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We histologically examined the effects of elemental diet (ED) on the goblet cell profile in the rat small intestine. The sulfomucin goblet cells were predominant throughout the small intestine in the control group, while sialomucin goblet cells were manifest in the duodenum and jejunum in the ED group. Next, we investigated the possible relevance of luminal osmolality to the goblet cell profile. Gastric osmolality in the ED group was within the physiological range. Meanwhile, ingestion of high glucose diet elevated gastric osmolality and increased the number of sialomucin goblet cells in the duodenum and jejunum. Further, it turned out that the lower sulfur contents in ED was not related to the unique goblet cell profile by ED ingestion. It is inductively suggested that the influx of high concentrations of low molecular nutrients into the small intestine could be associated with the goblet cell alteration, but the alteration was not necessarily due to the changes in the gastric osmolality by ED ingestion.  相似文献   

A culture obtained from rat duodenal smooth muscle layer is described. The cells are isolated by trypsinization (0.2 %) and the medium used for culture is either MEM with glutamine and non essentiel AA, or RPMI, both containing 10 % foetal calf serum. The cell culture contains both smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts in proportions varying with the age of the culture. At day 6, cell differenciation is important. At day 12, when the cells and confluent, the majority of the cells are fibroblasts. Although it is difficult, the transfer of cells is possible at least twice.  相似文献   

Bradykinin receptors in isolated rat duodenum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
O Altinkurt  Y Oztürk 《Peptides》1990,11(1):39-44
Pharmacological properties of the bradykinin receptors in the isolated rat duodenum were investigated by examining the relaxant and contractile responses to bradykinin and [des-Arg9]-bradykinin, an agonist of B1 receptors. A specific desensitization and de novo formation for B1 receptors were observed. Changes in medium pH caused a decrease in the responses to bradykinin and [des-Arg9]-bradykinin of rat duodenum. Urea incubation in test tube inhibited the responses to bradykinin and [des-Arg9]-bradykinin of rat duodenum, while urea in bathing medium was ineffective. These findings strongly suggested that (a) ionic bonds are important in the interaction between bradykinin and its receptors, and (b) B2 receptors in rat duodenum are different from those in guinea pig ileum.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (EC, the major rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterogenesis, was studied in epithelial cells isolated in a villus to crypt gradient from chick duodenum, jejunum and ileum, in order to resolve the apparent controversy that exists on the anatomical localization of sterol synthesis in the intestine. Consistent separation was demonstrated by using the marker enzymes alkaline phosphatase, specific to the villus cells, and thymidine kinase, specific to the crypt cells. No relative difference in stability was observed, as shown by the equal distribution of acid phosphatase. Cells were 90-95 per cent viable. The highest specific activity of reductase was located in the microsomal fraction (41 per cent of the total). The mitochondria had lower specific activity (8 per cent of the total). The distribution of reductase activity in epithelial cells of the villus-crypt axis was also studied. The specific activity in each cell fraction from chick duodenum was clearly lower than that in jejunum and ileum. The jejunal and ileal crypt regions showed lower specific activity than the villus cells. About 70 per cent of total reductase activity was found in cells from the upper and the mid villus fraction in each intestinal segment.  相似文献   

The transport of the bile salt, glycodeoxycholate, was studied in vesicles derived from rat jejunal and ileal brush border membranes using a rapid filtration technique. The uptake was osmotically sensitive, linearly related to membrane protein and resembled d-glucose transport. In ileal, but not jejunal, vesicles glycodeoxycholate uptake showed a transient vesicle/medium ratio greater than 1 in the presence of an initial sodium gradient. The differences between glycodeoxycholate uptake in the presence and absence of a Na+ gradient yielded a saturable transport component. Kinetic analysis revealed a Km value similar to that described previously in everted whole intestinal segments and epithelial cells isolated from the ileum. These findings support the existence of a transport system in the brush border membrane that: (1) reflects kinetics and characteristics of bile salt transport in intact intestinal preparations, and (2) catalyzes the co-transport of Na+ and bile salt across the ileal membrane in a manner analogous to d-glucose transport.  相似文献   

