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Regeneration of viable plants was obtained via organogenesis from mature embryonal axes explants of pigeonpea. Shoots were produced from the apical region of embryonal axes after 20 days of dark incubation on modified Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium containing 8.86 M benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1.07 M -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). When the explants were cultured under light-dark (16--8 hrs) conditions, shoots were initiated only after 65 days of culture initiation. The explants lost their ability to regenerate plantlets when they were cultured in continuous light. Regenerated shoots elongated either in the same medium or in MS basal medium. About 40% of the elongated shoots sequentially produced simple, bifoliate and finally trifoliate leaves instead of producing trifoliate leaves directly. The elongated shoots were rooted efficiently upon transferring them to half strength MS medium supplemented with 2.41 M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Rooted plantlets were successfully transferred to soil after hardening.  相似文献   

A requirement for generating transgenic pigeonpea [Cajanuscajan (L.) Millsp] plants is the development of a highly efficientin vitro regeneration procedure. This goal was achieved byusing germinated seedlings grown on B5 medium supplemented with 10 mgl–1 6-benzylaminopurine, which induced differentiatingcallus formation in the cotyledonary node region. The calli were transferred onB5 medium with 0.2 mg l–1 6-benzylaminopurine toobtain shoot induction. Elongated shoots were then further cultured on a B5hormone-free medium for rooting. Using this regeneration system transgenicpigeonpea plants were obtained both by particle bombardment andAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer. Thepresence of the transgenes in the pigeonpea genome was confirmed by GUS assays,PCR and Southern hybridisation. The transgenic rooted plants were successfullytransferred to soil in the greenhouse. GUS and PCR assays of T1 progeniesconfirmed that the transgenes were stably transmitted to the next generation.This is the first report of successful use ofAgrobacteriumas well as particle bombardment for production of transgenic pigeonpea plants.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal patterns of nodulation, acetylene reduction, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen fixation were studies for 11 pigeonpea cultivars belonging to different maturity groups grown on an Alfisol at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India. In all cultivars the nodule number and mass increased to a maximum around 60–80 days after sowing and then declined. The nodule number and mass of medium- and late-maturing cultivars was greater than that of early-maturing cultivars. The nitrogenase activity per plant increased to 60 days after sowing and declined thereafter, with little activity at 100 days when the crop was flowering. At later stages of plant growth nodules formed down to 90 cm below the soil surface but those at greater depth appeared less active than those near the surface. All the 11 cultivars continued to accumulate dry matter until 140 days, with most biomass production by the late-maturing cultivars (up to 11 t ha−1) and least by the early-maturing determinate cultivars (4 t ha−1). Total nitrogen uptake ranged from 69 to 134 kg ha−1. Nitrogen fixation by pigeonpea was estimated as the difference in total nitrogen uptake between pigeonpea and sorghum and could amount to 69 kg N ha−1 per season, or half the total nitrogen uptake. Fixation by pigeonpea increased with crop duration, but there were differences within each maturity group. The limitations of the methods used for estimating N2 fixation by pigeonpea are discussed. Submitted as J.A. No. 552 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).  相似文献   

Under glasshouse conditions Cajanus cajan plants grown in a dark red latosol were fertilized with soluble simple superphosphate and hardly soluble rock phosphate and inoculated with three VA mycorrhizal fungi (M1, Gigaspora margarita; M2, Scutellospora verrucosa; M3, Acaulospora rehmii) from the Cerrado ecosystem, Brazil. Only with rock phosphate plant growth was significantly increased by all fungi. Enhanced P uptake corresponded with higher yields and proved to be a characteristic of the VA myccorhizae. A definite relationship between infection intensity and efficiency of VA mycorrhizae was not detected. Spore production was generally more pronounced in the treatment with rock phosphate, especially with M1 and M2. Nodulation of Cajanus cajan was greatly improved by all fungi in the treatment with rock phosphate. It is suggested that the increased plant development and nodulation was due to improved uptake of P by mycorrhiza.  相似文献   

