabidopsis thaliana seems to contain six myrosinase genes (TGG1TGG6). In order to compare the different myrosinases, cDNAs corresponding to TGG1 from leaves and TGG4 and TGG5 from roots were cloned and overexpressed in Pichia pastoris. The His-tagged recombinant proteins were purified using affinity chromatography and the preparations were homogenous according to SDS–PAGE analysis. Myrosinase activity was confirmed for all forms and compared with respect to catalytic activity towards the allyl-glucosinolate sinigrin. There was a 22-fold difference in basal activity among the myrosinases. The enzymes were active in a broad pH range, are rather thermostable and active in a wide range of salt concentrations but sensitive to high salt concentrations. The myrosinases showed different activation–inhibition responses towards ascorbic acid with maximal activity around 0.7–1 mM. No activity was registered towards desulphosinigrin and this compound did not inhibit myrosinase activity towards sinigrin. All myrosinases also displayed O-β-glucosidase activity, although with lower efficiency compared to the myrosinase activity. The differences in catalytic properties among myrosinase isozymes for function in planta are discussed.  相似文献   

Auxin transport and gravitational research: perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Palme K  Dovzhenko A  Ditengou FA 《Protoplasma》2006,229(2-4):175-181
Gravity is a fundamental factor which affects all living organisms. Plant development is well adapted to gravity by directing roots downward and shoots upwards. For more than a century, plant biologists have been fascinated to describe the molecular mechanisms underlying the gravitropic response of plants. Important progress towards signal perception, transduction, and response has been made, but new tools are beginning to uncover the regulatory networks for gravitropic control. We summarise recent progress in study of gravitropism and discuss strategies to identify the molecular basis of the gravity response in Arabidopsis thaliana. This will put us on a road towards the molecular systems biology of the Arabidopsis gravitropic response.  相似文献   

The calcium dependency of the cytoplasmic streaming of wheat root hairs was demonstrated by adding the Ca-Ionophore A 23187. Within three minutes the streaming velocity was decreased dramactically. The influence of ammonium on the cytoplasmic streaming is highly pH-dependent. While at a pH of 9.0 an inhibitory effect was observed even at low ammonium concentrations (0.5 mM) no effect could be measured at a pH of 6.5. Nitrate, independently of medium pH had no effect on the cytoplasmic streaming. The same is true for aluminium. It is suggested that at pH 9 ammonium permiates the plasmalemma as NH3. Due to higher cytoplasmic pH ( 7.5), NH3 is protonated leading to an increase in cytoplasmic pH. Ammonium may displace sorbed calcium leading to an increase in the free cytoplasmic calcium responsible for the cessation of the streaming. Alternative explanations are discussed.Abbreviations HEPES N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Eleftheriou  E.P.  Bekiari  E. 《Plant and Soil》2000,226(1):11-19
The present ultrastructural investigation on the effects of 50 M chlorpropham (previously called CIPC) on growing roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum (L.) Thell cv. Vergina) was undertaken to clarify the mechanism of a carbamate herbicide action in plant cells, since the wide range of responses of plant cells to carbamate herbicides is based mainly on immunofluorescence studies. Cells of control roots contained abundant microtubules both in interphase and mitotic arrays. In chlorpropham-treated roots, however, no microtubules could be detected at all, neither in dividing nor in differentiating cells. Cycling cells became binucleate, polyploid or contained incomplete cell walls, the result of inhibition of cytokinesis. In long-term drug treatments (24 h or more) the affected cells entered a new cycle, which, however, did not progress beyond mid-metaphase. The nuclei of binucleate cells initiated prophase synchronously. Small vacuoles and Golgi vesicles were trapped within the nucleoplasm of the multilobed nuclei. In roots recovering from 8 h chlorpropham treatment, cells continued to exhibit polyploid nuclei, intranuclear vacuoles and incomplete walls. Microtubules reappeared but they were sparse and lacked a definite orientation. Preprophase cells did not form normal preprophase bands of microtubules, while mitotic cells occasionally contained microtubules bound to chromosomes and converged to minipoles. It is concluded that chlorpropham disorganized directly microtubules in addition to irreversibly affecting microtubule organizing centres, which failed to further support microtubule arrays.  相似文献   

Summary. In leaf mesophyll cells of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing GFP in the chloroplast, stromules (stroma-filled tubules) with a length of up to 20 μm and a diameter of about 400–600 nm are observed in cells with spaces between the chloroplasts. They appear extremely dynamic, occasionally branched or polymorphic. In order to investigate the effect of temperature on chloroplasts, we have constructed a special temperature-controlled chamber for usage with a light microscope (LM-TCC). This LM-TCC enables presetting of the temperature for investigation directly at the microscope stage with an accuracy of ±0.1 °C in a temperature range of 0 °C to +60 °C. With the LM-TCC a temperature-dependent appearance of chloroplast protrusions has been found. These structures have a considerably smaller length-to-diameter ratio than typical stromules and reach a length of 3–5 μm. At 5–15 °C (low temperatures), almost no chloroplast protrusions are observed, but they appear with increasing temperatures. At 35–45 °C (high temperatures), numerous chloroplast protrusions with a beaklike appearance extend from a single chloroplast. Interaction of stromules with other organelles has also been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. At 20 °C, transverse sections of stromules are frequently observed with a diameter of about 450 nm. A close membrane-to-membrane contact of stromules with the nucleus and mitochondria has been visualised. Golgi stacks and microbodies are found in the spatial vicinity of stromules. At 5 °C, virtually no chloroplast protrusions or stromules are observed. At 35 °C, chloroplast protrusions are present as broader thylakoid-free stroma-filled areas, resulting in an irregular chloroplast appearance. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Physiology and Cell Physiology of Alpine Plants, Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Sternwartestrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.  相似文献   

