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Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - New peptide analogs of galanin corresponding to fragments of the N-terminal sequence were synthesized by an automatic solid-phase method using...  相似文献   

Dietary modulation of the synthesis of endogenous host defense peptides (HDPs) represents a novel antimicrobial approach for disease control and prevention, particularly against antibiotic-resistant infections. However, HDP regulation by dietary compounds such as butyrate is species-dependent. To examine whether butyrate could induce HDP expression in pigs, we evaluated the expressions of a panel of porcine HDPs in IPEC-J2 intestinal epithelial cells, 3D4/31 macrophages, and primary monocytes in response to sodium butyrate treatment by real-time PCR. We revealed that butyrate is a potent inducer of multiple, but not all, HDP genes. Porcine β-defensin 2 (pBD2), pBD3, epididymis protein 2 splicing variant C (pEP2C), and protegrins were induced markedly in response to butyrate, whereas pBD1 expression remained largely unaltered in any cell type. Additionally, a comparison of the HDP-inducing efficacy among saturated free fatty acids of different aliphatic chain lengths revealed that fatty acids containing 3–8 carbons showed an obvious induction of HDP expression in IPEC-J2 cells, with butyrate being the most potent and long-chain fatty acids having only a marginal effect. We further investigated a panel of butyrate analogs for their efficacy in HDP induction, and found glyceryl tributyrate, benzyl butyrate, and 4-phenylbutyrate to be comparable with butyrate. Identification of butyrate and several analogs with a strong capacity to induce HDP gene expression in pigs provides attractive candidates for further evaluation of their potential as novel alternatives to antibiotics in augmenting innate immunity and disease resistance of pigs.  相似文献   

抗菌肽 (Antibacterialpeptides)原指昆虫体内经诱导产生的一类分子量在 4kD左右 ,具有抗菌活性的碱性多肽物质[2 ] 。这类抗菌剂最初是从昆虫、哺乳动物、两栖动物等的防御系统中分离得到的。抗菌肽对革兰氏阳性及阴性细菌、病毒、原虫和发生病变的真核细胞等有杀伤作用 ,具有很强的广谱抑菌作用 ,但对正常哺乳动物细胞无杀伤作用[3 ] 。蛙皮素还具有抗肿瘤活性而没有溶血活性[4 ] ,虽然蜂毒素具有溶血活性 ,但其溶血功能区位于C端的亲水区域[5] ,两者的极性区域正好相反。据研究表明抗菌肽都会形成两亲螺旋结构的…  相似文献   

Tandem Peptide Ligation for Synthetic and Natural Biologicals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. P. Tam  Q. Yu  Y. -A. Lu 《Biologicals》2001,29(3-4):189-196
We describe the concept and methods of peptide ligation and tandem peptide ligation for preparing synthetic and natural biologicals. Peptide ligation is a segment coupling method for free peptides or proteins through an amide bond without the use of a coupling reagent or a protecting group scheme. Because unprotected peptides or proteins prepared from either a chemical or biochemical source are being used as building blocks, the ligation removes the size limitation for peptide and protein synthesis. A key feature of the peptide ligation is that the coupling reaction is orthogonal, i.e. it is specific to a particular alpha-amino terminus (NT). This NT-amino acid-specific feature permits the development of a tandem peptide ligation method employing three unprotected peptide segments containing different NT-amino acids to form consecutively two amide bonds, an Xaa-SPro (thiaproline) and then an Xaa-Cys. This strategy was tested in peptides ranging from 28 to 70 amino acid residues, including analogues of somatostatins and two CC-chemokines MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta. The thiaproline replacements in these peptides and proteins did not result in altered biological activity. By eliminating the protecting group scheme and coupling reagents, tandem ligation of multiple free peptide segments in aqueous solutions enhances the scope of protein synthesis and may provide a useful approach for preparing protein biologicals and synthetic vaccines.  相似文献   