Summary High yields of protoplasts were obtained from leaves of aseptically grown plants and calli originated from different explants, in several cultivars of Cajanus cajan L. The protoplasts divided to form cell clusters in modified KM 8p medium and developed to protocolonies after dilution with liquid Caboche's medium within three to four weeks of culture. The protocolonies proliferated to form green calli on solid Caboche's medium. No shoots or plants were obtained.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA -napthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Kin kinetin - Zea zeatin - Adn S adenine sulphate - GA 3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out from 1981 to 1983 in Vertisol field at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India to measure N2-fixation of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] using the15N isotope dilution technique. One experiment examined the effect of control of a nodule-eating insect on fixation while another in vestigated the effect of intercroping with cereals on fixation and the residual effect of pigeonpea on a succeeding cereal crop. Although both experiments indicated that at least 88% of the N in pigeonpea was fixed from the atmosphere, one result is considered fortuitous in view of the differential rates of growth of the legume and the control, sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The difference method of calculation in dieated negative fixation and the results emphasized the problem of finding a suitable nonfixing control. In a second experiment, when all plants were confined to a known volume of soil to which15N fertilizer was added in the field, these problems were overcome, and isotope dilution and difference methods gave similar results of N2-fixation of about 90%. In intercropped pigeonpea 96% of the total N was derived from the atmosphere. This estimate might be an artifact. There was no evidence of benefit from N fixed by pigeonpea to intercropped sorghum plants. Plant tissue15N enrichments of cereal crops grown after pigeonpea indicated that the cereal derived some N fixed by the previous pigeonpea. Thus residual benefits to cereals are not only an effect of ‘sparing’ of soil N.  相似文献   

Ammonia assimilatory and ureide biogenic enzymes were measured in the cytosol fraction of pigeonpea nodules during the period 15–120 days after sowing. The activity of enzymes involved in the initial assimilation of ammonia, i.e. glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, asparagine synthetase and aspartate aminotransferase, substantially increased activities during the period of plant growth and reached a maximum value around 105 days after sowing. These increases paralleled the increase in nodule mass, nitrogenase activity and ureide content in nodules. Though no regular pattern was obtained for their specific activities, yet these activities when expressed relative to the specific activity of nitrogenase were many fold higher at each stage of development. Similar increases were observed in the activities of enzymes associated with the formation of ureides from purines. In almost all cases, the activities were again maximum around 90–105 days after sowing. The specific activities of nucleotidase, nucleosidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, uricase and allantoinase, when expressed relative to the specific activity of nitrogenase at vegetative, flowering and podsetting stages were again many fold higher indicating the sufficiency of the levels of these enzymes for the biosynthesis of ureides. The data presented are consistent with the proposal that in ureide producing legumes, ammonia is initially assimilated into glutamine, aspartate, etc., which are metabolised for the denovo synthesis of purines. The purines are then utilised for the production of ureides by a group of enzymes investigated here  相似文献   

