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Raynaud's disease is a peripheral vascular system disorder characterized by episodes of vasoconstriction in the hands and feet resulting in a lowering of skin temperature and pain. Recent studies are reviewed that focus on the behavioral treatment of Raynaud's disease—in particular, biofeedback and autogenic training. Methodological problems and other difficulties include the measurement of skin temperature, schedules of reinforcement/feedback, and characteristics of the experimenter and subject. Studies in this area indicate some promise for certain behavioral interventions, especially finger temperature biofeedback under cold stress conditions. On the other hand, further research is needed to clarify the mechanisms, especially that of vasodilation, and the applications of temperature biofeedback, as well as the role of attitudinal, interpersonal, and cognitive factors.  相似文献   

Raynaud's disease is a peripheral vascular system disorder characterized by episodes of vasoconstriction in the hands and feet resulting in a lowering of skin temperature and pain. Recent studies are reviewed that focus on the behavioral treatment of Raynaud's disease--in particular, biofeedback and autogenic training. Methodological problems and other difficulties include the measurement of skin temperature, schedules of reinforcement/feedback, and characteristics of the experimenter and subject. Studies in this area indicate some promise for certain behavioral interventions, especially finger temperature biofeedback under cold stress conditions. On the other hand, further research is needed to clarify the mechanisms, especially that of vasodilation, and the applications of temperature biofeedback, as well as the role of attitudinal, interpersonal, and cognitive factors.  相似文献   

In an effort to study the role of cognitive skills training in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, two single-case design experiments were conducted to assess the relative effectiveness of biofeedback procedures and cognitive coping techniques in the alleviation of tension headaches. For both subjects, biofeedback training influenced mean frontalis EMG levels, although such changes were not associated with concomitant reductions in headache activity. It was the presence or absence of cognitive skills training, however, that determined whether each subject reported changes in headache levels. These results suggest that a more efficient treatment approach for tension headaches would involve an increased emphasis on the modification of maladaptive cognitive activity. The present findings support the general view that a comprehensive approach in the treatment of stress-related disorders requires a concomitant focus on the cognitive, behavioral, and affective dimensions of the symptom. It was also suggested that biofeedback technology may be a useful tool for studying the physiological consequences of particular cognitive processes and in identifying particular cognitions with anxiety-provoking properties.  相似文献   

In support of the proposition that a lack of basic research on the processes of biofeedback restricts the development of effective practical applications, this paper deals with some of the basic interconnections between theoretical issues and clinical practice and presents illustrations of a few issues that have actually been investigated. Regarding the issue of the nature and form of the feedback, studies have shown that reinforcing feedback appears to be more effective than merely informative feedback, and that the choice from among digital, binary, or analog feedback arrangements should be based upon functional properties of the neural control system that underlies the physiological process to be modified. For example, analog feedback may not be optimal if the underlying control system actually functions digitally. Regarding the issue of specific versus diffuse effects of biofeedback, the evidence reviewed suggests that biofeedback's direct effects tend to be more specific than generalized. Those generalized changes that have been obtained are probably indirect or secondary, rather than direct. The paper concludes that the balance of basic and applied work in biofeedback must be shifted toward the more fundamental in order to provide a better basis for practical application. Otherwise, the promise of biofeedback will continue to exceed its actual success.The article was originally an invited symposium paper presented at the XXIInd International Congress of Psychology, Leipzig, East Germany, July 10, 1980.  相似文献   

This paper reviews multicomponent behavioral medicine studies that contain cost-effectiveness and or cost-benefit data relevant to the field of biofeedback and relaxation training, primarily when assisted by biofeedback, with or without stress management, in the treatment of psychosomatic illness and pain. A model for evaluating biofeedback treatment is presented. Cost-effectiveness data concerning reduction in physician visits and/or medication use, decrease in medical care costs to patients, reduction in hospital stays and rehospitalization, reduction of mortality, and enhanced quality of life are reviewed. Evidence suggests that multicomponent behavioral medicine treatments are cost-effective on all dimensions reviewed. Cost/benefit ratios range between 1:2 and 1:5, with a median of 1:4. Evidence that could increase the cost effectiveness of biofeedback is reviewed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the adequacy of two novel EMG biofeedback control procedures. During a single training session, 36 subjects received either (1) contingent EMG feedback from the frontal region (Veridical), (2) contingent feedback for vertical eye movements (Ocular), or (3) a feedback condition where the signal increased with deviations in any direction from baseline EMG levels (Stabilization). The results supported the use of Ocular but not Stabilization feedback as a control procedure in frontalis EMG biofeedback studies. Ocular feedback did not produce reductions in frontalis EMG but did lead to changes in subjective measures of nonspecific treatment effects that were at least comparable to those obtained with Veridical feedback. Stabilization subjects produced small but significant reductions in EMG, felt the most bored as a result of their feedback training, and were the most likely to rate themselves as having received false feedback. The implications of attribution theory and multiprocess relaxation theory for the evaluation of nonspecific treatment effects are discussed.This research was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AM31500) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Portions of this research were presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, March 1985.  相似文献   

