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Univalent behavior during meiosis has been examined in Drosophila melanogaster males possessing the In(1)sc4Lsc8R X chromosome using light microscopy and serial section electron microscopy. Males from two stocks, displaying high (0.40) and low (0.14) frequencies of sex chromosome nondisjunction, have been investigated. The results demonstrate that (i) sex chromosomes are more intimately paired during prometaphase I in males from the low nondisjunction stock than in males from the high nondisjunction stock, and (ii) the univalents are distributed to the poles in an unbiased manner during meiosis rather than by directed segregation of both univalents to the same pole as previously determined for other In(1)sc4Lsc8R/Y males.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence consistent with a general role of positive selection acting on the Drosophila melanogaster X-chromosome. However, this positive selection need not necessarily arise from forces that are adaptive to the organism. Nonadaptive meiotic drive may exist on the X-chromosome and contribute to forces of selection. Females from a reference D. melanogaster line, containing the X-linked marker white, were crossed to males from 49 isofemale lines established from seven African and five non-African natural populations to detect naturally occurring meiotic drive. Several lines exhibited a departure from expected Mendelian transmission of X-chromosomes to the third generation (F2) offspring, particularly those from hybrid African male parents. F2 viability was not correlated with skewed chromosomal inheritance. However, a significant difference in viability between cosmopolitan and tropical African crosses was observed. Recombination analysis supports the presence of a male-acting meiotic drive element near the centromeric region of the X-chromosome and putative recessive autosomal drive suppression. There is also evidence of another female-acting drive element linked to white. The possible role meiotic drive may contribute in shaping levels of genetic variation in D. melanogaster, and additional ways to test this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

A. De Marco  R. Cozzi  L. Toti 《Genetica》1975,45(4):489-496
A cytological study has been carried out on the pairing of the XY chromosomes in somatic cells and in spermatocytes of larvae ofDrosophila melanogaster. Two strains have been studied: one a control strain and the other a carrier of theIn(1)sc 4 sc 8 inversion on the X chromosome. The data obtained seem to indicate that the absence of the greater region of homology between XY, caused by the presence of theIn(1)sc 4 sc 8 inversion, results in an approximately equal reduction in the frequencies of mitotic and meiotic pairing of XY. The short arm of the Y chromosome shows marked differences in the pairing with the X chromosome, compared with the control, whereas the long arm shows no variations.  相似文献   

The evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes creates a genetic condition favoring the invasion of sex-ratio meiotic drive elements, resulting in the biased transmission of one sex chromosome over the other, in violation of Mendel's first law. The molecular mechanisms of sex-ratio meiotic drive may therefore help us to understand the evolutionary forces shaping the meiotic behavior of the sex chromosomes. Here we characterize a sex-ratio distorter on the X chromosome (Dox) in Drosophila simulans by genetic and molecular means. Intriguingly, Dox has very limited coding capacity. It evolved from another X-linked gene, which also evolved de nova. Through retrotransposition, Dox also gave rise to an autosomal suppressor, not much yang (Nmy). An RNA interference mechanism seems to be involved in the suppression of the Dox distorter by the Nmy suppressor. Double mutant males of the genotype dox; nmy are normal for both sex-ratio and spermatogenesis. We postulate that recurrent bouts of sex-ratio meiotic drive and its subsequent suppression might underlie several common features observed in the heterogametic sex, including meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and achiasmy.  相似文献   

Sex ratio distortion (sex-ratio for short) has been reported in numerous species such as Drosophila, where distortion can readily be detected in experimental crosses, but the molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here we characterize an autosomal sex-ratio suppressor from D. simulans that we designate as not much yang (nmy, polytene chromosome position 87F3). Nmy suppresses an X-linked sex-ratio distorter, contains a pair of near-perfect inverted repeats of 345 bp, and evidently originated through retrotransposition from the distorter itself. The suppression is likely mediated by sequence homology between the suppressor and distorter. The strength of sex-ratio is greatly enhanced by lower temperature. This temperature sensitivity was used to assign the sex-ratio etiology to the maturation process of the Y-bearing sperm, a hypothesis corroborated by both light microscope observations and ultrastructural studies. It has long been suggested that an X-linked sex-ratio distorter can evolve by exploiting loopholes in the meiotic machinery for its own transmission advantage, which may be offset by other changes in the genome that control the selfish distorter. Data obtained in this study help to understand this evolutionary mechanism in molecular detail and provide insight regarding its evolutionary impact on genomic architecture and speciation.  相似文献   