To fully explore the resistance potential of transgenic rice produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, an elite line KMD1 was assessed for its resistance to eight lepidopteran rice pest species. KMD1 contained a synthetic cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis under the control of a maize ubiquitin promoter. It was derived from a commercial japonica Chinese rice variety Xiushui 11, and bred true for both agronomic traits and a cry1Ab gene when the bioassays were done in 1998 in the R5 generation. The eight lepidopteran pest species were: four Pyralidae species: Chilo suppressalis (striped stem borer, SSB), Scirpophaga incertulas (yellow stem borer, YSB), Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (leaf folder), Herpitogramma licarisalis; two Noctuidae: Sesamia inferens (pink stem borer, PSB) and Naranga anescens; one Stayridae: Mycalesis gotama; and one Hesperiidae, Parnara guttata. In laboratory bioassays, 100% mortality was observed in all insect species when their newly hatched or third-instar larvae were fed KMD1 leaf tissues, whereas only 9.65% of the neonates and none of the third-instar larvae died when fed the leaf tissues of non-transgenic control. Moreover, the leaf area of control tissues consumed in four days by stem borers was 20 to 40 times higher than that of KMD1 tissues, and the area of control tissues eaten by leaf-feeding species was 120 to 180 times greater than that of the transgenic tissues. Under natural infestation, no KMD1 plant was visibly damaged by the SSB, YSB and leaf folder in field evaluation. On the other hand, 80, 9.3 and 88.7% of control plants were injured by SSB, YSB, and leaf folder, respectively. These data disclosed that the transgenic line was highly resistant to a broad spectrum of lepidopteran insect species and could be useful in insect resistance breeding programs.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that: (1) resources allocated to androecium should decrease with an increase in selfing, (2) a decrease in androecium biomass should be accompanied by an increase in the biomass of pistils, and (3) a decrease in androecium biomass should be coupled with a decrease in flower size, specifically corolla biomass. Another predicted change in reproductive traits associated with variation in selfing concerns seed to ovule ratios, but does not directly stem from sex allocation theory. It has been postulated that seed to ovule ratios should be positively correlated with the amount of selfing. These predictions were tested for six accessions of pigeonpea,Cajanus cajan L., that differed in selfing rates. The results were remarkably in accordance with the predictions. We conclude that sex allocation theory provides a powerful tool to understand the evolution of many reproductive traits in plants.  相似文献   

利用发根农杆菌LBA9402对木豆叶片直接进行诱导产生毛状根。本实验研究出诱导木豆毛状根的最佳条件是,以木豆叶片为外植体,于1/2MS固体培养基上预培养2~4 d,菌液浓度OD600=0.6~0.8,浸染20 min,共培养3 d,诱导率为60.00%。在分子水平用PCR检测表明,发根农杆菌9402Ri质粒上的T-DNA成功整合进木豆毛状根的基因组中。  相似文献   

A protein proteinase inhibitor (PI) has been purified from pigeonpea Cajanus cajan (L.) PUSA 33 variety by acetic-acid precipitation, salt fractionation and chromatography on a DEAE-Cellulose column. The content of inhibitor was found to be 15 mg/20 g dry weight of pulse. The molecular weight of the inhibitor as determined by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions was found to be about 14,000. It showed inhibitory activity toward proteolytic enzymes belonging to the serine protease group, namely trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin. The inhibitory activity was stable over a wide range of pH and temperatures. Estimation of sulfhydryl groups yielded one free cysteine and at least two disulfide linkages. N-terminal sequence homology suggests that it belongs to the Kunitz inhibitor family. Structural analysis by circular dichroism shows that the inhibitor possesses a largely disordered structure.  相似文献   

Urease has been purified from the dehusked seeds of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity with approximately 200 fold purification, with a specific activity of 6.24 x10(3) U mg(-1) protein. The enzyme was purified by the sequence of steps, namely, first acetone fractionation, acid step, a second acetone fractionation followed by gel filtration and anion-exchange chromatographies. Single band was observed in both native- and SDS-PAGE. The molecular mass estimated for the native enzyme was 540 kDa whereas subunit values of 90 kDa were determined. Hence, urease is a hexamer of identical subunits. Nickel was observed in the purified enzyme from atomic absorption spectroscopy with approximately 2 nickel ions per enzyme subunit. Both jack bean and soybean ureases are serologically related to pigeonpea urease. The amino acid composition of pigeonpea urease shows high acidic amino acid content. The N-terminal sequence of pigeonpea urease, determined up to the 20th residue, was homologous to that of jack bean and soybean seed ureases. The optimum pH was 7.3 in the pH range 5.0-8.5. Pigeonpea urease shows K(m) for urea of 3.0+/-0.2 mM in 0.05 M Tris-acetate buffer, pH 7.3, at 37 degrees C. The turnover number, k(cat), was observed to be 6.2 x 10(4) s(-1) and k(cat)/K(m) was 2.1 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1). Pigeonpea urease shows high specificity for its primary substrate urea.  相似文献   

The tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera litura) is a polyphagous foliage insect and a major pest on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). S. litura is susceptible to the chimeric delta-endotoxin Cry1EC reported earlier. De-embryonated cotyledon explants of peanut were transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 harboring a synthetic cry1EC gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. Transgenic plants of peanut with a single copy insertion of cry1EC were selected in the T(0) generation by Southern blot hybridization. Real-time PCR, Western blot and ELISA analysis indicated that expression of the cry1EC gene was higher in single copy T(1) plants. Immunoassay showed expression of Cry1EC up to 0.13% of total soluble protein in T(1) plants. Leaf feeding bioassay on highly expressing transgenic lines showed 100% killing of larvae at the 2(nd) instar stage of S. litura. This is the first report of transgenic peanut plants with resistance to S. litura.  相似文献   

Summary The morphogenetic response of various explants of seven different cultivars of a food legume, the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.), has been studied. The stimulation and elongation of shoot buds into shoots derived from the mature embryo axis and intact seed on Murashige and Skoog’s medium supplemented with 2.32µM kinetin and 22.2µM benzyladenine was found to be optimum in Murashige and Skoog’s medium supplemented with 0.46µM kinetin, 0.53µM naphthalene acetic acid, and 0.29µM gibberellic acid. Even though the response of these two explants for formation of shoot buds in all the genotypes is 30–100% depending on media composition, subsequent growth and elongation of these shoot buds into plants is genotype dependent and is restricted to two genotypes. Cotyledon and epicotyl explants of pigeon pea cultivars on the other hand differentiated directly into four to eight and two to four shoots, respectively, depending on the media composition and genotype. In vitro rhizogenesis of regenerated shoots was 80% and the survival of these plantlets in the field was 70–80%. NCL Communication no.: 5667.  相似文献   

The inheritance and expression patterns of the cry1Ab gene were studied in the progenies derived from different Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) transgenic japonica rice lines under field conditions. Both Mendelian and distorted segregation ratios were observed in some selfed and crossed F2 populations. Crosses between japonica intra-subspecies had no significant effect on the segregation ratios of the cry1Ab gene, but crossing between japonica and indica inter-subspecies led to distorted segregation of the cry1Ab gene in the F2 population. Field-release experiments indicated that the cry1Ab gene was stably transmitted in an intact manner via successive sexual generations, and the concentration of the Cry1Ab protein was kept quantitatively stable up to the R6 generation. The cry1Ab gene, driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter, displayed certain kinds of spatial and temporal expression patterns under field conditions. The content of the Cry1Ab protein varied in different tissues of the main stems, the primary tillers and the secondary tillers. Higher levels of the Cry1Ab protein were found in the stems, leaves and leaf sheaths than in the roots, while the lowest level was detected in grains at the maturation stage. The content of the Cry1Ab protein in the leaves peaked at the booting stage and was lowest at the heading stage. Furthermore, the Cry1Ab content of cry1Ab expression in different tissues of transgenic rice varied individually with temperature. Received: 17 April 2001 / Accepted: 7 May 2001  相似文献   

The effects of differential soil crusting, as achieved by varying the raindrop size, and depth of sowing on seedling emergence of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides L.) were investigated. Three drop diameters: 2.75, 1.65 and 0.93 mm and four depths of sowing: 2, 4, 6, and 8 cm were studied. Mean time of emergence increased with increase in raindrop size and depth of sowing. Crops differed in their emergence capacity under adverse soil conditions from delay in the emergence of chickpea to complete failure in the case of pigeonpea. Pearl millet was not significantly affected by drop size but was found to be sensitive to depths beyond 4 cm. Within the chickpea crop, the variety H 208 was observed to have better emergence qualities than Pusa 209. Other parameters like epicotyl diameter, swelling index, and the area of crust broken by the emerging seedling were measured.  相似文献   

