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Malling-Merton 106 apple rootstocks inoculated with Pratylenchus penetrans, or uninoculated, were grown in a growth chamber in pots of loamy sand maintained at two moisture levels, 0 to -0.4 bar or 0 to -10 bars. Either inoculation or low soil moisture suppressed shoot growth and increased root necrosis. However, the nematode-soil moisture interaction was not significant.  相似文献   

Penetration by all migratory life stages of Pratylenchus penetrans into roots of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Du Puits) was inversely proportional to tissue age. Two-day-old tissue in the root hair zone was penetrated twice as much as 10- or 20-day-old sections of the tap root. Age-related differences were also observed in branch roots; these differences were not affected by increasing the number of nematodes from 1 to 10 per inoculation site, nor by increasing the length of the incubation period from 6 to 96 h. Age-related differences were only significant with 3-wk-old plants, not with 2- and 1-wk-old seedlings. Nematodes entered roots at temperatures from 5 to 30 C with maximum entry at 20 C and minimum at 5 C. At all temperatures, except 5 C, penetration into young tissue (2 days) was significantly greater than into medium (10 days) and old (20 days) tissue. Females and third-stage larvae entered the different-aged root sections 122% and 83%, respectively, more than did males. Two-day-old seedlings of the alfalfa cultivars Vernal, Saranac, and Du Puits were penetrated equally by P. penetrans. Perhaps the inverse relationship between penetration and age of root is, in part, responsible for the increasing resistance or tolerance of plants to nematode damage as they grow older.  相似文献   

The effects of Pratylenchus penetrans upon yields of ''Veebrite'' tomato were studied at initial soil population densities (Pi) of 360, 2,010, 4,580, and 14,360 nematodes/kg of soil in 20-cm (i.d.) clay-tile microplots. The lowest Pi appeared to stimulate fruit production. Higher Pi''s suppressed fruit production (total weight of marketable tomatoes and numbers of intermediate- and large-sized fruits), in comparison to control yields, the highest Pi resulted in 38% fewer fruits which weighed 44% less. These losses were at least partly due to a delay in fruit ripening, caused by the nematodes, which did not become apparent until the fourth week. Nematode populations in the soil increased at all but the highest Pi; final populations were around 7,000/kg of soil. Nematode populations in roots ranged from 230-590/gm of root at the completion of the experiment. Nematode control by fumigation would definitely be warranted at soil population densities of 2,000/kg or higher; with 500-2,000/kg, the decision to fumigate would depend on soil type and economic and hiological factors.  相似文献   

Oxamyl was applied to both uncut and cut potato tubers in aqueous solutions of 1,000 to 32,000 μg/ml. Emergence in greenhouse pots was delayed for a day or more after soaking cut tuber pieces in 32,000 μg/ml. After 10 weeks plant growth was greater, relative to the control, when Pratylenchus penetrans-infested soil was planted with cut tubers soaked for 20 minutes in 32,000 μg/ml. Soaking for 40 minutes did not increase nematode control nor affect plant growth. Oxamyl applied to tubers at 1,000 μg/ml reduced the numbers of P. penetrans in the soil by 20% and in the roots by 35%; at 32,000 μg/ml, the numbers of P. penetrans in the soil were reduced by 73-86% and in the roots by 86-97%. The numbers of P. penetrans did not increase in the roots of plants developed from cut tubers soaked in 32,000 μg/ml over a period of 10 weeks, but numbers of lesion nematodes had begun to increase in the soil.  相似文献   

Penetration of bean roots by Pratylenchus vulnus was inhibited by continuous exposure of the nematode to carbofuran and phenamiphos and by drenches of higher concentrations of these chemicals. The inhibition was explicable by inhibition of motility, dispersion, and attraction. If incubated in aerated distilled water, nematodes treated with carbofuran and phenamiphos recovered and reproduced as well as untreated nematodes. Foliar treatments were ineffective. Apparently, no basipetal transport of carbofuran and phenamiphos occurs in beans. Both nematicides arrested nematode development by interfering with egg production and transitions between life stages.  相似文献   

