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Liakopoulos D  Kusch J  Grava S  Vogel J  Barral Y 《Cell》2003,112(4):561-574
Spindle alignment is the process in which the two spindle poles are directed toward preselected and opposite cell ends. In budding yeast, the APC-related molecule Kar9 is required for proper alignment of the spindle with the mother-bud axis. We find that Kar9 localizes to the prospective daughter cell spindle pole. Kar9 is transferred from the pole to cytoplasmic microtubules, which are then guided in a myosin-dependent manner to the bud. Clb4/Cdc28 kinase phosphorylates Kar9 and accumulates on the pole destined to the mother cell. Mutations that block phosphorylation at Cdc28 consensus sites result in localization of Kar9 to both poles and target them both to the bud. Thus, Clb4/Cdc28 prevents Kar9 loading on the mother bound pole. In turn, asymmetric distribution of Kar9 ensures that only one pole orients toward the bud. Our results indicate that Cdk1-dependent spindle asymmetry ensures proper alignment of the mitotic spindle with the cell division axis.  相似文献   

In the February 21 issue of Cell, demonstrate that asymmetrical loading of Kar9 onto astral microtubules (MTs) emanating from the bud-ward-directed spindle pole ensures delivery of this spindle pole to the bud. Kar9 mediates alignment of the spindle with the cell polarity axis through a Myo2-dependent mechanism that reorients astral MTs toward the bud.  相似文献   

A predominant mechanism of spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) silencing is dynein-mediated transport of certain kinetochore proteins along microtubules. There are still conflicting data as to which SAC proteins are dynein cargoes. Using two ATP reduction assays, we found that the core SAC proteins Mad1, Mad2, Bub1, BubR1, and Bub3 redistributed from attached kinetochores to spindle poles, in a dynein-dependent manner. This redistribution still occurred in metaphase-arrested cells, at a time when the SAC should be satisfied and silenced. Unexpectedly, we found that a pool of Hec1 and Mis12 also relocalizes to spindle poles, suggesting KMN components as additional dynein cargoes. The potential significance of these results for SAC silencing is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetics and biochemistry of centrosomes and spindle poles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Dinkelmann MV  Zhang H  Skop AR  White JG 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1609-1620
During the development of multicellular organisms, cellular diversity is often achieved through asymmetric cell divisions that produce two daughter cells having different developmental potentials. Prior to an asymmetric cell division, cellular components segregate to opposite ends of the cell defining an axis of polarity. The mitotic spindle rotationally aligns along this axis of polarity, thereby ensuring that the cleavage plane is positioned such that segregated components end up in individual daughter cells. Here we report our characterization of a novel gene required for spindle alignment in Caenorhabditis elegans. During the first mitosis in spd-3(oj35) embryos the spindle failed to align along the anterior/posterior axis, leading to abnormal cleavage configurations. spd-3(oj35) embryos had additional defects reminiscent of dynein/dynactin loss-of-function possibly caused by the mislocalization of dynactin. Surprisingly, we found that SPD-3GFP localized to mitochondria. Consistent with this localization, spd-3(oj35) worms exhibited slow growth and increased ATP concentrations, which are phenotypes similar to those described for other mitochondrial mutants in C. elegans. To our knowledge, SPD-3 is the first example of a link between mitochondria and spindle alignment in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The microtubules dance and the spindle poles swing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Munro E 《Cell》2007,129(3):457-458
Using live imaging and computer simulation, Kozlowski et al. (2007) show that an interplay between spindle pole movements, microtubule dynamics, and microtubule bending contribute to asymmetric spindle placement in the C. elegans embryo.  相似文献   

In mitosis, kinetochores are initially captured by the lateral sides of single microtubules and are subsequently transported toward spindle poles. Mechanisms for kinetochore transport are not yet known. We present two mechanisms involved in microtubule-dependent poleward kinetochore transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. First, kinetochores slide along the microtubule lateral surface, which is mainly and probably exclusively driven by Kar3, a kinesin-14 family member that localizes at kinetochores. Second, kinetochores are tethered at the microtubule distal ends and pulled poleward as microtubules shrink (end-on pulling). Kinetochore sliding is often converted to end-on pulling, enabling more processive transport, but the opposite conversion is rare. The establishment of end-on pulling is partly hindered by Kar3, and its progression requires the Dam1 complex. We suggest that the Dam1 complexes, which probably encircle a single microtubule, can convert microtubule depolymerization into the poleward kinetochore-pulling force. Thus, microtubule-dependent poleward kinetochore transport is ensured by at least two distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Centriole number and the reproductive capacity of spindle poles   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The reproduction of spindle poles is a key event in the cell's preparation for mitosis. To gain further insight into how this process is controlled, we systematically characterized the ultrastructure of spindle poles whose reproductive capacity had been experimentally altered. In particular, we wanted to determine if the ability of a pole to reproduce before the next division is related to the number of centrioles it contains. We used mercaptoethanol to indirectly induce the formation of monopolar spindles in sea urchin eggs. We followed individually treated eggs in vivo with a polarizing microscope during the induction and development of monopolar spindles. We then fixed each egg at one of three predetermined key stages and serially semithick sectioned it for observation in a high-voltage electron microscope. We thus know the history of each egg before fixation and, from earlier studies, what that cell would have done had it not been fixed. We found that spindle poles that would have given rise to monopolar spindles at the next mitosis have only one centriole whereas spindle poles that would have formed bipolar spindles at the next division have two centrioles. By serially sectioning each egg, we were able to count all centrioles present. In the twelve cells examined, we found no cases of acentriolar spindle poles or centriole reduplication. Thus, the reproductive capacity of a spindle pole is linked to the number of centrioles it contains. Our experimental results also show, contrary to existing reports, that the daughter centriole of a centrosome can acquire pericentriolar material without first becoming a parent. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that the splitting apart of mother and daughter centrioles is an event that is distinct from, and not dependent on, centriole duplication.  相似文献   

