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The efficacy of the new nucleoside analogue acyclovir against B virus (Herpesvirus simiae) was investigated in rabbits and Vero cells infected with 2-136 and 0.3-1.0 TCD50 of the virus respectively. In the Vero cells 1 mg of acyclovir/1 reduced the yield of virus by 90%, which was slightly less than the effect on herpes simplex virus. Results in the rabbits varied with the interval between doses, duration of treatment, and delay before starting treatment. Acyclovir controlled an otherwise lethal infection when given not less than eight-hourly for 14 days. Withdrawing treatment after 9-10 days resulted in late-onset fatal disease in some rabbits. Treatment begun within 24 hours after infection gave complete protection, and rabbits first treated up to five days after infection showed a significant reduction in mortality (p less than 0.001). The plasma half life of acyclovir is twice as long in man as in rabbits and progression of the disease is much slower. Hence acyclovir may be useful for post-exposure prophylaxis against B virus infection in man and possibly also for treatment of the disease.  相似文献   

Four cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were inoculated in the lips and tongues with B virus. Virus shedding and antibody responses were monitored for up to 50 days postinfection. Virus was isolated from the oral cavities of all monkeys at 6 days postinfection despite the absence of observable lesions. Virus was not isolated from genital swabs or serum. Antibodies to both B virus and herpes simplex virus were detected by neutralization between days 8 and 12. Virus-specific IgM and IgG antibodies were measured by antibody capture radioimmunoassay. IgM was first detected on day 6; by contrast, IgG did not appear until day 12. Antibodies reactive in a competitive radioimmunoassay appeared by day 12 and peaked at 30 to 40 days postinfection. This study provides data on which to base the diagnosis of primary B virus infection in cynomolgus monkeys.  相似文献   

Three of 14 cynomolgus monkeys given the highest dose of an immunosuppressive drug in a 6-month toxicology study developed B virus (Herpesvirus simiae) oral lesions after 3 months of dosing. This necessitated early removal of all high-dose monkeys from the study due to concerns related to B virus. The incidence and severity of parasitic (Oesphagostomum sp.) lesions of the large intestine were also increased in high-dose animals. Both B virus and Oesophagostomum are enzootic in macaques, and the lesions caused by them were considered secondary to chronic immunosuppression caused by the highest dose of the test compound. Evidence of immunosuppression included decreased lymphocyte counts (B-cells; CD2 and CD8 T-cells), histopathologic evidence of lymphoid suppression, and serum-induced inhibition of lymphocyte mitogen responses. Pathogenesis of the B virus was apparently associated with both activation of latent virus as well as transmission of active virus. Approaches for virologic monitoring of primates and for ensuring optimal safety for primate handlers are discussed.  相似文献   

C Nguyen  R G Lalonde 《CMAJ》1990,143(11):1203-1206
Herpesvirus simiae (B virus) causes a mild infection in macaques. Transmission to humans may result in life-threatening encephalomyelitis. To evaluate the risk of occupational exposure to B virus we surveyed the directors of 11 biomedical laboratories in Quebec that use monkeys. Information was obtained on the monkey population and on the use of infection control measures recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta. Of the 519 monkeys belonging to susceptible species the serologic status was positive in 264 (51%), all captured in the wilds, and it was unknown in 24 (5%). All of the monkeys were caged individually, and newly acquired ones were quarantined for 2 to 8 weeks. Of the 84 workers 52 (62%) handled monkeys whose serologic status was either positive or unknown. Only five laboratories (representing 61% of the workers) complied fully with the CDC guidelines. Nine of the laboratories had a wound management protocol, but only six had a designated specialist for consultation and prophylaxis. Although no cases of B virus infection have been reported from Quebec the severity of human illness necessitates strict adherence to infection control measures and expert management of occupational exposure to susceptible monkeys.  相似文献   

B virus, Herpesvirus simiae: historical perspective   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Between 1932 and 1972, 24 known infections of man by B virus caused 23 cases of encephalitis and 18 fatalities. The virus has been isolated from dermal lesions and neural ganglia from macaque monkeys. Serological evidence of infection is complicated by close antigenic relationships between B virus, Herpesvirus simplex, and SA8. Hyperimmune globulin produced from monkey, horse, and rabbit sera has not proved highly effective. Formalin-inactivated vaccine appears safe and antigenic in man but has not been licensed. Half of all human subjects have neutralizing B virus antibody related to their H. simplex titer. More stable animal populations and the improved use of protective apparel have reduced, but not eliminated, the risk of B virus to man.  相似文献   

An enzyme-immunoassay performed with Herpesvirus simiae (B virus) and H. simplex antigens inactivated with a psoralen derivative and long-wavelength ultraviolet light irradiation is described. Although B virus is a known human pathogen requiring extreme care in its handling, the use of inactivated antigens in the test allows its performance without biosafety containment. The test utilizes nitrocellulose sheets dotted with antigen for the assay of antibody against B virus in nonhuman primate sera. Antigen-antibody complexes are detected visually as red dots by the use of enzyme-conjugated antiglobulin second antibody and a substrate that produces an insoluble product. The test is more rapid, sensitive and specific than the serum neutralization test it is intended to replace. Of 150 macaque monkey sera tested, 83 were negative by the enzyme and neutralization tests, 56 were positive by both tests and 11 were positive by enzyme-assay but negative by neutralization. Positive sera reacted with both simian and human viral antigens in the enzyme assay but with greater intensity against B virus. Absorption with H. simplex removes reactivity with this virus without reducing the B virus response.  相似文献   

