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Although animals of many species kill and consume conspecifics, most such cases probably involve serendipitous encounters between the individuals concerned. In some taxa, however, cannibalism is an active process, with predatory individuals searching out and consuming specific types of conspecific prey items. Although anuran tadpoles often have been reported to consume conspecific eggs, this behaviour has been interpreted as a by‐product of usual foraging behaviours rather than a result of targeted searching. Our field and laboratory studies in tropical Australia show that the tadpoles of invasive cane toads Bufo marinus are strongly attracted to chemical cues from conspecific eggs; the effective cues are released late in embryonic development, as the jelly coat breaks down. Tadpoles of native Australian frog species were attracted to the eggs of toads only rarely. If deployed as bait in traps, chemical cues from toad eggs could provide a way to selectively remove toad larvae from waterbodies.  相似文献   

If invasive species use chemical weapons to suppress the viability of conspecifics, we may be able to exploit those species-specific chemical cues for selective control of the invader. Cane toads (Rhinella marina) are spreading through tropical Australia, with negative effects on native species. The tadpoles of cane toads eliminate intraspecific competitors by locating and consuming newly laid eggs. Our laboratory trials show that tadpoles find those eggs by searching for the powerful bufadienolide toxins (especially, bufogenins) that toads use to deter predators. Using those toxins as bait, funnel-traps placed in natural waterbodies achieved near-complete eradication of cane toad tadpoles with minimal collateral damage (because most native (non-target) species are repelled by the toads' toxins). More generally, communication systems that have evolved for intraspecific conflict provide novel opportunities for invasive-species control.  相似文献   

The predatory behavior of invasive species can affect their ecological impact, and offer opportunities for targeted control. In Australia, tadpoles of invasive cane toads(Rhinella marina) do not consume eggs of native anurans, but are strongly attracted to(and consume) newly-laid eggs of conspecifics; chemical cues from such eggs(or adult secretions) thus can be used to attract toad tadpoles to traps. Do other invasive anurans show similar selectivity? Our laboratory trials on a Chinese population of invasive American bullfrogs(Lithobates catesbeianus) revealed similar behaviors as exhibited by Australian cane toads. Bullfrog tadpoles rarely consumed the eggs of native anurans, but were attracted to both bullfrog eggs and bullfrog skin secretions. Although the attraction response was less intense in bullfrogs than in cane toads, it might nonetheless enable selective removal of bullfrog tadpoles from invaded sites.  相似文献   

The invasion of cane toads (Bufo marinus) across tropical Australia has fatally poisoned many native predators; the most frequent victims may be tadpoles of native frogs, which die when they consume the toxic eggs of the toads. Field studies have documented high and species‐specific mortality of tadpoles following toad spawning. To clarify the determinants of tadpole vulnerability, we conducted 1593 laboratory trials in which single tadpoles were exposed to 10 toad eggs, either with or without an alternative food source (lettuce). At least some tadpoles within all 15 species tested consumed toad eggs. Interspecific variance in survival rates (from 0 to >70%) was driven by feeding responses not by physiological tolerance to toxins: almost all native tadpoles that consumed eggs died rapidly. Tadpole mortality was decreased by the presence of an alternative food source in four species, increased in two species, and not affected in seven species. In three of four taxa where we tested both small (early‐stage) and large (late‐stage) tadpoles, both mean survival rates and the effects of alternative food on survival shifted with tadpole body size. Trials with one species (Limnodynastes convexiusculus) showed no significant inter‐clutch variation in feeding responses or tolerance to toxins. Overall, our data show that cane toad eggs are highly toxic to native anuran tadpoles, but that whether or not a tadpole is killed by encountering toad eggs depends upon a complex interaction between the native anuran's species, its body size, and whether or not alternative food was present. In nature, larval vulnerability also depends upon the seasonal timing and location of spawning events, and habitat selection and foraging patterns of the tadpoles. Our results highlight the complexity of vulnerability determinants, and identify ecological factors (rather than physiology or feeding behaviour) as the primary determinants of cane toad impact on native tadpoles.  相似文献   

