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Johannes M. Zanker 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1988,162(5):581-588
Summary Tethered flyingDrosophila melanogaster change the posture of their caudal body appendages in response to visual stimuli. In the present paper the relevance of lateral abdomen deflections for flight control is analysed. During abdomen deflections the line of action of the gravitational force is shifted with the fly's centre of mass. The line of action of aerodynamic drag forces is displaced accordingly, because friction is increased on the side of the body to which the abdomen is deflected. These two passive forces, together with the average flight forces generated actively by the wings, induce a yaw moment. In still air, the axis of this torque is tilted about 30° backwards relative to the vertical body axis. It will be called yaw axis of the flight mechanics. Two sets of observations support the notion of a combined yaw motor output. (a) The elementary motion detectors mediating the lateral abdomen deflection and the dynamics of the response resemble that of the optomotor response measured as yaw torque or as variation of wing beat amplitudes. (b) The asymmetric directional selectivity of the motion detecting system mediating the abdomen deflection corresponds to the orientation of the yaw axis of the flight mechanics. To explain the asymmetry, a nonlinear transfer characteristic is assumed in the motion detecting system.Abbreviations
elementary motion detector
motion detector field 相似文献
We derive measures for assessing the value of an individual habitat fragment for the dynamics and persistence of a metapopulation living in a network of many fragments. We demonstrate that the most appropriate measure of fragment value depends on the question asked. Specifically, we analyse four alternative measures: the contribution of a fragment to the metapopulation capacity of the network, to the equilibrium metapopulation size, to the expected time to metapopulation extinction and the long-term contribution of a fragment to colonization events in the network. The latter measure is comparable to density-dependent measures in general matrix population theory, though some differences are introduced by the fact that "density dependence" is spatially localized in the metapopulation context. We show that the value of a fragment depends not only on the properties of the landscape but also on the properties of the species. Most importantly, variation in fragment values between the habitat fragments is greatest in the case of rare species that occur close to the extinction threshold, as these species are likely to be restricted to the most favorable parts of the landscape. We expect that the measures of habitat fragment value described and analysed here have applications in landscape ecology and in conservation biology. 相似文献
Thore Engel Shane A. Blowes Daniel J. McGlinn Nicholas J. Gotelli Brian J. McGill Jonathan M. Chase 《Ecology and evolution》2022,12(8)
Patterns of biodiversity provide insights into the processes that shape biological communities around the world. Variation in species diversity along biogeographical or ecological gradients, such as latitude or precipitation, can be attributed to variation in different components of biodiversity: changes in the total abundance (i.e., more‐individual effects) and changes in the regional species abundance distribution (SAD). Rarefaction curves can provide a tool to partition these sources of variation on diversity, but first must be converted to a common unit of measurement. Here, we partition species diversity gradients into components of the SAD and abundance using the effective number of species (ENS) transformation of the individual‐based rarefaction curve. Because the ENS curve is unconstrained by sample size, it can act as a standardized unit of measurement when comparing effect sizes among different components of biodiversity change. We illustrate the utility of the approach using two data sets spanning latitudinal diversity gradients in trees and marine reef fish and find contrasting results. Whereas the diversity gradient of fish was mostly associated with variation in abundance (86%), the tree diversity gradient was mostly associated with variation in the SAD (59%). These results suggest that local fish diversity may be limited by energy through the more‐individuals effect, while species pool effects are the larger determinant of tree diversity. We suggest that the framework of the ENS‐curve has the potential to quantify the underlying factors influencing most aspects of diversity change. 相似文献
Faragher RG Kipling D 《BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology》1998,20(12):985-991
Cell senescence is the limited ability of primary human cells to divide when cultured in vitro. This eventual cessation of division is accompanied by a specific set of changes in cell physiology, morphology, and gene expression. Such changes in phenotype have the potential to contribute to human ageing and age-related diseases. Until now, senescence has largely been studied as an in vitro phenomenon, but recent data have for the first time directly demonstrated the presence of senescent cells in aged human tissues. Although a direct causal link between the ageing of whole organisms and the senescence of cells in culture remains elusive, a large body of data is consistent with cell senescence contributing to a variety of pathological changes seen in the aged. This review considers the in vitro phenotype of cellular senescence and speculates on the various possible routes whereby the presence of senescent cells in old bodies may affect different tissue systems. 相似文献
Kaufmann SH 《Nature reviews. Immunology》2001,1(1):20-30
Tuberculosis poses a significant threat to mankind. Multidrug-resistant strains are on the rise, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is often associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Satisfactory control of tuberculosis can only be achieved using a highly efficacious vaccine. Tuberculosis is particularly challenging for the immune system. The intracellular location of the pathogen shields it from antibodies, and a variety of T-cell subpopulations must be activated to challenge the bacterium's resistance to antibacterial defence mechanisms. A clear understanding of the immune responses that control the pathogen will be important for achieving optimal immunity, and information provided by functional genome analysis of M. tuberculosis will be vital in the design of a future vaccine. 相似文献
