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Summary A model of daily canopy photosynthesis was constructed taking light and leaf nitrogen distribution in the canopy into consideration. It was applied to a canopy of Solidago altissima. Both irradiance and nitrogen concentration per unit leaf area decreased exponentially with increasing cumulative leaf area from the top of the canopy. The photosynthetic capacity of a single leaf was evaluated in relation to irradiance and nitrogen concentration. By integration, daily canopy photosynthesis was calculated for various canopy architectures and nitrogen allocation patterns. The optimal pattern of nitrogen distribution that maximizes the canopy photosynthesis was determined. Actual distribution of leaf nitrogen in the canopy was more uniform than the optimal one, but it realized over 20% more photosynthesis than that under uniform distribution and 4.7% less photosynthesis than that under the optimal distribution. Redeployment of leaf nitrogen to the top of the canopy with ageing should be more effective in increasing total canopy photosynthesis in a stand with a dense canopy than in a stand with an open canopy.  相似文献   

Summary It has been shown in clonal perennial herbs that shoot natality decreases, and shoot mortality increases, in stands of increasing density. In a two-year garden experiment, we have tested Hutchings' (1979) hypothesis that these responses are the result of physiological integration, i.e. the exchange of resources and growth substances between shoots of a single clone. Dense monocultures of two rhizomatous graminoids, Brachypodium pinnatum and Carex flacca, were created that differed more than 10-fold in the density of clones (genets), but that had similar densities of shoots. A more effective shoot density control was expected in stands with the smaller clone densities (larger clones) due to more extensive clonal connections. Shoot turnover was evaluated by counting living and dead shoots at different times. In the summer of the second year, when shoot densities and stand structure were similar between treatments, shoot natality (the number of shoots born per plot) and shoot mortality (the number of shoots that died per plot) were usually unrelated to clone density in either species. If there was a significant treatment effect, it could be attributed to (small) differences in shoot density. Over the whole range of shoot densities, natality was negatively density-dependent. The number of shoots that died in a given growth period was proportional to the number of shoots present, suggesting that mortality rates were density independent. In Carex, however, there were some indications that mortality rate increased with increasing density. Our study confirms that clonal herbaceous species can effectively prevent an overproduction of shoots, but in contrast to Hutchings' (1979) propositions, we found no evidence that physiological integration may be the responsible mechanism. An alternative explanation for the observed patterns is proposed.  相似文献   

Shoots of the monocotyledonous perennial Carex acutiformis were grown in open (28 shoots m−2) and dense stands (280 shoots m−2). For fully grown stands the distribution of relative PPFD and leaf nitrogen per unit leaf area over canopy depth was determined. Light response of photosynthesis was measured on leaf segments sampled at various heights in the stands. Relations between parameters of these curves and leaf nitrogen were investigated. Simulations showed that in the open stand daily canopy photosynthesis was not affected by nitrogen redistribution in the canopy. For the dense stand however, a uniform nitrogen distribution would lead to only 73% of the maximum net carbon gain by the stand under optimal nitrogen distribution. The actual canopy photosynthesis was only 7% less than this theoretical maximum; the actual nitrogen distribution of the dense stand clearly tended to the optimal distribution. The vertical pattern of the nitrogen distribution was to a large extent determined by the minimum leaf nitrogen content. The relatively high minimum leaf nitrogen content found for Carex leaves may perhaps be necessary to maintain the physiological function of the basal parts of the leaves.  相似文献   

Coordination theory of leaf nitrogen distribution in a canopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has long been observed that leaf nitrogen concentrations decline with depth in closed canopies in a number of plant communities. This phenomenon is generally believed to be related to a changing radiation environment and it has been suggested by some researchers that plants allocate nitrogen in order to optimize total whole canopy photosynthesis. Although optimization theory has been successfully utilized to describe a variety of physiological and ecological phenomena, it has some shortcomings that are subject to criticism (e.g., time constraints, oversimplifications, lack of insights, etc.). In this paper we present an alternative to the optimization theory of plant canopy nitrogen distribution, which we term coordination theory. We hypothesize that plants allocate nitrogen to maintain a balance between two processes, each of which is dependent on leaf nitrogen content and each of which potentially limits photosynthesis. These two processes are defined as Wc, the Rubiscolimited rate of carboxylation, and Wj, the electron transport-limited rate of carboxylation. We suggest that plants allocate nitrogen differentially to, leaves in different canopy layers in such a way that Wc and Wj remain roughly balanced. In this scheme, the driving force for the allocation of nitrogen within a canopy is the difference between the leaf nitrogen content that is required to bring Wc and Wj into balance and the current nitrogen content. We show that the daily carbon assimilation of a canopy with a nitrogen distribution resulting from this internal coordination of Wc and Wj is very similar to that obtained using optimization theory.  相似文献   

