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The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000), abscisic acid (ABA), 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon) and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) on the germination of Amaranthus caudatus L. seeds was examined. Both PEG-6000 and ABA inhibited the rate and percentage of seed germination. ABA potentiated the effect of PEG. Ethephon was highly effective in reversing the inhibitory effect of PEG and ABA or combinations of both. ACC relieved inhibition by ABA and the combined effect of ABA and PEG. Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) increased the inhibition of seed germination caused by ABA. The inhibition of seed germination by ABA seems to be related more or less to ethylene biosynthesis or is associated with a change of tissue sensitivity to ethylene. The possibility of ethylene control of water uptake by seeds is also considered.  相似文献   

Ni BR  Bradford KJ 《Plant physiology》1992,98(3):1057-1068
Mathematical models were developed to characterize the physiological bases of the responses of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv T5) seed germination to water potential (ψ) and abscisic acid (ABA). Using probit analysis, three parameters were derived that can describe the germination time courses of a seed population at different ψ or ABA levels. For the response of seed germination to reduced ψ, these parameters are the mean base water potential (¯ψb, MPa), the standard deviation of the base water potential among seeds in the population (σψb, MPa), and the “hydrotime constant” (θH, MPa·h). For the response to ABA, they are the log of the mean base ABA concentration ([unk]ABAb, m), the standard deviation of the base ABA concentration among seeds in the population (σABAb, log[m]), and the “ABA-time constant” (θABA, log[m]·h). The values of ¯ψb and [unk]ABAb provide quantitative estimates of the mean sensitivity of germination rate to ψ or ABA, whereas σψb and σABAb account for the variation in sensitivity among seeds in the population. The time constants, θH and θABA, indicate the extent to which germination rate will be affected by a given change in ψ or ABA. Using only these parameters, germination time courses can be predicted with reasonable accuracy at any medium ψ according to the equation probit(g) = [ψ - (θH/tg) - ¯ψb]/σψb, or at any ABA concentration according to the equation probit(g) = [log[ABA] - (θABA/tg) - log[[unk]ABAb]]/σABAb, where tg is the time to radicle emergence of percentage g, and ABA is the ABA concentration (m) in the incubation solution. In the presence of both ABA and reduced ψ, the same parameters can be used to predict seed germination time courses based upon strictly additive effects of ψ and ABA in delaying the time of radicle emergence. Further analysis indicates that ABA and ψ can act both independently and interactively to influence physiological processes preparatory for radicle growth, such as the accumulation of osmotic solutes in the embryo. The models provide quantitative values for the sensitivity of germination to ABA or ψ, allow evaluation of independent and interactive effects of the two factors, and have implications for understanding how ABA and ψ may regulate growth and development.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - DNAs complementary to the mRNAs coding for the major cotton 48 kD and 52 kD storage proteins have been cloned and used to characterize the principal cotton storage protein...  相似文献   

Looney NE 《Plant physiology》1968,43(7):1133-1137
Ripening of McIntosh apples (Malus sylvestris L.) was delayed by treatments of succinic acid 2,2-dimethyl hydrazide (B-9) applied 2 weeks after bloom. The extent of retardation was dependent on concentration to 7.4 × 10−2 m, at which level complete inhibition of ripening occurred under the conditions applied. The onset of the respiratory climacteric and fruit firmness changes were factors used to assess ripening.  相似文献   

The effect of benzyladenine on growth, ATP pool size and specific radioactivity, and the rate and amount of RNA synthesis in aseptically cultured axes of Phaseolus vulgaris during the first 24 hours of germination were measured in experiments where the duration of benzyladenine application and its concentration were varied. Maximum promotion of growth (25%) occurs at 10(-5)m benzyladenine. Maximum promotion of RNA synthesis (44%) occurs at 10(-5)m benzyladenine. Benzyladenine has little effect on the size or specific radioactivity of the ATP pool. Benzyladenine can completely counteract abscisic acid inhibition of growth and RNA synthesis, and these reversals are measurable in 2 hours. GA(1) and GA(3) do not promote growth or counteract abscisic acid inhibition of growth in germinating bean axes in these experiments.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in gibberellin-treated lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds has been studied during the lag phase between the beginning of imbibition and the first signs of radicle protrusion. When compared to the water-imbibed controls, both polyribosome populations and radioactive leucine incorporation into protein increase in the embryos of GA3- induced seeds early in the imbibition period. Since these results are contradictory to previously published studies, the reasons for the differences are outlined and various alternative possibilities eliminated. The protocol for protein extraction, particularly the speed at which the supernatant from the seed homogenate is cleared, is important for demonstrating the GA3-mediated changes. Embryos maintained in the dormant state by abscisic acid still conduct considerable amounts of protein synthesis, and this is enhanced by concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine which also promote germination. Therefore, the actions of GA3, abscisic acid, and cytokinin on lettuce seed germination are mediated, directly or indirectly, via protein synthesis.  相似文献   

