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基因组装技术是合成生物学领域近年来发展起来的新型技术。它基于大规模基因组数据分析,发现新型的或隐藏的生物活性物质合成基因簇。利用基因组装技术,可提高或激活沉默的生物合成基因簇在微生物中的表达,从而合成潜在的、有价值的生物活性物质。本文旨在阐明最新的体内和体外基因组装技术的设计原理、关键策略及其应用。基因组装技术是合成生物学、代谢工程和功能基因组学研究的重要工具,对生物活性物质的高效生产及合成具有重要意义。  相似文献   

 In this report we study the regulation of premeiotic DNA synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DNA replication was monitored by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis and by analyzing the pattern of expression of the DNA polymerase α-primase complex. Wild-type cells and cells lacking one of the two principal regulators of meiosis, Ime1 and Ime2, were compared. We show that premeiotic DNA synthesis does not occur in ime1Δ diploids, but does occur in ime2Δ diploids with an 8–9 h delay. At late meiotic times, ime2Δ diploids exhibit an additional round of DNA synthesis. Furthermore, we show that in wild-type cells the B-subunit of DNA polymerase α is phosphorylated during premeiotic DNA synthesis, a phenomenon that has previously been reported for the mitotic cell cycle. Moreover, the catalytic subunit and the B-subunit of DNA polymerase α are specifically degraded during spore formation. Phosphorylation of the B-subunit does not occur in ime1Δ diploids, but does occur in ime2Δ diploids with an 8–9 h delay. In addition, we show that Ime2 is not absolutely required for commitment to meiotic recombination, spindle formation and nuclear division, although it is required for spore formation. Received: 20 February 1996 / Accepted: 7 June 1996  相似文献   

 Carbon and nitrogen regulation of UBI4, the stress-inducible polyubiquitin gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was investigated using a UBI4 promoter-LacZ fusion gene (UBI4-LacZ). Expression of this gene in cells grown on different media indicated that the UBI4 promoter is more active during growth on respiratory than on fermentable carbon sources but is not subject to appreciable control by nitrogen catabolite repression. UBI4-LacZ expression was virtually identical in cells having constitutively high (ras2, sra1-13) or constitutively low (ras2) levels of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity, indicating that this kinase does not exert a major influence on UBI4 expression. Catabolite derepression control of the UBI4 promoter was confirmed by measurements of UBI4-LacZ expression in hap mutant and wild-type strains before and after transfer from glucose to lactate. Mutagenesis of the perfect consensus for HAP2/3/4 complex binding at position −542 resulted in considerable reduction of UBI4 promoter derepression with respiratory adaptation in HAP wild-type cells and abolished the reduced UBI4-LacZ derepression normally seen when aerobic cultures of the hap1 mutant are transferred from glucose to lactate. This HAP2/3/4 binding site is therefore a major element contributing to catabolite derepression of the UBI4 promoter, although data obtained with hap1 mutant cells indicated that HAP1 also contributes to this derepression. The HAP2/3/4 and HAP1 systems are normally found to activate genes for mitochondrial (respiratory) functions. Their involvement in mediating higher activity of the UBI4 promoter during respiratory growth may reflect the contribution of UBI4 expression to tolerance of oxidative stress. Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 20 August 1996  相似文献   

Allelic recombination has previously been shown to increase the GC-content of the sequences of a wide variety of eukaryotic species. Ectopic recombination between clustered tandemly repeated genes has also been shown to increase their GC-content. Here we show that gene conversions between the dispersed genes found in the duplicated regions of the yeast and Arabidopsis genomes also increase their GC-content when these genes are more than 88% similar.  相似文献   

