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King CF 《Theriogenology》1981,15(2):135-147
The reproductive performance of 27 Polwarth and 9 Corriedale flocks was studied under commercial conditions in Tasmania. Mean ovulation rate was 149% but the mean number of lambs marked per ewe joined was only 88%. The major sources of wastage contributing to the overall loss were identified as an 18% loss of embryos in twin-ovulating ewes which gave birth to only one lamb, and a mean perinatal lamb mortality of 21% of lambs born. There was no significant difference in embryo survival between unilateral and bilateral twin-ovulating ewes.  相似文献   

To identify flystrike‐related volatile compounds in wool from Merino sheep, the attractiveness of wool to Lucilia cuprina Wiedmann (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was examined. First, a selection of wool samples guided by previous knowledge of sheep lines, predicted to be more susceptible or more resistant to flystrike, was tested. The attractiveness of the 10 samples selected was not associated with field susceptibility: two samples from the more resistant line were identified as most attractive and two samples from the more susceptible line were identified as least attractive, based on the behavioural assays with gravid flies. Comparison of the headspace volatiles of these samples, using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry‐electroantennographic detection, revealed octanal and nonanal to be present in the attractive wool samples that elicited responses from the fly antenna. Furthermore, the two compounds were not present in wool that was least attractive to L. cuprina. In laboratory bioassays, octanal and nonanal evoked antennal and behavioural responses in gravid L. cuprina, thus confirming their potential role as semiochemicals responsible for attracting L. cuprina to Merino sheep.  相似文献   

Temperature loggers were implanted to record core body temperature (Tcore) and rumen temperature (Trumen) in sheep. The relationship between Tcore and Trumen was compared for fleeced and shorn Merino sheep over a range of environmental temperatures and during stressors involved with shearing. Fleeced sheep maintained higher Tcore and Trumen than shorn sheep in all environmental conditions tested (from thermoneutral up to 33 °C and 55% relative humidity). Shearing of the fleeced sheep resulted in those sheep having a lower Tcore when exposed to hot conditions, compared to the previously shorn sheep. Respiratory rates of fleeced sheep followed similar patterns and were higher than shorn sheep under all environmental conditions. After the fleeced sheep were shorn, their respiratory rates decreased to rates similar to the previously shorn sheep when under heat load, suggesting heat loss other than respiratory evaporative heat loss was augmented.  相似文献   



Fleece rot (FR) and body-strike of Merino sheep by the sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina are major problems for the Australian wool industry, causing significant losses as a result of increased management costs coupled with reduced wool productivity and quality. In addition to direct effects on fleece quality, fleece rot is a major predisposing factor to blowfly strike on the body of sheep. In order to investigate the genetic drivers of resistance to fleece rot, we constructed a combined ovine-bovine cDNA microarray of almost 12,000 probes including 6,125 skin expressed sequence tags and 5,760 anonymous clones obtained from skin subtracted libraries derived from fleece rot resistant and susceptible animals. This microarray platform was used to profile the gene expression changes between skin samples of six resistant and six susceptible animals taken immediately before, during and after FR induction. Mixed-model equations were employed to normalize the data and 155 genes were found to be differentially expressed (DE). Ten DE genes were selected for validation using real-time PCR on independent skin samples. The genomic regions of a further 5 DE genes were surveyed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) that were genotyped across three populations for their associations with fleece rot resistance.  相似文献   

The development of biopesticides against ectoparasites must take into account the effect that an animal host’s secretions and host associated micro-organisms may have on the viability of the applied agent. In this study, the effects of secretions washed from the pelt of sheep on the viability and growth of the fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana, were assessed. The fungal isolate had been obtained from the parasitic sheep scab mite Psoroptes ovis. It was added to 0.05% Tween 80 in which sheep fleece had been washed up to six times, to ascertain whether successive washings had any effect on the viability of conidia over 6 days. The effects of sterile and non-sterile washings on viability and growth were also investigated. Results indicated that substances in the sheep fleece may cause a significant reduction in the viability of conidia. Viability was linked to the number of times the sheep pelt had been washed in the Tween, with conidia incubated in the first wash from the sheep pelt showing a significantly greater decrease in viability compared to those incubated in the sixth wash. Viability was not linked to the sterility of the washes, although there was a significant difference between length of germ tube growth from viable conidia in sterile and non-sterile washings.  相似文献   

