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现代人起源问题的新争论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴汝康 《人类学学报》1989,8(2):182-185
现代人在分类学上称为晚期智人。他们是怎样起源的?长期来有两种理论,一种叫直接演化说(Direct evolution hypothesis)或系统说,也叫多地区起源说。这种理论认为现代人是由当地的早期智人以至猿人演化而来的,各人种在很久以前即已分歧,各自平行发展,演化成现代人,但长时期来互相有基因的交流。例如欧洲的白种人是由当地的尼安德特人逐渐演变来的;亚洲的黄种人是由当地的早期智人和猿人演变来的。另一种理论叫入侵论(Invasion hypothesis),也叫迁徙说或代替说,这种理论认为欧洲是典型尼人的家乡, 而解剖结构上的现代人是在欧洲以外地区演化出来, 然后侵人欧洲的尼人区域, 消灭了土著的尼人而形成的;侵人亚洲的也一样, 形成现代的黄种人。这种单一地区起源说过去一般认为亚洲西部是现代人最早形成的地区, 近年来有人提出非洲南部才是现代人最早形成的地区, 然后迁徙到世界各地。  相似文献   

Tooth components of deciduous molars were measured from standardized radiographs of Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Enamel height and width were greater in deciduous teeth of Homo sapiens sapiens than in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and the differences were statistically significant (p less than 0.01). Dentin height showed no significant differences between the two groups, but enamel to floor of pulp chamber and pulp height and width dimensions were significantly greater in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Discriminant analysis carried out between groups, using deciduous tooth components, showed an accuracy of 98-100% for identification of Homo sapiens sapiens and 83-92% for identification of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. The results obtained in this study on dental dimensions support the hypothesis of a distinct evolutionary line for Neanderthals.  相似文献   

Accelerated evolution of nervous system genes in the origin of Homo sapiens   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Human evolution is characterized by a dramatic increase in brain size and complexity. To probe its genetic basis, we examined the evolution of genes involved in diverse aspects of nervous system biology. We found that these genes display significantly higher rates of protein evolution in primates than in rodents. Importantly, this trend is most pronounced for the subset of genes implicated in nervous system development. Moreover, within primates, the acceleration of protein evolution is most prominent in the lineage leading from ancestral primates to humans. Thus, the remarkable phenotypic evolution of the human nervous system has a salient molecular correlate, i.e., accelerated evolution of the underlying genes, particularly those linked to nervous system development. In addition to uncovering broad evolutionary trends, our study also identified many candidate genes--most of which are implicated in regulating brain size and behavior--that might have played important roles in the evolution of the human brain.  相似文献   

牦牛的分类学地位及起源研究:mtDNA D-loop序列的分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
牦牛的起源与属级分类学地位至今仍然存在一定的争议。我们测定了家养牦牛和野生牦牛线粒体控制区(D-loop)序列,并以此构建牦牛和牛属、野牛属、水牛属以及非洲水牛属相关种的系统发育树。研究结果表明线粒体D-loop区与Cytb基因序列在构建牛族的系统发育具有同样重要的价值。系统发育关系显示野牛属的灭绝种草原野牛与现存种美洲野牛先聚合为一单系群,然后再和牦牛形成一单系分支,表明牦牛与野牛属的草原野牛、美洲野牛亲缘关系最近,具有最近的共同祖先,而与牛属的其它亚洲物种亲缘关系较远。因此,本研究不支持将牦牛独立为牦牛属———Poephagus,牛属与野牛属在分类上也应合并为一个属。基于上述研究结果和化石证据,我们进一步对牦牛起源的历史背景进行了讨论,认为牦牛与野牛属的分化是由于第四纪气候变化在欧亚大陆发生的,野牛通过白令陆桥进入北美;冰期结束后,由于欧亚大陆其它地区温度升高,牦牛只能局限分布在较为寒冷的青藏高原;而野牛属在北美先后分化为草原野牛和美洲野牛,前者可能是后者的直接祖先。  相似文献   

Crown and cusp areas, and buccolingual and mesiodistal diameters of maxillary molars of complete upper tooth rows (30 males, 30 females) were analysed in order to quantify changes in size and shape from the first to the third molar. Uni- and multivariate analyses revealed the mesial cusps, in particular the protocone (mesiolingual cusp), to be more stable than the other cusps. Although there is a gradient in size from the first to third molar, shape changes were found to be marked. Overall, the findings are in keeping with the field theory and the hypotheses of environmental constraints on later developing teeth. However, not all of the results could be entirely explained by these concepts. Functional aspects seem to account for the relative stability of the protocone and the buccolingual crown diameter. It appears that this functional complex is relatively stable despite the overall reduction of tooth size, which is probably secondary to processes occurring in the jaws and the cranium. This finding may have implications for studies on tooth reduction between populations of different time periods.  相似文献   

