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Synaptonemal complex proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Synaptonemal complexes were isolated from rate spermatocytes for the purpose of biochemical and morphological analysis. Several monoclonal antibodies were elicited against purified synaptonemal complexes to study the composition and assembly of these structures. Four classes of antibodies could be discriminated according to the polypeptides that they recognize on Western blots of purified synaptonemal complexes, namely antibodies recognizing (i) a 190-kDa polypeptide; (ii) a 30- and a 33-kDa polypeptide; (iii) two polypeptides with molecular weights of about 120 kDa; and (iv) polypeptides with molecular weights of 66-55 kDa. The localization of these antigens within spermatocytes was analyzed light microscopically, by means of the immunoperoxidase technique and ultrastructurally, by immunogold labelling of surface-spread spermatocytes. The 66- to 55-kDa polypeptides are not confined to synaptonemal complexes; rather, these polypeptides appear to be chromosomal components. The 190-, 30-, and 33-kDa polypeptides make part of the lateral elements of paired as well as unpaired segments of synaptonemal complexes. The 120-kDa polypeptides were localized on the inner edge of the lateral elements, specifically in paired segments of synaptonemal complexes. The distribution of the 190-, 120-, 30-, and 33-kDa polypeptides within the testis was analyzed by immunofluorescence staining of cryostat sections. All these polypeptides turned out to be specific for nuclei of zygotene up to and including diplotene spermatocytes. Only in some early spermatids could the 190-, 30-, and 33-kDa polypeptides be detected, presumably in remnants of synaptonemal complexes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J. Loidl  G. H. Jones 《Chromosoma》1986,93(5):420-428
A surface-spreading technique for synaptonemal complexes was applied to triploid Allium sphaerocephalon L. (Liliaceae). In early pachytene two of the three axial elements of each set of three homologues are synapsed, the third is intimately aligned with and accompanies them throughout their whole length. The unsynapsed axis is attached to the synaptonemal complex of the other 2 at up to 50 association sites per trivalent. The distribution of these sites within the trivalents is not even; they are under-represented in the proximal regions. From nought to eight switches (pairing partner exchanges), where the accompanying axis joins in synapsis in exchange for one of the two other strands, occur per trivalent. Very often the telomeres of the aligned axes are attached to their synapsed counterparts by dense spherules, which makes this type of association different from the interstitial ones. Frequently the unsynapsed axes show a double structure along short distances. In late pachytene the intercalary associations are abolished, allowing the unsynapsed axes to engage in various types of non-homologous pairing. Since the association sites involve homologous chromosomes and are less abundant in the pericentric regions (which are usually the last to synapse), it is conceivable that similar structures are responsible for the pre-synaptic alignment of homologues and provide the initiation sites for synaptonemal complex formation in diploids.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex karyotype of zebrafish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wallace BM  Wallace H 《Heredity》2003,90(2):136-140
Meiotic cells of zebrafish have been prepared to show synaptonemal complexes (SCs) by light and electron microscopy. Completely paired SCs from both spermatocytes and oocytes were measured to produce an SC karyotype. The SC karyotype resembles the somatic karyotype of zebrafish and has no recognisable sex bivalent. Measurements of total SC length indicate that SCs grow longer and develop centromeres during pachytene. Oocytes consistently have longer SCs than spermatocytes, presumably correlated with the reported higher recombination frequency in females than in males.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex antigen location and conservation   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
