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Cdc37 is a molecular chaperone required for folding of protein kinases. It functions in association with Hsp90, although little is known of its mechanism of action or where it fits into a folding pathway involving other Hsp90 cochaperones. Using a genetic approach with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we show that CDC37 overexpression suppressed a defect in v-Src folding in yeast deleted for STI1, which recruits Hsp90 to misfolded clients. Expression of CDC37 truncation mutants that were deleted for the Hsp90-binding site stabilized v-Src and led to some folding in both sti1Delta and hsc82Delta strains. The protein kinase-binding domain of Cdc37 was sufficient for yeast cell viability and permitted efficient signaling through the yeast MAP kinase-signaling pathway. We propose a model in which Cdc37 can function independently of Hsp90, although its ability to do so is restricted by its normally low expression levels. This may be a form of regulation by which cells restrict access to Cdc37 until it has passed through a triage involving other chaperones such as Hsp70 and Hsp90.  相似文献   

The status of the otter (Lutra lutra) in the British Isles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
National field surveys for otters were carried out between 1977 and 1981. The species is apparently absent from large areas of England, although healthy populations still occur in the south-west. In many other areas, populations are isolated and fragmented and there is some evidence for continuing declines. In Wales the otter is rare or absent from the south and parts of the north. Healthy populations are present in the Highland Region of Scotland, on the north and west coasts and in the islands but there is evidence of a decline in the south and east-central lowlands. Otters are widespread and common in Ireland which sustains the best of the known populations in Europe.
Pollution by pesticides probably caused the initial rapid decline of the species but habitat destruction is increasingly important and where habitat is poor, human disturbance assumes greater significance. There is no evidence of competition with mink. The otter is now a protected species but if it is to recover some of its former range, remaining habitat must be retained.
While otter populations have decreased over much of northern Europe, the animal survives, albeit somewhat precariously, in a few southern parts of the continent.  相似文献   

Summary During the premetamorphic development of coleopteran telotrophic ovaries the culsters of sister oogonial cells, in which the differentiation of nurse cells and oocytes occurs, are arranged in linear chains. This results from a series of mitoses with the consistent orientation of the spindle parallel to the long axis of the ovariole. As a result of incomplete cytokinesis, the oogonial cells in each sibling cluster are linked to each other by intercellular bridges occupied by fusomes. As a rule, at each cluster division the basal cell (i.e. the oocyte progenitor) starts to divide first. From this cell a wave of mitoses spreads toward the anterior end of the cluster, resulting in a mitotic gradient. It is suggested that the failure of the fusomes in adjacent cells to fuse into one continuous fusome (i.e. polyfusome) allows the spindles to orientate with their long axes parallel to the long axis of the sibling cluster. This would explain why the oogonial divisions in coleopteran telotrophic ovaries generate linear chains of cells rather than the cyst-like arrangement which is typical for polytrophic sibling clusters. Dividing sibling clusters within ovarioles are arranged in bundles. The presence of intercellular bridges between sibling clusters seems to be the underlying cause of this nonrandom distribution of the mitotically active clusters. The transverse bridges have been found to occur between the basal cells as well as between the cells located more anteriorly in adjacent sibling clusters. The transverse bridges are filled with typical fusomes, which in more anterior parts of sibling clusters may fuse with the fusomes of adjacent sister oogonial cells into polyfusomes. The transverse bridges between the basal cells are incorporated in the oocytes. The pattern of sibling cluster formation described in this paper apparently occurs widespread in polyphagous Coleoptera, since it has been found in three relatively distantly related families.  相似文献   

