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Underwater manipulative experiments were carried out in situ to investigate the sensibility of the jellyfish Amelia aurita (L.) to contact with the tentacles of Cyanea capillata (L), commonly known as a predator on A. aurita. Movements of individual medusae touched by tentacles of C. capillata and other objects were video‐recorded during SCUBA dives. The behavioural variable studied was change in swim pulse frequency. The results showed that A. aurita was highly susceptible to the tentacles of C. capillata and responded with an increased swim pulse frequency when touched at the umbrellar margin but not at the central exumbrella. Contact with other objects also induced a behavioural response in A. aurita.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies correlate changes in zooplanktonpopulations with abundance of medusae, but we cannot yet explainor predict the specific factors driving these interactions.This study demonstrates that the size of copepods has a significantinfluence on their vulnerability to predation by scyphomedusae.This finding is important because prey size, independent ofbehavior, has been neglected in theoretical models of predationby medusae. In experiments in a planktonkreisel, we used liveand heat-killed prey (Acartia hudsonica adults and copepodites)to separate the effects of copepod size and behavior on feedingrates by two medusae (Aurelia aurita and Cyanea sp.). Resultsrevealed that: differences in copepod size had a significantimpact on feeding rates, and thus small size can provide a refugefrom predation; behavior of adults diminished the liabilityassociated with larger size; and medusae with different morphologiesingested A.hudsonica at similar rates. Other experiments demonstratedthat medusae digested copepods at different rates based on preysize and predator species, findings that have implications forall future laboratory and field studies that assess feedingby scyphomedusae. Finally, this study illustrates how laboratorystudies serve as critical supplements to field observations.The effect of prey size on feeding rates can be confounded bydifferences in prey behavior, yet explains why small copepodswere typically ingested at relatively low rates by medusae.Size was clearly a dominant factor influencing copepod vulnerabilityacross scyphomedusan species, even those with very differentmorphologies. Future work should focus on the mechanisms ofsize selection, or the factors influencing contact and retentionrates.  相似文献   

Neurons of the motor nerve net of Cyanea capillata were examined using video-enhanced DIC optics. A variety of organelles were visible within the axons and many were mobile. To quantify the movement organelles were divided into three classes (large, medium, and small) and the rates, direction, and types of movement displayed by the different particle types examined. The overall behavior and rates of movement of transported particles were comparable with those in axons from other species. The largest particles, mainly mitochondria were the slowest moving but were the only particles to reverse their direction of movement or to undergo interactions with other particles. The fastest movement was by the small particles, but both they and medium sized particles were transported continuously. In addition, the linear elements in these axons underwent considerable lateral movement.  相似文献   

Integral and membrane-associated proteins extracted from neuron-enriched perirhopalial tissue of the jellyfish Cyanea capillata were probed with a panel of lectins that recognize sugar epitopes of varying complexity. Of the 13 lectins tested, only concanavalin A, jacalin lectin and tomato lectin stained distinct bands on Western blots, indicating the presence of repeating -1,6-mannoses, terminal Gal--1,6-GalNAc and repeating -1,4-linked GlcNAc, respectively. In whole-mounted perirhopalial tissue, jacalin lectin stained several cell types, including neurons, muscle, cilia and mucus strands. Tomato lectin stained secretory cells intensely, and neurons in a punctate fashion. Concanavalin A stained cytoplasmic epitopes in both ecto-and endodermal cells, and ectodermal secretory cells and the mucus strands emanating from them. With the exception of tomato lectin's sugar epitope, the other sugar epitopes identified in this study are non-complex. This study suggests that while glycosylation of integral and membrane-associated proteins occurs in Cyanea, the sugars post-translationally linked to these proteins tend to be simple.  相似文献   

Grazing by the jellyfish, Aurelia aurita, on microzooplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The medusa of the scyphozoan, Aurelia aurita, is a seasonallyimportant predator of copepods and fish larvae in coastal watersbut little is known about its grazing on microzooplanltton.Medusae preferentially remove large (  相似文献   