Cortical parenchyma cells penetrated and fed upon by Pratylenchus penetrans for 48 hours contained only cytoplasmic debris. Proximal cells had an increase in tannin deposits, degenerated mitochondria, increased numbers of ribosomes, and no internal membrane structure. Often the endodermis was collapsed and contained massive tannin deposits on the inner cell wall and cell lumen. Similar observations were made in the stele, except tannin deposits were not as prominent. Multivesicnlate structures were observed both in the endodermis and in the stele.  相似文献   

Reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans on the potato cultivars Hudson, Katahdin, and Superior was determined in greenhouse and field microplot experiments. Although all three cultivars were good hosts for P. penetrans, differences in reproductive rate were found. In one greenhouse experiment, Katahdin plants inoculated with 1,500 or 15,000 P. penetrans per pot had larger population densities at harvest than did Superior; however differences between these cultivars were not significant in three other greenhouse experiments. In another experiment, population densities of P. penetrans on Hudson did not differ from those on Katahdin and Superior when inoculated with 270 and 5,080 nematodes per pot after 45 days in the greenhouse. However, population densities were usually higher on Hudson and Katahdin than on Superior in field microplots at four initial population densities during two seasons. Higher population densities on Hudson were detectable 304 days after planting in one of the two microplot studies. The juvenile:female and the male:female ratios were sometimes larger on Katahdin than on Superior, but differences were inconsistent. There was no evidence of resistance in the three cultivars evaluated, but reproduction was generally highest on Hudson and lowest on Superior.  相似文献   

The motility and dispersion of Pratylenchus vulnus was affected by lower concentrations of phenanliphos (an organophosphate) than of carbofuran (a carbamate). At the higher concentrations in the active ranges, somatic musculature activity was inhibited while the activity of internal-organ muscnlature persisted. Treated nematodes recovered when placed in aerated distilled water, but recovery decreased as treatment concentrations increased. Second-stage larvae dispersed more slowly than later stages or adults. Dispersion from a point source followed a natural log pattern under ideal conditions, similar to a diffusion pattern.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus vulnus (L₃, L₄, adults) are attracted to the roots of growing bean seedlings. The attraction is inhibited by treating the nematodes with solutions of carbofuran or phenamiphos at concentrations below those necessary to inhibit motility and dispersion. Nematicide treatments of plants without treatment of nematodes are ineffectual because nematodes are attracted equally well to treated and untreated seedlings.  相似文献   

A greater percentage of females than juveniles or males of P. penetrans penetrated celery roots grown in infested soil at 5, 18, or 30 C; the difference was greatest at 5 C. The time of initial penetration of alfalfa seedlings inoculated with single nematodes on water agar varied with temperature. Females penetrated the seedlings earlier and over a wider range of temperatures than did males or juveniles. The rate of penetration was highest for females. After initial penetration, the penetration rate decreased with time. At 13-28 C, approximately 80% of roots were penetrated by females and only 25-30% by males and juveniles by the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Twenty-one open pollinated populations of peach rootstock seedlings were evaluated for their response to infection by the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans, over a period of 98 days. Nematode-infected peach seedling populations were shorter in plant height and had less shoot weight but more dry root weight than nematode-free controls. Rootstock differences were demonstrated for nematode increase over the 98-day period, and average total numbers of nematodes in soil and roots. Rootstocks were classified into three groups differing in total nematode population levels, ratio of nematode increase, and the number of nematodes per root. The heritable nature of rootstock response to nematodes was evident. Rootstocks showing the lowest response to nematode infection included Tzim Pee Tao, Rutgers Red Leaf, and two progenies of a cross of these two rootstocks.  相似文献   