A common approach for detecting genetic linkage using siblings is to collect affected sib pairs (ASPs) and to identify markers where allele sharing exceeds expectation. Alternatively, markers can be analyzed in discordant sib pairs (DSPs) for allele sharing below expectation. Relative to the ASP approach, according to Risch, the power of the DSP approach increases with sibling recurrence risk, the two approaches being equally effective at 50% recurrence risk. However, with many diseases associated with more moderate sibling recurrence risk, less emphasis has been placed on the use of DSPs and the development of the underlying theory. In this paper, we expand the work of Risch to provide a more general foundation for DSP studies, since power can be quite high under the appropriate conditions. For example, in some highly affected populations, such as the diabetes-prone Pima Indians, sibling recurrence risk can be very large and, thus, DSPs ideal. Similarly, as we show through simulation, DSPs are preferable for diabetic nephropathy due to a 70% recurrence rate among siblings with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Following the diabetic nephropathy example, we consider more systematically the situations in which DSPs can provide an efficient alternative to ASPs.  相似文献   

4 integrins (4β1 and 4β7) have been shown to mediate both cell-matrix adhesion to fibronectin and cell-cell adhesion to VCAM-1. These interactions have been suggested to contribute to hematopoiesis, lymphocyte homing, recruitment of inflammatory cells, neural crest cell migration and myogenesis. We report here the cloning of chicken 4 cDNA and its use to define the patterns of expression of 4 mRNA and protein in early chicken embryos (19-22 somite pairs), a stage at which neural crest cells can be examined at various points in their migration and somitic development and differentiation can also be observed at various stages. We observe widespread expression of both 4 mRNA and protein, although the patterns of steady state expression do not conform precisely. Many neural crest cells contain significant levels of 4 mRNA. Some neural crest cells express 4 protein but its expression is transient and/or limited to a subset of these cells. 4 is strongly expressed at both mRNA and protein levels by somitic cells and their derivatives in the sclerotome, dermatome and myotome and is also expressed in neural tube, otic placode, heart, gut endoderm and some other tissues. Comparison with the distributions of fibronectin shows that, although some 4 expression occurs in locations consistent with a role in cell-matrix adhesion to fibronectin, 4 is also expressed in other places where fibronectin is low or absent and a role for 4 in cell-cell interactions appears more likely.  相似文献   

There is clear evidence that significant quantities of lesions are induced in DNA by near-UV radiation and that these lesions, although susceptible to repair, may lead to cell death because of the simultaneous disruption of DNA repair systems by the same wavelengths. No particular DNA lesion can be linked to cell death in wild type strains. However, there are good grounds for speculating that a type of near-UV lesion exists which is rapidly "fixed" as a lethal event in cells as a result of the oxygen-dependent disruption of repair. There is a strong indication that the relative ability of various near-UV wavelengths to sensitize cells to heat, chemicals or other radiations is directly related to their efficiency in disrupting DNA repair systems in general. Some important specific questions remain. For example, it is important to ask why breaks formed at 365 nm and 405 nm, although apparently requiring a pol dependent pathway for their repair, do not produce the predicted lethal biological action in the strains tested. In general terms it is hoped to provide more comprehensive physico-chemical data in support of, or contradicting, the proposed model.  相似文献   

The terms senescence and programmed cell death (PCD) have led to some confusion. Senescence as visibly observed in, for example, leaf yellowing and petal wilting, has often been taken to be synonymous with the programmed death of the constituent cells. PCD also obviously refers to cells, which show a programme leading to their death. Some scientists noted that leaf yellowing, if it has not gone too far, can be reversed. They suggested calling leaf yellowing, before the point of no return, 'senescence' and the process after it 'PCD'. However, this runs into several problems. It is counter to the historical definitions of senescence, both in animal and plant science, which stipulate that senescence is programmed and directly ends in death. It would also mean that only leaves and shoots show senescence, whereas several other plant parts, where reversal has not (yet) been shown, have no senescence, but only PCD. This conflicts with ordinary usage (as in root and flower senescence). Moreover, a programme can be reversible and therefore it is not counter to logic to regard the cell death programme as potentially reversible. In green leaf cells a decision to die, in a programmed way, has been taken, in principle, before the cells start to remobilize their contents (that is, before visible yellowing) and only rarely is this decision reversed. According to the arguments developed here there are no good reasons to separate a senescence phase and a subsequent PCD phase. Rather, it is asserted, senescence in cells is the same as PCD and the two are fully synchronous.  相似文献   