Peptidic drugs have many advantages as compared to small chemical molecules; however, they also possess some limitations as their poor membrane transducing properties. Our group has recently reported the potent anti-HIV antiviral activity of CIGB-210, a peptide derived from human keratin 10. Previous experiments showed that this peptide is internalized in MT4 cells. The aim of this study was to expand our knowledge on the uptake of CIGB-210 by assessing the peptide penetration in four other human cell lines. Cells were treated with 10, 20 and 40 µM of fluorescein-labelled CIGB-210 and the percentage of fluorescent cells was determined by flow cytometry at 15 min, 1 and 24 h. The uptake of fluorescein-labelled CIGB-210 in THP-1, HEp-2, HepG2 and PC-3 cell lines was directly proportional to both, peptide concentration and incubation times. However, some differences in the kinetics of cell entry were found. While the initial uptake was faster in HepG2 and PC-3 cells, after 24 h of incubation the percentage of fluorescence cells was equalized, although HEp-2 cells exhibited the higher numbers. The efficiency of CIGB-210 uptake was lower than a control cell penetrating peptide. However, despite the differences found, CIGB-210 was capable of transducing four human cell lines of different origins without any help. Finally, circular dichroism spectrometry data indicated that the peptide adopt a mostly disordered structure in aqueous solution, with an estimated alpha helical content of less than 5%. This study contributes to the characterization of CIGB-210 as a novel drug candidate against HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

目前制备单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的传统方法是用纯度很高的天然蛋白作为抗原来免疫动物。此方法虽然成功率很高,但提取和纯化作为抗原用的高纯蛋白确非常困难,在某些情况下甚至是不可能的。为了克服以上不足,近年来发展起用合成多肽作为抗原制备单克隆抗体[1,2]。这个技术的难点是用合成多肽作为抗原来免疫动物不易获得与天然蛋白呈特异反应的抗体[3-5]。近年来国外科学家发明了一种称为“多抗原肽”(Multiple antigenic peptide, MAP)物质用作抗原[6,7]。它是一个由赖氨酸核和多个由同一多肽分子构成的具有免疫原性的大分子。这个大分子的多肽部分组成丁造成动物免疫应答的多个相同抗原决定簇.而赖氨酸核部分只起连接多肽的作用,它本身没有免疫原性。实验证明多抗原肽和佐剂配合使用会引起动物强烈的免疫应答。本文介绍的是从Calpain [EC] 28kDa 小亚基上选取的一段氪基酸序列 AAQYNPEPPP-PRTH(氨基酸从73到86)与赖氨酸核偶联形成多抗原肽来制备单克隆抗体。Calpain的水解蛋白活性依附于钙离子浓度。它有两种异构酶:在μmol/L钙离子浓度下被激活的称为“μ-calpain.而在mmol/L钙离子浓度下被激活的称为m-calpain。这两种异构酶都由两个亚基组成。其大亚基的分子量为80kDa,它包括酶的活性区和与钙离子结合区。两种酶的大亚基氨基酸序列各不相同。其小亚基的分子量为28 kDa,这两种酶具有完全相同的小亚基氨基酸序列。有关Calpain的详细资料可参阅文献[8]。  相似文献   

Protein-protein recognition, frequently mediated by members of large families of interaction domains, is one of the cornerstones of biological function. Here, we present a computational, structure-based method to predict the sequence space of peptides recognized by PDZ domains, one of the largest families of recognition proteins. As a test set, we use a considerable amount of recent phage display data that describe the peptide recognition preferences for 169 naturally occurring and engineered PDZ domains. For both wild-type PDZ domains and single point mutants, we find that 70-80% of the most frequently observed amino acids by phage display are predicted within the top five ranked amino acids. Phage display frequently identified recognition preferences for amino acids different from those present in the original crystal structure. Notably, in about half of these cases, our algorithm correctly captures these preferences, indicating that it can predict mutations that increase binding affinity relative to the starting structure. We also find that we can computationally recapitulate specificity changes upon mutation, a key test for successful forward design of protein-protein interface specificity. Across all evaluated data sets, we find that incorporation backbone sampling improves accuracy substantially, irrespective of using a crystal or NMR structure as the starting conformation. Finally, we report successful prediction of several amino acid specificity changes from blind tests in the DREAM4 peptide recognition domain specificity prediction challenge. Because the foundational methods developed here are structure based, these results suggest that the approach can be more generally applied to specificity prediction and redesign of other protein-protein interfaces that have structural information but lack phage display data.  相似文献   



Site-specific protein labeling or modification can facilitate the characterization of proteins with respect to their structure, folding, and interaction with other proteins. However, current methods of site-specific protein labeling are few and with limitations, therefore new methods are needed to satisfy the increasing need and sophistications of protein labeling.


