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Using the Lowicryl K4M embedding technique, together with indirect immunoferritin or immunogold labeling on ultra-thin sections, tubulin, calmodulin and phospholipase A2 were distinctly localized in ejaculated bull spermatozoa. Calmodulin was concentrated on the plasma membrane, nucleus, post-acrosomal substance, and, in lesser amounts, between coarse fibers and axonemal microtubules of the flagellum. Phospholipase A2 was distributed evenly along the plasma membrane, nucleus, acrosome, post-acrosomal substance, and in the flagellum, on mitochondria, fibrous sheath, coarse fibers, between coarse fibers and axonemal microtubules. Antibodies to tubulin labeled only axonemal microtubules, including the central pair of microtubules. Patterns of tubulin labeling were identical when ferritin granule- or gold particle-conjugated antibodies were tested. In agreement with our previous biochemical studies demonstrating calmodulin binding to phospholipase A2, concomitant with enhancement of phospholipase A2 activity (Arch Biochem Biophys 241:413, 1985), the overlapping distribution of calmodulin and phospholipase A2 in several parts of the sperm suggests that these proteins may play a concerted role in male gamete function in preparation for or during fertilization. The distinct distribution of tubulin along flagellum microtubules indicates their special function in sperm mobility.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin, a 76 amino acid protein, is covalently attached to abnormal and short-lived proteins, thus marking them for ATP-dependent proteolysis in eukaryotic cells. Free (unconjugated) ubiquitin was localized in hepatoma cells using affinity purified anti-ubiquitin antibodies and colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy. The anti-ubiquitin antibodies recognize only unconjugated ubiquitin. Ubiquitin is found within the cytoplasm, nucleus, the microvilli, autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes.  相似文献   

M. Dauwalder  S. J. Roux  L. Hardison 《Planta》1986,168(4):461-470
Immunofluorescence techniques have been used to study the distribution of calmodulin in several tissues in young etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings. A fairly uniform staining was seen in the nucleoplasm and background cytoplasm of most cell types. Cell walls and nucleoli were not stained. In addition, patterned staining reactions were seen in many cells. In cells of the plumule, punctate staining of the cytoplasm was common, and in part this stain appeared to be associated with the plastids. A very distinctive staining of amyloplasts was seen in the columella of the root cap. Staining associated with cytoskeletal elements could be shown in division stages. By metaphase, staining of the spindle region was quite evident. In epidermal cells of the stem and along the underside of the leaf there was an intense staining of the vacuolar contents. Guard cells lacked this vacuolar stain. Vacuolar staining was sometimes seen in cells of the stele, but the most distinctive pattern in the stele was associated with young conducting cells of the xylem. These staining patterns are consistent with the idea that the interactions of plastids and the cytoskeletal system may be one of the Ca2+-mediated steps in the response of plants to environmental stimuli. Nuclear functions may also be controlled, at least in part, by Ca2+.  相似文献   

Using protein A-colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy and monospecific antibodies to the weak base primaquine, we have delineated acidic intracellular compartments in the human hepatoma cell line, HepG2. Primaquine specifically accumulated within endocytotic compartments (including CURL vesicles, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes). In addition, the Golgi cisternae were positive. However, the CURL tubules, which contain recycling asialoglycoprotein receptor, did not accumulate primaquine. Thus, there may be a gradient of acidification within the endocytotic pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Antimonate staining procedures and energy dispersive X-ray microanalytical techniques were used to determine the patterns of localization of calcium in nonstimulated and gravistimulated corn roots. In horizontally positioned roots within the region of the developing bend there was a change in the staining from that principally localized within cells of the stele to asymmetric staining within the vacuoles of the cortical cells along the upper root surface. There was little staining in the walls. The pattern observed is quite different from that seen in gravistimulated coleoptiles. Staining of mitochondria, plastids and Golgi stacks was seen in most cell types, but no asymmetry of staining was observed. In the rootcap where graviperception is thought to occur, there was little staining of any cellular organelles.  相似文献   