Plants of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars Katahdin and Superior were inoculated with 0, 1,500, or 15,000 Pratylenchus penetrans. Transpiration, measured in the greenhouse with a porometer after 56 days of growth, was not significantly different among nematode inoculum levels or between cultivars. The rate of xylem exudation from decapitated root systems of Katahdin plants inoculated with 1,500 or 15,000 P. penetrans and Superior plants inoculated with 15,000 P. penetrans was lower than from noninoculated plants. Root weight of Katahdin and Superior was not affected by P. penetrans inoculum level. Transpiration of plants inoculated with 0, 500, 5,000 or 50,000 P. penetrans was recorded weekly from 14 to 56 days after planting. No consistent effects of nematode inoculum density on transpiration rate were observed. Root hydraulic conductivity was lower in Katahdin plants inoculated with 266 P. penetrans per plant and in Chippewa with 5,081 per plant than in noninoculated plants. Nematodes reduced leaf area of Superior, Chippewa, and Katahdin and root dry weight of Chippewa but had no effect on growth of Hudson, Onaway, or Russet Burbank plants. Assessing nematode effects on root hydraulic conductivity may provide a measure of the tolerance of potato cultivars to nematodes.  相似文献   

Invasion of 2-day-old seedlings of ''Buffalo'' alfalfa and ''Kenland'' red clover by larvae of M. incognita and adults of P. penetrans, during 1-3 day periods of incubation at 24 C, was investigated in 50-mm petri dishes on 1% agar. Penetration by both nematodes increased arithmetically with increased numbers in inocula. P. penetrans invaded alfalfa more readily than red cover, but M. incognita invaded red clover more readily than alfalfa. Both nematodes inhibited root-elongation of alfalfa more than that of red clover. In combinations of 10 and 50 of both nematodes, invasion of both plants by both nematodes was the same as for each nematode alone. Penetration by M. incognita into alfalfa, but not into red clover, was significantly reduced when combinations of 50 M. incognita and 200 P. penetrans were inoculated simultaneously. In the presence of large numbers of entrant P. penetrans in both plants, penetration by M. incognita was highly significantly reduced. Penetration by P. penetrans was unaffected in the reciprocal situations.  相似文献   

Seventy-three Ohio fields comprising ca. 440 ha of cv Superior potatoes were surveyed in 1977 for plant-parasitic nematodes. Of eight genera of plant-parasitic nematodes, Pratylenchus was found most frequently, occurring in 65% of the soil samples and 84% of the root samples. Populations of Pratylenchus were consistently higher than populations of the other nematode genera. The six species of Pratylenchus extracted from potato roots, in descending order of frequency, were P. crenatus, P. penetrans, P. scribneri, P. alleni, P. thornei, and P. neglectus. Prevalence of these Pratylenchus species in Ohio potato fields suggests that they could be involved with vascular wilt fungi in premature death of cv Superior potato vines known in Ohio as "early dying."  相似文献   

The joint action of a plant parasitic nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans (root-lesion nematode), and an insect defoliator, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle), on growth, development, and yield of Solanum tuberosum cv. Superior was studied in the field. Three population densities of P. penetrans were superimposed on each of three population levels of L. decemlineata. The major impact of P. penetrans on final yield was through a reduction in the number of tubers formed during tuber initiation. Defoliation by L. decemlineata increased with time as larvae advanced through successive instars and densities increased. This resulted in a significant reduction in tuber weight and numbers. Total yield of S. tuberosum was decreased by 66% with increasing population densities of L. decemlineata and 27 % with increasing densities of P. penetrans. L. decemlineata feeding did not affect soil population densities of P. penetrans. Root population densities of P. penetrans, however, were significantly (P = 0.05) higher in plants maintained beetle free than in plants grown in the presence of the beetles.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Saranac) seed were soaked for 20 minutes in water, acetone, or methanol containing 10 or 50 mg/ml of oxamyl (Vydate L) or coated with a 2% aqueous cellulose solution containing the same amounts of oxamyl. Seed were analyzed for oxamyl by HPLC immediately after treatment and after 9 and 26 months of storage. Oxamyl content of alfalfa seed did not decline after 26 months of storage. The effects of seed treatment on growth of alfalfa and nematode control were examined using soils infested with Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla. Germination was not affected by any of the seed treatments. Twenty-one days after sowing, the total growth of alfalfa seedlings grown from seed treated with 50 mg/ml of oxamyl in P. penetrans-infested soils had increased by 62% over controls. Nodulation per pot increased by as much as 267%, and the densities of P. penetrans per gram of root were reduced by as much as 73% compared to control plants. In M. hapla-infested soils, increases in plant growth (32%) and nodulation (71%) also occurred with oxamyl-treated seeds. Root gall reduction (86%) was also substantial due to oxamyl seed treatment.  相似文献   