Cannibalism among predators is a key intraspecific interaction affecting their density and foraging behavior, eventually modifying the strength of predation on heterospecific prey. Interestingly, previous studies showed that cannibalism among predators can increase or reduce predation on heterospecific prey; however, we know less about the factors that lead to these outcomes. Using a simple pond community consisting of Hynobius retardatus salamander larvae and their associated prey, I report empirical evidence that cannibalism among predators can increase predation on large heterospecific prey but reduce that on small heterospecific prey. In a field‐enclosure experiment in which I manipulated the occurrence of salamander cannibalism, I found that salamander cannibalism increased predation on frog tadpoles but reduced that on aquatic insects simultaneously. The contrasting effects are most likely to be explained by prey body size. In the study system, frog tadpoles were too large for non‐cannibal salamanders to consume, while aquatic insects were within the non‐cannibals’ consumable prey size range. However, when cannibalism occurred, a few individuals that succeeded in cannibalizing reached large enough size to consume frog tadpoles. Consequently, although cannibalism among salamanders reduced their density, salamander cannibalism increased predation on large prey frog tadpoles. Meanwhile, salamander cannibalism reduced predation on small prey aquatic insects probably because of a density reduction of non‐cannibals primarily consuming aquatic insects. Body size is often correlated with various ecological traits, for instance, diet width, consumption, and excretion rates, and is thus considered a good indicator of species’ effects on ecosystem function. All this considered, cannibalism among predators could eventually affect ecosystem function by shifting the size composition of the prey community.  相似文献   

Many organisms use inducible defenses as protection against predators. In animals, inducible defenses may manifest as changes in behavior, morphology, physiology, or life history, and prey species can adjust their defensive responses based on the dangerousness of predators. Analogously, prey may also change the composition and quantity of defensive chemicals when they coexist with different predators, but such predator‐induced plasticity in chemical defenses remains elusive in vertebrates. In this study, we investigated whether tadpoles of the common toad (Bufo bufo) adjust their chemical defenses to predation risk in general and specifically to the presence of different predator species; furthermore, we assessed the adaptive value of the induced defense. We reared tadpoles in the presence or absence of one of four caged predator species in a mesocosm experiment, analyzed the composition and quantity of their bufadienolide toxins, and exposed them to free‐ranging predators. We found that toad tadpoles did not respond to predation risk by upregulating their bufadienolide synthesis. Fishes and newts consumed only a small percentage of toad tadpoles, suggesting that bufadienolides provided protection against vertebrate predators, irrespective of the rearing environment. Backswimmers consumed toad tadpoles regardless of treatment. Dragonfly larvae were the most voracious predators and consumed more predator‐naïve toad tadpoles than tadpoles raised in the presence of dragonfly cues. These results suggest that tadpoles in our experiment had high enough toxin levels for an effective defense against vertebrate predators even in the absence of predator cues. The lack of predator‐induced phenotypic plasticity in bufadienolide synthesis may be due to local adaptation for constantly high chemical defense against fishes in the study population and/or due to the high density of conspecifics.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) form dense aggregations in the field, but the proximate cues eliciting this behavior are not well understood. We sampled water‐bodies in the Northern Territory of Australia, finding that the density of cane toad tadpoles increased with increasing temperature. Furthermore, we conducted laboratory experiments to explore the roles of biotic factors (attraction to conspecifics; chemical cues from an injured conspecific; food) and spatially heterogeneous abiotic factors (light levels, water depth, physical structure) to identify the cues that induce tadpole aggregation. Annulus and binary choice trials demonstrated weak but significant attraction between conspecifics. Tadpoles decreased swimming speeds, but did not increase grouping in response to cues from an injured conspecific. Larvae aggregated in response to abiotic cues (high levels of illumination and proximity to physical structures) and were strongly attracted to feeding conspecifics. Overall, aggregation by cane toad tadpoles is likely driven by weak social attraction coupled with a shared preference for specific abiotic features, creating loose aggregations that are then reinforced by movement toward feeding conspecifics.  相似文献   

Abstract Larvae of many anuran taxa display strong behavioural responses to chemical cues, including alarm signals from injured conspecific tadpoles. We exposed tadpoles and metamorphs from an Australian population of the invasive cane toad (Chaunus[Bufo] marinus) to a range of chemical stimuli and quantified their responses both in the laboratory and in the field. Filtered fluids containing scent cues from crushed conspecifics elicited strong avoidance from tadpoles, whereas other cues (e.g. scent of food, of native‐range fish or urodele predators, and thermal stimuli) did not. Apparent aggregation of tadpoles in response to scent cues proved to be an artifact of tank design, and was an indirect consequence of avoidance of those cues. Field trials confirmed that free‐ranging toad tadpoles and metamorphs avoided chemical cues from crushed conspecifics, suggesting that the chemicals inducing this response might provide an opportunity to develop targeted control methods for this invasive species.  相似文献   