During germination of barley grains, DNA fragmentation was observed in the aleurone. The appearance of DNA fragmentation in the aleurone layer, observed by TUNEL staining in aleurone sections, started near the embryo and extended to the aleurone cells far from the embryo in a time dependent manner. The same spatial temporal activities of hydrolytic enzymes such as -amylase were observed in aleurone. DNA fragmentation could also be seen in vitro under osmotic stress, in isolated aleurone. During aleurone protoplast isolation, a very enhanced and strong DNA fragmentation occurred which was not seen in protoplast preparations of tobacco leaves. ABA was found to inhibit DNA fragmentation occurring in barley aleurone under osmotic stress condition and during protoplast isolation, while the plant growth regulator gibberellic acid counteracted the effect of ABA. Addition of auxin or cytokinin had no significant effect on DNA fragmentation in these cells. To study the role of phosphorylation in ABA signal transduction leading to control of DNA fragmentation (apoptosis), the effects of the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid and of phenylarisine oxide on apoptosis were studied. We hypothesize that the regulation of DNA fragmentation in aleurone plays a very important role in spatial and temporal control of aleurone activities during germination. The possible signal transduction pathway of ABA leading to the regulation of DNA fragmentation is discussed.  相似文献   

We report an examination of the structural requirements of the abscisic acid (ABA) recognition response in wheat dormant seed embryos using optically pure isomers of ABA analogs. These compounds include permutations to the ABA structure with either an acetylene or a trans bond at C-4 C-5, and either a single or double bond at the C-2′ C-3′ double bond. (R)-ABA and the three isomers with the same configuration at C-1′ as natural ABA were found to be effective germination inhibitors. The biologically active ABA analogs exhibited differential effects on ABA-responsive gene expression. All the ABA analogs that inhibited germination induced two ABA-responsive genes, wheat group 3 lea and dhn (rab). However, (R)-ABA and (S)-dihydroABA were less effective in inducing the ABA-responsive gene Em within the time that embryonic germination was inhibited.  相似文献   

When intact plants of Xanthium strumarium L. were water stressed, the youngest leaves accumulated the highest levels of abscisic acid (ABA). On the other hand, when leaves of different ages were detached and then stressed, the capacity to produce ABA was highest in the mature leaves. Radioactive ABA was transported from mature leaves to the shoot tips and young leaves, as well as to the roots, as evidenced by the presence of radioactive ABA and phaseic acid in the xylem exudate coming from the roots. Thus, ABA was recirculated in the plant, moving down the stem in the phloem and back up in the transpiration stream to the mature leaves. Phloem exudate collected by the use of the EDTA technique had a high concentration of ABA and phaseic acid which increased several-fold after water stress. The high ABA levels in immature leaves and apical buds are, therefore, mainly due to import from older leaves, rather than to in situ synthesis.  相似文献   

The composition of volatile fatty acids in the biogas digester based on cattle manure as substrate and stabilised at 25°C showed that it contained 87–88% branched chain fatty acids, comprising of isobutyric and isovaleric acids, in comparison to 38 % observed in the digester operating at 35°C. Mixed cellulolytic cultures equilibrated at 25°C (C-25) and 35‡C (C-35) showed similar properties, but rates of hydrolysis were three times higher than that observed in a standard biogas digester. The proportion of isobutyric and isovaleric were drastically reduced when C-25 was grown with glucose or filter paper as substrates. The volatile fatty acids recovered from C-25 (at 25°C) inhibited growth of methanogens on acetate, whereas that from C-35 was not inhibitory. The inhibitory effects were due to the branched chain fatty acids and were observed with isobutyric acid at concentrations as low as 50 ppm. Addition of another micro-organismRhodotorula selected for growth on isobutyric completely reversed this inhibition. Results indicate that the aceticlastic methanogens are very sensitive to inhibition by branched chain fatty acids and reduction in methane formation in biogas digester at lower temperature may be due to this effect.  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years many studies have been undertaken to elucidate the regulation of seed germination. Abscisic acid (ABA) and the gibberellins (GAs) are the hormones proposed to control this process, the first by inhibiting and the second by inducing germination. It has been proposed that a high water potential increases the growth potential of the embryo, presumably permitting the production or activation by GA of the cell wall hydrolases and thus decreasing the yield threshold of the endosperm close to the radicle tip. A low water potential, e.g., imbibition in an osmoticum. imposes a stress on cell metabolism, by reducing the turgor of the radicle cells, and there is a decrease in growth potential. Exogenous ABA also causes a decline in growth potential of the radicle: however, the actions of low water potential in preventing germination are not mediated through an increase in ABA in the seeds. In the present paper an attempt is made to asses the role of ABA and polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the germination of chick-pea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds. The endogenous ABA of chick-pea seeds was purified by reversed-phase HPLC and quantified by GC-ECD. The variations in the ABA levels in the embryonic axes and the cotyledons were studied during 120 h. of imbibition. The highest ABA level in the embryome axes was found at 18 h. coinciding with an increase in fresh weight and a high germination percentage. ABA was not detected in the cotyledons during incubation which probably indicates that the hormone is more involved in the active growth of the embryonic axes itself than in the mobilization process of the reserves. When seeds were treated with different PEG-cycles. PEG delayed germination, reduced the fresh weight of embryonic axes, and retarded the onset of ABA synthesis. It is concluded that endogenous ABA is related to the onset of germination and the growth of the embryonic axis. In addition, there is no correlation among the different PEG-cycles and the level of ABA and germination. Germination was related more to the water conditions inside the embryo's cells than to ABA levels.  相似文献   