Four new species of hoplolaimoid nematodes (Merlinius adakensis, Pratylenchoides megalobatus, Pratylenchus pratensisobrinus, and Pratylenchus ventroprojectus) are described from Adak Island in the Aleutian chain. M. adakensis n. sp. is separated from other species by body length (0.96-1.3 mm), stylet length (32-36 μm), number of tail annules (49-68), and c'' (3.1-4.1). P. megalobatus n. sp. differs from all known Pratylenchoides spp. by having a very long esophageal gland lobe (b'' = 2.4-3.3, overlap 3-6 times the body width). P. pratensisobrinus n. sp. closely resembles P. pratensis (de Man) Filipjev, but has a longer stylet (15-17 μm), a longer tail (c = 12-15; c'' = 2.8-3.7), and more tail annules (23-37). P. ventroprojectus n. sp. is distinguished by body length (392-475 μm), three lip annules, low and flattened cephalic capsule, and presence of terminal subventral projection. Pratylenchoides variabilis Sher, Helicotylenchus amplius Anderson &Eveleigh, and H. spitsbergensis Loof are also reported from Adak and Amchitka Islands.  相似文献   

Red clover and alfalfa were inoculated with Pratylenchus penetrans and grown in an Alberry sandy loam soil to which potassium (K⁺) was added at seeding at 0, 41.5, 83, and 166 μg/g. In one experiment with alfalfa, additional K⁺ was added after each forage cut to replace that which was removed. Nematode populations were not consistently affected by K⁺ fertilization. Nematode infection stunted red clover and alfalfa and resulted in lower yields at all K⁺ levels, except for alfalfa at the lowest K⁺ level. Nematode infection had no effect on taproot yields. However, it resulted in lower rootlet yields from red clover at all K⁺ levels, lower rootlet yields from alfalfa only at the highest K⁺ level in one experiment, and lower rootlet yields at all but the lowest K⁺ level in a second experiment, potassium fertilization enhanced yield of red clover and alfalfa. Yield increases were smaller from increased K⁺ fertilization in nematode-infested soil than in noninfested soil. Pralylenchus penetrans had little effect on the K⁺ content of red clover or alfalfa. The stunting of plants from nematode infection resulted in less K⁺ being removed from the soil.  相似文献   

Growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. Vernal) seedlings was compared after inoculation with combinations of either Pratylenchus penetrans and Fusarium soloni or P. penetrans and F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis. A synergistic disease interaction occurred in alfalfa when F. oxysporum and P. penetrans were added simultaneously to the soil. Alfalfa growth was suppressed at all inoculum levels of P. penetrans and F. oxysporum, but not with F. solani. Seedlings inoculated with the nematode alone gave lower yields than when inoculated with either Fusarium species alone. Fusarium oxysporum, but not F. solani, was pathogenic to alfalfa under similar experimental conditions. Fusarium oxysporum did not alter the populations of P. penetrans in alfalfa roots, whereas the presence of F. solani was associated with a diminished number of P. penetrans in the roots.  相似文献   

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