Invasive species affect native ecosystems in a variety of ways, and the magnitude of impact may depend upon many factors. In an invading species such as the cane toad (Bufo marinus), the multiphasic life history creates a potential for impact to differ between life history stages. Previous research on the impact of cane toads in Australia has focused on fatal poisoning of predators that ingest terrestrial stages of the toad, but aquatic stages (eggs, larvae) are toxic also. We exposed nine native Australian fish species and one native Australian turtle species to the eggs and larvae of toads. Strong species differences were evident, both in palatability (propensity to attack the egg or larva), and in subsequent responses (e.g. taste and reject the item, vs. ingest it). Toad eggs were less likely than toad tadpoles to be attacked, but also less likely to be rejected before ingestion (probably because the non‐toxic jelly coat masks the presence of toxins in the ovum). As a result, predators were far more likely to be killed by ingesting toad eggs than toad tadpoles. Fortuitously, the spatial and temporal availability of toad egg masses restricts encounter rates with predators, so that overall ecological impact may be low despite the high vulnerability of a fish or turtle that encounters such an egg mass. Understanding such ontogenetic shifts in the nature of interactions and magnitude of impact is crucial if we are to understand the overall ecological impact of invasive species.  相似文献   

One of the many ways that invasive species can affect native ecosystems is by modifying the behavioural and ecological interactions among native species. For example, the arrival of the highly toxic cane toad (Bufo marinus) in tropical Australia has induced toad-aversion in some native predators. Has that shift also affected the predators’ responses to native prey—for example, by reducing vulnerability of native tadpoles via a mimicry effect, or increasing vulnerability of other prey types (such as insects) via a shift in predator feeding tactics? We exposed a native predator (northern trout gudgeon, Mogurnda mogurnda) to toad tadpoles in the laboratory, and measured effects of that exposure on the fish’s subsequent intake of native tadpoles and crickets. As predicted, toad-exposed fishes reduced their rate of predation on (palatable) tadpoles of native frogs (Litoria caerulea and L. nasuta). If alternative prey (crickets) were available also, the toad-exposed fishes shifted even more strongly away from predation on native tadpoles. Thus, invasion of a toxic species can provide a mimicry benefit to native taxa that resemble the invader, and can shift predation pressure onto other taxa.  相似文献   

Introduced species are frequently believed to have adverse effects on native biota and ecosystems. However, much of our knowledge of the ecological impacts of introduced species is anecdotal, and the mechanisms controlling these effects are often poorly understood. I used replicated artificial pond experiments to investigate the impact of eggs and hatchlings of the introduced toad Bufo marinus on populations of native anuran larvae (Limnodynastes ornatus and Litoria rubella) in Australia. Bufo marinus eggs and hatchlings are highly toxic to predatory native tadpoles. Under naturalistic conditions, populations of predatory L. ornatus tadpoles experienced significantly reduced survival when exposed to Bufo eggs and hatchlings. The impact of Bufo on L. ornatus survival was positively correlated with Bufo density. However, the toxic effects of Bufo on L. ornatus indirectly facilitated the survival of later-breeding L. rubella by altering predator-prey interactions between L. ornatus and L. rubella. Limnodynastes ornatus tadpoles are voracious predators of L. rubella eggs and hatchlings. Consequently, the negative impact of Bufo on populations of L. ornatus tadpoles reduced the intensity of predation by L. ornatus tadpoles on L. rubella eggs and hatchlings, thereby increasing L. rubella survival. The results demonstrate that B. marinus plays an important role in structuring native larval anuran communities via direct and indirect mechanisms, and that Bufo may have both negative and positive effects on populations of native anuran larvae. As far as I am aware, these are the first quantitative data to demonstrate that introduced fauna may affect populations of native biota via toxic effects.  相似文献   