The transport of the bile salt, glycodeoxycholate, was studied in vesicles derived from rat jejunal and ileal brush border membranes using a rapid filtration technique. The uptake was osmotically sensitive, linearly related to membrane protein and resembled D-glucose transport. In ileal, but not jejunal, vesicles glycodeoxycholate uptake showed a transient vesicle/medium ratio greater than 1 in the presence of an initial sodium gradient. The differences between glycodeoxycholate uptake in the presence and absence of a Na+ gradient yielded a saturable transport component. Kinetic analysis revealed a Km value similar to that described previously in everted whole intestinal segments and epithelial cells isolated from the ileum. These findings support the existence of a transport system in the brush border membrane that: (1) reflects kinetics and characteristics of bile salt transport in intact intestinal preparations, and (2) catalyzes the co-transport of Na+ and bile salt across the ileal membrane in a manner analogous to D-glucose transport.  相似文献   

Mucosal hypertonicity produces a drop of transepithelial potential difference in isolated rat jejunum with a half time of about 15 s. The same effect is obtained when the osmorality of both bathing solutions is raised simultaneously. Serosal hypertonicity produces an increase of transepithelial potential difference an order of magnitude lower than the drop produced by mucosal hypertonicity. The change in the short circuit current parallels the one in potential difference.When the transepithelial potential difference is varied by adding different concentrations of glucose to the bathing media, the potential drop induced by mucosal hypertonicity is linearly related to the magnitude of the transepithelial potential difference just before the increase in osmolarity.The drop of potential can be explained by a decrease of the electrical resistance of the extracellular shunt pathway due to opening of the tight junctions. The results can be accounted for in terms of an equivalent electrical circuit proposed for small intestine. Using this equivalent circuit model it is possible to obtain estimates of the values of the diffusion potential and the salt gradient across the tight junction.  相似文献   

Transferrin is the major iron transporter in blood plasma, and is also found, at lower concentrations, in saliva. We studied the synthesis and secretion of transferrin in rat parotid acinar cells in order to elucidate its secretory pathways. Two sources were identified for transferrin in parotid acinar cells: synthesis by the cells (endogenous), and absorption from blood plasma (exogenous). Transferrin from both sources is secreted from the apical side of parotid acinar cells. Endogenous transferrin is transported to secretory granules. It is secreted from mature secretory granules upon stimulation with a β-adrenergic reagent and from smaller vesicles in the absence of stimulation. Exogenous transferrin is internalized from the basolateral side of parotid acinar cells, transported to the apical side by transcytosis, and secreted from the apical side. Secretory processes for exogenous transferrin include transport systems involving microfilaments and microtubules.  相似文献   

The isolating agents, one enzymatic (hyaluronidase) and two chemical (sodium citrate and EDTA) have been used to search for the best technique to prepare suspensions of viable cells from chicken cecum and jejunum. Viability of enterocytes was assessed in terms of cell membrane integrity (trypan blue exclusion test), metabolic activity (oxygen uptake, lactate production and ATP content) and monosaccharide cumulative capacity. Results show that: In both cecum and jejunum, membrane integrity is better in cells harvested with citrate than those isolated with hyaluronidase or EDTA; The best metabolic status was found in cecal cells isolated with citrate and in jejunal cells obtained with hyaluronidase; The capacity to support alpha-methyl-D-glucoside gradients is highest in the cells harvested with citrate. The citrate-containing isolation medium is thus considered to yield epithelial cell suspensions with the best functional conditions.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor activity in rat mammary epithelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The binding of 125I-transferrin to rat mammary cells isolated by collagenase and hyaluronidase digestion has been investigated. Surface binding was determined at 4 degrees C and total binding also at 4 degrees C but in the presence of 0.1% w/v saponin. KD values between 20 and 25 nM were obtained. Binding assays at 37 degrees C showed the internalisation of the receptor and the bound transferrin was occurring but also provided evidence for an impaired recycling of the receptors to the cell surface in the freshly isolated cells. No differences in total binding were observed in cells prepared at different stages of lactation with a mean value of 29 fmol transferrin bound/micrograms cellular DNA, equivalent to 180,000 receptors per cell.  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed novel genetic changes in the duodenal mucosa of iron-deprived rats during postnatal development. These observations are now extended to compare the genetic response to iron deficiency in the duodenum versus jejunum of 12-wk-old rats. cRNA samples were prepared from the duodenal and jejunal mucosa of three groups each of control and iron-deficient rats and hybridized with RAE 230A and 230B gene chips (Affymetrix). Stringent data reduction strategies were employed. Results showed that several genes were similarly induced in both gut segments, including DMT1, Dcytb, transferrin receptor 1, heme oxygenase 1, metallothionein, the Menkes copper ATPase (ATP7A), tripartitie motif protein 27, and the sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter. However, a subset of genes showed regulation in only one or the other gut segment. In duodenum only, gastrokine 1, trefoil factor 1 and claudin 2 were induced by iron-deficiency. Other genes previously identified were only regulated in the duodenum. Overall, these studies demonstrate similarities and distinct differences in the genetic response to iron deprivation in the duodenum versus jejunum and provide evidence that more distal gut segments also may play a role in increasing iron absorption in iron-deficiency anemia.  相似文献   

