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Summary Females and males of a new species of Rotylenchus are described from a coniferous woodland at St. Ouens, Jersey. This species is characterized by having virtually no overlap of the oesophagus over the intestine, 7 to 10 head annules, the anterior body cuticle tessellated and the lateral field irregularly areolated along its entire length, more densely so around the phasmid on the female tail. A key to the species of Rotylenchus is given. ac]19810407  相似文献   

Thecavermiculatus gracililancea n. gen., n . sp. is described from the roots of Festuca myuros L. ("rattail fescue") a range grass in Monterey County, California. Thecavermiculatus females have a slight terminal prominence on which are located the vulva and anus, while its closest relatives, Atalodera and Sherodera, have a large terminal prominence. Furthermore, in T. gracililancea the hatched second-stage juveniles are retained in the female body while Atalodera and Sherodera females retain embryonated eggs.  相似文献   

A new species of Pararotylenchus Baldwin &Bell, 1981 from the Pacific coastal area of California is described. Numerous females and juveniles were recovered, but no males were found. Pararotylenchus belli n.sp. is most similar to P. sphaerocephalus, but females of P. belli are shorter and have a shorter stylet and a hemispherical tail. Specimens from a cereal field in South Dakota were identified as P. colocaudatus.  相似文献   

Discocriconemella inaratus n. sp. from Iowa prairies is characterized by a single offset disk-shaped head annule which is often discontinuous, a sigmoid vagina, a stylet length of 51-61 μm, and 77-100 smooth body annules. Criconemoides inusitatus n. sp. from Iowa woodlands is characterized by two offset head annules, a "closed" vulva, a straight vagina, no overlapping anterior vulva lip, a stylet length of 42-50 μm, and 71-86 smooth body annules.  相似文献   

Helicotylenchus oleae n. sp. and H. neopaxilli n. sp., from olive roots and soil in Italy, are described and illustrated. Helicotylenchus oleae can be distinguished from the related species H. canadensis and H. tunisiensis especially by the smaller styler, its distinctive tail shape, and a tail longer than one anal body width. Helicotylenchus neopaxilli differs from the close species H. paxilli by having a conical, anteriorly truncated labial region, shorter stylet, and phasmids always anterior to level of anus. Also illustrated and discussed are histopathological changes within feeder roots of olive caused by the feeding activity of the semi-endoparasitic H. oleae.  相似文献   

Heterodera canadensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from the roots of spike-rush, Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. &S., in Deschenes, Quebec. This new abullate species is related to Heterodera graminophila Golden and Birchfield, 1972, but differs significantly in cyst shape, cone top structures, body length of the second-stage larva (520-600 μm, vs. 380-400 for H. graminophila) and tail length (110-120 μm, vs. 57-67 for H. graminophila). A taxonomic key based on cyst and second-stage larva characters is provided for identification of the fifteen species in the Heterodera goettingiana group.  相似文献   

Brachydorus swarupi sp. n. is described from soil about roots of arecanut palm in Kerala State, India. It is the second species to be described in Brachydorus De Guiran and Germani 1968 and differs from B. tenuis, the type species, by its greater length (1.52-2.34 mm for B. swarupi vs. 1.03-1.32 mm for B. tenuis); longer and more delicate stylet (26-35 μm for B. swarupi vs. 20-23 μm for B. tenuis); head shape with concave protrusion at oral aperture (simple rounded in B. tenuis); shorter isthmus and larger posterior bulb in B. swarupi; shorter tail (in B. tenuis c = 9.7 [8.6-11.5] in female, c = 42.3 [33-48] in male); larger spicules and gubernaculum (22-39 μm and 9 -1 2 μm, respectively, for B. tenuis); and phasmids near posterior connection of caudalalae and tail (almost central on caudalalae of B. tenuis). The relationship of Brachydorus to Dolichodorus is discussed.  相似文献   

Antarctylus humus n. gen., n. sp. from peat soil in the subantarctic is proposed. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Helicotylenchus by the arrangement of the esophageal glands, the broadly rounded lip region, and the tapering pointed tail in the female.  相似文献   

The host status of 15 commonly occurring pasture species for Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus was tested in a greenhouse trial. Only tall fescue, with and without Neotyphodium endophyte infection, was a good host (Pf/Pi = final/initial population > 1). Inoculation survival was tested in a second trial, which showed that only 10% of the H. pseudorobustus nematodes survived the first 7 days after inoculation. When the Pf/Pi was adjusted to account for a 10% survival, all of the grass and clover hosts tested had a Pf/Pi > 1. Both trials showed a positive correlation between increased numbers of H. pseudorobustus and free-living nematodes.  相似文献   