A model sheep, made from metal cylinders and hemispheres, was heated electrically. Heat loss by forced convection in a wind tunnel was analysed in terms of the dependence of the Nusselt number (Nu) on Reynolds number (Re). For a bare trunk Nu = 0.095 Re0.684, but with fleece covering the trunk to a depth of 3.5 cm, Nu = 0.0112 Re0.875 when the mean radiative temperature of the the coat was taken as the surface temperature. Heat transfer by convection from the whole body, including legs, was described by Nu = 0.029 Re0.80. However, a bulk Nesselt number should not be used to estimate heat loss from a live sheep in a hot environment if the windspeed is below about 4 m s-1 because the relation between mean surface temperature, Nusselt number and convective heat flux is not unique.  相似文献   

Penetration of an animal's coat by wind reduces its thermal insulation and increases heat loss to the environment. From studies of the sensible heat loss from a life-sized model sheep covered with fleece, the average fleece resistance -rf(s cm-1) was related to windspeed u (m s-1) by 1/-rf(u) = 1/-rf(0)+cu, where c is a dimensionless constant. As c is expected to be inversely proportional to coat depth l, the more general relation -k(u) = -k(0)+c'u was evaluated, where -k = l/-rf is the thermal diffusivity (cm2 s-1) of the fleece and c' = cl is another constant (cm). The orientation of the model to the wind had little effect on the bulk resistance of the fleece, but the resistance on the windward side was substantially lower than on the leeward side.  相似文献   

Menz sheep are indigenous to the highlands of Ethiopia, and highly valued for their meat and wool production. The area is characterized as a low input mixed barley-sheep production system. In 1998, a selection experiment was set up to evaluate the response of Menz sheep to selection for yearling live weight (WT12) and greasy fleece weight (GFW) combined in an economic index. In this paper, we report the results of this breeding program obtained between 1998 and 2003. Average annual genetic selection responses for WT12 and GFW were 1.506 and 0.043 kg in the selected flock and 0.392 and −0.008 kg in the control flock. Annual genetic trends in the selected flock, estimated by regressing BLUP estimated breeding values on year of birth, were 0.495 ± 0.053 kg for WT12, 0.012 ± 0.002 kg for GFW, and Birr 5.53 ± 0.55 for the aggregate breeding value (1 Ethiopian Birr = 0.115 USD). Corresponding values for the control flock were 0.276 ± 0.065 kg, 0.003 ± 0.002 kg and Birr 2.93 ± 0.69. Correlated responses in birth weight (WT0), weaning weight (WT3), 6-month weight (WT6) and staple length (STPL) in the selected flock were 0.038 ± 0.005 kg, 0.271 ± 0.03 kg, 0.388 ± 0.039 kg and 0.011 ± 0.017 cm, respectively. Heritabilities, estimated by fitting a multitrait individual animal model were 0.464 ± 0.014, 0.477 ± 0.016, 0.514 ± 0.017, 0.559 ± 0.019, 0.393 ± 0.016 and 0.339 ± 0.014 for WT0, WT3, WT6, WT12, GFW and staple length (STPL), respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between all traits were positive, except for STPL and WT12. Estimates of genetic parameters and observed genetic trends confirm that selective breeding can lead to significant genetic improvement in Menz sheep.  相似文献   

Mapping and characterization of the dominant black colour locus in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dominant black pigment synthesis in sheep is caused by alterations of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1-R) coding sequence. Using five bovine microsatellite markers we have mapped the sheep MC1-R gene to chromosome 14, corresponding to the location in other mammalian species. The existence of two independent mutations, both causing an amino acid substitution, in distantly related breeds of sheep, support the hypothesis that the observed black pigment synthesis is caused by a mutual effect of the two mutations. As similar mutations are found separately at both locations in dominant black variants of other animal species, it is also possible that any of the two mutations could be sufficient for a partial pigment switch.  相似文献   

We studied the age, origins, and possible routes of colonization of the Australian Chenopodiaceae. Using a previously published rbcL phylogeny of the Amaranthaceae–Chenopodiaceae alliance (Kadereit et al. 2003) and new ITS phylogenies of the Camphorosmeae and Salicornieae, we conclude that Australia has been reached in at least nine independent colonization events: four in the Chenopodioideae, two in the Salicornieae, and one each in the Camphorosmeae, Suaedeae, and Salsoleae. Where feasible, we used molecular clock estimates to date the ages of the respective lineages. The two oldest lineages both belong to the Chenopodioideae (Scleroblitum and Chenopodium sect. Orthosporum/Dysphania) and date to 42.2–26.0 and 16.1–9.9 Mya, respectively. Most lineages (Australian Camphorosmeae, the Halosarcia lineage in the Salicornieae, Sarcocornia, Chenopodium subg. Chenopodium/Rhagodia, and Atriplex) arrived in Australia during the late Miocene to Pliocene when aridification and increasing salinity changed the landscape of many parts of the continent. The Australian Camphorosmeae and Salicornieae diversified rapidly after their arrival. The molecular-clock results clearly reject the hypothesis of an autochthonous stock of Chenopodiaceae dating back to Gondwanan times. Instead, they indicate that most lineages arrived in Australia via long-distance dispersal. Some lineages (e.g. the Halosarcia lineage) may have used the Indonesian archipelagos as stepping stones. The authors are aware that estimates of diversification times using a molecular clock can be subject to considerable levels of error. Our estimates of the age of Australian chenopod lineages based on three alternative fossils were made independently from any knowledge about shifts in climatic and geographical conditions in Australia during the times of arrival. In most cases, however, the paleoclimatic scenario indicates habitat shifts suitable for the respective chenopod colonizer, which corroborates our findings and provides a plausible scenario.  相似文献   