Imidazole, commonly used as an effective pH-buffering reagent in aqueous media maintained at pH 7-8, was found to depress the 5'-nucleotidase (5'-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase, EC activity of microsomal membrane fraction isolated from rat vas deferens smooth muscle in a dose-dependent manner in the absence of added Mg2+. Such an inhibitory effect of imidazole on the smooth muscle 5'-nucleotidase was not dependent upon the purity or integrity of the membrane fractions used and could be fully reversed by the inclusion of 5-10 mM Mg2+ in the assay medium. Of the five different pH-buffering reagents tested, imidazole was specific in exerting inhibitory effect on the 5'-nucleotidase in the absence of Mg2+ and this inhibition could not be accounted for by the impurities present in the imidazole. Differential effects of chelating reagents and other divalent metal ions on the 5'-nucleotidase activity were also observed in imidazole and Tris buffer solutions. The 5'-nucleotidase activity was not affected if the membranes were preincubated and washed with a large volume of 50 mM imidazole and subsequently assayed in 50 mM Tris in the absence of Mg2+. Similar findings were obtained with EDTA treated membrane. These results suggest that imidazole does not act by removal of the activating metal ion but rather interacts directly with 5'-nucleotidase and alters the metal-enzyme interactions.  相似文献   

Abscission: role of abscisic Acid   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of abscisic acid on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala 4-42) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Red Kidney) explants was 2-fold. It increased ethylene production from the explants, which was found to account for some of its ability to accelerate abscission. Absci is acid also increased the activity of cellulase. Increased synthesis of cellulase was not du to an increase in aging of the explants but rather was an effect of abscisic acid on the processes that lead to cellulase synthesis or activity.  相似文献   

The growth inhibitory activity of the epidioxide (II), a precursor in the synthesis of abscisic acid (ABA), has been confirmed with additional assay systems. Under physiological conditions the epidioxide is rearranged to give ABA and an isomer of ABA which has probably the structure V. This major product has very low, if any, biological activity. The biological activity of the epidioxide is explained by its partial conversion (about 20%) to ABA. The reaction rate was enhanced by heavy metal ions and decreased by EDTA. At pH 12.5, the decomposition of the epidioxide is slower than it is near neutrality and ABA is the predominant product. In the biological systems studied the activity of the epidioxide can be accounted for by nonenzymatic conversion to ABA.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) and decanoic acid inhibited shoot elongation and floral development of Dutch iris (Iris hollandica Hoog. cv Ideal) meristems cultured in vitro. No synergism with respect to inhibition of leaf growth between ABA and decanoic acid was observed. With monthly harvest dates, from July 10, 1981 to October 10, 1981, there was a progressive decrease in endogenous level of free ABA in `Ideal' iris bulbs. Bulbs subjected to a full set of the usual preplanting storage conditions flowered, on average, 46 days after planting versus 194 days after planting for bulbs planted directly after harvest. ABA levels at harvest were 4- to 5-fold those after the preplanting storage treatment. In general, ABA levels did not correlate well with the length of time from planting until flowering of iris bulbs. Endogenous decanoic acid levels did not follow any pattern with respect to harvest date or postharvest treatment. After the postharvest high temperature treatment, there was about a 3-fold increase in nonscale decanoic acid concentration. Decanoic acid levels, in nonscale tissue, remained high after each of the other postharvest treatments. It is concluded that there is no good evidence to support the contention that either ABA or decanoic acid is directly involved in iris bulb dormancy.  相似文献   

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