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The purpose of this research was to compare the overwinter survival of populations of Heterodera glycines at different latitudes in the United States and the effect of changing latitudes before and after the initiation of dormancy. Soil samples infested with H. glycines were collected in August or October in 1992 to 1994 from soybean fields in two to four states (combinations of Arkansas, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin). The samples were mixed thoroughly, divided into subsamples, shipped to an overwinter location, and buried until time for processing. To determine survival, cysts, eggs, and second-stage juveniles were extracted from replicated subsamples and counted each month from December to May. Survival generally was between 50% and 100%, and often was best in the state of origin. In Florida, survival was at the 50 to 100% level in soil from most locations, and in Wisconsin was near 100%. Survival of H. glycines in Arkansas and Missouri varied more than at the other locations. In a separate test, survival in microplots in Arkansas, in a more natural environment than that of buried samples, was 70 to 94% for field isolates from Arkansas, Minnesota, and Missouri and 100% for isolates of races 1, 3, and 14 that had been maintained in a greenhouse for several years. Survival appears to be better than previous tests had indicated. High survival rates require cultivars with high levels of resistance and long-term rotations for management.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic protein patterns of H. glycines from southern Indiana (Posey County) and northern Indiana (Pulaski County) were largely similar, but many differences existed. The pattern of the Posey isolate was similar to patterns from isolates collected in other areas of the United States. Unique dense protein spots in the pattern of an isolate from Hokkaido, Japan, distinguished it from patterns of six U.S. isolates.  相似文献   

Progeny from single females of four known races of Heterodera glycines Ichinohe were used to establish relatively uniform populations. Single females from these populations were mated with males of other races in all possible combinations to study compatibility and inheritance patterns. When race 1 or 3 was crossed with either race 2 or 4, there was a significant reduction in number of females and a greater number of eggless females than in crosses of races 1 × 3 and 2 × 4. More females matured and fewer were eggless when matings were of the same race. Parasitic capabilities of races 2 and 4 were dominant or partially dominant over those of races 1 and 3, based on parasitism of F₁ hybrids. Segregation patterns were generally similar for reciprocal crosses between races. There appeared to be either one or two major genes segregating for parasitism of ''Pickett'' soybean in the different crosses. A hybrid isolate (race 3 × 4) that differed in parasitic capability from the four known races produced as many females on the resistant soybean genotype, PI 90,763, as on the susceptible Lee cultivar. Those data indicate that isolates of H. glycines with a different parasitic capability may develop from gene recombination.  相似文献   

Population fluctuations of Heterodera glycines differ in fields with high and low initial population densities. In a field with low initial numbers of nematodes, the numbers of cysts and eggs in soil remained low through 100 days from planting then increased during the remainder of the growing season. In a field with high initial nematode populations, numbers increased at 30 days, decreased to low numbers at 100 days, and then resurged to maximum populations at harvest. Numbers of juveniles were greatest at 100 days in the low initial population density field and at planting in the high initial population density field. The initial numbers of eggs in the soil gave the best correlation to soil and root nematode populations 15 and 30 days later. Juveniles in the soil at planting gave the largest correlation coefficients with nematode populations in the roots at 15 days in the field with the low initial population density. Eggs and juveniles in the soil at harvest were poorly related to numbers that overwintered.  相似文献   

Germplasm line J87-233 is resistant to soybean cyst nematode (SCN) races 1, 2, 3, 5 and moderately resistant to race 14 with resistance derived from 3 primitive sources, Peking, PI 88788 and PI 90763. F2:3 progeny of J87-233 and SCN-susceptible Hutcheson cross were evaluated for response to SCN races 1, 2, 3, 5 and 14. Linkage groups (LG) A, B, F, G, J, M, N, S were tested with 215 genomic clones and 45 decamers for parental genotypes. QTL for race 1 and QTL for race 3 were detected on LG A2, the region of BLT65V and SCAR 548/5631100/1025,975. The cluster analysis of 12 soybean cultivars and 38 plant introductions confirmed association of SCAR1100/1025,975 with resistance to races 1 and 3, and suggested possible DNA rearrangements that might give rise to new resistance specificities in the region. The highly significant association of K69T marker with SCN race 1 resistance in conjunction with its location, 18.5 cM from the reported QTL, exemplifies the importance of the QTL locus on LG G and suggests expansion of the linkage map in the LG G-terminal region. Detected interaction between loci on LG A2 and LG G, and also with loci on LG F and LG M, may play a significant role in the genotype-specific response to SCN. Identification of two major regions on LG A2 and LG G for SCN resistance shows their applicability to advanced germplasm, however, transmission of molecular marker alleles indicates that applied markers are not yet reliable in revealing all possible recombination events in breeding for SCN resistance.  相似文献   

