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苗林  罗述金 《生物多样性》2014,22(1):40-651
东南亚地区东起菲律宾群岛, 西至印度次大陆, 北及中国中部, 南至巽他群岛, 涵盖了世界上25个最重要的生物多样性热点地区之中的6个, 具有极其重要的全球生物多样性保护的战略意义。该地区复杂的地质地貌和气候历史使其动植物的种类和数量都极为丰富。经典的生物地理分界线华莱士线和克拉地峡将该地区进一步划分出包括部分巽他群岛和马来半岛在内的南部巽他区和北部印度支那区两个生物多样性热点地区。主要基于形态学的生物地理学研究认为巽他区和印度支那区通过马来半岛陆地相连, 并且第四纪大部分时间海平面下降形成大陆桥, 直到一万年前该地区的众多岛屿仍与大陆连接, 促进了哺乳动物的种群迁徙与基因交流, 因此物种种群间的差别将很细微。然而近来分子遗传学研究表明, 由于其他生态因素制约, 哺乳动物的迁移能力可能比以往认为的低, 大陆桥的存在并不一定导致迁徙的发生, 许多种群的隔离早在200万年前便已形成, 并且没有因为后来冰川期海平面降低而恢复种群交流, 而距今7.3万年前发生的苏门答腊多巴超级火山爆发也可能进一步影响了物种间和物种内多样性的形成和分化。通过已有的东南亚哺乳动物种群遗传学研究结果, 我们认为物种间或种群间的差异主要表现为三个层次: 巽他区种群与印度支那区种群间约百万年尺度的分化, 巽他区不同岛屿种群间约数十万年尺度的分化, 以及发生于晚更新世的分化事件。已有的东南亚种群遗传学研究主要采用线粒体及核基因多位点数据进行分析, 而种群基因组学分析则使得获得详尽的种群历史动态成为可能, 并使我们可以进一步了解东南亚哺乳动物类群所经历的物种形成过程。  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is postulated to have colonized North America in the past several 100 years in two waves. Flies from Europe colonized the east coast United States while flies from Africa inhabited the Caribbean, which if true, make the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands a secondary contact zone for African and European D. melanogaster. This scenario has been proposed based on phenotypes and limited genetic data. In our study, we have sequenced individual whole genomes of flies from populations in the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands and examined these populations in conjunction with population sequences from the west coast US, Africa, and Europe. We find that west coast US populations are closely related to the European population, likely reflecting a rapid westward expansion upon first settlements into North America. We also find genomic evidence of African and European admixture in south‐east US and Caribbean populations, with a clinal pattern of decreasing proportions of African ancestry with higher latitude. Our genomic analysis of D. melanogaster populations from the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands provides more evidence for the Caribbean Islands as the source of previously reported novel African alleles found in other east coast US populations. We also find the border between the south‐east US and the Caribbean island to be the admixture hot zone where distinctly African‐like Caribbean flies become genomically more similar to European‐like south‐east US flies. Our findings have important implications for previous studies examining the generation of east coast US clines via selection.  相似文献   

Musto et al. [FEBS Lett. 573 (2004) 73] studied the correlations between GC levels and optimal growth temperatures in 20 prokaryotic families. They reported that positive correlations are generally observed, and many of these are significant. Here, we have shown that these correlations are not "robust," i.e., correlation coefficients and/or significance of correlations can be considerably influenced by exclusion of very few (even as small as one) species from each dataset. The sensitivity of correlations is assumed as a result of high levels of bias in the family datasets. We concluded that solely based on these data, one cannot establish that GC contents of prokaryotic genomes increase as a result of growth temperature increments.  相似文献   

Hybrid populations and introgressive hybridization remain poorly documented in pathogenic micro‐organisms, as such that genetic exchange has been argued to play a minor role in their evolution. Recent work demonstrated the existence of hybrid microsatellite profiles in Trypanosoma congolense, a parasitic protozoan with detrimental effects on livestock productivity in sub‐Saharan Africa. Here, we present the first population genomic study of T. congolense, revealing a remarkable number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), small insertions/deletions (indels) and gene deletions among 56 parasite genomes from ten African countries. One group of parasites from Zambia was particularly diverse, displaying a substantial number of heterozygous SNP and indel sites compared to T. congolense parasites from the nine other sub‐Saharan countries. Genomewide 5‐kb phylogenetic analyses based on phased SNP data revealed that these parasites were the product of hybridization between phylogenetically distinct T. congolense lineages. Other parasites within the same region in Zambia presented a mosaic of haplotypic ancestry and genetic variability, indicating that hybrid parasites persisted and recombined beyond the initial hybridization event. Our observations challenge traditional views of trypanosome population biology and encourage future research on the role of hybridization in spreading genes for drug resistance, pathogenicity and virulence.  相似文献   