The in situ behavior of three scyphomedusan species was videorecorded by scuba divers in natural daytime lighting with minimalinterference to the medusae. The mean percentage of time thatindividual medusae spent swimming ranged from 93 to 100%. Therewere no significant differences in the percent time spent swimmingbetween life stages of a species (ephyra, adult) or betweenspecies. The predominance of swimming activity by medusae indicatesthat swimming, and hence the creation of fluid motions responsiblefor prey entrainment and capture, plays a widespread functionalrole in feeding by scyphomedusae.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in the intestinal epithelium of fed and starved specimens of Spadella cephaloptera are described. Animals were maintained in a circulating natural sea water system and fed with Artemia salina nauplii. After a period of acclimation, they were individually isolated, deprived of food for 24 h and submitted to controlled feeding experiments. The absorption develop in the intestinal absorptive cells (A-cells) 5 min after the ingestion of prey and consist in the formation of endocytotic vesicles and endosome-like vacuoles. During the following steps up to 10 h, a second type of digestive vacuole containing electron-dense material, and probably corresponding to a lysosome-like compartment, appears. Throughout this time, the vacuoles progressively arrange in columns, the youngest at the top and the oldest at the bottom of the A-cells. In addition, large lipid inclusions appear in the apical cytoplasm. The ultrastructural changes of the intestinal secretory cells (S-cells) is less marked, but the number of granules largely diminishes during the first 30 min after the ingestion of prey. In starved specimens, major changes in A-cells occur between the sixth and tenth day of starvation and consist in the increase of endosome-like vacuoles. Lysosome-like vacuoles containing dense material are not observed. At the same time, necrosis features are evident in S-cells. After 30 days of starvation, necrosis features are observed in the totality of the intestinal epithelium and the specimens die few days later.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix of the jellyfish Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria), known as the mesoglea, is populated by numerous mesogleal cells (Mc). We determined the pattern of the Mc and the mesoglea, raised polyclonal antibodies (RA47) against the major mesogleal protein pA47 (47 kDa) and checked their specificity. In the mesoglea, RA47 stains pA47 itself. In immunoblots of Mc, RA47 stains bands of 120 kDa and 80 kDa; weaker staining is observed at pA47. The same staining pattern is seen on blots of jellyfish epidermal cells and of whole Hydra (Hydrozoa) or isolated mesoglea of Hydra. Our data indicate that pA47 is synthesized by Mc and epidermal cells as high molecular precursors. Using immunostaining techniques, we showed Mc to be involved in the formation of mesogleal non-collagenous (called "elastic" in classic morphological studies) fibres. The biochemical and morphological data suggest that Mc originate from the epidermis.  相似文献   

The perirhopalial tissue and swimming muscle of Cyanea were examined with light microscopical and electron microscopical techniques. The perirhopalial tissue is a thin, triangular septum found on the subumbrellar surface of the animal. It separates part of the gastric canal system from the surrounding seawater, and is bound on two sides by radial muscle bands and on the third, the shorter side, by a rhopalium and the margin of the bell. The ectoderm of the perirhopalial tissue is composed of large, somewhat cuboidal, vacuolated, myoepithelial cells. The muscle tails of these cells form a single layer of radial, smooth muscle. Neurons of the “giant fiber nerve net” (GFNN), which form an extensive net over the perirhopalial tissue, lie at the base of the vacuolated portion of the myoepithelial cells. These neurons are visible in living tissue. The morphology of individual GFNN neurons was examined following intracellular injection of the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow. The neurons are usually bipolar and free of branches. At the electron microscope level, one usually finds that the GFNN neurons contain large vacuoles. The other characteristic feature of these cells is that they form symmetrical, or nonpolarized, synapses; that is, synaptic vesicles are found on both sides of the synapse. The swimming muscle is striated and composed of myoepithelial cells. Each myoepithelial cell has several muscle tails, and those of adjacent cells are linked to gether by desmosomes. The endoderm of the perirhopalial tissue also was examined. This investigation of the organization and ultrastructure of the perirhopalial tissue and surrounding muscle was undertaken to provide essential background information for an ongoing physiological study of the GFNN neurons and their synapses.  相似文献   