The axial cores of chromosomes in the meiotic prophase nuclei of most sexually reproducing organisms play a pivotal role in the arrangement of chromatin, in the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, in the process of genetic recombination, and in the disjunction of chromosomes. We report an immunogold analysis of the axial cores and the synaptonemal complexes (SC) using two mouse monoclonal antibodies raised against isolated rat SCs. In Western blots of purified SCs, antibody II52F10 recognizes a 30- and a 33-kD peptide (Heyting, C., P. B. Moens, W. van Raamsdonk, A. J. J. Dietrich, A. C. G. Vink, and E. J. W. Redeker, 1987, Eur. J. Cell Biol., 43: 148-154). In spreads of rat spermatocyte nuclei it produces gold grains over the cores of autosomal and sex chromosomes. The cores label lightly during the chromosome pairing stage (zygotene) of early meiotic prophase and they become more intensely labeled when they are parallel aligned as the lateral elements of the SC during pachytene (55 grains/micron SC). Statistical analysis of electronically recorded gold grain positions shows that the two means of the bimodal gold grain distribution coincide with the centers of the lateral elements. At diplotene, when the cores separate, the antigen is still detected along the length of the core and the enlarged ends are heavily labeled. Shadow-cast SC preparations show that recombination nodules are not labeled. The continued presence suggests that the antigens serve a continuing function in the cores, such as chromatin binding, and/or structural integrity. Antibody III15B8, which does not recognize the 30- and 33-kD peptides, produces gold grains predominantly between the lateral elements. The grain distribution is bimodal with the mean of each peak just inside the pairing face of the lateral element. The antigen is present where and while the cores of the homologous chromosomes are paired. From the location and the timing, it is assumed that the antigen recognized by III15B8 functions in chromosome pairing at meiotic prophase. The two anti-rat SC antibodies label rat and mouse SCs but not rabbit or dog SCs. A positive control using human CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia) anti-centromere serum gives equivalent labeling of SC centromeres in the rat, mouse, rabbit, and dog. It is concluded that the SC antigens recognized by II52F10 and III15B8 are not widely conserved. The two antibodies do not bind to cellular or nuclear components of somatic cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In most organisms, biological variability rests on the behaviour of the chromosomes in the meiotic context. Despite the importance of meiosis, very little is known about the meiotic behaviour of the Eimeria chromosomes. The aim of the present study is to describe the standard synaptonemal complex karyotype from Eimeria tenella oocyst spreads by electron microscopy. For that purpose, complete sets of pachytene synaptonemal complexes were obtained and the morphological pachytene karyotype was determined. The authors used a previously reported method that overcomes the difficulty of the extreme resistance of protozoan oocysts to disruption and permits the release of intact meiotic chromosomes. The chromosomes were selected under a light microscope and those selected were stained with phosphotungtic acid and studied by transmission electron microscopy. The authors confirmed 14 chromosomes, which were observed as synaptonemal complexes, and the karyotype was constructed by arranging synaptonemal complexes according to their relative lengths and kinetochore position. Components of the synaptonemal complex, lateral elements, central element, recombination nodules and kinetochore were observed. Measures of the kynetochore, width of the synaptonemal complex, diameter of the recombination nodule and length of the telomeres are given. Minimal and no significant differences were found between measures of chromosomes isolated from different Eimeria tenella strains. To the best of our knowledge, the present investigation for the first time identifies and describes the morphological characteristics of the synaptonemal complex of Eimeria tenella during the meiosis that occurs within the oocysts. In addition, the authors provide evidence of the presence of recombination nodules, suggesting that the recombination process may play an important role in the molecular evolution of this parasite.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex behavior in asynaptic maize.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M P Maguire  R W Riess 《Génome》1991,34(1):163-168
Synatonemal complexes were studied in silver-stained spread preparations of microsporocyte complements of asynaptic maize. Complexes were found predominantly in terminal regions of chromosome pairs. These tend to be aggregated in a common portion of the nucleus and to have polar orientation. As many as 19 of the 20 ends were found to be involved in relatively short paired segments. Intercalary regions of cores were not strongly organized and aligned, but some contained completed synaptonemal complex segments. The defect in asynaptic appears to represent stalling of the synaptic process at an early stage of synaptic progression.  相似文献   