The order Hymenochaetales of white rot fungi contain some of the most aggressive wood decayers causing tree deaths around the world. Despite their ecological importance and the impact of diseases they cause, little is known about the evolution and transmission patterns of these pathogens. Here, we sequenced and undertook comparative genomic analyses of Hymenochaetales genomes using brown root rot fungus Phellinus noxius, wood‐decomposing fungus Phellinus lamaensis, laminated root rot fungus Phellinus sulphurascens and trunk pathogen Porodaedalea pini. Many gene families of lignin‐degrading enzymes were identified from these fungi, reflecting their ability as white rot fungi. Comparing against distant fungi highlighted the expansion of 1,3‐beta‐glucan synthases in P. noxius, which may account for its fast‐growing attribute. We identified 13 linkage groups conserved within Agaricomycetes, suggesting the evolution of stable karyotypes. We determined that P. noxius has a bipolar heterothallic mating system, with unusual highly expanded ~60 kb A locus as a result of accumulating gene transposition. We investigated the population genomics of 60 P. noxius isolates across multiple islands of the Asia Pacific region. Whole‐genome sequencing showed this multinucleate species contains abundant poly‐allelic single nucleotide polymorphisms with atypical allele frequencies. Different patterns of intra‐isolate polymorphism reflect mono‐/heterokaryotic states which are both prevalent in nature. We have shown two genetically separated lineages with one spanning across many islands despite the geographical barriers. Both populations possess extraordinary genetic diversity and show contrasting evolutionary scenarios. These results provide a framework to further investigate the genetic basis underlying the fitness and virulence of white rot fungi.  相似文献   

Large‐scale genomic studies of wild animal populations are often limited by access to high‐quality DNA. Although noninvasive samples, such as faeces, can be readily collected, DNA from the sample producers is usually present in low quantities, fragmented, and contaminated by microorganism and dietary DNAs. Hybridization capture can help to overcome these impediments by increasing the proportion of subject DNA prior to high‐throughput sequencing. Here we evaluate a key design variable for hybridization capture, the number of rounds of capture, by testing whether one or two rounds are most appropriate, given varying sample quality (as measured by the ratios of subject to total DNA). We used a set of 1,780 quality‐assessed wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) faecal samples and chose 110 samples of varying quality for exome capture and sequencing. We used multiple regression to assess the effects of the ratio of subject to total DNA (sample quality), rounds of capture and sequencing effort on the number of unique exome reads sequenced. We not only show that one round of capture is preferable when the proportion of subject DNA in a sample is above ~2%–3%, but also explore various types of bias introduced by capture, and develop a model that predicts the sequencing effort necessary for a desired data yield from samples of a given quality. Thus, our results provide a useful guide and pave a methodological way forward for researchers wishing to plan similar hybridization capture studies.  相似文献   

Few species worldwide have attracted as much attention in relation to conservation and sustainable management as Pacific salmon. Most populations have suffered significant reductions, many have disappeared, and even entire evolutionary significant units (ESUs) are believed to have been lost. Until now, no ‘smoking gun’ in terms of direct genetic evidence of the loss of a salmon ESU has been produced. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Iwamoto et al. (2012) use microsatellite analysis of historical scale samples of Columbia River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from 1924 ( Fig. 1 ) to ask the pertinent question: Do the historical samples contain salmon from extirpated populations or ESUs? They identified four genetic groups in the historical samples of which two were almost genetically identical to contemporary ESUs in the river, one showed genetic relationship with a third ESU, but one group was not related to any of the contemporary populations. In association with ecological data, the genetic results suggest that an early migrating Columbia River headwater sockeye salmon ESU has been extirpated. The study has significant importance for conservation and reestablishment of sockeye populations in the Columbia River, but also underpins the general significance of shifting baselines in conservation biology, and how to assess loss of genetic biodiversity. The results clearly illustrate the huge and versatile potential of using historical DNA in population and conservation genetics. Because of the extraordinarily plentiful historical samples and rapid advances in fish genomics, fishes are likely to spearhead future studies of temporal ecological and population genomics in non‐model organisms.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint (a) Kokanee sampling site between Columbia and Windermere lakes on the upper Columbia River at Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada. (b) Bureau of Fisheries scale books that contained sockeye salmon (locally called ‘blueback’ salmon) scales collected from commercial fisheries during the 1920s in the lower Columbia River. (c) Kokanee on spawning beds in Kuskanax Creek, a tributary to Upper Arrow Lake, British Columbia. Photo credit Rick Gustafson and Jim Myers.  相似文献   