The quality of breeding sites is of great importance for the reproductive success and accordingly the fitness of many animal species. Hence, individuals should decide carefully where to rear their offspring. Often parents have to account for multiple characteristics of habitat quality at once, which in turn might change over time. Specimens confronted with such variability may evolve the ability to display context-dependant decision plasticity. Anuran amphibians breeding in ephemeral pools largely face two risks for their offspring: desiccation and predation. The Neotropical poison frog Ranitomeya variabilis deposits both eggs and tadpoles in phytotelmata. These small tadpole nurseries lower the risk of offspring predation. However, because most poison frog tadpoles are cannibalistic, even these pools need to be surveyed for predators, and parents tend to avoid deposition with conspecifics. We tested if this avoidance behaviour does change in parental R. variabilis depending on seasonal circumstances. Over several months we provided the frogs the option to deposit their eggs or tadpoles in pools that did and did not contain chemical cues of cannibalistic conspecifics, respectively. During the rainy season, frogs strongly avoided conspecific cues for both eggs and tadpoles. Anyway, with the change to the dry season, parental preferences changed such that parent frogs were more likely to deposit tadpoles (but not eggs) in pools containing cues of conspecific tadpoles. We suggest that R. variabilis, a species that typically isolates its cannibalistic offspring, has evolved a plastic feeding behaviour with regard to the risk of phytotelmata desiccation. We interpret that parents provide older tadpoles with younger ‘trophic’ tadpoles in order to accelerate their development and save them from impending desiccation.  相似文献   

Adaptations to suppress the viability of conspecifics may provide novel ways to control invasive taxa. The spread of cane toads (Rhinella marina) through tropical Australia has had severe ecological impacts, stimulating a search for biocontrol. Our experiments show that cane toad tadpoles produce waterborne chemical cues that suppress the viability of conspecifics encountering those cues during embryonic development. Brief (72 h) exposure to these cues in the egg and post-hatching phases massively reduced rates of survival and growth of larvae. Body sizes at metamorphosis (about three weeks later) were almost twice as great in control larvae as in tadpole-exposed larvae. The waterborne cue responsible for these effects might provide a weapon to reduce toad recruitment within the species' invaded range.  相似文献   

Chemical signaling is a vital mode of communication for most organisms, including larval amphibians. However, few studies have determined the identity or source of chemical compounds signaling amphibian defensive behaviors, in particular, whether alarm pheromones can be actively secreted from tadpoles signaling danger to conspecifics. Here we exposed tadpoles of the common toad Bufo bufo and common frog Rana temporaria to known cues signaling predation risk and to potential alarm pheromones. In both species, an immediate reduction in swimming activity extending over an hour was caused by chemical cues from the predator Aeshna cyanea (dragonfly larvae) that had been feeding on conspecific tadpoles. However, B. bufo tadpoles did not detectably alter their behavior upon exposure to potential alarm pheromones, neither to their own skin secretions, nor to the abundant predator-defense peptide bradykinin. Thus, chemicals signaling active predation had a stronger effect than general alarm secretions of other common toad tadpoles. This species may invest in a defensive strategy alternative to communication by alarm pheromones, given that Bufonidae are toxic to some predators and not known to produce defensive skin peptides. Comparative behavioral physiology of amphibian alarm responses may elucidate functional trade-offs in pheromone production and the evolution of chemical communication.  相似文献   

Cannibalism, the act of preying on and consuming a conspecific, is taxonomically widespread, and putatively important in the wild, particularly in teleost fishes. Nonetheless, most studies of cannibalism in fishes have been performed in the laboratory. Here, we test four predictions for the evolution of cannibalism by conducting one of the largest assessments of cannibalism in the wild to date coupled with a mesocosm experiment. Focusing on mosquitofishes and guppies, we examined 17 species (11,946 individuals) across 189 populations in the wild, spanning both native and invasive ranges and including disparate types of habitats. We found cannibalism to be quite rare in the wild: most populations and species showed no evidence of cannibalism, and the prevalence of cannibalism was typically less than 5% within populations when it occurred. Most victims were juveniles (94%; only half of these appeared to have been newborn offspring), with the remaining 6% of victims being adult males. Females exhibited more cannibalism than males, but this was only partially explained by their larger body size, suggesting greater energetic requirements of reproduction likely play a role as well. We found no evidence that dispersal‐limited environments had a lower prevalence of cannibalism, but prevalence was greater in populations with higher conspecific densities, suggesting that more intense resource competition drives cannibalistic behavior. Supporting this conclusion, our mesocosm experiment revealed that cannibalism prevalence increased with higher conspecific density and lower resource levels but was not associated with juvenile density or strongly influenced by predation risk. We suggest that cannibalism in livebearing fishes is rare in the wild because preying on conspecifics is energetically costly and only becomes worth the effort when competition for other food is intense. Due to the artificially reduced cost of capturing conspecifics within confined spaces, cannibalism in captive settings can be much more frequent.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence on the determinants of prey vulnerability is scarce, especially for vertebrates in the field. Invasive species offer robust opportunities to explore prey vulnerability, because the intensity of predation on or by such animals has not been eroded by coevolution. Around waterbodies in tropical Australia, native meat ants (Iridomyrmex reburrus) consume many metamorph cane toads (Bufo marinus, an invasive anuran). We document the determinants of toad vulnerability, especially the roles of toad body size and ant density. Larger metamorphs were attacked sooner (because they attracted more ants), but escaped more often. Overall, smaller toads were more likely to be killed. Ant densities influenced toad responses, as well as attack rate and success. Data on the immediate outcomes of attacks underestimate mortality: more than 73% of apparent ‘escapees’ died within 24 h. Because mortality during this period was independent of toad size, predation was less size selective than suggested by immediate outcomes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 738–751.  相似文献   

