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Measurements from mission specialists after space flights or from subjects subjected to head down tilt experiments have demonstrated a decrease in exercise performance. Similar decreases have been reported for rats that have participated in simulated microgravity studies using the head down-tail suspended method of Morey-Holton (HDS). Because it is unclear whether older animal populations would exhibit similar responses, we undertook a HDS study with Fischer 344 male rats.  相似文献   

Ten male volunteers underwent a period of prolonged bed rest. Four subjects performed exercise countermeasures 2-3 times per week, while 6 subjects received no countermeasures. After bed rest plantarflexor force declined significantly (P < 0.001) in both exercise (-42%) and control (-55%) groups. The internal architecture of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle was significantly altered. This was associated with a reduction in fascicle shortening during isometric contraction. Exercise countermeasures partially mitigated the loss of muscle force and function following 90 days of bed rest.  相似文献   

van Lier FL 《Cytotechnology》1996,20(1-3):305-309
Conclusion The insect cell as host for protein production is relative new. Therefore few data are available. This creates a vicious circle because it makes the choice of insect cells as basis for a pharmaceutical process less attractive. There are three main issues when comparing insect-cells to traditional systems as mammalian and bacterial cells. First, since the expression vector is not incorporated in the cells, a virus stock similar to the cell bank system has to be laid down and tested. This will cost time and money. Secondly the vector is subject to mutation and therefore the decrease in infectivity has to be characterized and validated. Third, the post-translational modification of the protein may differ. None of the mentioned issues, however, forms an obstacle that can not be overcome.  相似文献   

Fertilized eggs of chicken and quail were incubated under the simulated microgravity condition provided by a clinostat. The number of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) was counted in early embryogenesis, and the reproductive capacity of quail hatched following the simulated microgravity was investigated.Simulated microgravity caused significant decline of PGCs in the blood of early chicken embryos and in the gonads. The numbers of spermatogonia in the hatchling testis were also fewer than those in the control groups. Therefore, simulated microgravity may retard gonadial development and reduce the reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

During space flight the function of the immune system changes significantly. Several papers reported that postflight the number and the proportion of circulating leukocytes in astronauts are modified (Leach, 1992), the in vitro mitogen induced T cell activation is depressed (Cogoli et al., 1985; Konstantinova et al. 1993) and there are detectable differences in cytokine production of leukocytes as well (Talas et al. 1983; Batkai et al. 1988; Chapes et al. 1992). One of the possible modifying forces is the microgravity condition itself. Our aim was to analyse mechanisms responsible for changing leukocyte functions in low gravity environment. For terrestrial simulation of microgravity we used a Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS) developed by NASA. We investigated the effect of simulated microgravity on separated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We detected the populations of different cells by antibodies conjugated to fluorofors using a Flow Cytometer. Since space flight reduces the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes (Stowe et al., 1999) we supposed that apoptotic (programmed cell death) processes might be involved. This hypothesis was supported by the result of our earlier experiment demonstrating that simulated microgravity increased the level of secreted Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFalpha, a known apoptotic signal molecule) significantly (Batkai et al. 1999).  相似文献   

Effect of simulated microgravity on vascular contractility   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Microgravity was simulated inSprague-Dawley (SD) and Wistar (W) rats by using a tail harness toelevate the hindquarters, producing hindlimb unweighting (HU). After 20 days of HU treatment, blood vessels from both HU and control rats werecut into 3-mm rings and mounted in tissue baths for the measurement ofisometric contraction. HU treatment decreased the contractile responseto 68 mM K+ in abdominal aortafrom W rats. HU treatment also decreased the contraction to 68 mMK+ in carotid arteries from bothrat strains and in femoral arteries from W but not SD rats. HUtreatment reduced the maximal response to norepinephrine in allarteries except the femoral from SD rats. HU treatment reduced themaximal response of jugular vein from W rats to 68 mMK+ but had no effect on thatresponse in femoral vein from either rat strain. HU treatment also hadno significant effect on the maximal response to norepinephrine inveins. These results demonstrate that HU treatment caused a nearlyuniversal reduction of contractility in arteries, but generally had noeffect in veins.