Widespread environmental changes including climate change, selective harvesting and landscape alterations now greatly affect selection regimes for most organisms. How animals and plants can adapt to these altered environments via contemporary evolution is thus of strong interest. We discuss how to use genetic monitoring to study adaptive responses via repeated analysis of the same populations over time, distinguishing between phenotypic and molecular genetics approaches. After describing monitoring designs, we develop explicit criteria for demonstrating adaptive responses, which include testing for selection and establishing clear links between genetic and environmental change. We then review a few exemplary studies that explore adaptive responses to climate change in Drosophila, selective responses to hunting and fishing, and contemporary evolution in Daphnia using resurrected resting eggs. We further review a broader set of 44 studies to assess how well they meet the proposed criteria, and conclude that only 23% fulfill all criteria. Approximately half (43%) of these studies failed to rule out the alternative hypothesis of replacement by a different, better-adapted population. Likewise, 34% of the studies based on phenotypic variation did not test for selection as opposed to drift. These shortcomings can be addressed via improved experimental designs and statistical testing. We foresee monitoring of adaptive responses as a future valuable tool in conservation biology, for identifying populations unable to evolve at sufficiently high rates and for identifying possible donor populations for genetic rescue. Technological advances will further augment the realization of this potential, especially next-generation sequencing technologies that allow for monitoring at the level of whole genomes.  相似文献   

The leader gene approach is a data mining method based on the systematic search for genes involved in a specific process and their ranking according to the number of interconnections with the other genes identified. The genes with the strongest interconnections are termed leader genes, since they may be supposed to play an important role in the process. The potential of malignant progression of OLP to oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is still not completely clear. In this study, the leader gene approach is applied to investigate the association between OLP and OSCC at a molecular level. Results were integrated with those obtained in an experimental analysis (see paper 1 of this series). Genes involved in OLP and OSCC were identified by systematic queries to dedicated databases. Interconnections among identified genes were calculated and given a confidence value using STRING database. Leader genes were identified by clustering genes according to their interconnections. This theoretical analysis shows that OLP and OSCC share two leader genes: TP53 and CDKN1A, involved in the PI3K signalling events mediated by AKT pathway. This finding and those obtained in the experimental analysis suggest the possible involvement of some key genes/proteins LCK, PIK3CA, BIRC5, TP53 and CDKN1A in the malignant progression from OLP to OSCC. Moreover, these findings support the role of some molecular pathways, namely IL2 signalling events mediated by PI3K, PI3K signalling events mediated by AKT, and, possibly, Aurora A signalling in the association between OLP and OSCC.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the genomic revolution has offered the possibility to generate tremendous amounts of data that contain valuable information on the genetic basis of phenotypic traits, such as those linked to human diseases or those that allow for species to adapt to a changing environment. Most ecologically relevant traits are controlled by a large number of genes with small individual effects on trait variation, but that are connected with one another through complex developmental, metabolic and biochemical networks. As a result, it has recently been suggested that most adaptation events in natural populations are reached via correlated changes at multiple genes at a time, for which the name polygenic adaptation has been coined. The current challenge is to develop methods to extract the relevant information from genomic data to detect the signature of polygenic evolutionary change. The symposium entitled “Detecting the Genomic Signal of Polygenic Adaptation and the Role of Epistasis in Evolution” held in 2017 at the University of Zürich aimed at reviewing our current state of knowledge. In this review, we use the talks of the invited speakers to summarize some of the most recent developments in this field.  相似文献   

Speciation, the evolution of reproductive isolation among populations, is continuous, complex, and involves multiple, interacting barriers. Until it is complete, the effects of this process vary along the genome and can lead to a heterogeneous genomic landscape with peaks and troughs of differentiation and divergence. When gene flow occurs during speciation, barriers restricting gene flow locally in the genome lead to patterns of heterogeneity. However, genomic heterogeneity can also be produced or modified by variation in factors such as background selection and selective sweeps, recombination and mutation rate variation, and heterogeneous gene density. Extracting the effects of gene flow, divergent selection and reproductive isolation from such modifying factors presents a major challenge to speciation genomics. We argue one of the principal aims of the field is to identify the barrier loci involved in limiting gene flow. We first summarize the expected signatures of selection at barrier loci, at the genomic regions linked to them and across the entire genome. We then discuss the modifying factors that complicate the interpretation of the observed genomic landscape. Finally, we end with a road map for future speciation research: a proposal for how to account for these modifying factors and to progress towards understanding the nature of barrier loci. Despite the difficulties of interpreting empirical data, we argue that the availability of promising technical and analytical methods will shed further light on the important roles that gene flow and divergent selection have in shaping the genomic landscape of speciation.  相似文献   