A method of protein C-terminal labeling was developed using a non-canonical split-intein, through an intein-catalyzed trans-splicing reaction between a protein and a small synthetic peptide carrying the desired labeling groups. As demonstrations of this method, three different proteins were efficiently labeled at their C-termini with two different labels (fluorescein and biotin) either in solution or on a solid surface, and a transferrin receptor protein was labeled on the membrane surface of live mammalian cells. Protein biotinylation and immobilization on a streptavidin-coated surface were also achieved in a cell lysate without prior purification of the target protein.


We have produced a method of site-specific labeling or modification at the C-termini of recombinant proteins. This method compares favorably with previous protein labeling methods and has several unique advantages. It is expected to have many potential applications in protein engineering and research, which include fluorescent labeling for monitoring protein folding, location, and trafficking in cells, and biotinylation for protein immobilization on streptavidin-coated surfaces including protein microchips. The types of chemical labeling may be limited only by the ability of chemical synthesis to produce the small C-intein peptide containing the desired chemical groups.  相似文献   

蒋细兵  余迪求 《遗传》2008,30(12):1615-1620
摘要: 通过对5个拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana L.)预测性多肽进行RT-PCR分析, 在mRNA水平证实了Peptide5和Peptide6预测性多肽的真实性。表达谱分析表明: 两基因在不同的发育期和不同的组织普遍表达, 为组成型基因; 对NaCl、聚乙二醇4000(PEG4000)、茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)、水杨酸(SA)、机械损伤和冷害做出基因转录水平的响应。启动子顺式作用元件分析提示, 拟南芥Peptide5基因可能参与了次生木质部的形成。  相似文献   

Peptide VP1 (11-25) of the capsid of hepatitis A virus was synthesized by the Fmoc-polyamide solid phase method, and administered to mice in different forms: (1) free, (2) encapsulated in multilamellar liposomes, (3) coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KHL), and (4) incorporated into a tetrameric branched lysine core. The highest anti-VP1 peptide responses were generated by synthetic peptides entrapped into liposomes and coupled to KLH. No anti-HAV response was generated with the free peptide, while all the other forms induced both anti-HAV and HAV-neutralizing antibodies. Maximum neutralization indices were observed in ascites from mice treated with liposome-entrapped and KLH peptides.  相似文献   

合成肽抗原在戊型肝炎病毒感染诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ELISA for the detection of anti HEV using synthetic peptide antigens was developed. The synthetic antigens were encoded by OFR2 and OFR3 genes of HEV. The purpose of this study was to determine the applicability of the synthetic antigens in the serodiagnosis of hepatitis E. The anti HEV detection using synthetic antigens was carried out in 47 healthy subjects and 89 patients with acute or chronic viral hepatitis. The results showed that the positive rate of anti HEV IgG in healthy subjects was 4.2%(2/47), and no IgM antibody to HEV was found. The positive rates of IgG and IgM antibodies to HEV in the hepatitis patients were 8.9% and 10% respectively. In addition, we compared the detecting efficacy of the synthetic antigens with that of the market reagent in 57 serum samples, the total coincident rate was 87.7% (50/57). All of the results accorded with the literatures reported. This study suggests that the ELISA based on the synthetic peptide antigens was specific, sensitive and convenient in diagnosis of HEV infection, it can be widely used in both clinical and epidemiological reseaches.  相似文献   

依据本室获得的人TPO模拟肽序列,合成了该模拟肽的DNA序列,分别连接至4种不同长度的人IgG1 Fc基因片段的5′端,并克隆至质粒表达载体pET28a(+),转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),筛选获得了4种重组工程菌,其中3种分别高效表达了3种不同长度的融合蛋白,而第4种工程菌未表达。表达的3种融合蛋白的分子量分别约为28kD、12kD和12kD,表达量约占菌体蛋白总量的30%左右,纯化获得了3种TPO模拟肽融合蛋白。3种融合蛋白均有较好的体外活性,维持TPO依赖细胞Ba/F3-mp1生长的EC50分别为:13、10、10 nmol/L。用血小板减少症小鼠动物模型,测定了它们的体内活性,3种融合蛋白均有升高血小板和缩短血小板恢复时间的功能,分别比TPO模拟肽活性提高了18、8、8倍;而对白细胞及红细胞无显著影响。分别用3种融合蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,均未刺激小鼠产生抗TPO模拟肽抗体,并显示了较好的应用潜力。   相似文献   