The distribution of the R-r-i blood group system was studied in eight breeds of Australian sheep. The recessive i gene was found to be absent from Merinos and, consequently, the i phenotype was absent in Merino crosses. Distribution of the groups in Dorset Horns and Ryelands was found to be strikingly different from that of other breeds. Two animals were found to have anti-r antibodies in serum.  相似文献   

Abstract. A group of thirty-two Merino sheep infested with itch mites (Psorergates ovis) and fed a maintenance diet which imposed moderate nutritional stress had a significantly higher mite population, significantly more skin scurf, and significantly more fleece damage or derangement (P < 0.05) than a second group of thirty-two infested sheep fed a diet designed for unrestricted body weight gain and wool growth. Histologically there were no significant differences between the groups in the numbers of mast cells, neutrophils or eosinophils observed in skin sections, but sheep that had high mite counts (>10 per 200 cm2 of skin area) in both groups, had more dermal mast cells than sheep with fewer mites irrespective of the plane of nutrition. Skin thickness and greasy fleece weight in die group maintained on the low plane of nutrition were significantly less (P < 0.05) than in die well-nourished group, reflecting the difference in protein and energy content of the two diets. Within the nutritionally stressed group, the sheep with low mite counts had a significantly lower (P < 0.05) greasy fleece weight and a shorter mean staple length than the sheep with high mite counts. There was no significant difference in greasy fleece weight between sheep with low or high mite counts in the group fed on the high plane of nutrition.  相似文献   

Thyroidectomy surgery performed late in gestation results in perturbations in wool follicle development in foetal sheep, showing the importance of thyroid hormones for wool follicle development. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of transient manipulation of thyroid hormone status at a time corresponding with foetal primary wool follicle initiation. Pregnant Merino ewes (n = 12 per treatment) were treated daily between gestational days 55 and 64 with control (vehicle), exogenous thyroxine (T4) or propylthiouracil (PTU), an inhibitor of T4 synthesis, and conversion to the active form of the thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine). There were no significant differences in birth weight, gestational lengths and birth coat scores of the resultant lambs. The total primary and secondary follicle densities were significantly lower in lambs exposed to exogenous T4 compared with other treatments (P < 0.05). However, the T4 group displayed a higher proportion of mature secondary follicles (reflected by increased mature secondary follicle densities and mature secondary/primary follicle ratios) than the other treatment groups (P < 0.05). The skin morphology of the lambs differed 12 months later, with the T4 group having significantly higher total follicle densities compared with the PTU group, largely attributed to increased mature and total secondary follicle densities. However, this increase in wool follicle densities did not translate to differences in the fleece yields and weight, fibre diameter, staple lengths or any other fibre parameters. This study showed that transient manipulation of thyroid hormone status during foetal primary follicle initiation does have long-term consequences on the morphology of wool follicles, in particular the maturity of secondary wool follicles.  相似文献   

Abstract. The pattern of feeding is described for males of the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina , with ad libitum access to either 0.1 M or 1.0 M glucose solution. Flies given the 0.1 M solution ingested nearly 3 times the volume taken by flies given the 1.0 M solution by eating meals of, on average, twice the size about 1.5 times as frequently. Flies were usually relatively inactive following a meal, with the extent of this post-prandial quiescence being a function both of meal size and concentration of sugar. Quiescence lasted only about 20% of the average intermeal interval, however, and there was no correlation between meal size and time to the next meal. The crop emptied more slowly when it contained 1.0 M rather than 0.1 M glucose solution and the crop was, on average, fuller at the beginning of a meal on the higher concentration. The volume of solution imbibed during a meal was positively correlated with time since the end of the preceding meal. The average crop volume at the end of a meal was similar in flies feeding on 0.1 M and 1.0 M solutions. The results are considered in relation to published information on control of feeding and compensation in the blowfly Phormia regina.  相似文献   

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