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The number of nerve cells in a given ganglion or nucleus is usually determined by counting the nucleoli in serial sections. The possibility that nucleoli may split and appear in more than one section is recognized as a source of error. A determination of the value of this error was made as follows; from nodose ganglia of four cats were cut serial transverse sections in which the sections varied in thickness. Thus from one ganglion, four sections were cut at 12 μ, then six at 9μ, and eight at 6μ. The process was repeated over and over until the entire ganglion was sectioned. The other ganglia were sectioned similarly. After mounting and staining, separate counts were made of the nucleoli of each given ganglion from the sections of different thicknesses. If nucleoli split according to theoretical expectations, the percentage of nucleoli split in thick sections should be less than the percentage split in thinner sections and the counts based on the sections of different thicknesses should vary accordingly. The results obtained indicate that the counts from thin sections do not differ appreciably from counts from much thicker sections, i. e., the thickness of the sections does not affect the count. It is, therefore, concluded that no correction should be made for split nucleoli if the sections are around 10 μ in thickness and none but distinct and definite nucleoli are counted.  相似文献   

Here, we report a novel method to produce microencapsulated enzymes using Saccharomyces cerevisiae spores. In sporulating cells, soluble secreted proteins are transported to the spore wall. Previous work has shown that the spore wall is capable of retaining soluble proteins because its outer layers work as a diffusion barrier. Accordingly, a red fluorescent protein (RFP) fusion of the α-galactosidase, Mel1, expressed in spores was observed in the spore wall even after spores were subjected to a high-salt wash in the presence of detergent. In vegetative cells, however, the cell wall cannot retain the RFP fusion. Although the spore wall prevents diffusion of proteins, it is likely that smaller molecules, such as sugars, pass through it. In fact, spores can contain much higher α-galactosidase activity to digest melibiose than vegetative cells. When present in the spore wall, the enzyme acquires resistance to environmental stresses including enzymatic digestion and high temperatures. The outer layers of the spore wall are required to retain enzymes but also decrease accessibility of the substrates. However, mutants with mild spore wall defects can retain and stabilize the enzyme while still permitting access to the substrate. In addition to Mel1, we also show that spores can retain the invertase. Interestingly the encapsulated invertase has significantly lower activity toward raffinose than toward sucrose. This suggests that substrate selectivity could be altered by the encapsulation.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are obligate symbionts that colonize the roots of over 80% of plants in all terrestrial environments. Understanding why AM fungi do not complete their life cycle under free-living conditions has significant implications for the management of one of the world's most important symbioses. We used (13)C-labeled substrates and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study carbon fluxes during spore germination and the metabolic pathways by which these fluxes occur in the AM fungus Glomus intraradices. Our results indicate that during asymbiotic growth: (a) sugars are made from stored lipids; (b) trehalose (but not lipid) is synthesized as well as degraded; (c) glucose and fructose, but not mannitol, can be taken up and utilized; (d) dark fixation of CO(2) is substantial; and (e) arginine and other amino acids are synthesized. The labeling patterns are consistent with significant carbon fluxes through gluconeogenesis, the glyoxylate cycle, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, non-photosynthetic one-carbon metabolism, the pentose phosphate pathway, and most or all of the urea cycle. We also report the presence of an unidentified betaine-like compound. Carbon metabolism during asymbiotic growth has features in between those presented by intraradical and extraradical hyphae in the symbiotic state.  相似文献   

The presence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood of cancer patients may guide the use of therapy. We investigated how to evaluate a reduction in the number of CTCs after administration of therapy. CTCs were enumerated with the CellSearch system in 111 metastatic breast and 185 metastatic prostate cancer patients before start of a new line of chemotherapy and after initiation of therapy. Different means to express changes in CTC counts were evaluated with respect to overall survival (OS). A static CTC cutoff is the best method to determine whether a therapy is effective. This is exemplified by the highest Cox hazard ratio of 2.1 for OS; three methods to express relative differences performed worse. A lookup table is provided from which the significance of a change in CTCs can be derived. The aim of therapy should be the elimination of all CTCs. A period of 10 to 12 weeks of therapy is needed to reach the treatment effect on CTCs.  相似文献   

Trehalose is absorbed by two distinct systems-one constitutive, the other induced by turanose and to a lesser extent by nigerose but not by trehalose. The constitutive system is apparently mediated by a surface trehalase; the induced system has the characteristics of a permease. The specificity of the induced system is apparently limited to the alpha glucosyl-glucose or glucosyl-fructose linkage, because absorption of kojibiose, nigerose, maltose, isomaltose, turanose, sucrose, and melezitose, in addition to that of trehalose, was increased. Absorption of beta-linked or of galactose-containing disaccharides was not increased. The constitutive and induced trehalose-absorbing systems differ in their activity, specificity, lability to acid treatment, effects of substrate concentration, and pH optima. Both systems require oxygen, and no marked differential effects of inhibitors were observed. The activity of the induced system is proportional to log turanose concentration (from about 1 to 300 mug/ml), and is an approximate linear function of time of exposure (from about 1 to 50 min). Accumulation of trehalose occurred against a concentration gradient in both systems but particularly in the induced. No leakage was observed. The activity of the induced system declined slowly upon removal of the inducer. Accumulated trehalose is metabolized after activation by azide as are the endogenous trehalose reserves. The accumulated trehalose appears to enter the endogenous trehalose pool found in these spores, although some data suggest it may be more accessible. Respiratory data indicate that absorbed trehalose is available for metabolism while in transit from the external membrane to the internal pool.  相似文献   