组织工程是一门新兴的边缘学科,它是利用体外培养的人体功能细胞与适当的细胞外基质或支架材料相结合,然后将其移植到体内病损部位以期达到修复目的。微重力组织工程(Microgravity Tissue Engineering)是近年来由美国空间生物技术研究人员开创的一个独特研究领域,其核心技术是  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate whether simulated microgravity on thyroid carcinoma cells could help to perform in vitro cancer studies such as antitumor drug tests more reliable and to spare animal experiments. We cultured cancer cells at 0 g to enable formation of three-dimensional multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS), which will resemble the originating tumors. Under microgravity human follicular cells (ML-1 cell line) keep floating with-out stirring so that initial cell-cell interactions required for spheroid formation will be induced by forces due to biochemical components actually expressed on surfaces of cells, whereas gravity related push- or shear events will not influence MCTS formation. Within 12 hours of clinorotation the monolayer turned spontaneously into MCTS with remarkable features: An increase of extracellular matrix proteins and TGF-beta 1. Thyroglobulin, ft3 and ft4 secretion were markedly reduced. These data are in agreement with the observation that astronauts show low thyroid hormone levels after spaceflight.  相似文献   

Wang Y  An L  Jiang Y  Hang H 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29214
There have been many studies on the biological effects of simulated microgravity (SMG) on differentiated cells or adult stem cells. However, there has been no systematic study on the effects of SMG on embryonic stem (ES) cells. In this study, we investigated various effects (including cell proliferation, cell cycle distribution, cell differentiation, cell adhesion, apoptosis, genomic integrity and DNA damage repair) of SMG on mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells. Mouse ES cells cultured under SMG condition had a significantly reduced total cell number compared with cells cultured under 1 g gravity (1G) condition. However, there was no significant difference in cell cycle distribution between SMG and 1G culture conditions, indicating that cell proliferation was not impaired significantly by SMG and was not a major factor contributing to the total cell number reduction. In contrast, a lower adhesion rate cultured under SMG condition contributed to the lower cell number in SMG. Our results also revealed that SMG alone could not induce DNA damage in mES cells while it could affect the repair of radiation-induced DNA lesions of mES cells. Taken together, mES cells were sensitive to SMG and the major alterations in cellular events were cell number expansion, adhesion rate decrease, increased apoptosis and delayed DNA repair progression, which are distinct from the responses of other types of cells to SMG.  相似文献   

与在正常重力条件培养下的对照相比,经回转器水平回转处理的人参细胞鲜重和干重均增加,人参皂苷含量提高10%左右。在去Ca62+培养基上生长的人参愈伤组织细胞,经回转器水平回转3周后,人参皂苷含量约为正常重力条件下培养细胞的倍。另外,在试验范围内,如果培养基中直始钙离子浓度越高,则其培养的人参细胞中人参皂苷含量越低。  相似文献   

The effects of microgravity and hypergravity on aging are still poorly documented, particularly in mammals. However, there is a growing interest for the use of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, and this species may be now considered as a model organism in gravitational biology studies dealing with aging.  相似文献   

While microgravity exposure is known to cause deterioration of skeletal muscle performance, little is known regarding its effect on tendon structure and function. Hence, the aims of this study were to investigate the effects of simulated microgravity on the mechanical properties of human tendon and to assess the effectiveness of resistive countermeasures in preventing any detrimental effects. Eighteen men (aged 25-45 yr) underwent 90 days of bed rest: nine performed resistive exercise during this period (BREx group), and nine underwent bed rest only (BR group). Calf-raise and leg-press exercises were performed every third day using a gravity-independent flywheel device. Isometric plantar flexion contractions were performed by using a custom-built dynamometer, and ultrasound imaging was used to determine the tensile deformation of the gastrocnemius tendon during contraction. In the BR group, tendon stiffness estimated from the gradient of the tendon force-deformation relation decreased by 58% (preintervention: 124 +/- 67 N/mm; postintervention: 52 +/- 28 N/mm; P < 0.01), and the tendon Young's modulus decreased by 57% postintervention (P < 0.01). In the BREx group, tendon stiffness decreased by 37% (preintervention: 136 +/- 66 N/mm; postintervention: 86 +/- 47 N/mm; P < 0.01), and the tendon Young's modulus decreased by 38% postintervention (P < 0.01). The relative decline in tendon stiffness and Young's modulus was significantly (P < 0.01) greater in the BR group compared with the BREx group. Unloading decreased gastrocnemius tendon stiffness due to a change in tendon material properties, and, although the exercise countermeasures did attenuate these effects, they did not completely prevent them. It is suggested that the total loading volume was not sufficient to completely prevent alterations in tendon mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular adaptations observed during exposure to microgravity results in impairment of baroreflex activity partially as a result of fluid and electrolyte shifts. The head-down tilt rat model mimics some of the physiological observations that have been made in astronauts. We examined the effects of salt-loading on baroreflex activity after 7 day simulated microgravity (30 degrees tail-suspension) and the subsequent 6 hr post-suspension in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, using low salt (0.3% NaCl) and high salt (8% NaCl) diets. In suspended animals on a low salt diet, the baroreflex response curve was shifted to the left, while the heart rate (HR) range and MAP50 values were reduced compared to their parallel tethered, non-suspended controls. For non-suspended animals, salt-loading shifted the curve to the right with a reduced HR range. In salt-loaded, suspended animals, the curve and its parameters resemble those of non-suspended animals on a low salt diet. In summary, these data have demonstrated that a short-term (seven days) simulated weightlessness may elicit cardiovascular deconditioning in rats after release from the simulation manifested as an altered responsiveness in baroreceptor-heart rate reflex and a lowered blood pressure while the rats are tethered and horizontal. Our results also suggest the counteracting effect of salt loading on cardiovascular deconditioning.  相似文献   