How does gene expression level contribute to thermophilic adaptation of prokaryotes? An exploration based on predictors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
By analyzing the predicted gene expression levels of 33 prokaryotes with living temperature span from <10 degrees C to >100 degrees C, a universal positive correlation was found between the percentage of predicted highly expressed genes and the organisms' optimal growth temperature. A physical interpretation of the correlation revealed that highly expressed genes are statistically more thermostable than lowly expressed genes. These findings show the possibility of the significant contribution of gene expression level to the prokaryotic thermal adaptation and provide evidence for the translational selection pressure on the thermostability of natural proteins during evolution. 相似文献
This paper aims to address some of the possibilities and limitations of EMG technologies available to date. Considerable progress has been achieved in this field during the last 30 years and EMG signals can be easily obtained on different levels beginning at the cell membrane and ending with the global EMG associated with the movement itself. Different aspects from cell to movement have been considered in this paper. Highly selective needle EMG for the detection of the processes at the membrane is discussed as well as high spatial resolution EMG which gives non-invasive access to the acquisition of the single motor unit activity. On the highest level of muscles, an expert system is introduced as a novel approach to support the interpretation of muscular co-ordination as detected by conventional surface EMG. While there is a high potential in the newly developed EMG methodologies, it is a big challenge to utilize these methodologies in order to obtain detailed, repeatable, reliable--and meaningful--results. However, the risk of over- and misinterpretation has to be carefully considered. In this paper, this risk is exemplified in situations dealing with muscle fatigue, conduction velocity and cross-talk. Despite all the new possibilities available, the authors recommend that EMG with its inherent strengths and limitations should still be diligently, but carefully, used. 相似文献
J Pearn 《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1980,281(6254):1522
To become fit an individual must generate optimal muscle strength and must develop cardiopulmonary reserve, or stamina. Physical fitness programmes require motivation, a graded series of appropriately designed exercises, and scientific surveillance. Motivation and efficiency in fitness programmes depends on early positive feedback to participants, confirming that stamina and strength are developing. A practical field experiment was performed to determine the minimum time that healthy young adults require to reach an initial plateau in objective measures of fitness. Fifty male university undergraduates were studied during an annual volunteer military training camp. Thirty had volunteered to take part in the fitness programme; the remaining 20 had initially rejected the offer but underwent the programme as part of their military training and acted as unmotivated controls. All the subjects became fit within 14 days of starting training, with objective improvement in both absolute strength and pulse recovery times. Non-motivated individuals, training with motivated individuals for 20 minutes each day, can therefore achieve levels of fitness indistinguishable from those of healthy highly motivated subjects. Fitness programmes must be carefully supervised, however, with medical examinations for those about to undergo vigorous exercise. 相似文献
How does trp repressor bind to its operator? 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Three explanations have been advanced to account for the unexpected absence of direct hydrogen bonds and presence of a buried water layer in the co-crystal-line complex of Escherichia coli trp repressor with DNA. We present results of physical and biochemical measurements that address the testable predictions of each model. We find that the DNA oligomer used for co-crystallization binds to the repressor with high affinity and specificity, and 1:1 stoichiometry, consistent with other evidence that this sequence represents the true operator target for a single repressor dimer. A proposed alternative DNA sequence binds weaker and with higher stoichiometry, consistent with a cooperative binding mode. The operator DNA in solution has a B-form helical structure in the presence and absence of repressor. Affinity of repressor for operator is altered under the conditions used for cocrystal growth. 相似文献
How does the propagule bank contribute to cyclic vegetation change in a lakeshore marsh with seasonal drawdown? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lakeshore marshes around Liangzi Lake, in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China, experience annual changes of water level of c. 1.5 m. During the drawdown period, the vegetation is structured by helophytes and emergents; during the rainy season when the dams are closed (June–September) the marshes are flooded and their vegetation rapidly changes to be come dominated by submerged, floating-leaved and tall emergent species. The species composition and abundance of both the marsh seed bank and the vegetative propagule bank were compared with those of the drawdown and flooded vegetation types. These data provided a test of the predictive power of van der Valk's model of northern temperate seasonal vegetation change in a subtropical, freshwater wetland with cyclic vegetational change. The abundant species were detected in the propagule bank. The seed bank was found to determine the species richness of both types of the vegetation, whereas the vegetative propagule bank consisted of the dominants of the drawdown vegetation. Water depth conditions, and the composition of seed and vegetative propagules banks together determine the structure of the standing vegetation during drawdown and flooding. van der Valk's succession model was found to predict the seasonal vegetation change reasonably well. The Chi-square test showed no significant difference between predicted vegetation and actual vegetation in both drawdown and flooding periods. 相似文献