Eighteen hosts were inoculated with each of four races of Heterodera glycines. A discriminant function analysis of the reactions of these races to these hosts demonstrated that these races could be separated but not consistently. Then 33 H. glycines populations collected from 13 states and five obtained from Japan were tested on differential hosts. The number of variants discriminated within these 38 populations depended on the number of differentials and the rating system used. When five differentials were used with a (+) or (-) rating system there were six "races," but when 13 differentials were used with a (+) or (-) system there were 25 physiological groups. If an index rating system was used there were 36 groups. Apparently H. glycines is a very variable species and delineation of races varies with criteria chosen.  相似文献   

Protein patterns obtained by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for three isolates of Heterodera glycines from southern Indiana appear qualitatively similar and have higher pairwise Jaccard similarity coefficients with each other than with isolates from northern Indiana. Three isolates from three northern counties share proteins not present in the southern isolates, but as a group the northern isolates are less similar to each other than are the southern Indiana isolates.  相似文献   

Selection for ability of soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, to reproduce on soybeans with different sources of resistance divides some SCN race 4 field populations into two distinct subpopulations. These subpopulations reproduce well on ''Bedford'' and plant introduction (PI) 88788 or PI 89772 and PI 90763 but not on both pairs of soybean lines. The ability of these subpopulations to reproduce on the four soybean lines was reversed by changing the soybean line used as a host during a second cycle of selection. When SCN populations previously selected for reproduction on Bedford and PI 88788 were selected for their ability to reproduce on D72-8927 and J74-88, the ability of these populations to reproduce on Bedford and PI 88788 decreased significantly and their ability to reproduce on PI 89772 and PI 90763 increased significantly. Conversely, when SCN populations, previously selected for reproduction on P189772 and P190763, were selected for their ability to reproduce on Bedford, the reproduction of these populations on Bedford increased significantly and reproduction on PI 89772 and PI 90763 decreased significantly. Selection for ability of a SCN race 4 field population to reproduce on soybean lines derived from SCN race 4 resistant PIs resulted in the same division of the field population into two distinct subpopulations. These data substantiate earlier proposals to rotate cultivars with different genes for SCN resistance as a means of managing SCN populations.  相似文献   

The sex ratio of the Arkansas 1 isolate of Heterodera glycines was determined in experiments in which ''Lee'' soybean was inoculated with either one or two larvae. A 3:1 male to female sex ratio was established for this isolate under the test conditions used. No influence of one nematode on the penetration and development to adult of another nematode in the same root was detected in double larval inoculations.  相似文献   

Variability in Race Tests with Heterodera glycines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tests of Heterodera glycines on differential host plants to determine races were run in Arkansas, Illinois, and North Carolina to check the uniformity of results of the test. Methods used at the three locations varied somewhat. Results indicate that the race test is highly variable. Isolates previously identified as race 1 were identified as race 1 or race 3; those identified as race 2 were identified in these tests as race 2, 4, 9, or 14; those previously identified as race 3 were identified as race 1 or race 3; those identified as race 4 were identified in these tests as race 4 or race 14; those previously identified as race 5 were identified as race 2; and those previously identified as race 6 were identified as race 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6. Part of the variability resulted from the use of differential host plants from different sources and part from nonstandard differential host plants. Other variations may be due to inability to obtain completely uniform inoculum or to recover all nematodes that penetrated.  相似文献   

Optimization of the Heterodera glycines Race Test Procedure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of pot size, length of seedling radicle at the time of inoculation with Heterodera glycines, transplanting after inoculation, type and amount of inoculum, and temperature were tested to determine the optimum procedure for the H. glycines race test. Numbers of H. glycines females extracted from plants in 7.5-cm-d pots tended to be higher than numbers from 10-cm-d pots, but not significantly so. Radicle lengths from 2.5 cm to 7.5 cm had no effect. Transplanting after inoculation reduced the variation in the number of females extracted, but the numbers of females produced were very low. Plump females (40 per pot) or eggs (4,000 per pot) were the best inocula. A constant temperature of 28 C appeared to be optimum. More H. glycines females were extracted from plants 28 days after inoculation than at 35 days. Race tests in which all of these factors were included were still highly variable in the number of H. glycines females extracted from different replications of the same test host. Tests of several susceptible cultivars revealed differences in their capabilities as hosts of H. glycines races.  相似文献   