The binding and uptake of rat and human transferrin by isolated rat seminiferous tubules was studied. During the isolation and incubation of the tubules, the blood-testis barrier remained intact. Iron-saturated and iron-free (apo-) transferrin use the same binding sites on the surface of the tubules, but the dissociation constant is about two times higher for apotransferrin than for iron-saturated transferrin. The affinity of the receptors is equal for rat and human transferrin, but human transferrin binds to more surface binding sites (2.6 X 10(10) per 10 cm tubule length) than rat transferrin (1.1 X 10(10) per 10 cm tubule length) at 0 degrees C. At 33 degrees C equal numbers of human and rat transferrin molecules are taken up (about 8 X 10(10)) per 10 cm tubule length. The quantitative difference between 0 degrees C and 33 degrees C is caused by the fact that at 33 degrees C receptor-mediated endocytosis and recycling occur. As a consequence, both surface and intracellular transferrin receptors are detected at 33 degrees C. The dissociation constants are not temperature-dependent.  相似文献   

It is difficult to measure gastrointestinal smooth muscle (SM) tone except in sphincter regions. Since tone affects the biomechanical properties, the aim of the present study was to evaluate intestinal SM tone by studying the morphometry and biomechanical properties with and without muscle tone. Circumferential rings of 0.8-1mm in width were cut from the rat duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Sectors were obtained by cutting the rings opposite to the mesentery. The rings and the sectors were immersed in physiological Krebs solution in order to maintain the tone and into Krebs solution without Ca(++) and with EGTA to abolish the tone. The circumferences, area, the circularity and residual strain of the mucosal and serosal surfaces, opening angle, and opening angle tone/non-tone ratio were measured or computed. The tone affects the opening angle and residual strain in the intestinal sectors. The opening angle in the tissue sectors with tone was smaller (P<0.05) than those without tone in all three segments. The opening angle tone/non-tone ratio was 0.40+/-0.05, 0.43+/-0.06 and 0.36+/-0.11 for duodenum, jejunum and ileum, respectively, and did not differ among the three intestinal segments. The residual strain between sectors with and without SM tone differed in duodenal and jejunal mucosa and in the serosa of all three segments (P<0.05). The intestinal rings with tone showed axial variation for luminal area (P<0.001), for wall area (P<0.05), and for the mucosal and serosal residual strains (P<0.05). In conclusion, the intestinal mechanical properties are affected by intestinal SM tone. The tone can be evaluated by measuring the opening angle and residual strains of sectors in intestinal segments with and without SM tone.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of respiration (NaN3 and DNP), glycolysis (2DG, IAA and NaF) and the microtubular-microfilament system (colchicine and cytochalasin B) on the uptake of rat immunoglobulin G (IgG) by enterocytes isolated from the neonatal rat gut has been assessed. After a 1 hour incubation, NaN3, and DNP had significantly reduced IgG uptake by between 32% and 35% of the control, IAA and 2DG were less effective and NaF, colchicine and cytochalasin B had no effect at all. The findings show that IgG is internalised by isolated enterocytes in vitro and that this internalisation is under metabolic control, that inhibitors of respiration are more effective in blocking uptake than inhibitors of glycolysis.  相似文献   

B. Morris    D. Begley 《Journal of Zoology》1970,162(4):453-459
Experiments were performed to test the capacity of parts of the small intestine of rats aged27–29 days to absorb homologous antibody and transmit it to the circulation. No antibody absorption occurs after the oral administration of immune serum to rats of this age, for the postnatal transfer of immunity normally terminates at about20–21 days.
Antibody is readily absorbed and transmitted to the circulation from homologous immune serum introduced into the duodenum of27–28 day animals, after removal of the duodenal contents by flushing out with warm saline. Absorption and transmission occurs in some animals even if the duodenal contents are not previously removed. The animals used in these experiments were left with their mothers until shortly before the operation.
No transmission of antibody occurred when comparable experiments were performed on young rats aged27–28 days that had been weaned at the usual age of20–21 days.
Similar experiments were performed on the first segment of the jejunum. The results obtained are discussed in relation to the pinocytic activity of the epithelial components of the duodenum-jejunum.  相似文献   

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