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Philippe Fossati 《PSN》2005,3(4):178-183
Functional brain imaging studies in healthy subjects suggest that several regions (prefrontal cortex, amygdala, thalamus, hippocampus, anterior cingulate) have specialized functions for emotional operations. Within these regions, the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) is considered to have a general role in emotional processing. Using a memory paradigm with verbal material, we recently demonstrated that the MPFC is specifically involved in self-related processing of emotional stimuli. Study with mood induction also suggest that personality traits may modulate the reactivity of the MPFC to emotional Stressors. Taken together these findings support the hypothesis that the MPFC subserve processes involved in emotion regulation. Dysfunction of the MPFC and related structures (i.e. amygdala) may increase the vulnerability to emotional disorders.  相似文献   

The Mesolithic is a fascinating period, where ancient traditions are tilting towards a new paradigm. Many changes can be recognised without being able to establish a real split with the Palaeolithic. Far from being just a bridge towards the Neolithic, the Mesolithic is truly a new and stable metaphysical structure. In our article, we are interested in the structural mechanisms by which Palaeolithic metaphysics slides towards the Mesolithic, where the individual occupies a central role.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis is a method which uses statistical techniques for combining results from several different studies, in order to get an estimation of the global effect for a procedure on a global outcome. This technique leads to an increase in the power of statistical testing. It also gives an information which cannot be drawn from one individual study. Two approaches are possible, and often combined. The qualitative approach consists of weighing various studies according to their methodological quality. The quantitative approach consists of pooling the results of different studies. The different steps of the meta-analysis are described. Meta-analysis shows many advantages, such as the estimation of the effect size or the increase in generalizability. It also helps physicians and health policy makers in answering to a specific question.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs décrivent une grande famille où sur 4 générations, 15 sujects sont atteints de dysplasie des crêtes épidermiques digitales, palmaires et plantaires. Dans cette famille, l'anomalie se transmet visiblement sur le mode dominant autosomique avec pénétrance complète et expressivité variable.
Dysplasia of epidermal ridges, with autosomal dominant transmission
Summary A large family is described where 15 individuals on 4 generations are affected with a dysplasia of the digital, palmar and plantar epidermal ridges. In this family, the anomaly is transmitted according to the autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with complete penetrance and variable expressivity.

Ce travail a reçu l'appui du Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Médicale (Belgique).  相似文献   

We report three cases of ovarian psammocarcinoma, which is a serous adenocarcinoma having psammoma calcifications. The FDG uptake in the psammomatous lesions is due to the tissular part of the lesion and the technetium-99m labelled agents uptake to its calcified part. Calcifications are detected on CT scans. Therefore, they are relatively simple to diagnose by nuclear medicine which is useful given relatively the better prognosis of the psammomatous ovarian serous carcinoma when compared to the serous one.  相似文献   

G. Lucotte 《Human genetics》1980,54(1):97-102
Summary The electrophoretic mobilities of serum enzymes and other proteins were investigated at 35 loci in 25 unrelated individuals of the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes. In this population the mean average of individual polymorphism is =0181, and the average level of heterozygoty =0.022. The same pattern of individual variability is found in Pan troglodytes and Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

Résumé Des expériences d'associations d'épithélium gastrique de foetus de Lapin et de mésenchyme homologue ou hétérologue, partielles ou par membrane filtrante interposée, mettent en évidence l'existence de deux types de facteurs inducteurs.Le premier facteur induit la morphogenèse de l'épithélium. Il est thermostable et hautement diffusible.Le deuxième facteur, organospécifique, est plus ou moins favorable à la différenciation de l'épithélium gastrique suivant la nature du mésenchyme. Faiblement diffusible et thermolabile, il est élaboré dans la phase cytoplasmique des cellules mésenchymateuses.
Action and properties of inductive factors proceeding from gastric and heterologous mesenchymes
Summary Experimental associations of gastric epithelium of the Rabbit foetus with homologous or heterologous mesenchyme, separated by membrane filter or partially associated, permit us to prove the existence of two types of inductors.The first factor induces the epithelial morphogenesis. It is thermostable and highly diffusible.The second factor, organospecific, is more or less favorable to the differentiation of the gastric epithelium according to the nature of the mesenchyme. Lightly diffusible and thermolabile, it is elaborated in the cytoplasmic phase of the mesenchymal cells.

In 1863, when a human mandible was discovered in the quarry of Moulin-Quignon (Abbeville, Somme), it completed the demonstration of Jacques Boucher de Perthes (1788–1868) proving the existence of an ante-diluvian man. However, this discovery was quickly questioned and would eventually disqualify even the site itself and the industries it had delivered. The recent re-examination of these fossils brought to light in 1863 (one mandible) and 1864 (28 bones and teeth), now housed at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (musée de l’Homme), has confirmed their attribution to Homo sapiens. In the light of current knowledge, this attribution is incompatible with the stratigraphic provenance of these anthropological remains, whose age is estimated between 670–650,000 years. In fact, direct radiocarbon dating of these bones dates them back to a historical period, between the 13th and 18th centuries, which confirms their intrusive nature in the deposit. In this paper, after describing the discovery and rediscovery of the site, we will question who is the man who could have been discovered at Moulin-Quignon. This will be the occasion for a review of human evolution, in the context of the taxonomic upheavals of the 1950s and 1960s, in Western Europe in the Middle Pleistocene, where recent discoveries attest to a significant variability among Homo heidelbergensis, some of which are already strongly involved in the Neanderthal lineage. This retrospective will voluntarily follow the course of paleo-antropological research throughout the 20th century in order to highlight, as discoveries are made, changes in paradigms and practices.  相似文献   

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