In order to study the pathogenesis of B virus infection of the nervous system, newborn and young mice were inoculated by four different routes: 1. Intramuscular (i.m.) in the forelimb; 2. I.m. in the hindlimb; 3. Subcutaneous (s.c.) in the abdominal wall; 4. Intraperitoneal (i.p.). Spread of virus was followed by immunohistochemical demonstration of viral antigen in tissue sections of the peripheral and central nervous system. Three distinct patterns emerged: 1. After i.m. limb inoculations, virus progressed along the ipsilateral dorsal column, the bilateral spinothalamic and bilateral spinoreticular systems and along central autonomic pathways. 2. After s.c. inoculation, the dorsal column was spared, otherwise the spread was similar to that following i.m. inoculations. 3. After i.p. inoculation, virus spread in the spinal cord bilaterally, mainly along spinothalamic and central autonomic pathways. The peripheral motoneurons were conspicuously spared, even in the i.m. inoculation mode. In the brain stem, B virus antigen appeared bilaterally, at multiple sites. In the cerebrum, virus infected cells appeared first in the thalamus, hypothalamus and the motor cortex. The mode of spread from spinal levels was mainly orthograde along the ascending systems (dorsal columns, spinothalamic, spinoreticular tracts), but also retrograde along descending systems (pyramidal tract, central autonomic pathways). Oligosynaptic systems transmitted virus more quickly than the polysynaptic ones. In the involvement of various neuronal systems in virus spread, a certain selectivity, sparing the peripheral motoneuron and the cerebellar systems, could be assessed.  相似文献   

Forty of 79 bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) housed in an outdoor structure became infected with a respiratory disease, and 16 died. The most conspicuous lesions were those of hemorrhagic interstitial lobar pneumonia and focal hepatic necrosis with monocytic infiltration and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions. A virus, in high titer, was obtained from the lung and liver of two fatal cases (107 TCID50 × gram of tissue) by inoculating tissue homogenates in primary vervet monkey kidney, BSC-1, and MA104 cell cultures. The cytopathic effect was identical with that induced by Herpesvirus simiae in the same cell cultures. Similar cellular changes were seen in LLC-MK2 cell cultures. Infected cells contained eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions, and intranuclear herpes-like virus particles were seen by electron microscopy. The virus could not be passed serially in mice by the intracerebral route of inoculation. Bonnet monkeys (herpes antibody-free), inoculated intravenously with the virus, developed vesicular lesions on the arms, face, hands, and soles of the feet; and the virus was recovered from the vesicular fluid. All lesions disappeared within three weeks after inoculation, and the animals later recovered. On the basis of host range, cytopathic effect, electron microscopy, mouse susceptibility, and the results of neutralization tests in tissue cultures, the virus was identified as Herpesvirus simiae.  相似文献   

Eighty-two percent of a group of rhesus monkeys removed from Cayo Santiago were seropositive for B virus (Herpesvirus simiae) antibodies. Similar results were obtained from the Cayo Santiago macaque population two decades ago and from feral Indian rhesus monkeys. Thus it is likely that B virus has been enzootic in the Cayo Santiago population since 1938, when the colony was established with stock imported from India.  相似文献   

Neutralization tests used in one laboratory in the USA and one laboratory in England to detect antibodies to Herpesvirus simiae have been compared. Complete concordance in results was obtained with 53 (90%) of 59 monkey sera. The remaining six sera all had titers no greater than 1:3. Four were positive only in the American test, and two were positive only in the British test. The importance of using complement if maximum sensitivity is to be achieved in detecting antibodies to this virus has been confirmed.  相似文献   

One hundred and two rhesus macaques were used in a study of renal allograft tolerance. Each animal was monitored serologically more than one time to determine its B virus (Herpesvirus simiae) antibody status. The follow-up period for some individuals was 3 years, extending from 1986 to 1989. The accumulated test results eventually provided an opportunity to retrospectively support a contention that a small research colony of rhesus macaques could become and remain B virus seronegative if the animals were housed individually, monitored periodically, acquired only if they were seronegative, and culled if they converted to positive status. It was also possible that the test results might disclose useful information about the influence of acute immunosuppression on the reliability of determining B virus antibody status by serologic methods, and help formulate guidelines for selecting donor-recipient pairs. A review of the serologic test results disclosed that antibody status before the initiation of experimental therapy, and subsequent seroreactivity, did not change throughout the experimental lifetime of 92 monkeys. The few exceptions were six juveniles that lost detectable antibody, and four other juveniles that converted to positive. Preliminary data suggested that total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) and splenectomy were associated with the loss of detectable antibody; however, further study is needed to establish the validity and significance of this association. No other unexpected or unexplained results were associated with concomitant periods of acute immunosuppression. The number of seropositive animals in the colony was reduced to three through attrition and culling by the end of 1989.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the fall of 1987 an attempt to establish a Herpesvirus simiae (B-virus)-negative rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) breeding colony was initiated at the Armstrong Laboratory. A serologic testing program was used to identify all monkeys into groups that were either positive or negative to B-virus based on serologic tests. Segregation of the groups allowed the creation of breeding harems that were exclusively seropositive or -negative to B-virus. Animals that were serologically positive were kept in breeding to maintain infant production levels not unlike those previous to segregation. Decreasing numbers of animals converted to a positive status during the first three serum tests for B-virus in the program. During 1990, an increase in the number of monkeys converting to positive status and the discovery of an indeterminate status demonstrated that latency of B-virus in the rhesus may have the potential to defeat an eradication attempt not conscientiously pursued.  相似文献   

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