The fine structural features of human spermatocytes from carriers of some of the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities are reviewed on the basis of original data and previous reports from the literature. Special emphasis is given to the Robert-sonian translocations t (13; 14), to one specific reciprocal translocation involving chromosome 21, and to Y disomy in spermatocytes from XYY men. Synaptonemal complex analysis shows that in many carriers of chromosomal aberrations that lead to pachytene configurations having terminal asynaptic segments in autosomes, there is a gradual association of these asynaptic segments with the XY body. This associations with the XY pair is assumed to trigger a process of germ cell deterioration, presumably through the spreading of the X-chromosome inactivation towards autosomal segments. Another different process of germ cell deterioration occurs when the X chromosome becomes an univalent, as in XYY men with persistence of two Y chromosomes in the germ line. The renewed interest in the examination of spermatocytes from human testicular biopsies is commented upon.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex analysis of mouse chromosomal rearrangements   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Synaptonemal complex (SC) analysis by electron microscopy of spermatocytes in surface microspreads was carried out in mice heterozygous for two paracentric inversions: either In(1)1RK or In(2)5Rk. Characteristic SC inversion loops are formed at synapsis in bivalents carrying the rearrangements. Although all loops were observed to be eliminated by late pachytene through synaptic adjustment, every spermatocyte at early pachytene contained a fully synapsed loop. Cells in the earliest stage of pachytene contained the longest loops and thus had undergone minimal adjustment. The SC estimates of inversion lengths and breakpoint positions in such cells corresponded well with those from mitotic chromosome banding and could be correlated with genetic maps of chromosomes # 1 and # 2, thus demonstrating the basis for the mapping of pachytene chromosomes. The regularity of loop formation and reproducibility of the SC analysis are reflected in the constant relative positions of the estimated breakpoints. The method is sensitive enough to reflect small, real, interstitial length differences between meiotic and mitotic chromosomes. The results demonstrate the feasibility and precision of detection and quantitative characterization of inversions at early meiotic prophase by SC analysis.This paper is warmly dedicated to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Beermann, on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of surface-spread spermatocytes from mice heterozygous for a tandem duplication shows the heteromorphic synaptonemal complex (SC) to comprise two lateral elements of unequal length, the longer of which is buckled out in a characteristic loop, representing the unsynapsed portion of the duplication. The loop is a regular feature of late zygotene-early pachytene nuclei; it is longest at these early stages, but, through equalization of the two axes as a consequence of synaptic adjustment, it is replaced by a normal appearing SC at late pachytene. Because equalization, as indicated by a decrease in the percent difference between axes, may begin shortly after completion of synapsis, estimates of duplication segment length are restricted to a sample selected for least adjustment. — Although the mean position of the loop is constant at various pachytene substages, individual positions vary widely from cell to cell, consistent with the behavior expected of a duplication, but not of a deletion or an inversion. The length of the segment that is duplicated is estimated to be 22% of the normal chromosome, the midpoint of the segment is mapped at 0.61 of the chromosome distal to the kinetochore, and the ends of the segment are mapped at 0.50 to 0.72. Measurements of G-banded mitotic chromosomes give comparable values: duplication length, 24%; midpoint, 0.60, and segment ends, 0.48 and 0.71. This agreement constitutes further validation of the SC/spreading method for detecting and analyzing chromosomal rearrangements at pachytene and substantiates the fidelity with which the axes and SCs represent the behavior of chromosomes in synapsis.  相似文献   

Two paracentric inversions in the mouse, In(1)1 Rk and In(2)5 Rk, have been studied in surface microspreads of spermatocytes from heterozygotes. At zytogene, synaptic initiation occurs independently in three regions: within the inversion, and without, on either side. Synaptonemal complex (SC) formation is restricted to homologous regions, resulting in inversion loops in all early pachytene spermatocytes. An adjusting phase then occurs during pachytene in which the inversion loop is reduced by desynapsis of homologously synapsed SC, followed immediately by non-homologous synapsis with the alternate pairing partner, progressing from the ends toward the middle. Adjustment occurs during the first half of pachytene, but is not closely synchronized with sub-stage. It is complete by late pachytene, the loop having been eliminated in all cases and replaced by straight SCs in which the inverted region is heterosynapsed. Synapsis in the adjustment phase is evidently permitted only after the homosynaptic phase, and is