The literature on the use of biofeedback techniques in the treatment of visual and opthalmologic disorders is reviewed. Although this consists mainly of case studies, there is mounting evidence that biofeedback may be applicable to the treatment of strabismus, nystagmus, blepharospasm, elevated intraocular pressure, and myopia. Because of the success in applying biofeedback techniques in the treatment of other neuromuscular disorders, it is concluded that the use of these techniques in the treatment of blepharospasm and strabismus shows the most promise.  相似文献   

Low heart rate variability (HRV) characterizes several medical and psychological diseases. HRV biofeedback is a newly developed approach that may have some use for treating the array of disorders in which HRV is relatively low. This review critically appraises evidence for the effectiveness of HRV and related biofeedback across 14 studies in improving (1) HRV and baroreflex outcomes and (2) clinical outcomes. Results revealed that HRV biofeedback consistently effectuates acute improvements during biofeedback practice, whereas the presence of short-term and long-term carry-over effects is less clear. Some evidence suggests HRV biofeedback may result in long-term carry-over effects on baroreflex gain, which is an area most promising for future investigations. On the other hand, concerning clinical outcomes, there is ample evidence attesting to efficacy of HRV biofeedback. However, because clinical and physiological outcomes do not improve concurrently in all cases, the mechanism by which HRV biofeedback results in salutary effects in unclear. Considerations for the field in addressing shortcomings of the reviewed studies and advancing understanding of the way in which HRV biofeedback may improve physiological and clinical outcomes are offered in light of the reviewed evidence.  相似文献   

Multidirectional interactions among the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems have been demonstrated in humans and non-human animal models for many decades by the biomedical community, but ecological and evolutionary perspectives are lacking. Neuroendocrine-immune interactions can be conceptualized using a series of feedback loops, which culminate into distinct neuroendocrine-immune phenotypes. Behavior can exert profound influences on these phenotypes, which can in turn reciprocally modulate behavior. For example, the behavioral aspects of reproduction, including courtship, aggression, mate selection and parental behaviors can impinge upon neuroendocrine-immune interactions. One classic example is the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH), which proposes that steroid hormones act as mediators of traits important for female choice while suppressing the immune system. Reciprocally, neuroendocrine-immune pathways can promote the development of altered behavioral states, such as sickness behavior. Understanding the energetic signals that mediate neuroendocrine-immune crosstalk is an active area of research. Although the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) has begun to explore this crosstalk from a biomedical standpoint, the neuroendocrine-immune-behavior nexus has been relatively underappreciated in comparative species. The field of ecoimmunology, while traditionally emphasizing the study of non-model systems from an ecological evolutionary perspective, often under natural conditions, has focused less on the physiological mechanisms underlying behavioral responses. This review summarizes neuroendocrine-immune interactions using a comparative framework to understand the ecological and evolutionary forces that shape these complex physiological interactions.  相似文献   

This paper reviews multicomponent behavioral medicine studies that contain cost-effectiveness andor cost-benefit data relevant to the field of biofeedback and relaxation training, primarily when assisted by biofeedback, with or without stress management, in the treatment of psychosomatic illness and pain. A model for evaluating biofeedback treatment is presented. Cost-effectiveness data concerning reduction in physician visits and/or medication use, decrease in medical care costs to patients, reduction in hospital stays and rehospitalization, reduction of mortality, and enhanced quality of life are reviewed. Evidence suggests that multicomponent behavioral medicine treatments are cost-effective on all dimensions reviewed. Cost/benefit ratios range between 1:2 and 1:5, with a median of 1:4. Evidence that could increase the cost effectiveness of biofeedback is reviewed.This work first appeared in a paper presented as the presidential address at the 18th annual meeting of the Biofeedback Society of America, Boston, March 15, 1987.  相似文献   