The evolutionary mechanisms generating the tremendous biodiversity of islands have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. Genetic drift and divergent selection are predicted to be strong on islands and both could drive population divergence and speciation. Alternatively, strong genetic drift may preclude adaptation. We conducted a genomic analysis to test the roles of genetic drift and divergent selection in causing genetic differentiation among populations of the island fox (Urocyon littoralis). This species consists of six subspecies, each of which occupies a different California Channel Island. Analysis of 5293 SNP loci generated using Restriction‐site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing found support for genetic drift as the dominant evolutionary mechanism driving population divergence among island fox populations. In particular, populations had exceptionally low genetic variation, small Ne (range = 2.1–89.7; median = 19.4), and significant genetic signatures of bottlenecks. Moreover, islands with the lowest genetic variation (and, by inference, the strongest historical genetic drift) were most genetically differentiated from mainland grey foxes, and vice versa, indicating genetic drift drives genome‐wide divergence. Nonetheless, outlier tests identified 3.6–6.6% of loci as high FST outliers, suggesting that despite strong genetic drift, divergent selection contributes to population divergence. Patterns of similarity among populations based on high FST outliers mirrored patterns based on morphology, providing additional evidence that outliers reflect adaptive divergence. Extremely low genetic variation and small Ne in some island fox populations, particularly on San Nicolas Island, suggest that they may be vulnerable to fixation of deleterious alleles, decreased fitness and reduced adaptive potential.  相似文献   

Understanding the emergence of species through the process of ecological speciation is a central question in evolutionary biology which also has implications for conservation and management. Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) is renowned for the occurrence of different ecotypes linked to resource and habitat use throughout North America. We aimed to unravel the fine genetic structure of the four lake trout ecotypes in Lake Superior. A total of 486 individuals from four sites were genotyped at 6822 filtered SNPs using RADseq technology. Our results revealed different extent of morphological and genetic differentiation within the different sites. Overall, genetic differentiation was weak but significant and was on average three times higher between sites (mean FST = 0.016) than between ecotypes within sites (mean FST = 0.005) indicating higher level of gene flow or a more recent shared ancestor between ecotypes within each site than between populations of the same ecotype. Evidence of divergent selection was also found between ecotypes and/or in association with morphological variation. Outlier loci found in genes related to lipid metabolism and visual acuity were of particular interest in this context of ecotypic divergence. However, we did not find clear indication of parallelism at the genomic level, despite the presence of phenotypic parallelism among some ecotypes from different sampling sites. Overall, the occurrence of different levels of both genomic and phenotypic differentiation between ecotypes within each site with several differentiated loci linked to relevant biological functions supports the presence of a continuum of divergence in lake trout.  相似文献   

As populations diverge many processes can shape genomic patterns of differentiation. Regions of high differentiation can arise due to divergent selection acting on selected loci, genetic hitchhiking of nearby loci, or through repeated selection against deleterious alleles (linked background selection); this divergence may then be further elevated in regions of reduced recombination. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from Europe and North America diverged >600,000 years ago and despite some evidence of secondary contact, the majority of genetic data indicate substantial divergence between lineages. This deep divergence with potential gene flow provides an opportunity to investigate the role of different mechanisms that shape the genomic landscape during early speciation. Here, using 184,295 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 80 populations, we investigate the genomic landscape of differentiation across the Atlantic Ocean with a focus on highly differentiated regions and the processes shaping them. We found evidence of high (mean FST = 0.26) and heterogeneous genomic differentiation between continents. Genomic regions associated with high trans‐Atlantic differentiation ranged in size from single loci (SNPs) within important genes to large regions (1–3 Mbp ) on four chromosomes (Ssa06, Ssa13, Ssa16 and Ssa19). These regions showed signatures consistent with selection, including high linkage disequilibrium, despite no significant reduction in recombination. Genes and functional enrichment of processes associated with differentiated regions may highlight continental differences in ocean navigation and parasite resistance. Our results provide insight into potential mechanisms underlying differences between continents, and evidence of near‐fixed and potentially adaptive trans‐Atlantic differences concurrent with a background of high genome‐wide differentiation supports subspecies designation in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

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