Habitat selection as a source of biological diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Question: What are the conditions required for natural selection to produce phenotypes specially adapted to the various habitats available in nature? Model: Assume there are two habitat types and one or two phenotypes of the same or different species. The phenotypes do not recognize any spatial differences among patches of the same habitat type. Possible evolutionary winners can do better in one habitat only by relinquishing some ability in the other. Results: If only one phenotype is present, it will be an intermediate (unless one of the two habitat types is so rare and unproductive that its effects can be ignored by natural selection). Even if two phenotypes are introduced, natural selection should generally restore monomorphism if habitat selection is not ever favored (e.g. if search costs are high). But if search costs and environmental variation are zero, dimorphism can be expected. And if they are small, then although monomorphism is stable, its basin of attraction is small, and invasion by a second form (such as a sibling species) can provide the discontinuous jump needed to put the system in the other basin of attraction. Once there, dimorphic extremism coevolves. Each successful morph is as specialized as possible on one of the habitats. Competition between the morphs is eliminated. Environmental variation may constrict the basin, but once a point is captured by it, the system approaches dimorphic extremism anyway. In general, whatever promotes the behavior of habitat selection also promotes the evolution of extreme morphologies and physiologies.  相似文献   

Bovine and equine erythrocytes have been studied by three different surface modification techniques to investigate the accessibility of the surface components to the external medium. Lactoperoxidase labeling of equine erythrocytes results in a significant labeling of only one membrane component, a 100 000-mol.wt polypeptide corresponding to the membrane-spanning Component III of human erythrocytes. The major sialoglycoprotein of the equine erythrocyte is not labeled. This is in contradistinction to the situation for human and bovine cells, where both components are labeled. The equine membrane sialoglycoprotein is also not markedly affected by pronase, chymotrypsin or trypsin treatment of whole cells under the treatment conditions used, although it can be cleaved by pronase in isolated membranes. Experiments with the isolated glycoprotein show that its cleavage by trypsin is quite selective, whereas cleavage by pronase and chymotrypsin is much more extensive. Labelling of bovine red cells by galactose oxidase treatment followed by reduction with 3H-labeled borohydride yields radioactivity in only one major peak, that corresponding to the glycoprotein. Pretreatment of the cells with neuraminidase causes a dramatic increase in the labeling. Equine erythrocytes do not show significant labeling by this technique unless a neuraminidase pretreatment has been performed. Then only the major glycoprotein is labeled. Thus the equine glycoprotein is apparently inaccessible to the cell surface by standard surface modification methods, although it is clearly a surface component. These experiments point out some of the limitations of surface labeling and proteolysis methods in probing the accessibility of membrane components. The results suggest that the apparent inaccessibility of the equine glycoprotein is due partially to its structure and partially to its localization in the membrane.  相似文献   

This paper explores the validity of Hamilton's rule in the case of other-only altruism in which the benefits are shared by other members of the sibling group excluding the donor. It presents a model of competition between two alleles which code for different kinds of altruism. It derives a simple replicator equation for allele frequencies under conditions of strong selection. This equation does not depend on the size of the sibling group. In mathematical form, the equation is similar to Hamilton's original rule in the case of inbreeding, although the causal mechanism is different. The paper derives a simple criterion to determine whether there will be a polymorphism in which both alleles coexist permanently. Such an event is rare and victory will normally go to the allele with the higher value of 1/2b-c, where b is the total benefit which an offspring confers on its siblings and c is the cost to the donor. The paper also considers how an offspring will behave in particular circumstances. Using a specialized version of the basic model, it shows how, in the absence of polymorphism, natural selection should take the system towards the point of 50% marginal altruism. With this type of altruism, an offspring will perform any act for which the expected cost to the donor is at most half the expected benefit to its siblings. Acts which do not satisfy this criterion are not performed. This accords with Haldane's quip that he would sacrifice his own life for two of his brothers, but not for less. Numerical simulation is used to explore these issues in greater depth. The paper also examines briefly the implications of heterozygote advantage for Hamilton's rule. It concludes with a brief discussion of the connection between other-only altruism and whole-group altruism, in which the donor gains some benefit from its actions.  相似文献   