Myofibrillogenesis in developing cardiac cells of the Syrian hamster from early embryonic stages through newborn was studied by electron microscopy, immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy. alpha-Actinin and actin were localized at light and electron microscopic levels in embryonic heart cells which had been fixed in a periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde or a glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde mixture, and embedded in Lowicryl K4M. Indirect staining methods were used for immunofluorescence staining of thick sections and immunoferritin staining of thin sections. The earliest evidence of myofibrillogenesis in embryonic myocardial cells was the presence of many randomly arranged thin (6 nm) filaments and a few scattered thick filaments (15 nm) near the plasma membrane. alpha-Actinin was detected in a semi-continuous, diffuse layer in some portions of the cell just beneath the plasma membrane in association with the filamentous collections. Later in development, alpha-actinin coalesced into Z-plaques at the membrane as the filaments arranged into parallel arrays. Actin was localized in the thin filaments as expected. In later stages of development, alpha-actinin was observed at the Z-lines and intercalated discs of the mature myofibrils while actin was localized at both the I-band and Z-line. Our results suggest that myofibrillogenesis is initiated at the plasma membrane and that Z-plaques are precursors of myofibrillar Z-bands and may serve as organizing centers for myofibrillogenesis in developing cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

WANG  HONGQINGZHANG 《Cell research》1992,2(2):119-128
By using Hoechst 33342,rabbit anti calmodulin antibody,FITC-labeled goat anti rabbit IgG and SR101(sulfo rhodamine 101)simultaneously to stain individual normal and transformed cells,the microspectrophotometric analysis demonstrated that 3 markers which represented the nucleus,calmodulin and total protein respectively,could be recognized in individualj cells without interference,The phase of the cell cycle was determined by DNA content(Hoechst 33342),We found that in transformed cells(NIH3T3) tsRSV-LA90,cultured at 33℃ and transformed C3H10T1/2 Cells),the ration of calmodulin to total protein (based on the phases of cell cycle)was higher than that in normal cells (NIH3T3 tsRSV-LA90 cells,cultured at 39℃ and C3H10T1/2 cells)in every cell cycle phase,This ration increased obviously only from G1 to S phase in either normal or transformed cells.The results showed that calmodulinreally increased during the transformation,and its increase was specific.In the meantime when cells proceeded from G1 to S.the intraceollular calmodulin content also increased specifically.  相似文献   

Wound repair in planarians is mainly characterized by two cell-migratory events involving the epidermis adjacent to the wound and its basement membrane. The first event is the migration of epidermal cells to cover the wound surface; the second one is the migration of newly differentiating replacement epidermal cells from the parenchyma to the epidermis. In addition to these events, migration of fixed parenchymal cells is observed during wound healing. All migrating cells were characterized by the presence of actin, as shown by the results obtained by means of indirect immunolocalization with fluorescent and electron microscopy. Migrating cells were heavily labeled with gold particles, which clustered at the level of cell-matrix and cell-cell contacts.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of immunoglobulin (Ig) by immunoelectron microscopy was performed on 20 B-cell lymphomas of low- and high-grade malignancy. The efficiency in demonstrating Ig by pre-embedding technique depends on the antibodies used. F(ab')2 fragments of antibodies were more sensitive than both intact polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies in detecting cytoplasmic Ig. With immunoelectron microscopy Ig could be demonstrated in all cell types of B-CLL and LP-immunocytoma, even in some of the small lymphocytes in B-CLL. Thus, the presence of intracytoplasmic Ig has no diagnostic relevance in differentiating B-CLL from LP-immunocytoma. However, the amount of Ig in the tumor cells of LP-immunocytoma seemed to be greater than in B-CLL. Centrocytic lymphoma and centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma could be differentiated by their different localization of Ig. In centrocytic lymphoma Ig was localized mainly on the surface membrane, whereas in centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma moderate amounts of Ig could be detected in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and perinuclear space of the centroblasts and in roughly one third of the centrocytes. In malignant lymphomas of high-grade malignancy (ML centroblastic, ML immunoblastic, and ML lymphoblastic) Ig was localized mainly in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and sometimes in the perinuclear space.  相似文献   

淹水玉米幼苗根尖分生细胞内Ca2+超微细胞化学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用焦锑酸钾沉淀法,对遭受淹水胁迫的玉米幼苗初生根根尖分生细胞内钙离子分布变化情况进行了电镜细胞化学观察。在正常状态下,根尖分生细胞内Ca^2+沉淀颗粒的分布较少.主要位于细胞核和细胞质中。在淹水1h后,根尖分生细胞内呈现有大量Ca^2+沉淀颗粒分布,细胞核和细胞质中分布的Ca^2+沉淀颗粒密度,远大于正常细胞。随着淹水时间的延长,根尖分生细胞的细胞核和细胞质中分布的Ca^2+沉淀颗粒呈现不断增多的趋势,而液泡中分布的Ca^2+沉淀颗粒则逐步明显减少。根据实验结果本文对受淹根尖分生细胞的死亡与Ca^2+分布变化的关系进行了研究。  相似文献   

Dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) was purified from bovine adrenal medullae. Rabbit IgG raised against DBH inhibited its activity by 80%. In an immunoblot analysis, the IgG specifically recognized two subunits of DBH the 72 and 75 KD components. Chromogranin A (CGA) also was purified from bovine adrenal medullae, and rabbit IgG against CGA recognized this chromogranin A in the immunoblot analysis. The intracellular distribution of DBH and CGA in bovine chromaffin cells was determined quantitatively by immunoelectron microscopy using post-embedding protein A-gold technique. DBH and CGA were localized exclusively on chromaffin granules. The binding of gold particles to these granules was saturable. The maximum number of gold particles bound to the granules roughly corresponded to the number of DBH or CGA molecules in the granules estimated biochemically. DBH was observed evenly in the periphery and in the dense matrix of the chromaffin granules.  相似文献   

Penicillinase was localized in log-phase cells of Bacillus licheniformis 749/C by labeling with ferritin-anti-penicillinase immunoglobulin G conjugate. Mildly fixed homogenized cells, isolated subcellular fractions, and frozen thin sections were labeled. The label was distributed in discrete patches in the cell envelope. The patches extended from the inside part of the membrane to the outside part of the wall. The inside part of the membrane was labeled more extensively than the outside part. The cytoplasm also bound some ferritin-immunoglobulin G conjugate. Immunoelectrophoresis and biochemical assay of cytosol material suggest that the cytoplasmic antigenic sites are a protease-sensitive form of penicillinase.  相似文献   

In the melanocyte, tyrosinase is known as the dey enzyme for melanin formation. Purified tyrosinase protein was prepared that was capable of oxidizing tyrosine. The localization of tyrosinase antigen in the melanocyte was studied using antiserum against tyrosinase. DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine)-reaction product and tyrosinase antigen were found on the same organelles i.e., premelanosomes, melanosomes, GERL, and Golgi vesicles. This result seems to suggest that it is cytochemically appropriate to use DOPA as the substrate of tyrosinase. It appeared that tyrosinase antigen was present as granule-like structures inside GERL cisterna and associated with its membrane.  相似文献   

The calmodulin antagonist W7 and 4 of its analogues were examined for their ability to inhibit human NK cell mediated cytotoxicity. With the exception of one of these compounds, which is extremely hydrophobic, there was a good correlation between the ability of drugs to inhibit human NK antitumour cytotoxicity and calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase activity in vitro. The most potent of the compounds, 5-iodo-l-C8, an analogue of W7, has an IC50 of 3 M upon biological and biochemical assay. This particular compound is both more potent and specific than the parent compound W7, is non-toxic to cells over the range used and is also capable of inhibiting the biological activity of NK cells upon pre-treatment of the effector cells, inferring the mechanism of NK cytotoxicity to be calmodulin dependent.  相似文献   

Ammonia, the primary product of nitrogen fixation is rapidly incorporated into a number of amino acids such as glutamate and aspartate. A novel enzyme system glutamine: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase oxidoreductase, which probably has an important role in ammonia assimilation has been detected, in the present studies, in the rhizobial fraction of soybean root nodules and in Rhizobium japonicum grown in culture. The role of this latter enzyme and other enzymes such as glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in ammonia assimilation by soybean nodules is discussed.  相似文献   

A peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) method using polyclonal anti-PR antibodies was used to localize progesterone receptor (PR) electron microscopically in the chick oviduct. The immunoreaction precipitate indicating PR was localized inside the nuclei of epithelial, glandular and stromal cells. In the estrogen withdrawn oviduct cytoplasmic immunoreaction precipitate was not seen. Inside the nucleus unoccupied PR was localized mainly like the heterochromatin. As visualized by the PAP technique, the localization of PR was not systematically changed after progesterone administration. In conclusion, we suggest that progesterone receptor in the chick oviduct is an intranuclear protein.  相似文献   

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