The sex chromosome bivalent was examined in Drosophila melanogaster males possessing the In(1)sc 4Lsc8R X chromosome. Three-dimensional reconstructions from electron micrographs of serially cut thin sections were made. A large proportion of the kinetochores of In(1)sc 4Lsc8R/Y bivalents did not face opposite poles during metaphase I and anaphase I. This suggests that In(1)sc 4Lsc8R/Y bivalents may have difficulty achieving bipolar stability. Delay in achieving bipolar stability could contribute to the nondisjunctional behavior found in In(1)sc 4Lsc8R/Y males.  相似文献   

Chan YS  Naujoks DA  Huen DS  Russell S 《Genetics》2011,188(1):33-44
Insects play a major role as vectors of human disease as well as causing significant agricultural losses. Harnessing the activity of customized homing endonuclease genes (HEGs) has been proposed as a method for spreading deleterious mutations through populations with a view to controlling disease vectors. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of this method in Drosophila melanogaster, utilizing the well-characterized HEG, I-SceI. In particular, we show that high rates of homing can be achieved within spermatogonia and in the female germline. We show that homed constructs continue to exhibit HEG activity in the subsequent generation and that the ectopic homing events required for initiating the strategy occur at an acceptable rate. We conclude that the requirements for successful deployment of a HEG-based gene drive strategy can be satisfied in a model dipteran and that there is a reasonable prospect of the method working in other dipterans. In characterizing the system we measured repair outcomes at the spermatogonial, spermatocyte, and spermatid stages of spermatogenesis. We show that homologous recombination is restricted to spermatogonia and that it immediately ceases when they become primary spermatocytes, indicating that the choice of DNA repair pathway in the Drosophila testis can switch abruptly during differentiation.  相似文献   

In order to verify the theory of non-homologous pairing in the male meiotic metaphase of Drosophila melanogaster, particular crosses were carried out with In(1)sc 4 sc 8 males, with or without the inversion In(2)SM 5, Cy on the second chromosome. The results seem to indicate the existence of the above mechanisms, which would appear to contribute, not infrequently, to the overall non-disjunction of the In(1)sc 4 sc 8+Cy males.The work has been financially supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).  相似文献   

麻醉是果蝇实验中最基本的操作,乙醚是最常用的麻醉剂。但因为乙醚是二类易制毒化学品而被国家控制使用。报道一种容易获得的试剂——乙酸乙酯对果蝇的麻醉效果。实验采用的麻醉室大小为125cm3,每处理20~30只果蝇,乙酸乙酯剂量为40、80、120μL,以同等剂量的乙醚为对照,每个实验重复4次,用所有果蝇完全麻醉后20min及120min时的未苏醒率为指标评估麻醉效果及安全性。结果表明:乙酸乙酯对果蝇具有麻醉作用;麻醉时乙酸乙酯开始起效应的时间略晚于同等剂量的乙醚,但使果蝇完全麻醉的时间却比同等剂量的乙醚略短或相接近;麻醉持续的时间则长于同等剂量的乙醚。乙酸乙酯麻醉的果蝇,90%以上的果蝇均在120min内苏醒,表明在这些剂量范围内是安全的。乙酸乙酯完全可以替代乙醚用于果蝇的麻醉。  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) normally produces the sexes in equal ratio but strains carrying the Y chromosome meiotic drive MP (male‐producing) factor show an excess of males. This is associated with a loss of sperm, and abnormal sperm structure in terms of multiple axonemes, atypical numbers of mitochondrial derivatives, and sometimes an incorrect initial orientation of paracrystalline bodies to the axoneme. Sperms are bundled together within spermatocysts, and those with depleted content and abnormalities occur in the same MP testes as normal spermatocysts. The maximum number of sperms per cyst in control strains was 256, each with a single axoneme originating from a single centriole (kinetosome). The maximum per cyst in MP strains was also 256 but MP cysts contained up to 300 axonemes, providing evidence of multiplication of centrioles. The structural changes in MP sperm are discussed in relation to similar abnormalities reported in the mosquito Aedes aegypti inheriting the Y chromosome meiotic drive haplotype MD. The evolutionary significance of this phenomenon is considered. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 351–359.  相似文献   

A prominent hypothesis for polyandry says that male–male competitive drivers induce males to coerce already‐mated females to copulate, suggesting that females are more likely to be harassed in the presence of multiple males. This early sociobiological idea of male competitive drive seemed to explain why sperm‐storing females mate multiply. Here, we describe an experiment eliminating all opportunities for male–male behavioral competition, while varying females’ opportunities to mate or not with the same male many times, or with many other males only one time each. We limited each female subject's exposure to no more than one male per day over her entire lifespan starting at the age at which copulations usually commence. We tested a priori predictions about relative lifespan and daily components of RS of female Drosophila melanogaster in experimental social situations producing lifelong virgins, once‐mated females, lifelong monogamous, and lifelong polyandrous females, using a matched‐treatments design. Results included that (1) a single copulation enhanced female survival compared to survival of lifelong virgins, (2) multiple copulations enhanced the number of offspring for both monogamous and polyandrous females, (3) compared to females in lifelong monogamy, polyandrous females paired daily with a novel, age‐matched experienced male produced offspring of enhanced viability, and (4) female survival was unchallenged when monogamous and polyandrous females could re‐mate with age‐ and experienced‐matched males. (5) Polyandrous females daily paired with novel virgin males had significantly reduced lifespans compared to polyandrous females with novel, age‐matched, and experienced males. (6) Polyandrous mating enhanced offspring viability and thereby weakened support for the random mating hypothesis for female multiple mating. Analyzes of nonequivalence of variances revealed opportunities for within‐sex selection among females. Results support the idea that females able to avoid constraints on their behavior from simultaneous exposure to multiple males can affect both RS and survival of females and offspring.  相似文献   