Learning to avoid toxic prey items may aid native predators to survive the invasion of highly toxic species, such as cane toads Bufo marinus in tropical Australia. If the predators’ initial aversion is generalized, native prey that resemble the toxic invader may receive a benefit through accidental mimicry. What ecological factors influence the acquisition of learned avoidance (and hence, the impact of invasion on both predators and native prey)? We conducted laboratory experiments to evaluate how the relative abundance of toad tadpoles compared to palatable native tadpoles (Litoria caerulea and L. rubella) affected the ability of native aquatic predators to discriminate between these two prey types. Both fish (northern trout gudgeon, Mogurnda mogurnda) and frogs (Dahl's aquatic frog, Litoria dahlii) learned to discriminate between toads and frogs within an eight‐day period. Higher abundance of toad tadpoles relative to frog tadpoles enhanced rates of predator learning, and thus reduced predation on toads and increased predation on native tadpoles. In the field, spatial and temporal variation in the relative abundance of cane toads compared to native frogs may influence the rates at which these novel toxic items are deleted from predator diets, and the duration of predator protection afforded to natives that resemble the invader.  相似文献   

Jill DeVito 《Oikos》2003,103(1):75-80
Safety in numbers serves as an antipredator defense strategy in many organisms, as aggregation can reduce the probability of predation for individual group members. It has long been suggested that some organisms are under selective pressure to synchronize vulnerable life stages with conspecifics, but there have been very few experimental tests of this hypothesis. Furthermore, the role of aggregation of conspecific animals within cohorts during vulnerable life stages is poorly understood.
Previous studies indicate that predation pressure may select for synchronous metamorphosis and the subsequent formation of metamorphic aggregations in North American toad species. In a series of laboratory experiments, I demonstrated that 1) Bufo americanus tadpoles in the presence of a predator exhibit higher levels of aggregation than tadpoles maintained in the absence of predator stimuli, and 2) B. americanus exposed to predator chemical cues metamorphose more synchronously than control tadpoles. I also found that toads at the climax of metamorphosis exhibit higher levels of aggregation than pre-metamorphic individuals. These results support the hypothesis that predation pressure has played a role in selection for life stage synchrony, and that aggregation serves as an antipredator defense in animals with synchronous transitions.  相似文献   

  1. Laboratory experiments have shown that the viability of embryos of the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) can be reduced by exposure to chemical cues from older conspecific larvae. These effects (very strong in laboratory trials) may offer an exciting new approach to controlling this problematic invasive species in Australia. However, the degree to which the method works in natural environments has yet to be assessed.
  2. Our experiments in the laboratory and in seminatural outdoor waterbodies show that chemical cues from tadpoles do indeed suppress the growth, development, and survival of conspecific larvae that are exposed as embryos and do so in a dose‐dependent manner; higher tadpole densities cause greater suppression of embryos.
  3. In seminatural outdoor waterbodies, suppressor‐exposed tadpoles were less than half as likely to survive to metamorphosis as were controls, and were much smaller when they did so and hence, less likely to survive the metamorph stage. Additionally, female cane toads were less likely to oviposit in a waterbody containing free‐ranging (but not cage‐enclosed) tadpoles, suggesting that the presence of tadpoles (rather than the chemical cues they produce) may discourage oviposition.
  4. Broadly, our results suggest that the suppression effect documented in laboratory studies does indeed occur in the field also, and hence that we may be able to translate that approach to develop new and more effective ways to reduce rates of recruitment of peri‐urban populations of cane toads in their invasive range.

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