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The current genetic research on Caenorhabditis elegans and the application of genetic techniques to the analysis of development and behavior in this animal are reviewed. Some aspects of the work are emphasized more than others and this inevitably reflects the author''s own interests and prejudices. An effort was made to point out the advantages that C. elegans offers for certain types of investigations and to point out, in general terms, the relevance of this work to other areas of biological research.  相似文献   

In complex neural circuits of the brain, massive information is processed with neuronal communication through synaptic transmissions. It is thus fundamental to delineate information flows encoded by various kinds of transmissions. Here, we show that glutamate signals from two distinct sensory neurons bidirectionally affect the same postsynaptic interneuron, thereby producing the opposite behaviours. EAT-4/VGLUT (vesicular glutamate transporter)-dependent glutamate signals from AFD thermosensory neurons inhibit the postsynaptic AIY interneurons through activation of GLC-3/GluCl inhibitory glutamate receptor and behaviourally drive migration towards colder temperature. By contrast, EAT-4-dependent glutamate signals from AWC thermosensory neurons stimulate the AIY neurons to induce migration towards warmer temperature. Alteration of the strength of AFD and AWC signals led to significant changes of AIY activity, resulting in drastic modulation of behaviour. We thus provide an important insight on information processing, in which two glutamate transmissions encoding opposite information flows regulate neural activities to produce a large spectrum of behavioural outputs.  相似文献   

A new behavioral assay is described for studying chemosensation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This assay presents three main characteristics: (1) the worm is restrained by gluing, preserving correlates of identifiable behaviors; (2) the amplitude and time course of the stimulus are controlled by the experimenter; and (3) the behavior is recorded quantitatively. We show that restrained C. elegans display behaviors comparable to those of freely moving worms. Moreover, the chemosensory response of wild‐type glued animals to changes in salt concentration is similar to that of freely moving animals. This glued‐worm assay was used to reveal new chemosensory deficits of the potassium channel mutant egl‐2. We conclude that the glued worm assay can be used to study the chemosensory regulation of C. elegans behavior and how it is affected by neuronal or genetic manipulations. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

Nishida Y  Sugi T  Nonomura M  Mori I 《EMBO reports》2011,12(8):855-862
Behaviour is a consequence of computation in neural circuits composed of massive synaptic connections among sensory neurons and interneurons. The cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) responsible for learning and memory is expressed in almost all neurons. Nevertheless, we find that the Caenorhabditis elegans CREB orthologue, CRH-1, is only required in the single bilateral thermosensory neuron AFD, for a memory-related behaviour. Restoration of CRH-1 in AFD of CREB-depleted crh-1 mutants rescues its thermotactic defect, whereas restorations in other neurons do not. In calcium-imaging analyses, the AFD neurons of CREB-depleted crh-1 mutants exhibit an abnormal response to temperature increase. We present a new platform for analysing the mechanism of behavioural memory at single-cellular resolution within the neural circuit.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroids (insect molting hormones) from Caenorhabditis elegans were chromatographically purified and quantified by radioimmunoassay. Nematodes from semidefined medium contained the immunoreactive equivalent of 460 pg ecdysone per gram dry weight. Culture medium, however, contained the immunoreactive equivalent of 68 times the quantity within the nematodes. In a defined medium lacking immunoreactivity, C. elegans contained 520 pg ecdysone equivalents per gram dry weight but reproduced slowly. Reproduction of C. elegans in defined medium was enhanced by formulation in agar. Propagation of C. elegans in either agar-based or aqueous defined medium supplemented with [¹⁴C]cholesterol of high specific activity failed to result in production of radiolabeled free ecdysteroids or polar or apolar ecdysteroid conjugates. Failure to demonstrate ecdysteroid biosynthesis in C. elegans raises questions about the ecdysteroids identified previously in nematodes being products of endogenous biosynthesis, a necessary condition for these compounds to be nematode hormones.  相似文献   