Structural genomics requires the application of a standardised process for overexpression of soluble proteins that allows high-throughput purification and analysis of protein products. We have developed a highly parallel approach to protein expression, including the simultaneous expression screening of a large number of cDNA clones in an appropriate vector system and the use of a protease-deficient host strain. A set of 221 human genes coding for proteins of various sizes with unknown structures was selected to evaluate the system. We transferred the cDNAs from an E. coli vector to the yeast expression vector by recombinational cloning, avoiding time-consuming recloning steps and the use of restriction enzymes in the cloning process. The subcloning yield was 95%, provided that a PCR fragment of the correct size could be obtained. Sixty percent of these proteins were expressed as soluble products at detectable levels and 48% were successfully purified under native conditions using the His6 tag fusion.The advantages of the developed yeast-based expression system are the ease of manipulation and cultivation of S. cerevisiae in the same way as with prokaryotic hosts and the ability to introduce post-translational modifications of proteins if required, thus being an attractive system for heterologous expression of mammalian proteins. The expression clones selected in this screening process are passed on to the fermentation process in order to provide milligram amounts of proteins for structure analysis within the Berlin Protein Structure Factory. All data generated is stored in a relational database and is available on our website(http://www.proteinstrukturfabrik.de).  相似文献   

调控通路内基因表达的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李传星  李霞  郭政  宫滨生  屠康 《遗传》2004,26(6):929-933
本研究从基因表达调控通路的角度分析了基因功能与基因表达之间的关系,利用7套酿酒酵母基因芯片表达谱数据和通路数据库(KEGG和CYGD)所提供的信息,应用我们研制的Genehub软件分析研究了同一基因表达调控通路内的基因在mRNA表达水平上的相关性,共涉及16条通路,495个基因。通过Pearson相关系数和Spearman相关系数两种相似性测度的分析,我们发现有94%(15条)的基因表达调控通路内的基因在大于等于4套的表达谱数据中是共表达的,以上结果从基因表达调控通路的角度,证实了基因功能与基因表达之间存在着一定的相关性。  相似文献   

A DNA fragment homologous to the homothallism (HO) gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from Saccharomyces paradoxus and was found to contain an open reading frame that was 90.9% identical to the coding sequence of the S. cerevisiae HO gene. The putative HO gene was shown to induce diploidization in a heterothallic haploid strain from S. cerevisiae. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the coding and 5'-upstream regulatory regions from five Saccharomyces sensu stricto HO genes have coevolved, and that S. paradoxus is phylogenetically closer to S. cerevisiae than to S. bayanus. Finally, heterothallic haploid strains were isolated from the original homothallic type strain of S. paradoxus by disrupting the S. paradoxus HO gene with the S. cerevisiae URA3 gene.  相似文献   

Oenococcus oeni exhibited extracellular β (1→3) glucanase activity. This activity increased when cells were cultivated with glycosidic cell-wall macromolecules. In addition, the culture supernatant of the organism effectively lysed viable or dead cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This lytic activity appeared in the early stationary phase of bacterial growth. Yeast cells at the end of the log phase of growth were the most sensitive. The optimum temperature for lysis of viable yeast cells was 40°C, which is very different from the temperatures observed in enological conditions (15–20°C). Moreover, the rate of the lytic activity was significantly lower in comparison with yeast cell wall-degrading activities previously measured in various other microorganisms. Therefore, yeast cell death that is sometimes observed during the alcoholic fermentation could hardly be attributed to the lytic activity of O. oeni. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 193–197. Received 27 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 14 July 2000  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation can arise from differences in the protein coding sequence and in the regulatory elements. However, little is known about the contribution of regulatory difference to the expression divergence, especially the cis and trans regulatory variation to the expression divergence in intraspecific populations. In this study, we used two different yeast strains, BY4743 and RM11‐1a/α, to study the regulatory variation to the expression divergence between BY and RM under oxidative stress condition. Our results indicated that the expression divergence of BY and RM is mainly due to trans regulatory variations under both normal and oxidative stress conditions. However, cis regulatory variation seems to play a very important role in oxidative stress response in yeast because 36% of genes showed an increase in cis regulatory variation effect compared with 13% of genes that showed an increase in trans regulatory variation effect after oxidative stress. Our data also indicated that genes located on the longer arm of the chromosomes are more susceptible to cis variation effect under oxidative stress than genes on the shorter arm of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