indifferent to homology. It may lead to heterosynapsis, as in the inversion region, or to synapsis of homologous regions not synapsed at zytogene. The anaphase bridge frequency, a measure of crossing over within the inversion, is about 34% for both inversions studied, indicating that such crossovers do not block adjustment, that crossing over probably occurs before or during the adjustment period, and that there is some crossover suppression. The last could be the consequence of blocking by desynapsis/heterosynapsis. Synaptic adjustment appears to be a general phenomenon that occurs to varying extents in different forms. A hypothetical scheme for two phases of synapsis is proposed: at zytogene, a basic propensity for indifferent SC formation is limited by a restricting condition to synapsis between homologous regions. Subsequently, the restriction is lifted, whereupon synaptic instability is resolved by desynapsis, followed by resynapsis that is indifferent to homology, but that results in a topologically more stable structure.  相似文献   

联会复合体:减数分裂的结构基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减数分裂是有性生殖生物产生单倍体配子的特殊分裂方式,其第一次分裂(减数分裂I)过程中同源染色体的行为是最突出的特征。在减数分裂I,同源染色体间形成的联会复合体通过促进和调控程序性DNA双链断裂的形成和修复,确保同源染色体正确的识别、配对、重组和分离,从而为减数分裂I的顺利完成提供保障。本综述对联会复合体的组成和功能研究进展进行了回顾,探讨了联会复合体的组装如何影响程序性DNA双链断裂的修复和交叉互换的形成,并总结了与人类生殖障碍相关的联会复合体成分突变,还对该领域未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) in surface spread pachytene spermatocytes of Lemur resemble those in other mammals and are of two types: metacentric (or submetacentric) and acrocentric, with a very short second arm. In autosomal SC and mitotic karyotypes of Lemur fulvus (2n=60) a 11 proportionality in relative length is observed as in other mammals. In an intraspecific lemur hybrid (2n=55) obtained by mating L. fulvus rufus (2n=60) x L. fulvus collaris (2n=51), G-band patterns show that 10 single acrocentric mitotic chromosomes correspond to the arms of 5 single metacentrics, implying homology. It is inferred that the metacentrics have evolved by centric (Robertsonian) fusion of the acrocentrics. In the SC karyotype of the hybrid all SCs are normal except for five which have the configurations expected of metacentric-acrocentric trivalents. Similarly, in L. f. collaris (2n= 51), with one unpaired metacentric and two unpaired acrocentrics, one such SC trivalent is present in the complement. In an SC trivalent, each of the acrocentric long axes is synapsed with an arm of the metacentric axis, confirming the homology predicted from banding similarities. At late zygotene, the acrocentric short arms, which are non-homologous, are the last to pair, demonstrating that synapsis of the homologous arms occurs first. At later pachytene the acrocentric short arms are fully synapsed, producing a short SC side arm. This subsequent non-homologous synapsis is taken to be an instance of the synaptic adjustment phenomenon which has been shown to lead to non-homologous synapsis in a duplication and several inversions in the mouse. The kinetochore of the metacentric is the same size as those of the acrocentrics, and thus is unlikely to have arisen by true centromeric fusion, but rather by a translocation. The kinetochores of the acrocentrics always lie together on the same side of the metacentric kinetochore (cis configuration), implying a single pairing face on the metacentric axis. The observed trivalent configuration may well constitute a prerequisite for proper meiotic disjunction in metacentric-acrocentric heterozygotes. Such a mechanism is consistent with fertility regularly observed in such hybrid lemurs.  相似文献   

The review considers proteins of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a specific structure formed between homologous chromosomes in maturing germline cells during meiotic prophase I. The structure and functions are described for proteins that form ultrastructural SC elements in mammals, in yeast, and in higher plants. The roles of cohesions and of the SC proteins in meiotic sister-chromatid cohesion are considered. Though still scarce, data are summarized on the SC self-assembly and dissociation and on the molecular composition of SC-associated recombination nodules, which provide a compartment for meiotic recombination enzymes. The accumulating data on the SC molecular components and on their structure, properties, and interactions improve the understanding of the SC function.