Behavioral psychophysiological treatment entailing Slow Cortical Potential (SCP) biofeed-back training and behavioral self-control training was conducted with a 27-year-old male epileptic patient (seizures for 23 years) with Wechsler IQ 64 who underwent callosotomy. The patient had 12/week secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures. The treatment, consisting of 43 SCP training sessions and 22 behavioral control sessions, yielded a highly significant reduction of seizure frequency to about 7.5/week; such a decrease had never been observed after administration of new anticonvulsant drugs, nor after the callosotomy. During SCP feedback training, the patient was able to produce highly-significant cortical differentiation of SCPs of about 4 µV. In addition, he developed several new behaviors indicating growing ability of self-perception and self-regulation. These findings suggest that a combination of SCP biofeedback with behavioral treatment of epilepsy can be used even in mentally retarded patients with organic brain disorders.  相似文献   

Two major sources of theoretical development for biofeedback as an intervention paradigm are considered. An integration of cognitive learning theory approaches to the potential regulation of autonomic processes in an information-processing framework and the phenomenological information-processing approach of Kelly's personal construct theory suggest a new methodological paradigm for biofeedback as a tool of psychotherapeutic intervention, especially for the discipline of behavioral medicine. Biofeedback is reconstructed as a sequence of allocating attention to automatic cognitive processes until cognitive control has been mastered. This sequence is also seen as a circumspection-preemption-control cycle that Kelly (1955) suggested was essential to all problem solving. In light of Kelly's fundamental assumptions regarding the nature of constructs, it is suggested that controlled processing approaches to biofeedback require the biofeedback trainee to investigate both ends of psychophysiological dichotomies instead of demonstrative constructs of traditional biofeedback methodology. Other psychotherapeutic techniques are reviewed to validate this new theoretical approach. Finally, treatment within this paradigm is discussed as a recircumspection of relevant constructs that were routinized during the alarm reaction phase of Selye's general adaptation syndrome.  相似文献   

Due to rapid advances in genetic engineering, small rodents have become the preferred subjects in many disciplines of biomedical research. In studies of chronic CNS disorders, there is an increasing demand for murine models with high validity at the behavioral level. However, multiple pathogenic mechanisms and complex functional deficits often impose challenges to reliably measure and interpret behavior of chronically sick mice. Therefore, the assessment of peripheral pathology and a behavioral profile at several time points using a battery of tests are required. Video-tracking, behavioral spectroscopy, and remote acquisition of physiological measures are emerging technologies that allow for comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased behavioral analysis in a home-base-like setting. This report describes a refined phenotyping protocol, which includes a custom-made monitoring apparatus (Integrated Behavioral Station, INBEST) that focuses on prolonged measurements of basic functional outputs, such as spontaneous activity, food/water intake and motivated behavior in a relatively stress-free environment. Technical and conceptual improvements in INBEST design may further promote reproducibility and standardization of behavioral studies.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the adequacy of two novel EMG biofeedback control procedures. During a single training session, 36 subjects received either contingent EMG feedback from the frontal region (Veridical), contingent feedback for vertical eye movements (Ocular), or a feedback condition where the signal increased with deviations in any direction from baseline EMG levels (Stabilization). The results supported the use of Ocular but not Stabilization feedback as a control procedure in frontalis EMG biofeedback studies. Ocular feedback did not produce reductions in frontalis EMG but did lead to changes in subjective measures of nonspecific treatment effects that were at least comparable to those obtained with Veridical feedback. Stabilization subjects produced small but significant reductions in EMG, felt the most bored as a result of their feedback training, and were the most likely to rate themselves as having received false feedback. The implications of attribution theory and multiprocess relaxation theory for the evaluation of nonspecific treatment effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence is reviewed for the efficacy of behavioral treatments for hypertension. The format chosen here is a review of reviews given that numerous consensus committee reports and quantitative reviews on the topic have been published. Extensive evidence from over 100 randomized controlled trials indicates that behavioral treatments reduce blood pressure (BP) to a modest degree, and this change is greater than what is seen in wait-list or other inactive controls. Effect sizes are quite variable. The observed BP reductions are much greater when BP levels were high at pre-test, and behavioral studies tend to underestimate possible benefits because of floor effects in their protocols. Blood pressure measured in the office may be confounded with measurement habituation. Multi-component, individualized psychological treatments lead to greater BP changes than do single-component treatments. Among biofeedback treatments, thermal feedback and electrodermal activity feedback fare better than EMG or direct BP feedback, which tend to produce null effects. There continues to be a scarcity of strong protocols that properly control for floor effects and potential measurement confounds.  相似文献   