Duplication, resulting in gene redundancy, is well known to be a driving force of evolutionary change. Gene families are therefore useful targets for approaching genome evolution. To address the gene death process, we examined the fate of the 10-member-large S288C DUP240 family in 15 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Using an original three-step method of analysis reported here, both slightly and highly degenerate DUP240 copies, called pseudo-open reading frames (ORFs) and relics, respectively, were detected in strain S288C. It was concluded that two previously annotated ORFs correspond, in fact, to pseudo-ORFs and three additional relics were identified in intergenic areas. Comparative intraspecies analysis of these degenerate DUP240 loci revealed that the two pseudo-ORFs are present in a nondegenerate state in some other strains. This suggests that within a given gene family different loci are the target of the gene erasure process, which is therefore strain dependent. Besides, the variable positions observed indicate that the relic sequence may diverge faster than the flanking regions. All in all, this study shows that short conserved protein motifs provide a useful tool for detecting and accurately mapping degenerate gene remnants. The present results also highlight the strong contribution of comparative genomics for gene relic detection because the possibility of finding short conserved protein motifs in intergenic regions (IRs) largely depends on the choice of the most closely related paralog or ortholog. By mapping new genetic components in previously annotated IRs, our study constitutes a further refinement step in the crucial stage of genome annotation and provides a strategy for retracing ancient chromosomal reshaping events and, hence, for deciphering genome history.  相似文献   

以啤酒酵母G-03为模板,扩增得到铜抗性基因(cup 1)和β-葡聚糖合成酶基因(fks 1)。将fks 1连接pMD-18T Vector得到重组质粒pTK,重组质粒pTK和cup1经Bgl Ⅱ、Sal Ⅰ酶切后连接得到重组质粒pKC。Bam HI酶切重组质粒pKC得到以fks 1为整合位点包含cup1的基因片段fks 1::cup1。用此片段转化啤酒酵母工业菌株G-03,通过硫酸铜抗性筛选得到一株啤酒酵母工程菌G-03/C。工程菌连续传代10次后依然能在筛选平板上生长,遗传稳定性良好。主酵结束G-03/C和G-03的辛酸和癸酸含量基本相同。25℃诱导自溶20 d,G-03/C的辛酸、癸酸分别下降57.3%、81.8%,自溶性能减弱。G-03/C的死亡率、双乙酰、浊度及TBA均较原菌有所下降。G-03/C与G-03酿制成品啤酒的常规指标没有较大差别,品评结果表明,G-03/C风味更优。  相似文献   

Summary.  The structure and functioning of the cytoskeleton is controlled and regulated by cytoskeleton-associated proteins. Fused to the green-fluorescent protein (GFP), these proteins can be used as tools to monitor changes in the organisation of the cytoskeleton in living cells and tissues in different organisms. Since the localisation of a specific cytoskeleton protein may indicate a particular function for the associated cytoskeletal element, studies of cytoskeleton-binding proteins fused to GFP may provide insight into the organisation and functioning of the cytoskeleton. In this article, we focused on two animal proteins, human T-plastin and bovine tau, and studied the distribution of their respective GFP fusions in animal COS cells, plant epidermal cells (Allium cepa), and yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Plastin-GFP localised preferentially to membrane ruffles, lamellipodia and focal adhesion points in COS cells, to the actin filament cytoskeleton within cytoplasmic strands in onion epidermal cells, and to cortical actin patches in yeast cells. Thus, in these 3 very different types of cells plastin-GFP associated with mobile structures in which there are high rates of actin turnover. Chemical fixation was found to drastically alter the distribution of plastin-GFP. Tau-GFP bound to microtubules in COS cells and onion epidermal cells but failed to bind to yeast microtubules. Thus, animal and plant microtubules appear to have a common tau binding site which is absent in yeast. We conclude that the study of the distribution patterns of microtubule- and actin-filament-binding proteins fused to GFP in heterologous systems should be a valuable tool in furthering our knowledge about cytoskeleton function in eukaryotic cells. Received January 12, 2002; accepted March 7, 2002; published online June 24, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints (present address): Institute of Botany, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany. Abbreviation: smRS-GFP soluble modified red-shifted GFP.  相似文献   