Background Muscle recovery following peripheral nerve repair is sup-optimal. Follistatin (FST), a potent muscle stimulant, enhances muscle size and satellite cell counts following reinnervation when administered as recombinant FST DNA via viral vectors. Local administration of recombinant FST protein, if effective, would be more clinically translatable but has yet to be investigated following muscle reinnervation. Objective  The aim of this study is to assess the effect of direct delivery of recombinant FST protein on muscle recovery following muscle reinnervation. Materials and Methods  In total, 72 Sprague-Dawley rats underwent temporary (3 or 6 months) denervation or sham denervation. After reinnervation, rats received FST protein (isoform FS-288) or sham treatment via a subcutaneous osmotic pump delivery system. Outcome measures included muscle force, muscle histomorphology, and FST protein quantification. Results  Follistatin treatment resulted in smaller muscles after 3 months denervation ( p  = 0.019) and reduced force after 3 months sham denervation ( p  < 0.001). Conversely, after 6 months of denervation, FST treatment trended toward increased force output ( p  = 0.066). Follistatin increased satellite cell counts after denervation ( p  < 0.001) but reduced satellite cell counts after sham denervation ( p  = 0.037). Conclusion  Follistatin had mixed effects on muscle weight and force. Direct FST protein delivery enhanced satellite cell counts following reinnervation. The positive effect on the satellite cell population is intriguing and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work has been the design and the realization of a Magnetostatic Field System for Exposure of Cell cultures (MaFiSEC) for the uniform and the reproducible exposure of cell cultures to static magnetic fields (SMFs) of moderate magnetic induction. Experimental and computer-simulated physical measurements show that MaFiSEC: i) generates a SMF with magnetic induction that can be chosen in the range of 3 to 20 mT; ii) allows the uniform SMF exposure of cells growing in adhesion and in suspension; iii) is cheap and easy to use. The efficacy and reproducibility of MaFiSEC has been tested by comparing the biological effects exerted on isolated human lymphocytes by 72 h of exposure to a magnet (i.e. Neodymium Magnetic Disk, NMD) placed under the culture Petri dish. Lymphocytes morphology, viability, cell death, oxidative stress and lysosomes activity were the parameters chosen to evaluate the SMF biological effects. The continuous exposure of cells to a uniform SMF, achieved with MaFiSEC, allows highly reproducible biochemical and morphological data.  相似文献   

Millions of tons of fungal spores are dispersed in the atmosphere every year. These living cells, along with plant spores and pollen grains, may act as nuclei for condensation of water in clouds. Basidiospores released by mushrooms form a significant proportion of these aerosols, particularly above tropical forests. Mushroom spores are discharged from gills by the rapid displacement of a droplet of fluid on the cell surface. This droplet is formed by the condensation of water on the spore surface stimulated by the secretion of mannitol and other hygroscopic sugars. This fluid is carried with the spore during discharge, but evaporates once the spore is airborne. Using environmental electron microscopy, we have demonstrated that droplets reform on spores in humid air. The kinetics of this process suggest that basidiospores are especially effective as nuclei for the formation of large water drops in clouds. Through this mechanism, mushroom spores may promote rainfall in ecosystems that support large populations of ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic basidiomycetes. Our research heightens interest in the global significance of the fungi and raises additional concerns about the sustainability of forests that depend on heavy precipitation.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin switching is largely complete in humans by six months of age. Among infants with sickle cell anemia (HbSS, SCA), reticulocytosis begins early in life as fetal hemoglobin (HbF) is replaced by sickle hemoglobin (HbS). The objective of this study was to determine if absolute reticulocyte count (ARC) is related to HbF levels in a cohort of pediatric SCA patients. A convenience sample of 106 children with SCA between the ages of 1 month and 20 years who were not receiving hydroxyurea or monthly blood transfusions were enrolled in this observational study. Hematologic data, including ARC and HbF levels, were measured at steady state. F-cells were enumerated by flow cytometry. Initial studies compared infants with ARC greater than or equal to 200 K/μL (ARC ≥ 200) based upon the previously reported utility of this threshold as a predictive marker for SCA severity. Mean HbF and F-cell levels were significantly lower in the ARC ≥ 200 group when compared to the ARC < 200 group. Both HbF and F-cell percentages were negatively correlated to ARC in infants and in children between the ages of 1 and 9 years. However, the inverse relationship was lost after the age of 10 years. Overall, decreased expression and distribution of HbF during childhood SCA is well-correlated with increased reticulocyte production and release into the peripheral blood. As such, these data further support the clinical use of reticulocyte enumeration as a disease severity biomarker for childhood sickle cell anemia.  相似文献   



Pill counts are often used to measure adherence to ART, but there is little data on how they affect adherence. We previously showed a bivariate relationship between clinicians counting pills and adherence in patients receiving HIV care in Kenya. We present a secondary analysis of the relationship between numbers of pill counts and clinical outcomes in resource limited settings


Patients initiating ART at Kijabe Hospital were monitored for the number of discretionary pill counts performed by their clinician in the first 6 months of ART. Subjects were followed for at least 1 year after enrollment. The number of clinician pill counts was correlated to ART adherence. The primary endpoints were time to treatment failure, defined as a detectable HIV-1 viral load, death; or loss to follow-up.