Twenty-one isolates of 18 fungal species were tested on water agar for their pathogenicity to eggs of Heterodera glycines. An egg-parasitic index (EPI) for each of these fungi was recorded on a scale from 0 to 10, and hatch of nematode eggs was determined after exposure to the fungi on water agar for 3 weeks at 24 C. The EPI for Verticillium chlamydosporium was 7.6, and the fungus reduced hatch 74%. Pyrenochaeta terrestris and two sterile fungi also showed a high EPI and reduced hatch 42-73%. Arthrobotrys dactyloides, Fusarium oxysporum, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Stagonospora heteroderae, Neocosmospora vasinfecta, Fusarium solani, and Exophiala pisciphila were moderately pathogenic to eggs (EPI was 2.0-4.5, and hatch was reduced 21-56%). Beauveria bassiana, Hirsutella rhossiliensis, Hirsutella thompsonii, Dictyochaeta heteroderae, Dictyochaeta coffeae, Gliocladium catenulatum, and Cladosporium sp. showed little parasitism of nematode eggs but reduced hatch. A negative correlation was observed between hatch and fungal parasitism of eggs. Fusarium oxysporum, H. rhossiliensis, P. lilacinus, S. heteroderae, V. chlamydosporium, and sterile fungus 1 also were tested in soil in a greenhouse test. After 3 months, the nematode densities were lower in soil treated with H. rhossiliensis and V. chlamydosporium than in untreated soil. The nematode population densities were correlated negatively with the EPI, but not with the percentage of cysts colonized by the fungi. Plant weights and heights generally increased in the soil treated with the fungi.  相似文献   

Populations of Heterodera glycines identifiable as race 1 reproduced on the race 1 resistant ''Bedford'' soybean. A Beaufort County, North Carolina, population had an index of parasitism of 112% on Bedford in greenhouse tests. Indices of parasitism for this population on race 1 resistant cultivars Pickett 71, Centennial, and Forrest were less than 10%. The Beaufort County population had significantly greater reproduction on Bedford in microplots than did populations of race 3 or race 4. In field tests, a race 1 population suppressed yields of Bedford but not yields of Centennial. Based on these data, Bedford is no longer recommended in North Carolina as a race 1 resistant cultivar.  相似文献   

Fifty-four susceptible soybean, Glycine max, cultivars or plant introductions were evaluated for tolerance to H. glycines, the soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Seed yields of genotypes were compared in nematicide-treated (1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane, 58 kg a.i./ha) and nontreated plots at two SCN-infested locations over 3 years. Distinct and consistent levels of tolerance to SCN were observed among soybean genotypes. PI 97100, an introduction from Korea, exhibited the highest level of tolerance with an average tolerance index ([yield in nontreated plot ÷ yield in nematicide-treated plot] × 100) of 96 over 2 years. Coker 156 and Wright had moderate levels of tolerance (range in index values 68 to 95) compared to the intolerant cuhivars Bragg and Coker 237 (range in index values 33 to 68). Most of the soybean genotypes evaluated were intolerant to SCN. The rankings of five genotypes for tolerance to SCN and Hoplolaimus columbus were similar. Tolerance for seed yield was more consistently correlated with tolerance for plant height (r = 0.55 to 0.64) than for seed weight (r = 0.23 to 0.65) among genotypes.  相似文献   

Complete Characterization of the Race Scheme for Heterodera glycines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One hundred thirty-eight isolates of Heterodera glycines from nine states in the United States, People''s Republic of China, and Indonesia were tested on the four standard soybean race differentials. A total of 12 variants were found, including the five races described previously. The seven variants that did not correspond to one of the described races and reports from other areas of populations that could not be classified are evidence that the present race classification system needs to be fully characterized. Eleven additional races are described; this expands the total to 16 races, the maximum possible using the four prescribed differentials and a + or - rating for each. The seven new races are designated as 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, and 16. This complete characterization of the race scheme will allow for immediate communication of the discovery of the remaining four races plus the identification of previous undescribed races.  相似文献   

The effects of no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT), and crop rotation on soybean yield and population dynamics of Heterodera glycines were compared during a 7-year study in a silty clay loam soil with 6% organic matter. Either H. glycines-resistant ''Linford'' soybean or susceptible ''Williams 82'' soybean was rotated with corn and grown on 76-cm-wide rows in both tillage systems. Soybean was planted in 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000. Yield of Linford was significantly greater than Williams 82 in all years. Soybean yield was affected by tillage in 1999 and 2000. No-tillage production tended to support more reproduction (R = number of eggs at harvest/number of eggs at planting) on both cultivars. The largest R for Williams 82 were in 1998: 58.35 for NT plots and 11.78 for CT plots. For Linford, the largest R were 12.09 for NT plots in 1996, and 3.71 for CT in 1999. When corn was planted, R decreased more in NT. When soybean was planted in years subsequent to 1994, numbers of eggs at harvest (Pf) were greater for Williams 82 NT than for Williams 82 CT or Linford in both tillage systems; however, crop rotation with corn negated these population increases. The soil became suppressive to H. glycines in 1999 and was suppressive in 2000. After the 3 years of continuous soybean, Pf per 250 cm[sup3] soil were 2,870 for Williams 82 NT, 791 for Williams 82 CT, 544 for Linford NT, and 990 for Linford CT in 2000, compared with Pf of 13,100 for Williams 82 NT, 15,000 for Williams CT, 2,360 for Linford NT, and 2,050 for Linford CT in 1994. Describing population dynamics solely on the basis of R was not adequate, but also required independent examination of initial populations following overwintering and Pf after the growing season. Planting soybean either NT or CT in rotation with corn did not result in long-term increases in numbers of H. glycines eggs.  相似文献   