Lead ions at similar concentrations to those used for Gomori type phosphatase localization stain some parts of the vacuolar system, particularly compartments of the Golgi complex (GC) and isolation envelopes (im) in a characteristic way in both vertebrates and invertebrates. After fixation in 2.5% glutaraldehyde, lead citrate in acetate or aspartate buffer (pH 5.5-7.2) leaves the contents of GC cisternal compartments with a fine particulate stippling. In the fat body of Calpodes ethlius and in mouse pancreas the staining is faint but definite without further enhancement of contrast, although it is easily overlooked after section staining. The distribution of lead stain differs from that of the lead phosphate precipitated after Gomori type acid phosphatase reactions. Whereas lead stain may be in all GC and im compartments, acid phosphatase is restricted to the innermost saccules and nearby vacuoles. The compartment specific staining by led also differs from the generalized staining in all compartments given by uranyl. Thus the contents of luminal membrane surfaces of some parts of the vacuolar system can be characterized by their ability to bind lead. In cells where protein synthesis has been blocked by cycloheximide, secretory vesicles are absent and the RER and GC from the generalized staining in all compartments given by uranyl. Thus the contents of luminal membrane surfaces of some parts of the vacuolar system can be characterized by their ability to bind lead. In cells where protein synthesis has been blocked by cycloheximide, secretory vesicles are absent and the RER and GC from the generalized staining in all compartments given by uranyl. Thus the contents of luminal membrane surfaces of some parts of the vacuolar system can be characterized by their ability to bind lead. In cells where protein synthesis has been blocked by cycloheximide, secretory vesicles are absent and the RER and GC cisternae are devoid of uranyl stainable material. However, lead staining and acid phosphatase activity in the GC continue. We presume that they mark the environment within these cisternae rather than the proteins passing through them. This environment is itself not static. Several observations suggest that the function of cisternae that is detectable by lead staining is temporally discontinuous and related to a stage of maturation or development. Only early stage ims stain: the staining ceases by the beginning of autophagy after hydrolytic enzymes are presumed to have been added. Condensing vacuoles cease to stain as the central core crystallizes out. Stain may be absent from one or two GC saccules at any position in the stack as though the phase of lead staining (or lack or it) can move progressively through the system. We conclude that in studies characterizing components of the vacuolar system it is necessary to separate those that mark transient occupants of a compartment from those that mark the compartment itself. Both may vary temporally independently from one another.  相似文献   

Dyer  Andrew R. 《Plant Ecology》2004,172(2):211-218
Germination and emergence are stimulated by environmental cues, but strongly influenced by maternal controls. However, traits related to seed dispersal may have important influences on germination as well. For example, the sibling rivalry hypothesis suggests that germination may be inhibited when sibling seeds remain within a single dispersal unit. These two influences on germination suggest different, and possibly conflicting, evolutionary strategies for optimizing individual fitness. Using an invasive annual grass that produces dispersal units with dimorphic seeds, I found significant reductions in seedling emergence that suggested the presence of both strong maternal and sibling influences on the germination of the smaller seed of dimorphic pairs. Both influences were capable of nearly complete germination suppression of the small seed, but there was no strong evidence for a hierarchy among the two factors. The maternal effect is consistent with a bet-hedging strategy for survival in variable environments where resource availability can be unpredictable, but the sibling effect likely represents a mechanism for reducing competition between closely related individuals, particularly under conditions of resource limitation.  相似文献   