A lesion nematode, Pratylenchus gutierrezi n. sp., collected from the roots of coffee in the Central Plateau of Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. Its relationships to Pratylenchus flakkensis, P. similis, and P. gibbicaudatus, the only other species of the genus having two head annules, males, or spermatheca with sperm, and an annulated tail terminus, is discussed. Other distinctive characters are its posterior vulva (mean of 80%); its prominently rounded stylet knobs, low head, and subcylindrical tail. SEM observations provide additional details of females and males, especially face views, which show for the first time sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Criconemella anastomoides, described and illustrated herein, is characterized by the presence of regular anastomosis on the body, two zig zag lateral lines, stylet knobs sloping posteriorly, short stylet, and short body length.  相似文献   

Sauertylenchus labiodiscus n. gem, n. sp. is described and illustrated from soil around Rhagodia sp. in Australia. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Tylenchorhynchus Cobb, 1913 by the distinctly set-off, rounded, lip region with a conspicuous labial disc, and long thin stylet. The face view and spicules of Sauertylenchus labiodiscus are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. The subfamilies Tylenchorhynchinae and Merlininae ale discussed.  相似文献   


Dorylaimellus egmonti n. sp. from New Zealand can be distinguished from D. montenegricus Andrássy, 1959, and from D. monticolus Clark, 1963, by the presence of prominent globular structures in the anterior part of the oesophageal bulb. It is further distinguished from D. montenegricus by the relatively longer basal oesophageal bulb, and from D. monticolus by the differently shaped tail.  相似文献   

Summary Helicotylenchus scoticus n. sp. is described. It was found at an altitude of 660 m on the north-west slope of Sgurr Cos na Breachd-laoidh, Scotland, in a rough grassland consisting predominantly of tufted hair grass (Deschampsia caespitosa). This species is characterized by a relatively long spear and an oesophagus which superficially appears to abut on to the intestine with virtually no overlap. The number of nominal species in the genus Helicotylenchus has increased considerably over recent years and stands now at 154 species. The task of identifying species in this genus using dichotomous keys has become increasingly more difficult. As a practical alternative a compendium is given which uses nine of the most diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

Two new species of nematodes from southern Chile are described and illustrated. Pratylenchus australis n. sp. is distinguished by its heavy cephalic sclerotization, smooth tail terminus, lack of spermatheca, and absence of males. Eutylenchus fueguensis n. sp. differs from other Eutylenchus spp. by the long female stylet (31 [28-32] μm), strongly sclerotized excretory duct opening posterior to nerve ring, and broadly rounded caudal alae of males.  相似文献   

A new genus (Cerchnotocriconenta) and three new species (C. psephinum, Hemicycliophora amchitkaensis, and Paratylenchns amundseni) are described from Adak and Amchitka Islands in the Aleutian chain. The new genus differs from all other criconematid genera in having irregular, convex sculpturing consisting of small, oval plates on the anterior and posterior regions of each annule, with the mid-annular region minutely punctate or dentate. H. arnchitkaensis n. sp. resembles H. similis Thorne and H. zuckermani Brzeski, but has only one head annule, instead of two. P. antundseni n. sp., which has a stylet 17-19 μm long, is similar to P. tateae Wu &Townshend and P. labiosus Anderson &Kimpinski, but differs by the presence of males and the possession of conoid-truncate lip region, functional spermatheca, and long male tail (c = 8.5-9.5). Seriespinula seymouri Wu (Mehta &Raski), Nothocrieonema longulum (Gunhold) De Grisse &Loof, and Macroposthonia xenoplax (Raski) De Grisse &Loof are also reported from the islands.  相似文献   

Two new species of habronematid nematodes are described in birds from the Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Torquatoides trogoni n. sp., in Trogon massena, can be distinguished from T. torquata, T. bengalensis, and T. crotophaga in lacking lateral alae. Among species lacking lateral alae, the new species differs from T. balanocephala in having 14 versus 8-10 cephalic cuticular plaques, 21-22 versus 13-17 pairs of preanal papillae, and a beak-shaped versus U-shaped gubernaculum. The new species differs from T. singhi in body length, in having 21-22 versus 10 pairs of precloacal papillae, longer spicules, and larger eggs. The new species differs from T. crotophaga, the only other species known from Central America, in lacking lateral alae, and having 14 versus 6 cephalic cuticular plaques, 21-22 versus 17 pairs of precloacal and 3 versus 2 pairs of postcloacal papillae, and a gubernaculum. Excisa ramphastina n. sp., in Ramphastos sulfuratus, can be distinguished from E. excisa, E. biloba, E. buckleyi, E. dentifera, and E. khalili in having 1 lateral ala versus none, cervical papillae anterior versus posterior to the nerve ring, and asymmetrical caudal alae. Excisa ramphastina is similar to E. curvata in having cervical papillae anterior to the nerve ring but differs in having 1 lateral ala versus none, asymmetrical caudal alae, an average spicule ratio of 1:4.4 versus 1:3.3, and 4 versus 2 pairs of sessile papillae. The new species differs from E. columbi in having 1 versus 2 lateral alae, in the length of the spicules, in having a different spicule ratio, and in the numbers of sessile papillae.  相似文献   

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