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex formation in pollen mother cells of Tradescantia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seven nuclei of Tradescantia sp. (2n=12) were prepared using Gillies' modification of the Counce-Meyer whole-mount spreading technique. These nuclei were examined for the type (homologous and nonhomologous), amount, and location of synaptonemal complex (SC) formation. Estimates of the total potential number of discrete initiations of SC formation ranged from 251–299 per nucleus. The average distance between sites of initiation ranged from 7.3 to 11.2 m in the different nuclei. Two groups of Tradescantia were used. Of the T. ohiensis var. paludosa plants, the one instance of irregularity in synapsis was associated with a pairing partner switchpoint. In the other plants derived from Mericle's Clone 02, all nuclei, even those in early zygotene, had several examples of foldback synapsis. The significance of the location of SC formation, and the occurrence of foldback synapsis is considered and a model of SC formation is proposed. In this model, a recognition of homology step is not considered necessary for SC formation; homologous synapsis is usually accomplished by spatial and temporal coordination of zygotene DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The general features and fine structure of homologous chromosome alignment and pairing have been investigated in two species of Allium (A. fistulosum and A. cepa), which have similar karyotypes but very different patterns of chiasma distribution. Although there is no support for the occurrence of a general pre-meiotic alignment of homologous chromosomes, both species show some alignment of homologues as an immediate prelude to synaptonemal complex (SC) formation. In both species pairing usually commences at sub-terminal sites and is succeeded by numerous separate intercalary initiations of pairing in interstitial and distal regions and then in proximal regions. The last parts to pair, in both species, are pericentromeric and telomeric regions. There is, therefore, no evident relationship between the sequence of pairing and chiasma distribution in these species. Regularly alternating convergences and divergences of aligned axial cores (ACs), termed multiple association sites, are frequently observed. It is proposed that these represent potential pairing initiation sites and from observations on their spatial distribution it is argued that they may be evenly distributed through most of the genome. Small spherical or ellipsoid nodules are found at association sites and between closely aligned ACs which persist in the SC segments present during zygotene, but most of them disappear abruptly at the end of zygotene. These are termed zygotene nodules (ZN) and it is proposed that they are involved in matching corresponding sites on homologous chromosomes as well as possibly having a recombinational role. Their composition, structure, mode of action and relationship to pachytene recombination nodules are at present unknown.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complexes of surface-spread spermatocytes of mice heterozygous for one of two reciprocal translations (R3 and R5) between the X and chromosome 7 have been examined by light and electron microscopy (EM). The break points of R3 were determined to be at 70% of chromosome 7, as measured from the centromere, and at 22% of the X. Translocation quadrivalents were formed almost exclusively. The break points of R5 were at 21% of chromosome 7 as measured from the centromere, and at 83% of the X. There was little indication that the break in the X interfered with sex-chromosome synapsis between the 7X and Y. Univalent Y's were not observed in R3, and only seldom observed (8–14%) in R5. However, in contrast to R3, R5 formed quadrivalents relatively rarely (20% in the EM study of 100 nuclei), and heteromorphic bivalents of 7X-Y and X7-7 quite frequently (72%). Possible causes of this high bivalent frequency are discussed. Light-microscope (LM) analysis alone was found to be inadequate for interpreting synaptic configurations (quadrivalents vs. bivalents) in R5. The LM analysis was further complicated by the occurrence of nonhomologous synapsis in the heteromorphic bivalents of R5, a phenomenon easily recognized and interpreted in the EM portion of the study.  相似文献   

R Egel 《Heredity》1978,41(2):233-237
Positive cross-over interference is attributed to the prevention of crossing-over by the growing synaptonemal complex. This conjecture is based on a report in the literature that the selection of prospective cross-over sites may actually precede a proper synapsis of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase. A genetic test of this notion is suggested using a properly marked trisomic configuration, applicable to a variety of organisms.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex aberrations can provide a sensitive measure of chemical-specific alterations to meiotic chromosomes. Mitomycin C, cyclophosphamide, amsacrine, ellipticine, colchicine, vinblastine sulfate, and cis-platin exposures in mice have been shown to cause various patterns of synaptonemal complex structural damage and synaptic irregularity. These effects are suggestive of abnormal homologue pairing/synapsis/recombination effects which, theoretically, could be implicated in mechanisms leading to aneuploidy and other potentially heritable chromosomal disorders.  相似文献   

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