SEMG investigation protocols are described within the neurological framework. A neuro- anatomic pathway is utilized including muscular disease, neuromuscular junction conditions, peripheral neuropathy, radiculopahy, myleopathy, brainstem disorders, cerebellar disorders, subcortical and cortical disease. SEMG findings within the clinical presentation of those pathologies are aimed at improving the diagnostic process and serve to focus the SEMG neuromuscular reeducation (biofeedback) component of the overall treatment plan.  相似文献   

Two major sources of theoretical development for biofeedback as an intervention paradigm are considered. An integration of cognitive learning theory approaches to the potential regulation of autonomic processes in an information-processing framework and the phenomenological information-processing approach of Kelly's personal construct theory suggest a new methodological paradigm for biofeedback as a tool of psychotherapeutic intervention, especially for the discipline of behavioral medicine. Biofeedback is reconstrued as a sequence of allocating attention to automatic cognitive processes until cognitive control has been mastered. This sequence is also seen as a circumspection-preemption-control cycle that Kelly (1955) suggested was essential to all problem solving. In light of Kelly's fundamental assumptions regarding the nature of constructs, it is suggested that controlled processing approaches to biofeedback require the biofeedback trainee to investigate both ends of psychophysiological dichotomies instead of demonstrative constructs of traditional biofeedback methodology. Other psychotherapeutic techniques are reviewed to validate this new theoretical approach. Finally, treatment within this paradigm is discussed as a recircumspection of relevant constructs that were routinized during the alarm reaction phase of Selye's general adaptation syndrome.The author would like to express his appreciation to Kevin Kennelly and Joe Doster for their theoretical training, and to Wes Wenrich for his expert editorial commentary.  相似文献   

The chimpanzee is the only representative of the Great Apes that is extensively involved in biomedical research in primate laboratories. These apes are used as animal models in a variety of studies, including research on infectious disease, parasitic disease, pharmacokinetic studies, neuroscience, cognition, and behavior. Chimpanzees used in biomedical research in the United States reside largely in six specialized research and holding facilities, and most of the research with them is conducted at these sites. Given the relatively small population of chimpanzees and its importance to biomedical research, it is imperative that we carefully manage the care, production, and use of these animals in biomedical research studies. Selection criteria and preparation techniques are reviewed in this article in an effort to begin a discussion on best practices for choosing and handling chimpanzees participating in biomedical research. The use of routine health assessment information is described for subject selection, as are behavioral issues to be considered. Due to the relatively small number of chimpanzees available, issues related to experimental design and multiple uses of chimpanzees are discussed. Practices related to the transportation and acclimation of chimpanzees are described. Finally, behavioral conditioning procedures are discussed, including habituation, desensitization, and positive reinforcement training that have been applied to reduce animal distress and improve the quality of the science being conducted with chimpanzee subjects.  相似文献   

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) — the peak-to-peak variations in heart rate caused by respiration — can be used as a noninvasive measure of parasympathetic cardiac control. In the present study four strategies to increase RSA amplitude are investigated: (1) biofeedback of RSA amplitude, (2) biofeedback of RSA amplitude plus respiratory instructions, (3) respiratory biofeedback, and (4) respiratory instructions only. All four procedures produce a significant increase of RSA amplitude from the first physiological control trial compared to baseline. This increase is faster for the groups that received respiratory biofeedback and respiratory instructions only than for the two groups that received biofeedback of RSA amplitude, the increases being equivalent for the four groups in the third session. All subjects of the group that received biofeedback of RSA amplitude only reported respiratory strategies in order to achieve the increase in RSA. Possible clinical implications of these results for parasympathetic cardiac control and cardiovascular disorders are discussed.This research was supported by a grant to the first author from the University of Granada (Spain).  相似文献   

The extant literature on the specific role of biofeedback in promoting skeletal muscular relaxation is reviewed and found deficient with respect to the use of properly controlled group outcome research. The review emphasizes the failure of commonly used control procedures to adequately control a number of potentially confounding variables. Strengths and weaknesses of three types of controlled group design (attention placebo, pseudofeedback, and altered contingency) are discussed with respect to their relative usefulness in controlling certain nonspecific or placebo effects in biofeedback research. Many published biofeedback studies failed to measure the credibility of control procedures or the subject's ability to discriminate different feedback contingencies. The studies reviewed suggest that the various control procedures used are not inert and are not equivalent with respect to their effects on control group behavior. The suggestion is made that the controlled group outcome design be accepted as the minimum requirement for testing the specific effects of biofeedback, and possible methods for improving control procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

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