The effects of clinorotation on the 3 varieties of the wheat plants were studied. The chlorophyll content, photochemical activity of the chloroplasts and changes in wheat streak mosaik virus (WSMV) were analysed. It is established that photosynthetic apparatus in wheat plants, particularly in bred Apogee variety, possesses considerable adaptation potential for the cultivation of plants under the spaceflight conditions.  相似文献   

During space flight immunity is altered. This phenomenon is partly due to the microgravity condition itself. Our earlier space experiments (INTERFERON) indicated that microgravity has a significant effect at the cellular level. In our subsequent terrestrial studies we applied the Rotating Cell Culture System (RCCS) developed by NASA to mimick microgravity on ground. Previously we reported that human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCS) respond to simulated microgravity conditions with elevated tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production. We extended our investigations to the production of interleukin (IL)-12 under modelled microgravity conditions by separated PBMCs. In simulated microgravity we found significantly elevated level of secreted IL-12 compared to static, standard tissue culture conditions. Following a maximum of TNF-alpha production at 24 hours, the peak of IL-12 production was observed at 48 hours after the start of the experiment. Our results suggest that simulated microgravity favors the establishment of a Th1 type cytokine response.  相似文献   

Based on the few reports available, microgravity (MG) can have adverse effects on the early development of vascularised extra-embryonic membranes in avian eggs. Whether gravity or oxygen availability is the stimulus for development of the blood vessels in the chorioallantoic membranes (CAM) remains unclear. Under gravity the blastoderm forms on top of the yolk sac, closest to the oxygen rich region beneath the shell membranes, and from there the CAM buds from an abdominal extension subsequently to form a close contact with shell membranes. Then as the embryo develops it spreads beneath the eggshell surface to maximise the surface area of the CAM vascular bed available for O2 uptake. To investigate how simulated MG influences development of the CAM and embryo we conducted experiments on chicken embryos during incubation in a 3D-clinostat (control or continuous MG treatment at 5 rpm). Further, to determine if CAM angiogenesis is directed towards regions of high O2 tension or gravity we investigated the effects of wax treatment (50% shell surface area) on development in MG. We found that clinostat MG caused embryonic failure between day 0-5 by preventing normal development of CAM-shell membrane complex. Thereafter acute MG promoted increases in CAM mass, but did not affect embryo mass. Preliminary findings suggest that combined acute MG and wax treatment did not significantly affect embryonic growth in either MG or control groups, but retarded CAM growth in control embryos only. Finally, we will present evidence to show that acute and prolonged exposure to MG does not prevent normal growth and hatching, but might have more subtle effects on hatchling physiology, including reduced heart mass.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated microgravity conditions, using a three-dimensional clinostat (Random Positioning Machine, RPM), on carrageenin-induced paw oedema in rats as a model of local inflammation were evaluated. RPM-exposed animals showed a significant reduction of oedema and a more pronounced decrease in body weight with respect to control groups. Moreover, aspirine (ASA) treatment, an anti-inflammatory agent, on RPM-exposed rats did not exhibit any activity after carrageenin challenge with respect to RPM control animals on the ground. ASA activity on RPM could be prevented by RPM-induced anti-oedematous effect. RPM-induced anti-oedematous effect did not reversed by pre-treatment with the non-selective glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, mifepristone ruling out the supposed influence of an of cortisol release during the RPM treatment.  相似文献   

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