D. D. Ackerly 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):596-600
Summary Tropical vines in the Araceae family commonly exhibit alternating periods of upward and downward growth, decoupling the usual relationship between decreasing light environment with increasing age among the leaves on a shoot. In this study I examined patterns of light, leaf specific mass, and leaf nitrogen concentration in relation to leaf position, a measure of developmental age, in field collected shoots of Syngonium podophyllum. These data were analyzed to test the hypothesis that nitrogen allocation parallels within-shoot gradients of light availability, regardless of the relationship between light and leaf age. I found that leaf nitrogen concentration, on a mass basis, was weakly correlated with leaf level light environment. However, leaf specific mass, and consequently nitrogen per unit leaf area, were positively correlated with gradients of light within the shoot, and either increased or decreased with leaf age, providing support for the hypothesis that nitrogen allocation parallels gradients of light availability.  相似文献   

Feng YL  Fu GL  Zheng YL 《Planta》2008,228(3):383-390
Comparisons between invasive and native species may not characterize the traits of invasive species, as native species might be invasive elsewhere if they were introduced. In this study, invasive Oxalis corymbosa and Peperomia pellucida were compared with their respective noninvasive alien congeners. We hypothesized that the invasive species have higher specific leaf (SLA) than their respective noninvasive alien congeners, and analyzed the physiological and ecological consequences of the higher SLA. Higher SLA was indeed the most important trait for the two invaders, which was associated with their lower leaf construction cost, higher nitrogen (N) allocation to photosynthesis and photosynthetic N use efficiency (PNUE). The higher N allocation to photosynthesis of the invaders in turn increased their PNUE, N content in photosynthesis, biochemical capacity for photosynthesis, and therefore light-saturated photosynthetic rate. The above resource capture-, use- and growth-related traits may facilitate the two invaders' invasion, while further comparative studies on a wider range of invasive and noninvasive congeners are needed to understand the generality of this pattern and to fully assess the competitive advantages afforded by these traits.  相似文献   

Drought has dramatic negative effects on plants' growth and crop productivity. Although some of the responses and underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood, there is increasing evidence that drought may have a negative effect on photosynthetic capacity. Biochemical models of leaf photosynthesis coupled with models of radiation transfer have been widely used in ecophysiological studies, and, more recently, in global change modeling. They are based on two fundamental relationships at the scale of the leaf: (i) nitrogen content-light exposure and (ii) photosynthetic capacity-nitrogen content. Although drought is expected to increase in many places across the world, such models are not adapted to drought conditions. More specifically, the effects of drought on the two fundamental relationships are not well documented. The objective of our study was to investigate the effects of a long-term drought imposed slowly on the nitrogen content and photosynthetic capacity of leaves similarly exposed to light, from 3-year-old lychee trees cv. Kwa? Mi. Leaf nitrogen and non-structural carbohydrate concentrations were measured along with gas exchanges and the light-saturated rate of photosynthetic electron transport (J(max)) after a 5.5-month-long period of drought. Leaf nitrogen content on a mass basis remained stable, while the leaf mass-to-area ratio (LMA) increased with increasing water stress. Consequently, the leaf nitrogen content on an area basis (N(a)) increased in a non-linear fashion. The starch content decreased, while the soluble sugar content increased. Stomata closed and net assimilation decreased to zero, while J(max) and the ratio J(max)/N(a) decreased with increasing water stress. The drought-associated decrease in photosynthetic capacity can be attributed to downregulation of photosynthetic electron transport and to reallocation of leaf nitrogen content. It is concluded that modeling photosynthesis in drought conditions will require, first, the modeling of the effect of drought on LMA and J(max).  相似文献   

