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Perception of objects and motions in the visual scene is one of the basic problems in the visual system. There exist 'What' and 'Where' pathways in the superior visual cortex, starting from the simple cells in the primary visual cortex. The former is able to perceive objects such as forms, color, and texture, and the latter perceives 'where', for example, velocity and direction of spatial movement of objects. This paper explores brain-like computational architectures of visual information processing. We propose a visual perceptual model and computational mechanism for training the perceptual model. The compu- tational model is a three-layer network. The first layer is the input layer which is used to receive the stimuli from natural environments. The second layer is designed for representing the internal neural information. The connections between the first layer and the second layer, called the receptive fields of neurons, are self-adaptively learned based on principle of sparse neural representation. To this end, we introduce Kullback-Leibler divergence as the measure of independence between neural responses and derive the learning algorithm based on minimizing the cost function. The proposed algorithm is applied to train the basis functions, namely receptive fields, which are localized, oriented, and bandpassed. The resultant receptive fields of neurons in the second layer have the characteristics resembling that of simple cells in the primary visual cortex. Based on these basis functions, we further construct the third layer for perception of what and where in the superior visual cortex. The proposed model is able to perceive objects and their motions with a high accuracy and strong robustness against additive noise. Computer simulation results in the final section show the feasibility of the proposed perceptual model and high efficiency of the learning algorithm.  相似文献   

Visual cortical simple cells have been experimentally shown to reveal non-trivial spatio-temporal orientation tuning functions comprising different phases of specifically tuned enhanced and suppressed activity. A recently developed analytical method based on nonlinear neural field models suggests that such space-time responses should be approximately separable into a sum of temporally amplitude modulated Gaussian spatial components. In the present work, we investigate this possibility by means of numerical fits of sums of Gaussians to response functions observed in experiments and computer simulations. Because the theory relates each single component to a particular connectivity kernel between the underlying cell classes shaping the response, the relative contribution of feedforward and cortex-intrinsical excitatory and inhibitory feedback mechanisms to single cell tuning can be approached and quantified in experimental data.  相似文献   

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《Current biology : CB》2023,33(13):2784-2793.e3
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Organization of the receptive fields (RFs) of neurons of the extrastriate associative region 21b of the cerebral cortex was studied in cats. Most neurons under study (63%) were “monocular,” while 37% of the cells were “binocular” units. Among 178 neurons examined in detail, heterogeneous RF functional organization was typical of about 76% of the units; point-to-point testing of the entire RF area by stationary stimuli resulted in the generation of various types of responses (on, off, or on-off). The rest of the neurons (24%) generated homogeneous responses. The dimension, form, and functional organization of RFs of the neurons under study depended to a certain extent on the parameters of visual stimuli used for the measurements. Examination of the influence of the visual space, which surrounded the RF, on responses of the neurons evoked by stimulation of the RF per se showed that darkening of the visual space adjacent to the RF inhibited neuronal responses to moving stimuli; in some cases the responses were totally suppressed. Analysis of spatial overlapping of the RF sequentially recorded in the course of each insertion of the electrode showed that the density of distribution of the overlapping RF areas of neighboring neurons with the RF of the examined neuron is irregular, and that the RF is of a mosaic nature. We hypothesize that the visual space surrounding the RF plays a significant role in the formation of responses of visually sensitive neurons to presentation of moving stimuli. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 223–234, May–June, 2005.  相似文献   

The role of intracortical synapses in affecting the property of visual cells is investigated by means of an original mathematical model of cortical circuitry in V1. The model represents a compromise between computational simplicity and physiological reliability. The model incorporates four different inputs into a cortical cell: thalamic input from the lateral geniculate nucleus, according to an even Gabor function; short-range inhibition confined within the hypercolumn; a long-range excitation, which emphasizes the properties of the input; and a long-range inhibition. In the model we assume that all cells receive a similar thalamic input, which differs simply according to its position in the retina and orientation preference. Simulations were performed, with different parameter values, to assess the main characteristics of cell response (i.e., the width and locations of subregions in the receptive field (RF), orientation tuning curve, and response to drifting and counterphase gratings) as a function of the strength and extension of intracortical excitatory synapses. Results suggest that, if intracortical excitation is confined within the hypercolumn, the cells exhibit the same properties as simple cells, both with regards to the width and shape of the RF, orientation tuning curve, and response to drifting and counterphase gratings. By contrast, if excitatory synapses extend beyond the hypercolumn with sufficient strength, the cells exhibit the typical characteristics of complex cells. A progressive shift from complex to simple cells can be realized with a monotonic variation in parameters. Simulations are also performed with a hierarchical model, to suggest possible experiments able to discriminate the present recurrent mechanism from the classical hierarchical one. Results support the assumptions of previous simpler models (Chance et al., 1999) and may help to understand and assess the role of intracortical synapses in rigorous quantitative terms.  相似文献   