The effects of caffeine on salt chemotaxis learning were investigated using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. To estimate the degree of salt chemotaxis learning, nematodes were placed in a mixed solution of NaCl and caffeine, and then the chemotaxis index of NaCl was obtained from the nematodes placed on agar medium after pre-exposure to caffeine concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0%. Locomotor activity and preference behavior for caffeine were also estimated under these caffeine conditions. Nematodes pre-exposed to 0.3% caffeine showed inhibition of salt chemotaxis learning. Additional experiments indicated that nematodes showed a preference response to the middle concentration of caffeine (0.1%), with preference behavior declining in the 0.3% caffeine condition. Stable locomotor activity was observed under 0.01–0.3% caffeine conditions. These results suggest that salt chemotaxis learning with 0.3% caffeine is useful for investigating the effects of caffeine on learning in nematodes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Extracts of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans contain five molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity that can be separated by a combination of selective solubilization, velocity sedimentation, and ion-exchange chromatography. These are called form IA (5.2s), form IB (4.9.s), form II (6.7s), form III (11.3s), and form IV (13.0s). All except form III are present in significant amounts in rapidly prepared extracts and are probably native; form III is probably derived autolytically from form IV. Most of forms IA and IB can be solubilized by repeated extractions without detergent, whereas forms II, III, and IV require detergent for effective solubilization and may therefore be membrane-bound. High salt concentrations are not required for, and do not aid in, the solubilization of these forms. For all forms, molecular weights and frictional ratios have been estimated by a combination of gel permeation chromatography and velocity sedimentations in both H2O and D2O. The molecular weight estimates range from 83,000 to 357,000 and only form II shows extensive asymmetry. The separated forms have been characterized with respect to substrate affinity, substrate specificity, inhibitor sensitivity, thermal inactivation, and detergent sensitivity. Judging by these properties, C. elegans is like other invertebrates in that none of its cholinesterase forms resembles either the “true” or the “pseudo” cholinesterase of vertebrates. However, internal comparison of the C. elegans forms clearly distinguishes forms IA, III, and IV as a group from forms IB and II; the former are therefore designated “class A” forms, the latter “class B” forms. Genetic evidence indicates that separate genes control class A and class B forms, and that these two classes overlap functionally. Several factors, including kinetic properties, molecular asymmetry, molecular size, and solubility, all suggest that a molecular model of the multiple cholinesterase forms observed in vertebrate electric organs probably does not apply in C. elegans. Potential functional roles and subunit structures of the multiple AChE forms within each C. elegans class are discussed.  相似文献   

K+/Cl? cotransporters (KCCs) are known to be crucial in the control of neuronal electrochemical Cl? gradient. However, the role of these proteins in glial cells remains largely unexplored despite a number of studies showing expression of KCC proteins in glial cells of many species. Here, we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans K+/Cl? cotransporter KCC‐3 is expressed in glial‐like cells and regulates the thermosensory behavior through modifying temperature‐evoked activity of a thermosensory neuron. Mutations in the kcc‐3 gene were isolated from a genetic screen for mutants defective in thermotaxis. KCC‐3 is expressed and functions in the amphid sheath glia that ensheathes the AFD neuron, a major thermosensory neuron known to be required for thermotaxis. A genetic analysis indicated that the regulation of the thermosensory behavior by KCC‐3 is mediated through AFD, and we further show that KCC‐3 in the amphid sheath glia regulates the dynamics of the AFD activity. Our results show a novel mechanism by which the glial KCC‐3 protein non‐cell autonomously modifies the stimulus‐evoked activity of a sensory neuron and highlights the functional importance of glial KCC proteins in modulating the dynamics of a neural circuitry to control an animal behavior.  相似文献   

Primary cilia play a role in the sensation of and response to the surrounding environment. Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) have primary cilia only on the distal tips of some dendrites. In order to better understand the relationship between receptor localization to cilia, cilia structure and cilia function, we have characterized a mutation originally identified in a forward genetic screen for mutants with defective PKD-2 ciliary localization. Through behavioral assays and examination of the structure of cilia in the cil-5 (my13) mutant animals, we have found that my13 disrupts not only receptor localization, but also some cilia-mediated sensory behaviors and cilia structural integrity. We have identified the my13 lesion and found that it is a missense mutation in bbs-7, an ortholog of human BBS-7, a gene known to affect human cilia and to be involved in Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Finally, we show that bbs-7(my13) also affects the glia cells which support the cilia.  相似文献   

Stage-specific differences in wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding saccharides were demonstrated between the surfaces of the eggs, L1 larvae, young aduhs, and old adults of Caenorhabditis elegans. The WGA binding was to n-acetylglucosamine groups but not to terminally linked n-acetylneuraminic acids. An age-related decrease in WGA binding occurred in adults, supporting previous findings of a decrease in net negative cuticle surface charge during aging.  相似文献   