Maly IV 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38921
Positioning of the mitotic spindle through the interaction of astral microtubules with the cell boundary often determines whether the cell division will be symmetric or asymmetric. This process plays a crucial role in development. In this paper, a numerical model is presented that deals with the force exerted on the spindle by astral microtubules that are bent by virtue of their confinement within the cell boundary. It is found that depending on parameters, the symmetric position of the spindle can be stable or unstable. Asymmetric stable equilibria also exist, and two or more stable positions can exist simultaneously. The theory poses new types of questions for experimental research. Regarding the cases of symmetric spindle positioning, it is necessary to ask whether the microtubule parameters are controlled by the cell so that the bending mechanics favors symmetry. If they are not, then it is necessary to ask what forces external to the microtubule cytoskeleton counteract the bending effects sufficiently to actively establish symmetry. Conversely, regarding the cases with asymmetry, it is now necessary to investigate whether the cell controls the microtubule parameters so that the bending favors asymmetry apart from any forces that are external to the microtubule cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The orientation of the mitotic spindle plays a key role in determining whether a polarized cell will divide symmetrically or asymmetrically. In most cell types, cytoplasmic dynein plays a critical role in spindle orientation. However, how dynein directs opposite spindle poles toward distinct and predetermined cell ends is poorly understood. Here, we show that dynein distributes preferentially to the spindle pole bodies (SPB) and astral microtubules (MTs) proximal to the bud in metaphase yeast cells. Dynein asymmetry depended on the bud neck kinases Elm1, Hsl1, and Gin4, on the spindle pole components Cnm67 and Cdk1, and on the B-type cyclins Clb1 and Clb2. Furthermore, phenotypic and genetic studies both indicated that dynein is unable to orient the spindle when it localizes to both poles and associated microtubules. Together, our data indicate that proper orientation of the spindle requires dynein to act on a single spindle pole.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the initiation of DNA replication and mitotic progression requires SKP1p function. SKP1p is an essential subunit of a newly identified class of E3 ubiquitin protein ligases, the SCF complexes, that catalyze ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of key cell-cycle-regulatory proteins at distinct times in the cell cycle. SKP1p is also required for proper kinetochore assembly. Little is known about the corresponding human homolog, p19(SKP1), except that it is expressed throughout the cell cycle and that it too is a component of an S-phase-regulating SCF-E3 ligase complex. Here we show by immunofluorescence microscopy that p19(SKP1) localizes to the centrosomes. Centrosome association occurs throughout the mammalian cell cycle, including all stages of mitosis. These findings suggest that p19(SKP1) is a novel component of the centrosome and the mitotic spindle, which, in turn, implies a physiological role of this protein in the regulation of one or more aspects of the centrosome cycle.  相似文献   

During sporulation in diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae, spindle pole bodies acquire the so-called meiotic plaque, a prerequisite for spore formation. Mpc70p is a component of the meiotic plaque and is thus essential for spore formation. We show here that MPC70/mpc70 heterozygous strains most often produce two spores instead of four and that these spores are always nonsisters. In wild-type strains, Mpc70p localizes to all four spindle pole bodies, whereas in MPC70/mpc70 strains Mpc70p localizes to only two of the four spindle pole bodies, and these are always nonsisters. Our data can be explained by conservative spindle pole body distribution in which the two newly synthesized meiosis II spindle pole bodies of MPC70/mpc70 strains lack Mpc70p.  相似文献   

We have examined the dynamics of the localisation of the polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) during maturation of the mouse oocyte. Levels of Plk1 protein increase following germinal vesicle breakdown, at which time the enzyme begins to accumulate at discrete positions on the condensing chromosomes and, subsequently, at the poles of the meiotic spindle, which moves towards the cortex of the egg. Interestingly, at metaphase in both meiotic divisions, Plk1 shows a punctate localisation along the broad spindle poles. Moreover, the punctate distribution of Plk1 on the meiotic chromosomes appears at early anaphase to correspond to the centromeric regions. The protein relocates to the spindle midzone during late anaphase and then associates with the midbody at telophase. We have confirmed the specific pattern of immuno-localisation seen in fixed preparations by observing the distribution of Plk1 tagged with green fluorescent protein in living oocytes. We discuss the localisation of the enzyme in light of the structure of the spindle poles, which are known to lack centrioles, and the highly asymmetric nature of the meiotic divisions. Received: 8 August 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1998  相似文献   