1. Electrical correlates of behavioral activity were observed in the lip and tentacles of the polyp, but none were detected during column contraction. The tentacles are the most electrically active tissue, and the potentials are conducted along the length of the tentacle, but conduction to other parts of the animal were not observed. 2. Although the tentacles of the polyp and the rhopalia of the medusa are probably homologous, the development of pacemaker activity during strobilation is not a smooth transition from tentacle contraction potentials (TCPs) to marginal ganglion potentials (MGPs). This result indicates that each pacemaker activity develops de novo. 3. Two types of behavior were observed in the polyp: local responses, and coordinated activity which involved integrated responses in several body parts. The coordinated responses indicate that neurological coordination can take place in the polyp. Furthermore, feeding and spasm in the ephyra are similar to feeding and the protective response in the polyp. This similarity suggests that both coordinated responses in the polyp are coordinated by interneural facilitation in the diffuse nerve net (DNN) as in the ephyra. 4. Swimming in the ephyra is a medusoid behavior but feeding and spasm are coordinated by the DNN and are polypoid responses. Therefore, the ephyra is a mixture of polypoid and medusoid behaviors. As the ephyra matures into an adult medusa both polypoid responses are lost, but the DNN remains to modulate pacemaker output and control marginal tentacle contractions. As development proceeds from polyp, to ephyra, to medusa, each subsequent stage acquires some new behavior while retaining some aspect from the previous stage.  相似文献   

We found while screening a chemical library that indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis, induced strobilation (metamorphosis from the asexual to sexual stage) in the moon jellyfish, Aurelia aurita. Indomethacin initiated strobilation in a dose-dependent manner, but was not involved in the progression of strobilation. Pharmacological experiments suggested that indomethacin could induce strobilation independently of prostaglandin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Blooms of the moon jellyfish Aurelia spp. have occurred in the harbors and coastal waters around the world. The phylogenetic relationship and genetic characterization of Aurelia spp. was determined along the Chinese coastal waters based on sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. The molecular analysis confirmed that all samples collected in Chinese coastal waters were Aurelia sp.1. We also analyzed the phylogenetic and population genetic structure of Aurelia sp.1 using the newly generated sequences supplemented with existing data from previous studies. The phylogenetic analyses of the COI regions did not support geographically restricted groups among the global samples of Aurelia sp.1. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated a complex genetic population structure and pattern of connectivity. Populations of Aurelia sp.1 were highly structured between most sampling sites over distances as small as 100 km (Rizhao and Qingdao) in certain cases. However, non-significant pairwise FST values were also observed between short geographic distances (Yantai, Rongcheng and Qingdao) and relatively distant sampling sites (Caofeidian, Rizhao and Japan). The life-cycle characteristics, together with the prevailing ocean currents in this region and possible anthropogenic introduction, were proposed and discussed as the main factors that determined the genetic patterns of Aurelia sp.1.  相似文献   

Cathy H. Lucas 《Hydrobiologia》2001,451(1-3):229-246
The scyphozoan Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus) is a cosmopolitan species, having been reported from a variety of coastal and shelf sea environments around the world. It has been extensively studied over the last 100 years or so, and examination of the literature reveals three striking features: (1) the presence of populations in a wide range of environmental conditions; (2) large inter-population differences in abundance and life history patterns over large and small spatial scales; and (3) inter-annual variability in various aspects of its population dynamics. A. aurita is clearly a highly flexible species that can adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions. While various physiological and behavioural characteristics explain how A. aurita populations can take advantage of their surrounding environment, they do not explain what governs the observed temporal and spatial patterns of abundance, and the longevity or lifespan of populations. Understanding these features is necessary to predict how bloom populations might form. In a given habitat, the distribution and abundance of benthic marine invertebrates have been found to be maintained by four factors: larval recruitment (sexual reproduction), migration, mortality and asexual reproduction. The aims of this review are to determine the role of reproduction and life history strategies of the benthic and pelagic phases of A. aurita in governing populations of medusae, with special attention given to the dynamic interaction between A. aurita and its surrounding physical and biological environment.  相似文献   