The fine-scale spatial distribution of leaves and shoots of Brachypodium pinnatum and Carex flacca, two rhizomatous graminoids, was investigated in two chalk grasslands in South Limburg (The Netherlands). The objective was to examine whether leaves and shoots of Brachypodium, a dominant species, had a regular distribution on a small scale, as has been suggested for other clonal species that form high-density stands. Patterns were compared to Carex, which is never found to be as abundant as Brachypodium.The number of shoots and leaf contacts were counted in small quadrats, grouped in a grid. Using Moran's I analysis for autocorrelation, it appeared that leaves and shoots of both species were arranged in clumps, and that these clumps were randomly distributed across the soil surface. Shoot clumps in Carex were smaller in diameter and not as pronounced as those in Brachypodium.In most cases, patterns of leaves and shoots were positively correlated, indicating that leaves were predominantly positioned above and around the groups of quadrats where the shoots were attached. However, in dense stands of Brachypodium the positions of leaf clumps were not correlated to those of shoot clumps. This is a result of the tall growth form of this species and its high shoot densities, and it is suggested that this will be a characteristic of any species that dominates a dense stand.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures of Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata, when given nitrogen in the inorganic forms of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium divert photo-generated electrons, from CO2 fixation to nitrogen assimilation. Addition of nitrate or nitrite, but not ammonium, stimulates rate of oxygen evolution. All but the most severely nitrogen-deficient culture have increased dark respiration rates after addition of inorganic nitrogen. The nitrite reduction step of nitrogen assimilation is the most light-dependent reaction.Abbreviation DCMU 3-(3, 4-dichloro)-1-1-dimethyl urea - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone  相似文献   

George S. Espie  Brian Colman 《Planta》1981,153(3):210-216
The intracellular pH of isolated, photosynthetically active mesophyll cells of Asparagus sprengeri Regel has been determined, in the light and dark, by the distribution of the weak acid 5,5-dimethyl-[2-14C]oxazolidine-2,4-dione ([14C]DMO) between the cells and the liquid medium. [14C]DMO was taken up rapidly, reaching equilibrium in 7–10 min of incubation, but was not metabolized by the cells, and intracellular binding of the compound was minimal. The intracellular pH, measured at saturating light fluence and 1.5 mM sodium bicarbonate, was found to remain relatively constant at 6.95–7.21 over the external pH range of 5.5–7.2. Illumination of the cells increased the intracellular pH compared to dark controls. The pH of the cytoplasm, excluding and including the chloroplasts (cytoplasmic and bulk cytoplasmic, respectively) was calculated from the experimentally derived intracellular [14C]DMO concentration and estimates of the vacuolar, chloroplastic and cytoplasmic volumes. The calculated cytoplasmic pH was similar in the light and dark, being 7.75 and 7.74, respectively, while the calculated pH of bulk cytoplasm was 7.85 in the light and 7.49 in the dark. Theoretical analysis indicated that intracellular pH is a good indicator of changes in the bulk cytoplasmic pH but insensitive to changes in vacuolar pH. The external pH optimum for photosynthesis (O2 evolution) of isolated Asparagus cells was pH 7.2. At pH 8.0 photosynthesis was inhibited by 30% and at pH 5.25 by 45%. Inhibition at alkaline pH may be the result of a decrease in the pH gradient between the cells and the medium, causing CO2 limitation in the cell. At acid pH, decrease in internal pH caused by substantial accumulation of inorganic carbon may account for the loss in photosynthetic activity.Abbreviations [14C]DMO 5,5-dimethyl[2-14C]oxazolidine-2,4-dione - pHi overall intracellular pH - pHe pH of external medium  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen metabolism in two cellulose degrading clostridia, the mesophile Clostridium cellobioparum and the thermophile Clostridium thermocellum was investigated. Both strains show acetylene reduction (i.e. possibly nitrogenase activity), contain glutamine synthetase, glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamate-dependent transaminases. C. cellobioparum additionally contains a NADH-dependent glutamate synthase and a NH 4 + -repressible glycine dehydrogenase (NADPH). Remarkably, acetylene reduction in C. thermocellum is not repressed by ammonium, casting doubt whether this activity is due to nitrogenase. The results are compared with the data from other saccharolytic clostridia.Abbreviation GOGAT glutamine-oxoglutarate amidotransferase (glutamate synthase)  相似文献   