A 2-year study was conducted in field microplots to determine the relative importance of soybean phenology and soil temperature on induction of dormancy in Heterodera glycines in Missouri. Four near-isogenic soybean lines differing for maturity date were planted in microplots infested with a race 5 isolate of H. glycines. Soil temperature was monitored at a depth of 15 cm. Eggs of H. glycines, extracted from cysts collected monthly from each microplot, were used in hatching tests and bioassays to determine dormancy. Egg hatching and second-stage juvenile (J2) infectivity rates decreased sharply from their highest levels in midsummer (July-August) to a low level by October of each year and remained low (< 10% hatching and < 0.2 J2/cm root) until May or June of the following year. The patterns of numbers of females and eggs in the bioassays were similar. The decreases were not related to soil temperature and did not differ consistently among soybean isolines. The monophasic changes in all nematode responses with peak midsummer rates suggest that H. glycines produces one primary generation per year in central Missouri. Changes in hatching rates and the timing of minimum and maximum rates suggested that H. glycines eggs exhibit more than one type of dormancy.  相似文献   

A nondestructive technique was developed to characterize and separate eggs of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, by developmental stage using flow cytometry. Eggs from cysts cultured on susceptible soybean roots were suspended in 0.1% xanthan gum or 59% sucrose and loaded into either a Coulter EPICS 752 or EPICS 753 flow cytometer. Eggs were analyzed and sorted according to forward angle and 90° light scatter, flow cytometric parameters that are relative measures of object size and granularity, respectively. Mature eggs containing vermiform juveniles were less granular and slightly larger than eggs in earlier stages of embryogeny, allowing for separation of mature eggs from immature eggs. The effectiveness of flow cytometric sorting was evaluated by comparing the developmental stages of subpopulations of unsorted and sorted eggs. Of a subpopulation of unsorted eggs, 62% contained vermiform juveniles, whereas 85 to 95% of sorted subpopulations of larger, less granular eggs contained vermiform juveniles. Suspending H. glycines eggs in 0.1% xanthan gum or 59% sucrose for flow cytometric analysis had no effect on subsequent egg hatch in vitro. This technique is an efficient and effective means to collect large, relatively homogeneous quantities of H. glycines eggs in early or late embryogeny, and would likely be useful for analyzing and sorting eggs of other nematode species for use in developmental, genetic, or physiological research, or for identification and collection of parasitized eggs.  相似文献   

Heterodera glycines (race 1) eggs were exposed to aqueous solutions o f selected concentrations o f the herbicide alachlor and the organophosphate nematicide phenamiphos alone and in herbicide-nematicide combinations. Phenamiphos (0.5 μg/ml) + alachlor (0.063, 0.125, or 1.0 μg/ ml) treatments increased the incidence o f juvenile hatch over that of untreated controls at 18 days. At 18 and 25 days, phenamiphos (0.5 μg/ml) treatments contained more juveniles than did phenamiphos at 1.0 μg/ml. Phenamiphos (1.0 μg/ml) alone and in combination with alachlor (1.0 μg/ ml) suppressed hatch for 21 days and juvenile survival for more than 21 days. Alachlor treatments enhanced juvenile survival compared to the untreated control at 14 and 21 days. Technical alachlor gave results similar to those of the formulated product.  相似文献   

Heterodera glycines, the soybean cyst nematode, is a major yield-limiting pathogen in most soybean production areas worldwide. Field populations of H. glycines exhibit diversity in their ability to develop on resistant soybean cultivars. Since 1970, this diversity has been characterized by a bioassay used to assign a race classification to a population. The value of the race scheme is reflected in the number and quality of resistant soybean cultivars that have been developed and released by soybean breeders and nematologists working in concert. However, the race scheme also has been misapplied as a means of studying H. glycines genotypes, in part due to the use of the term "race." For fungal and bacterial pathogen species, "race" can theoretically be applied to individuals of a population, thus allowing inference of individual genotypes. Application of a race designation to an individual egg or second-stage juvenile (J2) of H. glycines is not possible because a single J2 cannot be tested on multiple hosts. For other nematode species, "race" is defined by host ranges involving different plant species, whereas the H. glycines race test involves a set of lines of the same plant species. Nonetheless, because H. glycines populations vary in genetic diversity, and this variation has implications for management strategies, a mechanism is needed for documenting and discussing population differences. The HG Type scheme described herein avoids the implication of genetic uniformity or predictability in contrast to the way the race scheme has been used.  相似文献   

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