Learning-induced changes of the spectro-temporal characteristics of primary auditory cortex (AI) units were studied by response plane analysis of recordings from the AI in unanaesthetized Mongolian gerbils. Using response planes obtained prior to and after auditory discrimination training bins of significant change were identified and their spectro-temporal distribution was studied. Bins of significant changes were generally found to be distributed over the entire spectro-temporal receptive field but occurred most frequently within the first 100 ms of response in the spectral neighbourhood (1.5 octaves) of the frequency of the reinforced conditioned stimulus. Training-induced response decreases occurred early after 10 ms for reinforced conditioned tones and tones in the frequency neighbourhood. Response increases occurred so early only for non-reinforced tones in the neighbourhood of the reinforced frequency and occurred later (after 40 ms) for the reinforced tones. The results are discussed in the light of dynamic disinhibition. Accepted: 13 August 1997  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that local cortical feedback can havean important effect on the response of neurons in primary visualcortex to the orientation of visual stimuli. In this work, westudy the role of the cortical feedback in shaping thespatiotemporal patterns of activity in cortex. Two questionsare addressed: one, what are the limitations on the ability ofcortical neurons to lock their activity to rotatingoriented stimuli within a single receptive field? Two, can thelocal architecture of visual cortex lead to the generation ofspontaneous traveling pulses of activity? We study theseissues analytically by a population-dynamic model of ahypercolumn in visual cortex. The order parameter thatdescribes the macroscopic behavior of the network is thetime-dependent population vector of the network. We firststudy the network dynamics under the influence of a weakly tunedinput that slowly rotates within the receptive field. We showthat if the cortical interactions have strong spatialmodulation, the network generates a sharply tuned activityprofile that propagates across the hypercolumn in a path thatis completely locked to the stimulus rotation. The resultantrotating population vector maintains a constant angular lagrelative to the stimulus, the magnitude of which grows with thestimulus rotation frequency. Beyond a critical frequency thepopulation vector does not lock to the stimulus but executes aquasi-periodic motion with an average frequency that is smallerthan that of the stimulus. In the second part we consider thestable intrinsic state of the cortex under the influence of isotropic stimulation. We show that if the local inhibitoryfeedback is sufficiently strong, the network does not settleinto a stationary state but develops spontaneous travelingpulses of activity. Unlike recent models of wave propagation incortical networks, the connectivity pattern in our model isspatially symmetric, hence the direction of propagation ofthese waves is arbitrary. The interaction of these waves withan external-oriented stimulus is studied. It is shown that thesystem can lock to a weakly tuned rotating stimulus if thestimulus frequency is close to the frequency of the intrinsic wave.  相似文献   

Visual cortex is retinotopically organized so that neighboring populations of cells map to neighboring parts of the visual field. Functional magnetic resonance imaging allows us to estimate voxel-based population receptive fields (pRF), i.e., the part of the visual field that activates the cells within each voxel. Prior, direct, pRF estimation methods1 suffer from certain limitations: 1) the pRF model is chosen a-priori and may not fully capture the actual pRF shape, and 2) pRF centers are prone to mislocalization near the border of the stimulus space. Here a new topographical pRF estimation method2 is proposed that largely circumvents these limitations. A linear model is used to predict the Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent (BOLD) signal by convolving the linear response of the pRF to the visual stimulus with the canonical hemodynamic response function. PRF topography is represented as a weight vector whose components represent the strength of the aggregate response of voxel neurons to stimuli presented at different visual field locations. The resulting linear equations can be solved for the pRF weight vector using ridge regression3, yielding the pRF topography. A pRF model that is matched to the estimated topography can then be chosen post-hoc, thereby improving the estimates of pRF parameters such as pRF-center location, pRF orientation, size, etc. Having the pRF topography available also allows the visual verification of pRF parameter estimates allowing the extraction of various pRF properties without having to make a-priori assumptions about the pRF structure. This approach promises to be particularly useful for investigating the pRF organization of patients with disorders of the visual system.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(23):5121-5137.e7
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神经元集群响应的高维特性是脑机制研究面临的主要困难之一.拓扑特征是图像的基本特征之一,为了有效表征高维的神经元集群响应的拓扑特征特性,提出了一种基于三维自组织映射网络采用RGB颜色特征表征神经元集群响应的动态可视化方法,分析多通道微电极阵列采集的大鼠初级视觉皮层(V1区)神经元集群信号,进而研究了V1区神经元集群对图形拓扑特征的响应特性.通过与主成分分析(PCA)方法进行对比发现:该方法能够有效表征V1区神经元集群对拓扑结构的时序动态响应特征,表征方式形象直观,具有一定的优越性.  相似文献   

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