The meiotic synaptic behavior of male mice heterozygous for one of two X-4 translocations was examined to test a recently advanced hypothesis (Ashley, 1988) suggesting that it is possible to predict the synaptic behavior (nonhomologous vs. homologous) and recombinational parameters (suppression vs. nonsuppression of crossing-over) of a chromosome aberration from mitotic G-band breakpoint data. The hypothesis was based on prior observations of synaptic behavior in a series of X-autosome translocations in mice. The breakpoints of the translocation T(X;4)7R1 are both in G-light bands. As predicted by the hypothesis, synapsis was restricted to homology. In contrast, one breakpoint of the translocation T(X;4)8R1 lies in a "stippled" band of the standard diagrams of Nesbitt and Francke (1981). As predicted (Ashley, 1988), "stippled" bands are shown here to synapse nonhomologously, i.e., they behave as "G-dark." The linkage data, as they relate to the synaptic data and the predictions of the hypothesis, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The inheritance mode of Drosophila melanogaster female sexual maturation speed and hybridization with D. simulans males was measured in F1 females from crosses between isofemale lines of D. melanogaster chosen for their high or low hybridization and maturation speed values. The results suggest dominant inheritance for rapid female maturation and intermediate inheritance for hybridization. We discuss results in relation to the evolutionary role of these characters.  相似文献   

Three retinaldehyde dehydrogenases (RALDH1, RALDH2 and RALDH3), which catalyze the oxidation of retinaldehyde into retinoic acid, have been shown to be differentially expressed during early embryogenesis. Here, we report their differential expression patterns throughout later mouse organogenesis. Raldh1 is prominently expressed in developing lung (notably in bronchial and tracheal epithelia), and shows stage-specific expression in stomach and intestine epithelial and mesenchymal layers. Raldh3 expression is specific to the differentiating intestinal lamina propria. Raldh2 is expressed throughout the kidney nephrogenic zone, whereas Raldh1 and Raldh3 are mostly expressed in collecting duct epithelia. Raldh3 expression is more restricted than that of Raldh1 in the urogenital tract and sex gland epithelia, whereas Raldh2 expression is mesenchymal. Raldh1 is coexpressed with Raldh2 in the early heart epicardium, and is later specifically expressed in developing heart valves. All three genes exhibit distinct expression patterns in respiratory and olfactory epithelia and/or mesenchymes, and in developing teeth. Only Raldh1 expression is seen after birth in specific brain structures. These data indicate a requirement for regulated RA synthesis in various differentiating organs.  相似文献   

Equalization of parental contributions is one of the most simple and widely recognized methods to maintain genetic diversity in conservation programs, as it halves the rate of increase in inbreeding and genetic drift. It has, however, the negative side effect of implying a reduced intensity of natural selection so that deleterious genes are less efficiently removed from the population with possible negative consequences on the reproductive capacity of the individuals. Theoretical results suggest that the lower fitness resulting from equalization of family sizes relative to that for free contribution schemes is expected to be substantial only for relatively large population sizes and after many generations. We present a long-term experiment with Drosophila melanogaster, comparing the fitness performance of lines maintained with equalization of contributions (EC) and others maintained with no management (NM), allowing for free matings and contributions from parents. Two (five) replicates of size N = 100 (20) individuals of each type of line were maintained for 38 generations. As expected, EC lines retained higher gene diversity and allelic richness for four microsatellite markers and a higher heritability for sternopleural bristle number. Measures of life-history traits, such as egg-to-adult viability, mating success, and global fitness declined with generations, but no significant differences were observed between EC and NM lines. Our results, therefore, provide no evidence to suggest that equalization of family sizes entails a disadvantage on the reproductive capacity of conserved populations in comparison with no management procedures, even after long periods of captivity.  相似文献   

Chromosoma - Sex determination in mammals is usually provided by a pair of chromosomes, XX in females and XY in males. Mole voles of the genus Ellobius are exceptions to this rule. In Ellobius...  相似文献   

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