TPO模拟肽与人IgG1 Fc片段的融合表达及其生物学特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据本室获得的人TPO模拟肽序列,合成了该模拟肽的DNA序列,分别连接至4种不同长度的人IgG1 Fc基因片段的5′端,并克隆至质粒表达载体pET28a( ),转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),筛选获得了4种重组工程菌,其中3种分别高效表达了3种不同长度的融合蛋白,而第4种工程菌未表达,表达的3种融合蛋白的分子量分别约为28kD,12kD和12kD。表达量约占菌体蛋白总量的30%左右,纯化获得了3种TPO模拟肽融合蛋白,3种融合蛋白均有较好的体外活性,维持TPO依赖细胞Ba/F3-mp1生长的EC50分别为:13,10,10nmol/L,用血小板减少症小鼠动物模型,测定了它们的体内活性,3种融合蛋白均有升高血小板和缩短血小板恢复时间的功能,分别比TPO模拟肽活性提高了18,8,8倍,而对白细胞及红细胞无显著影响,分别用3种融合蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,均未刺激小鼠产生抗TPO模拟肽抗体,并显示了较好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

拟用pⅧ噬菌体展示系统表达玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone,ZEN)模拟表位肽,并验证其反应原性。通过将含有ZEN模拟表位序列以及肠激酶酶切位点的寡聚核苷酸与经过EcoR I和BamH I双酶切的pC89S4噬菌粒连接,构建表达载体pC89-CZEN。pC89-CZEN转化感受态XL1-Blue得到工程菌pC89-ek-zen,然后用KM13超感染、IPTG诱导表达,纯化后得到展示有玉米赤霉烯酮模拟表位的噬菌体颗粒。对KM13超感染时菌体浓度OD600、IPTG诱导时菌体浓度OD600、IPTG加入量以及诱导表达温度和时间进行优化,以探索最佳表达条件;通过ELISA测定反应原性,对比肠激酶酶切前后模拟表位肽与ZEN抗体的结合效果。结果显示,成功构建了表达载体pC89-CZEN,最优表达条件为KM13超感染时菌体浓度OD600为0.4、IPTG诱导时菌体浓度OD600为0.6以及IPTG加入量为终浓度1.0 mmol/L、诱导表达温度为24℃、时间8 h,酶切后结合效果明显高于酶切前。  相似文献   

To obtain transgenic tobacco plants expressing recombinant analogs of spider dragline silk spidroin 1, artificial 1f5 and 1f9 coding for spidroin 1 analogs were 3"-fused in-frame with the reporter lichenase gene. The Tr2" weak constitutive promoter of Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA and the strong constitutive promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA gene were used as regulatory elements. The expression cassettes were used to transform agrobacteria and then introduced in tobacco leaf disks. On evidence of Southern hybridization, transgenic plants each carried a single copy of a hybrid gene, which corresponded in size to the constructed one. Zymography and Western blotting revealed full-length hybrid proteins in leaf extracts of transgenic plants. The results testified that plants can maintain and express synthetic genes for spider silks and, consequently, may be used as a convenient producer of recombinant silk analogs.  相似文献   



C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) and nitric oxide (NO) are endothelium-derived factors that play important roles in the regulation of vascular tone and arterial blood pressure. We hypothesized that NO produced by the endothelial NO-synthase (NOS-3) contributes to the relaxation induced by CNP in isolated rat aorta via activation of endothelial NPR-C receptor. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the putative contribution of NO through NPR-C activation in the CNP induced relaxation in isolated conductance artery.

Main Methods

Concentration-effect curves for CNP were constructed in aortic rings isolated from rats. Confocal microscopy was used to analyze the cytosolic calcium mobilization induced by CNP. The phosphorylation of the residue Ser1177 of NOS was analyzed by Western blot and the expression and localization of NPR-C receptors was analyzed by immunohistochemistry.

Key Findings

CNP was less potent in inducing relaxation in denuded endothelium aortic rings than in intact ones. L-NAME attenuated the potency of CNP and similar results were obtained in the presence of hydroxocobalamin, an intracellular NO0 scavenger. CNP did not change the phosphorylation of Ser1177, the activation site of NOS-3, when compared with control. The addition of CNP produced an increase in [Ca2+]c in endothelial cells and a decrease in [Ca2+]c in vascular smooth muscle cells. The NPR-C-receptors are expressed in endothelial and adventitial rat aortas.


These results suggest that CNP-induced relaxation in intact aorta isolated from rats involves NO production due to [Ca2+]c increase in endothelial cells possibly through NPR-C activation expressed in these cells. The present study provides a breakthrough in the understanding of the close relationship between the vascular actions of nitric oxide and CNP.  相似文献   

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