How does parkin ligate ubiquitin to Parkinson's disease? 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Recessive mutations in the human PARKIN gene are the most common cause of hereditary parkinsonism, which arises from the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. However, the molecular mechanisms by which the loss of parkin causes dopaminergic neurodegeneration are not well understood. Parkin is an enzyme that ubiquitinates several candidate substrate proteins and thereby targets them for proteasomal degradation. Hypothesis-driven searches have led to the discovery of aggregation-prone protein substrates of parkin. Moreover, the enzyme is upregulated when under unfolded protein stress. Thus, loss-of-function mutations of parkin might impair the removal of potentially toxic protein aggregates. However, the limited neuropathological information that is available from parkin-proven patients, as well as the recent knockout of the parkin gene in fruit flies and mice, may indicate a more complex disease mechanism, possibly involving the misfolding of parkin itself or of additional substrates. The risk factors that predispose dopaminergic neurons to degenerate on parkin failure are yet to be identified. 相似文献
How does landscape context contribute to effects of habitat fragmentation on diversity and population density of butterflies? 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
Aim Studies on habitat fragmentation of insect communities mostly ignore the impact of the surrounding landscape matrix and treat all species equally. In our study, on habitat fragmentation and the importance of landscape context, we expected that habitat specialists are more affected by area and isolation, and habitat generalists more by landscape context. Location and methods The study was conducted in the vicinity of the city of Göttingen in Germany in the year 2000. We analysed butterfly communities by transect counts on thirty‐two calcareous grasslands differing in size (0.03–5.14 ha), isolation index (2100–86,000/edge‐to‐edge distance 55–1894 m), and landscape diversity (Shannon–Wiener: 0.09–1.56), which is correlated to percentage grassland in the landscape. Results A total of 15,185 butterfly specimens belonging to fifty‐four species are recorded. In multiple regression analysis, the number of habitat specialist (n = 20) and habitat generalist (n = 34) butterfly species increased with habitat area, but z‐values (slopes) of the species–area relationships for specialists (z = 0.399) were significantly steeper compared with generalists (z = 0.096). Generalists, but not specialists, showed a marginally significant increase with landscape diversity. Effects of landscape diversity were scale‐dependent and significant only at the smallest scale (landscape context within a 250 m radius around the habitat). Habitat isolation was not related to specialist and generalist species numbers. In multiple regression analysis the density of specialists increased significantly with habitat area, whereas generalist density increased only marginally. Habitat isolation and landscape diversity did not show any effects. Main conclusions Habitat area was the most important predictor of butterfly community structure and influenced habitat specialists more than habitat generalists. In contrast to our expectations, habitat isolation had no effect as most butterflies could cope with the degree of isolation in our study region. Landscape diversity appeared to be important for generalist butterflies only. 相似文献
Gourbiere S 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2004,17(6):1297-1309
I use explicit genetic models to investigate the importance of natural and sexual selection during sympatric speciation and to sort out how genetic architecture influences these processes. Assortative mating alone can lead to speciation, but rare phenotypes' disadvantage in finding mates and intermediate phenotypes' advantage due to stabilizing selection strongly impede speciation. Any increase in the number of loci also decreases the likelihood of speciation. Sympatric speciation is then harder to achieve than previously demonstrated by many theoretical studies which assume no mating disadvantage for rare phenotypes and consider a small number of loci. However, when a high level of assortative mating evolves, sexual selection might allow populations to split into dimorphic distributions with peaks corresponding to nearly extreme phenotypes. Competition then works against speciation by favouring intermediate phenotypes and preventing further divergence. The interplay between natural and sexual selection during speciation is then more complex than previously explained. 相似文献
For medical and biotechnological reasons, it is important to study mammalian cells, animals, bacteria and plants exposed to simulated and real microgravity. It is necessary to detect the cellular changes that cause the medical problems often observed in astronauts, cosmonauts or animals returning from prolonged space missions. In order for in vitro tissue engineering under microgravity conditions to succeed, the features of the cell that change need to be known. In this article, we summarize current knowledge about the effects of microgravity on the proteome in different cell types. Many studies suggest that the effects of microgravity on major cell functions depend on the responding cell type. Here, we discuss and speculate how and why the proteome responds to microgravity, focusing on proteomic discoveries and their future potential. 相似文献
Recombinant proteins and other materials of industrial interest produced in?Escherichia coli are usually retained within the bacterial cell, in the cytoplasmic?space, where they have been produced. Different protocols for cell disruption?have been implemented as an initial downstream step, which keeps the?biological and mechanical properties of the process products. Being necessarily?mild, these approaches often result in 95-99% cell disruption, what is more than?acceptable from the yield point of view. However, when the bacterial product?are nano or microparticulate entities that tend to co-sediment with entire?bacterial cells, the remaining undisrupted bacteria appear as abounding?contaminants, making the product not suitable for a spectrum of biomedical?applications. Since bacterial inclusion bodies are now seen as bacterial?materials valuable in different fields, we have developed an alternative cell?disruption protocol that permits obtaining fully bacterial free protein particles,?keeping the conformational status of the embedded proteins and the?mechanical properties of the full aggregates. 相似文献