Summary A significant decrease in production of total phenolics was apparent with nitrogen fertilization in three of five seed sources of grand fir [Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl.]. Subsequent extraction and identification of phenolics indicated that two compounds increased with fertilization, and when grouped by biosynthetic origin into cinnamic acids, benzoic acids, and flavonoids, no differences were apparent with fertilization. Total biomass increased with fertilization, and the relation between growth and total phenolics was similar for all seed sources. The increase in growth and decrease in total phenolics suggest that, in the carbon allocation hierarchy, as available soil nitrogen increases, phenolics represent a lower priority.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate how nitrogen allocation patterns in plants are affected by their vertical position in the vegetation (i.e. being either dominant or subordinate). A garden experiment was carried out with Amaranthus dubius L., grown from seed, in dense stands in which a size hierarchy of nearly equally aged individuals had developed. A small number of dominant plants had most of their leaf area in the highest layers of the canopy while a larger number of subordinate plants grew in the shade of their dominant neighbours. Canopy structure, vertical patterns of leaf nitrogen distribution and leaf photosynthetic characteristics were determined in both dominant and subordinate plants. The light distribution in the stands was also measured. Average N contents per unit leaf area (total canopy nitrogen divided by the total leaf area) were higher in the dominant than in the subordinate plants and this was explained by the higher average MPA (leaf dry mass per unit area) of the dominant plants. However, when expressed on a weight basis, average N contents (LNCav; total canopy N divided by the total dry weight of leaves) were higher in the subordinate plants. It is possible that these higher LNCav values reflect an imbalance between carbon and nitrogen assimilation with N uptake exceeding its metabolic requirement. Leaf N content per unit area decreased more strongly with decreasing relative photon flux density in the dominant than in the subordinate plants showing that this distribution pattern can be different for plants which occupy different positions in the light gradient in the canopy. The amount of N which is reallocated from the oldest to the younger, more illuminated leaves higher up in the vegetation may depend on the sink strength of the younger leaves for nitrogen. In the subordinate plants, constrained photosynthetic activity caused by shading might have reduced the sink intensity of these leaves.  相似文献   

Summary A hypothesis that a dense stand should develop a less uniform distribution of leaf nitrogen through the canopy than an open stand to increase total canopy photosynthesis was tested with experimentally established stands of Lysimachia vulgaris L. The effect of stand density on spatial variation of photon flux density, leaf nitrogen and specific leaf weight within the canopy was examined. Stand density had little effect on the value of the light extinction coefficient, but strongly affected the distribution of leaf nitrogen per unit area within a canopy. The open stand had more uniform distribution of leaf nitrogen than the dense stand. However, different light climates between stands explained only part of the variation of leaf nitrogen in the canopy. The specific leaf weight in the canopy increased with increasing relative photon flux density and with decreasing nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

Estimates of nitrogen fixation by trees on an aridity gradient in Namibia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Nitrogen (N2) fixation was estimated along an aridity gradient in Namibia from the natural abundance of 15N (15N value) in 11 woody species of the Mimosacease which were compared with the 15N values in 11 woody non-Mimosaceae. Averaging all species and habitats the calculated contribution of N2 fixation (N f ) to leaf nitrogen (N) concentration of Mimosaceae averaged about 30%, with large variation between and within species. While in Acacia albida N f was only 2%, it was 49% in Acacia hereroensis and Dichrostachys cinerea, and reached 71% in Acacia melifera. In the majority of species N f was 10–30%. There was a marked variation in background 15N values along the aridity gradient, with the highest 15N values in the lowland savanna. The difference between 15N values of Mimosaceae and non-Mimosaceae, which is assumed to result mainly from N2 fixation, was also largest in the lowland savanna. Variations in 15N of Mimosaceae did not affect N concentrations, but higher 15N-values of Mimosaeae are associated with lower carbon isotope ratios (13C value). N2 fixation was associated with reduced intrinsic water use efficiency. The opposite trends were found in non-Mimosaceae, in which N-concentration increased with 15N, but 13C was unaffected. The large variation among species and sites is discussed.This paper is prepared in memory of J. Visser, who took part in the collection of species, but died in 1990  相似文献   