An aquatic 24-hour lethality test using Caenorhabditis elegans was used to assess toxicity of glucosinolates and their enzymatic breakdown products. In the absence of the enzyme thioglucosidase (myrosinase), allyl glucosinolate (sinigrin) was found to be nontoxic at all concentrations tested, while a freeze-dried, dialyzed water extract of Crambe abyssinica containing 26% 2-hydroxyl 3-butenyl glucosinolate (epi-progoitrin) had a 50% lethal concentration (LC₅₀) of 18.5 g/liter. Addition of the enzyme increased the toxicity (LC₅₀ value) of sinigrin to 0.5 g/liter, but the enzyme had no effect on the toxicity of the C. abyssinica extract. Allyl isothiocyanate and allyl cyanide, two possible breakdown products of sinigrin, had an LC₅₀ value of 0.04 g/liter and approximately 3 g/liter, respectively. Liquid chromatographic studies showed that a portion of the sinigrin decomposed into allyl isothiocyanate. The results indicated that allyl isothiocyanate is nearly three orders of magnitude more toxic to C. elegans than the corresponding glncosinolate, suggesting isothiocyanate formation would improve nematode control from application of glucosinolates.  相似文献   

Fluoroacetic acid is known to lead to inhibition of aconitase and block both the Krebs and glyoxylate cycles. In this study, we discovered it to be a potent and specific inhibitor of reproduction in a bioassay using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Fluoroacetic acid added to the growth medium reduced reproduction in the second generation by 50% at concentrations 3,000 times lower than the concentrations that reduced 24-hour survival by 50%. Four concentrations (2, 4, 8, and 17 mM) of fluoroacetic acid were tested thoroughly. At the two lower concentrations, the survival rates were unaffected, and first-generation reproduction was greatly reduced but not completely eliminated. Survival was reduced at the higher concentrations. Malonate, which inhibits the Krebs cycle, and itaconate, which inhibits the glyoxylate cycle, were tested individually and in combination. The combination did not specifically inhibit reproduction, suggesting another mode of action for fluoroacetic acid. Fluoroacetic acid shows promise as a tool in studies requiring age synchrony.  相似文献   

Baermann funnels were modified to eliminate or reverse the small temperature gradient (1-2 C/cm) across the soil layer that normally results from water evaporation. Effects of modifications on extraction efficiency were examined at various ambient temperatures and after overnight adaptation of three nematode species at 20 and 30 C. Extraction of Meloidogyne incognita from sandy loam, Tylenchulus semipenetrans from sandy clay loam, and Rotylenchulus reniformis from silt was greatly accelerated simply by covering funnels to prevent evaporation. In most cases, covering increased the nematodes extracted by 10-100 times after 5.5-48 hours. Faster and more efficient extraction of R. reniformis occurred over a wide range of ambient temperature (18-29 C). Effects of ambient temperature and temperature gradient direction on Baermann funnel extraction of R. reniformis were partly inconsistent with the behavior of R. reniformis in agar. Nematodes in agar moved toward cold at some ambient temperatures and toward heat at other temperatures. They always appeared to move toward cold on Baermann funnels. Differences were not attributable to blockage of gas exchange by covers. In agar and in funnels, the patterns of response to ambient temperature were shifted in the direction of the storage temperature.  相似文献   

The ability of Caenorhabditis elegans to recover from exposure to high doses of aldicarb and fenamiphos was examined at the organismal and biochemical levels by determination of movement and acetylcholinesterase activity. Nematodes recovered rapidly from a 24-hour exposure to both compounds at concentrations that caused complete paralysis. Acetylcholinesterase regained nearly full activity after a 24-hour exposure to aldicarb but only 10% activity after exposure to fenamiphos. The nematodes were able to move normally, however, on the limited activity that was regained after fenamiphos treatment. Mutant C. elegans strains deficient in various molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase were utilized to demonstrate that the mechanism of recovery did not involve new synthesis of enzyme. This result was confirmed by experiments on acetylcholinesterase reactivation from live versus dead nematodes.  相似文献   