转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因籼稻对稻田节肢动物群落影响   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
将稻田节肢动物群落按营养关系划分为5个功能团,即植食类、寄生类、捕食类、腐食类和其它类,从功能团优势度、功能团内科组成及其优势度、群落主要参数及群落相异性等方面,经两年四点的调查就2个转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因籼稻(Bt水稻)品系TT9.3和TT9.4对稻田节肢动物群落的影响作了较系统评价。植食类、寄生类和腐食类功能团内某些优势科的优势度在Bt水稻田与对照(IR72)田之间有时呈显著或极显著差异,如Bt水稻田中茧蜂或姬蜂科的优势度有时明显低于对照。但是,在大多情况下Bt水稻田与对照田之间功能团优势度、功能团内科组成及其优势度、群落主要参数(物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀性指数、优势集中性指数)及其时间动态基本无明显差异;Bt水稻田与对照田间植食类、寄生类、捕食类亚群落和整个节肢动物群落的相异性大多较低。可见,Bt水稻对稻田节肢动物群落基本无明显的负面影响。  相似文献   

Variation in the trypsin inhibitors (TIs) and the chymotrypsin inhibitors (CIs) among 69 pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] strains from a wide geographical distribution and among 17 accessions representing seven wild Cajanus species was studied by electrophoretic banding pattern comparisons and by spectrophotometric activity assays. The TI and CI electrophoretic migration patterns among the pigeonpea strains were highly uniform but varied in the inhibitor band intensities. The migration patterns of the inhibitors in the wild Cajanus species were highly species specific. The mean TI activity of pigeonpea strains (2279 units) was significantly higher than that of the wild Cajanus species (1407 units). However, the mean CI activity in the pigeonpea strains (62 units) was much lower than that in the wild species (162 units). Kenya 2 and ICP 9151 were the lowest and the highest, respectively, in both the TI and CI activities among all the pigeonpea strains used in this study. A highly-significant positive correlation was observed between the TI and CI activities. The Bowman-Birk type inhibitors with both TI and CI activities were identified in all the pigeonpea strains and also in the accessions of all the wild species except C. volubilis (Blanco) Blanco. The C. volubilis accession ICPW 169 was found to be null for both CI bands and CI activity. Environment, strain, and environment x strain interaction showed highly-significant effects on both the TI and CI activities. Growing the pigeonpea strains at a different environment from their area of adaptation increased TI and CI activities and also altered the maturity period.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure for the regeneration of fertile transgenic white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) is presented. The protocol is based on infection of stem explants of 7–9 day old plants with an Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a disarmed binary vector with chimeric genes encoding neomycin phosphotransferase and -glucuronidase. Shoots are regenerated from callus-forming explants within 3–4 weeks. Under selection, 10% of the explants with transgenic embryonic callus develop into fertile transgenic plants. Rooting shoots transferred to soil yield seeds within 14–16 weeks following transformation. Integration and expression of the T-DNA encoded marker genes was confirmed by histochemical glucuronidase assays and Southern-DNA hybridization using primary transformants and S1-progeny. The analysis showed stable integration and Mendelian inheritance of trans-genes in transformed Sinapis lines.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - GUS -glucuronidase - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - IM infection medium - NAA 1-naphthalene acetic acid - neo gene encoding NPTII - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase - RIM root-inducing medium - SEM shoot-elongation medium - SIM shoot-inducing medium - t-nos polyadenylation site of the nopaline synthase gene - uidA gene encoding GUS - WM wash medium - X-Gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl -D-glucuronide  相似文献   

A broad-host-range plasmid (pEA2-21) containing a Bradyrhizobium sp (F-4) nod DABC-lacZ translation fusion was constructed and used to monitor nod gene expression in response to pigeonpea root exudate. Two nod-inducing compounds were isolated and identified. Spectral analysis using ultraviolet absorption, infrared spectra, proton nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectrometry showed that the two inducers were 5,4-dihydroxy-6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2, 2-dimethyl pyrano-[5, 6:7, 8]-flavanone (cajaflavanone) and 2,4,5-trihydroxy-5-isopentenyl-6, 7-dimethylchromene iso-flavanone (cajanone). When pEA2-21 was introduced into Rhizobium trifolii and R. meliloti cajanone and cajaflavanone did not induce nod gene indicating that specificity of induction appears to be influenced by the host-strain genome.  相似文献   

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