Seed is a developmental stage that is highly protective against external stresses in the plant life cycle. In this study, we analyzed toxicity of essential (Cu2+ and Zn2+) and non-essential heavy metals (Hg2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+) on seed germination and seedling growth in the model species Arabidopsis. Our results show that seedling growth is more sensitive to heavy metals (Hg2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) in comparison to seed germination, while Cd2+ is the exception that inhibited both of these processes at similar concentrations. To examine if toxicity of heavy metals is altered developmentally during germination, we incubated seeds with Hg2+ or Cd2+ only for a restricted period during germination. Hg2+ displayed relatively strong toxicity at period II (12–24 h after imbibition), while Cd2+ was more effective to inhibit germination at period I (0–12 h after imbibition) rather than at period II. The observed differences are likely to be due in part to selective uptake of different ions by the intact seed, because isolated embryos (without seed coat and endosperm) are more sensitive to both Hg2+ and Cd2+ at period I. We assessed interactive toxicity between heavy metals and non-toxic cations, and found that Ca2+ was able to partially restore the inhibition of seedling growth by Pb2+ and Zn2+.  相似文献   

Cvrcková F  Rivero F  Bavlnka B 《Protoplasma》2004,224(1-2):15-31
Summary. The actin cytoskeleton plays a central part in the dynamic organization of eukaryotic cell structure. Nucleation of actin filaments is a crucial step in the establishment of new cytoskeletal structures or modification of existing ones, providing abundant targets for regulatory processes. A substantial part of our understanding of actin nucleation derives from studies on yeast and metazoan cells. However, recent advances in structural and functional genome analysis in less traditional models, such as plants or Dictyostelium discoideum, provide an emerging picture of an evolutionarily conserved core of at least two actin nucleation mechanisms, one mediated by the Arp2/3 complex and the other one by the formin-based module. A considerable degree of conservation is found also in the systems controlling the balance between filamentous and globular actin (profilin, actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin) and even in certain regulatory aspects, such as the involvement of Rho-related small GTPases. Identification of such conserved elements provides a prerequisite for the characterization of evolutionarily variable aspects of actin regulation which may be responsible for the rich morphological diversity of eukaryotic cells.Correspondence and reprints: Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Vininá 5, 128 44 Praha 2, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate differences among genotypes in post-anthesis root growth and distribution of modern UK winter wheat cultivars, and the effects of fungicide applications. Post-anthesis root growth of up to six cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), given either one or three applications of fungicide, was studied in field experiments during two seasons. Total root mass remained unchanged between GS63 (anthesis) and GS85, but root length increased significantly from 14.7 to 31.4 km m−2 in one season. Overall, there was no evidence for a decline in either root mass or length during grain filling. Root mass as a proportion of total plant mass was about 0.05 at GS85. There were significant differences among cultivars in root length and mass especially below 30 cm. Malacca had the smallest root length and Savannah the largest, and Shamrock had a significantly larger root system below 40 cm in both seasons. Fungicide applied at ear emergence had no significant effect on root mass in either season but increased root length (P<0.01) in the more disease-prone season. By maintaining a green canopy for longer, fungicide applied at flag leaf emergence may have resulted in delayed senescence of the root system and contributed to the post-anthesis maintenance of root mass and length. Section Editor: R. W. Bell  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana has emerged as a model organism for plant developmental genetics, but it is also now being widely used for population genetic studies. Outcrossing relatives of A. thaliana are likely to provide suitable additional or alternative species for studies of evolutionary and population genetics. We have examined patterns of adaptive flowering time variation in the outcrossing, perennial A. lyrata. In addition, we examine the distribution of variation at marker genes in populations form North America and Europe. The probability of flowering in this species differs between southern and northern populations. Northern populations are much less likely to flower in short than in long days. A significant daylength by region interaction shows that the northern and southern populations respond differently to the daylength. The timing of flowering also differs between populations, and is made shorter by long days, and in some populations, by vernalization. North American and European populations show consistent genetic differentiation over microsatellite and isozyme loci and alcohol dehydrogenase sequences. Thus, the patterns of variation are quite different from those in A. thaliana, where flowering time differences show little relationship to latitude of origin and the genealogical trees of accessions vary depending on the genomic region studied. The genetic architecture of adaptation can be compared in these species with different life histories.  相似文献   

Proteins synthesized on membrane-bound ribosomes are sorted at the Golgi apparatus level for delivery to various cellular destinations: the plasma membrane or the extracellular space, and the lytic vacuole or lysosome. Sorting involves the assembly of vesicles, which preferentially package soluble proteins with a common destination. The selection of proteins for a particular vesicle type involves the recognition of proteins by specific receptors, such as the vacuolar sorting receptors for vacuolar targeting. Most eukaryotic organisms have one or two receptors to target proteins to the lytic vacuole. Surprisingly, plants have several members of the same family, seven in Arabidopsis thaliana. Why do plants have so many proteins to sort soluble proteins to their respective destinations? The presence of at least two types of vacuoles, lytic and storage, seems to be a partial answer. In this review we analyze the last experimental evidence supporting the presence of different subfamilies of plant vacuolar sorting receptors.  相似文献   

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