RNA沉默技术作为探索基因功能的实验手段应用于多种生物.以编码酿酒酵母NADPH依赖型醛糖还原酶的GRE3基因为对象,检测酿酒酵母双链RNA介导的基因沉默效应.以pESC-LEU为骨架,构建重组质粒psiLENT-GRE3并用于转化酿酒酵母YPH499.用RT-PCR检测到诱导1 kb RNA双螺旋和136 bp loop结构引起的GRE3基因表达下调.结果表明,双链RNA介导的基因沉默技术,能够用作降低酿酒酵母某一特定基因表达水平的工具.并有助于理解芽殖酵母的RNA干扰现象.  相似文献   

Abstract In a cadmium-resistant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae , cells are protected against cadmium toxicity by the production of large amounts of cadmium-binding metallothionein, as occurs similarly in a copper-resistant strain. The apoprotein of the metallothionein is encoded by the CUP1 gene on chromosome VIII. The CUP1 gene is present as 8–10 copies in the cadmium-resistant strain as a result of tandem repeat of a 2.0-kb fragment of DNA that includes CUP1 , while the wild-type strain contains only a single copy of CUP1 . In the cadmium-resistant strain, some evidence for elongation of chromosome VIII with variations in length (maximum to 200 kb) was obtained. However, the elongation was not due to the tandem repeats of the CUP1 -containing region.  相似文献   

Abstract The S -adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) analog Sinefungin (SF) caused actively dividing cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to arrest within one cell cycle as unbudded cells. Reciprocal shift experiments showed that these cells were blocked in performance of the cell cycle regulatory step "start". Both protein and RNA synthesis rates were only moderately affected during SF-mediated cell cycle arrest; these results indicate that SF provokes a different sort of metabolic response than found upon treatment with other "start"-arrest compounds.  相似文献   

基因打靶技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因打靶在人类遗传病动物模型的构建,基因治疗和基因功能研究等方面都有重要的作用。本文综述了一些常用的基因打靶策略,并对这些技术的研究进展作一介绍。  相似文献   

Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with inactivated endopolyphosphatase gene PPN1 did not grow on lactate and ethanol, and stopped growth on glucose earlier than the parent strain. Their mitochondria were defective in respiration functions and in metabolism of inorganic polyphosphates. The PPN1 mutants lacked exopolyphosphatase activity and possessed a double level of inorganic polyphosphates in mitochondria. The average chain length of mitochondrial polyphosphates at the stationary growth stage on glucose was about 15-20 and about 130-180 phosphate residues in the parent strain and PPN1 mutants, respectively. Inactivation of the PPX1 gene encoding exopolyphosphatase had no effect on respiration functions and on polyphosphate level and chain length in mitochondria.  相似文献   

We have identified a sequencing error in the neutral trehalase-encoding gene NTH1 [Kopp et al., J. Biol. Chem. 268 (1993) 4766-4774]. This error extends the deduced amino acid (aa) sequence at the N terminus by 58 aa. The biological implications of this include the presence of an additional phosphorylation site, which is believed to regulate trehalose hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The identification of cis-sequences responsible for spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression often requires the functional analysis of large genomic regions. In this study a 100-kb zebrafish Hoxa-11b-lacZ reporter gene was constructed and expressed in transgenic mice. PAC clone 10-O19, containing a portion of the zebrafish HoxA-b cluster, was captured into the yeast-bacterial shuttle vector, pPAC-ResQ, by recombinogenic targeting. A lacZ reporter gene was then inserted in-frame into exon 1 of the zfHoxa-11b locus by a second round of recombinogenic targeting. Expression of the zfHoxa-11b-lacZ reporter gene in 10.5 d.p.f. transgenic mouse embryos was observed only in the posterior portion of the A-P axis, in the paraxial mesoderm, neural tube, and somites. These findings demonstrate the utility of recombinogenic targeting for the modification and expression of large inserts captured from P1/PAC clones. Received: 22 June 1999 / Accepted: 1 September 1999  相似文献   

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