Clinician pill counts were done at 68% of clinic visits for 304 subjects. There was a positive correlation between the number of clinician pill counts and ART adherence (r = 0.21, p <0.001). Patients were divided into 3 groups (0 counts, 1 to 3 counts, 4 to 7 counts) and exhibited adherence of 76%, 84%, and 92%, respectively (p = 0.004). Time to treatment failure for these groups was 220 days, 438 days, and 497 days (P<0.01), respectively. Time to virologic failure in living patients remaining in the cohort was longer in those with more pill count (P =0.02). Multi-variate analysis adjusting for co-variates affecting time to treatment failure found that that clinician pill counts were associated with a decreased risk of treatment failure (HR = 0.69, p =0.04).


The number of clinician pill count performed was independently associated with better adherence and a decreased risk of treatment failure. The use of clinician pill counts should be further studied as an adherence promoter through a randomized clinical trial.  相似文献   

Microscopic, respirometric, and electronic sizing methods for measuring germination of fungal spores were compared. With the electronic sizing method, early stages of germination (i.e., spore swelling) were detected long before germ tube emergence or significant changes in respiratory rates were observed. This method, which is rapid, easy, sensitive, and reproducible, also permits measuring the germination of spores when similar-size particles are present in concentrations considerably in excess of the number of spores.  相似文献   



Sickle cell anemia has many sequelae that result in emergency department (ED) use, but a minority of patients with sickle cell disease are frequent utilizers and make up the majority of ED visits. If patients who are likely to be frequent ED can be identified in steady state, they can be treated with disease modifying agents in an attempt to reduce ED use frequency. We sought to identify steady state markers for frequent ED use.


We identified all patients with SS/Sβ0 seen at our facilities in 2012. Health care utilization over the entire year was calculated and ED visit numbers categorized as either 0–1, 2–5, or 6 or more visits a year. Steady state and acutely active laboratory parameters were collected and analyzed using analysis of variance models and odds ratios.


432 adult sickle cell patients were identified, ages 18–87, 54% female, and 38% had been prescribed hydroxyurea. Of the 432 patients,192 had 0–1 visits in the year, 144 had 2–5 visits in the year, and 96 had >6 visits for a total of 2259 visits. Those who had >6 visits accounted for 1750 (77%) of the total visits for the year. When steady state laboratory markers were examined, each additional 50x109/L platelets was associated with 22% greater risk (p < .001); each 1x109/L of WBC was associated with 11% greater risk (p = .003), and each 1g/dL Hb was associated with 23% lower risk (p = .007) of >6 ED visits/year. We did not observe a relationship between baseline HbF, LDH or reticulocyte count with >6 ED visits.


Patients with elevated white blood cell counts, elevated platelet counts, and low hemoglobin levels exhibited higher risk for frequent ED utilization and could be candidates for early and aggressive therapy with disease modifying agents.  相似文献   

In certain blood diseases, oscillations are found in blood cell counts. Particularly, such oscillations are sometimes found in chronic myelogenous leukaemia, and then occur in all the derived blood cell types: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It has been suggested that such oscillations arise because of an instability in the pluri-potential stem cell population, associated with its regulatory control system. In this paper, we consider how such oscillations can arise in a model of competition between normal (S) and genetically altered abnormal (A) stem cells, as the latter population grows at the expense of the former. We use an analytic model of long period oscillations to describe regions of oscillatory behaviour in the SA phase plane, and give parametric criteria to describe when such oscillations will occur. We also describe a mechanism which can explain dynamically how the transformation from chronic phase to acute phase and blast crisis can occur.  相似文献   

Somatic cell counts of 2570 milk samples from 765 cows collected bimonthly from November 1975 to May 1976 were transformed to logarithmic values and analysed statistically. Components of variance were estimated as follows: Herds 0.033 (13 %), age groups 0.021 (8%), cows (within herds and age groups) 0.080 (31%), months 0.014 (6%), residual 0.107 (42%). Correction of actual cell counts for the influence of milk yield on the day of sampling led to only small changes in the magnitude of the various components. The coefficient of correlation between samples from the same cow was computed as 0.60 when the samples were from the same lactation, and 0.37 for samples from consecutive lactations. The proportionately small variation among herds as compared to the variation among cows of the same herd throws doubt on the efficiency of cell counting in samples of herd milk as a way of identifying cows with high cell counts.  相似文献   

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