Determining the genetic basis of inbreeding depression is important for understanding the role of selection in the evolution of mixed breeding systems. Here, we investigate how androdioecy (a breeding system characterized by partial selfing and outcrossing) and dioecy (characterized by obligatory outcrossing) influence the experimental evolution of inbreeding depression in Caenorhabditis elegans. We derived inbred lines from ancestral and evolved populations and found that the dioecious lineages underwent more extinction than androdioecious lineages. For both breeding systems, however, there was selection during inbreeding because the diversity patterns of 337 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among surviving inbred lines deviated from neutral expectations. In parallel, we also followed the evolution of embryo to adult viability, which revealed similar starting levels of inbreeding depression in both breeding systems, but also outbreeding depression. Under androdioecy, diversity at a neutral subset of 134 SNPs correlated well with the viability trajectories, showing that the population genetic structure imposed by partial selfing affected the opportunity for different forms of selection. Our findings suggest that the interplay between the disruptions of coevolved sets of loci by outcrossing, the efficient purging of deleterious recessive alleles with selfing and overdominant selection with outcrossing can help explain mixed breeding systems.  相似文献   

The anatomical connectivity of the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been almost completely described, but determination of the neurophysiological basis of behavior in this system is just beginning. Here we used an optimization algorithm to search for patterns of connectivity sufficient to compute the sensorimotor transformation underlying C. elegans chemotaxis, a simple form of spatial orientation behavior in which turning probability is modulated by the rate of change of chemical concentration. Optimization produced differentiator networks capable of simulating chemotaxis. A surprising feature of these networks was inhibitory feedback connections on all neurons. Further analysis showed that feedback regulates the latency between sensory input and behavior. Common patterns of connectivity between the model and biological networks suggest new functions for previously identified connections in the C. elegans nervous system.  相似文献   

Adhesion of conidia of the endoparasitic fungus Drechmeria coniospora to the cuticles of the wild type and four different head defective mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans, and subsequent infection, was studied. The conidia adhered around the sensory structures in the head region, vulva, and occasionally to other parts of the cuticle in both mutant and wild type hosts. Infection took place after adhesion to the head region by penetration through the cuticle, and, following adhesion around the vulva, through the natural orifice. Infection was not observed after adhesion to other parts of the cuticle. Adhesion was reduced after treatment of the nematodes with Pronase E. Adhesion returned towards normal again within 2 hours, indicating that the proteinaceous material emanating from the sensory structures was rapidly replaced.  相似文献   

Individuals within a species vary in their responses to a wide range of stimuli, partly as a result of differences in their genetic makeup. Relatively little is known about the genetic and neuronal mechanisms contributing to diversity of behavior in natural populations. By studying intraspecies variation in innate avoidance behavior to thermal stimuli in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we uncovered genetic principles of how different components of a behavioral response can be altered in nature to generate behavioral diversity. Using a thermal pulse assay, we uncovered heritable variation in responses to a transient temperature increase. Quantitative trait locus mapping revealed that separate components of this response were controlled by distinct genomic loci. The loci we identified contributed to variation in components of thermal pulse avoidance behavior in an additive fashion. Our results show that the escape behavior induced by thermal stimuli is composed of simpler behavioral components that are influenced by at least six distinct genetic loci. The loci that decouple components of the escape behavior reveal a genetic system that allows independent modification of behavioral parameters. Our work sets the foundation for future studies of evolution of innate behaviors at the molecular and neuronal level.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) is a carbapenemase increasingly reported worldwide in Enterobacteriaceae. The aim of this study was to analyze the virulence of several KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae isolates. The studied strains were (i) five KPC-2 clinical strains from different geographical origins, belonging to different ST-types and possessing plasmids of different incompatibility groups; (ii) seven transformants obtained after electroporation of either these natural KPC plasmids or a recombinant plasmid harboring only the bla KPC-2 gene into reference strains K. pneumoniae ATCC10031/CIP53153; and (iii) five clinical strains cured of plasmids. The virulence of K. pneumoniae isolates was evaluated in the Caenorhabditis elegans model. The clinical KPC producers and transformants were significantly less virulent (LT50: 5.5 days) than K. pneumoniae reference strain (LT50: 4.3 days) (p<0.01). However, the worldwide spread KPC-2 positive K. pneumoniae ST258 strains and reference strains containing plasmids extracted from K. pneumoniae ST258 strains had a higher virulence than KPC-2 strains belonging to other ST types (LT50: 5 days vs. 6 days, p<0.01). The increased virulence observed in cured strains confirmed this trend. The bla KPC-2 gene itself was not associated to increased virulence.  相似文献   

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