Over recent decades jellyfish have caused fish kill events and recurrent gill problems in marine-farmed salmonids. Common jellyfish (Aurelia spp.) are among the most cosmopolitan jellyfish species in the oceans, with populations increasing in many coastal areas. The negative interaction between jellyfish and fish in aquaculture remains a poorly studied area of science. Thus, a recent fish mortality event in Ireland, involving Aurelia aurita, spurred an investigation into the effects of this jellyfish on marine-farmed salmon.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To address the in vivo impact of the common jellyfish (A. aurita) on salmonids, we exposed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts to macerated A. aurita for 10 hrs under experimental challenge. Gill tissues of control and experimental treatment groups were scored with a system that rated the damage between 0 and 21 using a range of primary and secondary parameters. Our results revealed that A. aurita rapidly and extensively damaged the gills of S. salar, with the pathogenesis of the disorder progressing even after the jellyfish were removed. After only 2 hrs of exposure, significant multi-focal damage to gill tissues was apparent. The nature and extent of the damage increased up to 48 hrs from the start of the challenge. Although the gills remained extensively damaged at 3 wks from the start of the challenge trial, shortening of the gill lamellae and organisation of the cells indicated an attempt to repair the damage suffered.


Our findings clearly demonstrate that A. aurita can cause severe gill problems in marine-farmed fish. With aquaculture predicted to expand worldwide and evidence suggesting that jellyfish populations are increasing in some areas, this threat to aquaculture is of rising concern as significant losses due to jellyfish could be expected to increase in the future.  相似文献   

The structure forming in the area of contact between the oocyte and the germinal epithelium in the course of oocyte maturation of the scyphozoan Aurelia aurita is termed the contact plate. This study traces the successive stages of contact plate formation in the course of oocyte maturation at the light microscopic and ultrastructural levels. At early stages ofoocyte development, the appearance of granules is observed in the peripheral cytoplasm of the oocyte; these granules accumulate at the pole, which retains its connection with the germinal epithelium of the gonads. Two types of these granules are recognized: (1) granules with homogeneous content and (2) granules containing loose shapeless material in the form of thick cords. The transformation of type two granules into larger structures, as well as the consolidation of type one and type two granules at later stages of oocyte development, are probably the processes that lead to the formation of the characteristic structure and contact plate, visible in paraffin and semithin sections. It remains unclear where exactly the contact plate is localized at the moment of fertilization: inside or outside the oocyte. The content of granules and components of the plate specifically bind the antibodies (RA47) against mesoglein, the ZP domain-containing protein of the mesoglea of A. aurita. The contact plate, covering only the anomalous pole of the oocyte but detected by the presence of ZP domain-containing proteins, may prove to be the simplest egg membrane of the zona pellucida type.  相似文献   

1. The responses of Aurelia medusae to pharmacological agents and ionic variation were classified into four response types: Type I, no response; Type II, inhibition of pacemaker activity; Type III, inhibition of both pacemakers and swimming muscles; and Type IV, increase in pacemaker output. 2. The swimming pacemakers of Aurelia medusae become hyperactive in Mg+2-free solutions (Type IV). This response appears to be general in swimming scyphozoa. 3. The response pattern to pharmacologically-active compounds indicates that the coelenterate neuromuscular system is quite different than those in other phyla. In fact, the response spectrum is not consistent within the Cnidaria. 4. Similarly, the responses of adult medusae to ionic variation show no consistent pattern within various scyphomedusae. 5. Test solutions from each response type established with medusae were selected and tested on the scyphistoma and strobila stages. The comparison of the responses to the test solutions between the medusa, scyphistoma, and strobila showed that the neuromuscular systems are physiologically different. The strobila, specificially the ephyra, is a mixture of both polypoid and medusoid response types. The strobila, therefore, is physiologically an intermediate stage in the development of the adult medusa.  相似文献   

Loveridge  Alexandra  Lucas  Cathy H.  Pitt  Kylie A. 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(3):739-749
Hydrobiologia - Scyphozoan jellyfish blooms display high interannual variability in terms of timing of appearance and size of the bloom. To understand the causes of this variability, the conditions...  相似文献   

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