Tankyrase function at telomeres, spindle poles, and beyond   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hsiao SJ  Smith S 《Biochimie》2008,90(1):83-92
Telomeres have special needs; they require distinct mechanisms for their protection, replication, and separation at mitosis. A dedicated six-subunit protein complex termed shelterin attends to these needs. But shelterin cannot do it alone and often relies on recruits from other cellular locales. One such recruit is tankyrase 1, a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase that is brought to telomeres by the shelterin DNA binding subunit TRF1, where it functions in telomere length regulation and sister chromatid separation. An understanding of how tankyrase 1 functions at telomeres has been confounded by its complexity; it localizes to multiple subcellular sites, it has many diverse binding partners, and it has a closely related homolog (tankyrase 2) with which it may functionally overlap. This review summarizes our current knowledge of tankyrases focusing on their localization, binding partners, and function.  相似文献   

The pericentriolar material (PCM) that accumulates around the centriole expands during mitosis and nucleates microtubules. Here, we show the cooperative roles of the centriole and PCM scaffold proteins, pericentrin and CDK5RAP2, in the recruitment of CEP192 to spindle poles during mitosis. Systematic depletion of PCM proteins revealed that CEP192, but not pericentrin and/or CDK5RAP2, was crucial for bipolar spindle assembly in HeLa, RPE1, and A549 cells with centrioles. Upon double depletion of pericentrin and CDK5RAP2, CEP192 that remained at centriole walls was sufficient for bipolar spindle formation. In contrast, through centriole removal, we found that pericentrin and CDK5RAP2 recruited CEP192 at the acentriolar spindle pole and facilitated bipolar spindle formation in mitotic cells with one centrosome. Furthermore, the perturbation of PLK1, a critical kinase for PCM assembly, efficiently suppressed bipolar spindle formation in mitotic cells with one centrosome. Overall, these data suggest that the centriole and PCM scaffold proteins cooperatively recruit CEP192 to spindle poles and facilitate bipolar spindle formation.  相似文献   

NuMA is a large nuclear protein whose relocation to the spindle poles is required for bipolar mitotic spindle assembly. We show here that this process depends on directed NuMA transport toward microtubule minus ends powered by cytoplasmic dynein and its activator dynactin. Upon nuclear envelope breakdown, large cytoplasmic aggregates of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged NuMA stream poleward along spindle fibers in association with the actin-related protein 1 (Arp1) protein of the dynactin complex and cytoplasmic dynein. Immunoprecipitations and gel filtration demonstrate the assembly of a reversible, mitosis-specific complex of NuMA with dynein and dynactin. NuMA transport is required for spindle pole assembly and maintenance, since disruption of the dynactin complex (by increasing the amount of the dynamitin subunit) or dynein function (with an antibody) strongly inhibits NuMA translocation and accumulation and disrupts spindle pole assembly.  相似文献   

Anchorage of microtubule minus ends at spindle poles has been proposed to bear the load of poleward forces exerted by kinetochore-associated motors so that chromosomes move toward the poles rather than the poles toward the chromosomes. To test this hypothesis, we monitored chromosome movement during mitosis after perturbation of nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) and the human homologue of the KIN C motor family (HSET), two noncentrosomal proteins involved in spindle pole organization in animal cells. Perturbation of NuMA alone disrupts spindle pole organization and delays anaphase onset, but does not alter the velocity of oscillatory chromosome movement in prometaphase. Perturbation of HSET alone increases the duration of prometaphase, but does not alter the velocity of chromosome movement in prometaphase or anaphase. In contrast, simultaneous perturbation of both HSET and NuMA severely suppresses directed chromosome movement in prometaphase. Chromosomes coalesce near the center of these cells on bi-oriented spindles that lack organized poles. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy verify microtubule attachment to sister kinetochores, but this attachment fails to generate proper tension across sister kinetochores. These results demonstrate that anchorage of microtubule minus ends at spindle poles mediated by overlapping mechanisms involving both NuMA and HSET is essential for chromosome movement during mitosis.  相似文献   

Microtubules of the mitotic spindle in mammalian somatic cells are focused at spindle poles, a process thought to include direct capture by astral microtubules of kinetochores and/or noncentrosomally nucleated microtubule bundles. By construction and analysis of a conditional loss of mitotic function allele of the nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) protein in mice and cultured primary cells, we demonstrate that NuMA is an essential mitotic component with distinct contributions to the establishment and maintenance of focused spindle poles. When mitotic NuMA function is disrupted, centrosomes provide initial focusing activity, but continued centrosome attachment to spindle fibers under tension is defective, and the maintenance of focused kinetochore fibers at spindle poles throughout mitosis is prevented. Without centrosomes and NuMA, initial establishment of spindle microtubule focusing completely fails. Thus, NuMA is a defining feature of the mammalian spindle pole and functions as an essential tether linking bulk microtubules of the spindle to centrosomes.  相似文献   

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