Tristetraprolin (TTP) is a zinc finger protein that can bind to AU-rich elements within certain mRNAs, resulting in deadenylation and destabilization of those mRNAs. Its physiological targets include the mRNAs encoding the cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. TTP was originally identified on the basis of its massive but transient increase in mRNA levels following mitogen stimulation of fibroblasts. It has been difficult to reconcile this transient mRNA profile with the presumed continuing "need" for TTP protein, for example, to reverse the effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated TNF secretion. To investigate this and other questions concerning endogenous TTP protein in cells and tissues, we raised a high titer rabbit antiserum against full-length mouse TTP. TTP could be detected on immunoblots of mouse cytosolic tissue extracts; it was most highly expressed in spleen, but its concentration in that tissue was only about 1.5 nm. TTP could be detected readily in splenic macrophages and stromal cells from LPS-injected rats. In both LPS-treated RAW 264.7 macrophages and fetal calf serum-treated mouse embryonic fibroblasts, TTP protein was stable after induction, with minimal degradation occurring for several hours after treatment of the cells with cycloheximide. The biosynthesis of TTP was accompanied by large changes in electrophoretic mobility consistent with progressive phosphorylation. Confocal microscopy revealed that TTP accumulated in a vesicular pattern in the cytosol of the LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells, and was occasionally seen in the cytosol of unstimulated dividing cells. Gel filtration of the endogenous protein suggested that its predominant structure was monomeric. TTP appears to be a low abundance, cytosolic protein in unstimulated cells and tissues, but once induced is relatively stable, in contrast to its very labile mRNA.  相似文献   

Compound eyes of the white-peach (wpch) mutant strain of Drosophila mauritiana have some pigment and receptor cells with wild-type eye color pigmentation. These eyes are mosaic, because excision of a transposable element reverts wpch to wild type during the development of somatic cells. Wild-type patches have three types of pigment granule residing in three respective cell types: primary pigment cells, secondary pigment cells, and retinula (visual receptor) cells. Most aspects of these granules, as well as all other aspects of compound eye ultrastructure, are exactly as in the better studied sibling species D. melanogaster. In the wpch parts of the eye, small and giant unpigmented "pigment granules" reside in secondary pigment cells. These white granules are just like the corresponding granules of w mutant D. melanogaster. Small vs. large patches of pigmented cells likely represent excision events occurring late vs. early respectively during development. Mosaics of eye color markers have been important in developmental analyses; the ease of constructing mosaics of D. mauritiana gives this preparation advantages for mosaic analyses.  相似文献   

Genomic instability is a highly pleiotropic phenotype, which may reflect a variety of underlying mechanisms. Destabilization has been shown in some cases to involve mutational alteration or inactivation of trans-acting cellular factors, for example, p53 or mismatch repair functions. However, aspects of instability are not well explained by mutational inactivation of trans-acting factors, and other epigenetic and cis-acting mechanisms have recently been proposed. The trans and cis models result in divergent predictions for the distribution of instability-associated genetic alterations within the genome, and for the inheritance of genomic instability among sibling sub-clones of unstable parents. These predictions have been tested in this study primarily by tracking the karyotypic distribution of chromosomal rearrangements in clones and sub-clones exhibiting radiation-induced genomic instability; inheritance of mutator phenotypes was also analyzed. The results indicate that genomic instability is unevenly transmitted to sibling sub-clones, that chromosomal rearrangements within unstable clones are non-randomly distributed throughout the karyotype, and that the majority of chromosomal rearrangements associated with instability affect trisomic chromosomal segments. Observations of instability in trisomic regions suggests that in addition to promoting further alterations in chromosomal number, aneuploidy can affect the recovery of structural rearrangements. In summary, these findings cannot be fully explained by invoking a homogeneously distributed factor acting in trans, but do provide support for previous suggestions that genomic instability may in part be driven by a cis-acting mechanism.  相似文献   

A current concern in genetic epidemiology studies in admixed populations is that population stratification can lead to spurious results. The Brazilian census classifies individuals according to self-reported "color", but several studies have demonstrated that stratifying according to "color" is not a useful strategy to control for population structure, due to the dissociation between self-reported "color" and genomic ancestry. We report the results of a study in a group of Brazilian siblings in which we measured skin pigmentation using a reflectometer, and estimated genomic ancestry using 21 Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs). Self-reported "color", according to the Brazilian census, was also available for each participant. This made it possible to evaluate the relationship between self-reported "color" and skin pigmentation, self-reported "color" and genomic ancestry, and skin pigmentation and genomic ancestry. We observed that, although there were significant differences between the three "color" groups in genomic ancestry and skin pigmentation, there was considerable dispersion within each group and substantial overlap between groups. We also saw that there was no good agreement between the "color" categories reported by each member of the sibling pair: 30 out of 86 sibling pairs reported different "color", and in some cases, the sibling reporting the darker "color" category had lighter skin pigmentation. Socioeconomic status was significantly associated with self-reported "color" and genomic ancestry in this sample. This and other studies show that subjective classifications based on self-reported "color", such as the one that is used in the Brazilian census, are inadequate to describe the population structure present in recently admixed populations. Finally, we observed that one of the AIMs included in the panel (rs1426654), which is located in the known pigmentation gene SLC24A5, was strongly associated with skin pigmentation in this sample.  相似文献   