Canopy structure and light interception were measured in an 18-m tall, closed canopy deciduous forest of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in southwestern Wisconsin, USA, and related to leaf structural characteristics, N content, and leaf photosynthetic capacity. Light attenuation in the forest occurred primarily in the upper and middle portions of the canopy. Forest stand leaf area index (LAI) and its distribution with respect to canopy height were estimated from canopy transmittance values independently verified with a combined leaf litterfall and point-intersect method. Leaf mass, N and A max per unit area (LMA, N/area and A max/area, respectively) all decreased continuously by over two-fold from the upper to lower canopy, and these traits were strongly correlated with cumulative leaf area above the leaf position in the canopy. In contrast, neither N concentration nor A max per unit mass varied significantly in relation to the vertical canopy gradient. Since leaf N concentration showed no consistent pattern with respect to canopy position, the observed vertical pattern in N/area is a direct consequence of vertical variation of LMA. N/area and LMA were strongly correlated with A max/area among different canopy positions (r2=0.81 and r2=0.66, respectively), indicating that vertical variation in area-based photosynthetic capacity can also be attributed to variation in LMA. A model of whole-canopy photosynthesis was used to show that observed or hypothetical canopy mass distributions toward higher LMA (and hence higher N/area) in the upper portions of the canopy tended to increase integrated daily canopy photosynthesis over other LMA distribution patterns. Empirical relationships between leaf and canopy-level characteristics may help resolve problems associated with scaling gas exchange measurements made at the leaf level to the individual tree crown and forest canopy-level.  相似文献   

植物最大净光合速率的季节变异性及其氮调控机制是近年来植物生理生态领域研究热点,对荒漠植物光合最大净光合速率季节动态及其叶氮影响,特别是叶氮分配对最大净光合速率调控机制的了解仍非常有限。2018年5—10月在宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地,对当地主要建群种油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)进行生长季原位观测,测定其叶光合光响应曲线(A-PAR)、CO2响应曲线(A-Ci)和叶氮含量,结合环境观测数据,分析A-PAR关键参数最大净光合速率(Amax)的季节变异和叶片氮分配相关参数对Amax的调控。结果表明,油蒿叶片Amax在生长期季节变异系数(Cv)为14%,在完全展叶中期,光合氮利用效率(PNUE)有最大值11.82μmolCO2 gN-1 s-1,此时叶片氮素在光合系统中的分配比例最大,Amax有最大值29.48μmol CO2 m-2s-1,油蒿光...  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to analyse the response ofNH4 + assimilation in leaves of tobacco plants(Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Tennessee 86), to different Bapplications (B1, 5 M H3BO3; B2, 10M H3BO3; B3, 20 MH3BO3). The plants were grown under controlledenvironmental conditions and received a complete nutrient solution. In thisexperiment, we analysed the foliar concentrations of B andNH4 +, as well as the corresponding enzymaticactivities: GS,GOGAT, GDH, PEPC; the end products of this assimilation, aminoacids and proteins; and finally the concentration of non-structural sugars. Ourresults indicated that the different B treatments influenced the utilization ofNH4 + by tobacco leaves. The B3 treatment registeredthe lowest NH4 + concentration, and B1 the highest,due probably to the higher GS, GOGAT and GDH activities registered at B3.Conversely, a decline in the concentration of non-structural sugars wasrecordedat B3. In addition, the high assimilation rate caused a progressiveaccumulationof amino acids as well as proteins, and boosted biomass production in theleaves.  相似文献   

The relationship between Na+, major cation concentrations and salt tolerance under long-term saline conditions of Medicago arborea and Medicago citrina was studied. Plants were grown in solution culture in 1, 50, 100, or 200 mmol/L NaCl for 30 days in a climate-controlled greenhouse. Stem and petiole growth was the most affected by salt in both species. Leaf growth was inhibited in M. arborea, with increased salt, while only the 200 mmol/L NaCl-treated M. citrina plants were significantly affected. Both species had the highest Na+ concentrations in the shoots, however, the allocation pattern was different; M. arborea showed the highest concentrations in the leaf blades, whereas M. citrina distributed the salt into the petioles. K+/Na+ ratio decreased with salt in both species; however, leaf K+ use efficiency (g leaf DW mg-1 leaf K+) was higher in M. citrina. The difference in Na+ allocation and cation concentrations found in these medic species and their importance is discussed in relation to their response to NaCl salinity.  相似文献   

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