One of the great unanswered questions in the biology of both plants and animals is “How do simple groups of embryonic cells develop into complex and highly structured organisms, or parts of organisms?” The answers are only beginning to be known; the processes involved include establishment of positional information, and its interpretation into patterns of cell division and cellular differentiation. One remarkable and attractive example of the formation of a complex structure from a simple group of cells is the development of a flower, with its characteristic types, numbers and patterns of floral organs. Because of the ease with which plants (especially the plantArabidopsis thaliana) can be manipulated in the laboratory, flowers provide a unique opportunity to learn some of the fundamental rules of development.  相似文献   

Conclusive in vivo evidence regarding the enzyme responsible for steroid hormone 5beta-reduction has not been obtained, although studies have suggested it may be the same enzyme as that utilized for cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic bile-acid synthesis. We have recorded the steroid metabolome of a patient with a defect in the "bile-acid" 5beta-reductase (AKR1D1) and from this confirm that this enzyme is additionally responsible for steroid hormone metabolism. The 13-year old patient has been investigated since infancy because of a cholestasis phenotype caused by bile-acid insufficiency. Several years ago it was shown that she had a 662C>T missense mutation in AKR1D1 causing a Pro198Leu substitution. It was found that the patient had an almost total absence of 5beta-reduced metabolites of corticosteroids and severely reduced production of 5beta-reduced metabolites of other steroids. The patient is healthy in spite of her earlier hepatic failure and is on no treatment. All her vital signs were normal, as were results of many biochemical analyses. She had normal pubertal changes and experiences regular menstrual cycles. There was no evidence for any clinical condition that could be attributed to attenuated ability to metabolize steroids in normal fashion. Both parents were heterozygous for the mutation but the steroid excretion was entirely normal, although an older female sibling showed definitive evidence for attenuated 5beta-reduction of cortisol. A younger brother had a normal steroid metabolome. The sibling genotypes were not available.  相似文献   

For many years, it has been known that archaic hominids had more robust long bones than do living populations, a fact that has been linked to their more physically strenuous lives. But many questions remain. How much stronger, for example, were Neanderthals than living humans? And what does this difference in strength tell us about the behavior of our ancestors? Recent research has shown that some of our earlier assumptions about robusticity and behavior in earlier humans are either simplistic or untrue. For example, it is now clear that although earlier humans were, on the average, stronger than living peoples, this is not invariably the case. Some modern human groups have even stronger humeri than those of Neanderthals. The fact that changes in robusticity do not always neatly coincide with subsistence or technological change suggests that interpretations derived in large measure from stone-tool technology and other artifactual evidence may be misleading. This new information on physical strength in earlier humans necessitates a reassessment of traditional ideas about earlier human behavior.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer (NK) cells use multiple mechanisms to destroy their target cells. Pore formation resulting in osmotic lysis of the target is one mechanism; the pore-forming protein (perforin) responsible for this activity has been purified. Antigenically and functionally it resembles proteins of the membrane attack complex of complement. The other known mediators of cytotoxicity appear to be closely interrelated. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), lymphotoxin (LT), and leukalexin are the three members of this group that have been purified, although their mechanisms of action are still unknown. CTLs fragment the DNA of target cells, as do TNF, LT, and leukalexin; this may be one of the mechanisms of action of these mediators. CTLs and NK cells do not self lyse. The basis of this phenomenon is unclear, although recent advances have shed some light on the problem.  相似文献   

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