The paper begins with a brief conceptual analysis of several forms of allegedly altruistic behavior in order to arrive at genuine or ascetic altruism, which is defined and illustrated for Homo sapiens. The explanation of ascetic altruism builds on the work of R. L. Trivers and E. O. Wilson, among others. I argue that the evolution of “reciprocal altruism” favored the selection of voluntary conformity and the need for social approval. In a hierarchically arranged society, such a need was sometimes subject to hypertrophic peaks and became an end in itself, thereby leading relatively large numbers of submissive individuals to exchange units of inclusive fitness for merely symbolic rewards with dominant individuals. Ascetic altruism was further facilitated by the selection of self-deception, which, together with the evolution of the social self, resulted in the cultural evolution of the soul concept. A portion, sometimes overwhelming, of the gene's quest for immortality was, through self-deception, redirected toward the quest for the eternal salvation of the soul. My argument underscores the hypothesis of an interplay between biological and cultural forces and suggests the possibility of ascetic altruism without altruistic genes. Appearances notwithstanding, it also supports the maximization principle but recommends greater flexibility for it by way of a theoretical idealization.  相似文献   

M Nei  G Livshits 《Human heredity》1989,39(5):276-281
To study the evolutionary relationships of the three major groups of humans, Europeans, Asians and Africans, the genetic distances between them were computed by using 4 different sets of genetic loci (84 protein loci, 33 blood group loci, 8 HLA and immunoglobulin loci, and 61 DNA markers). The results obtained indicate that the overall genetic distance between Europeans and Asians is significantly lower than that between Europeans and Africans of that between Asians and Africans and support the hypothesis of an African origin of modern humans. This seems to be the first study to establish the evolutionary relationships of the three major groups of humans at a statistically significant level.  相似文献   

A set of 96 complete mtDNA sequences that belong to the three major African haplogroups (L1, L2, and L3) was analyzed to determine if mtDNA has evolved as a molecular clock. Likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) were carried out with each of the haplogroups and with combined haplogroup sequence sets. Evolution has not been clock-like, neither for the coding region nor for the control region, in combined sets of African haplogroup L mtDNA sequences. In tests of individual haplogroups, L2 mtDNAs showed violations of a molecular clock under all conditions and in both the control and coding regions. In contrast, haplogroup L1 and L3 sequences, both for the coding and control regions, show clock-like evolution. In clock tests of individual L2 subclades, the L2a sequences showed a marked violation of clock-like evolution within the coding region. In addition, the L2a and L2c branch lengths of both the coding and control regions were shorter relative to those of the L2b and L2d sequences, a result that indicates lower levels of sequence divergence. Reduced median network analyses of the L2a sequences indicated the occurrence of marked homoplasy at multiple sites in the control region. After exclusion of the L2a and L2c sequences, African mtDNA coding region evolution has not significantly departed from a molecular clock, despite the results of neutrality tests that indicate the mitochondrial coding region has evolved under nonneutral conditions. In contrast, control region evolution is clock-like only at the haplogroup level, and it thus appears to have evolved essentially independently from the coding region. The results of the clock tests, the network analyses, and the branch length comparisons all caution against the use of simple mtDNA clocks.  相似文献   

The human protein PTD012 is the longer product of an alternatively spliced gene and was described to be localized in the nucleus. The X-ray structure analysis at 1.7 A resolution of PTD012 through SAD phasing reveals a monomeric protein and a novel fold. The shorter splice form was also studied and appears to be unfolded and non-functional. The structure of PTD012 displays an alphabetabetaalpha four-layer topology. A metal ion residing between the central beta-sheets is partially coordinated by three histidine residues. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) analysis identifies the PTD012-bound ion as Zn(2+). Tetrahedral coordination of the ion is completed by the carboxylate oxygen atom of an acetate molecule taken up from the crystallization buffer. The binding of Zn(2+) to PTD012 is reminiscent of zinc-containing enzymes such as carboxypeptidase, carbonic anhydrase, and beta-lactamase. Biochemical assays failed to demonstrate any of these enzyme activities in PTD012. However, PTD012 exhibits ester hydrolase activity on the substrate p-nitrophenyl acetate.  相似文献   

Compilation of human mtDNA control region sequences.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
This paper describes the organisation of a database for human mitochondrial control-region sequences. The data are divided into three ASCII files that contain aligned sequences from the hypervariable region I (HVRI), from the hypervariable region II (HVRII), and the available information about the individuals, from whom the sequences stem. The current collection comprises 4079 HVRI and 969 HVRII sequences. From 728 individuals sequences of both HVRI and HVRII are available. For easy access, the collection is made available to the scientific community via World Wide Web at URL http://www.zi.biologie.uni-muenchen.de/[symbol: see text]meyers/mtdna.html  相似文献   

The process by which pastoralism and agriculture spread from the Fertile Crescent over the past 10,000 years has been the subject of intense investigation by geneticists, linguists and archaeologists. However, no consensus has been reached as to whether this Neolithic transition is best characterized by a demic diffusion (with a significant genetic input from migrating farmers) or a cultural diffusion (without substantial migration of farmers). Milk consumption and thus lactose tolerance are assumed to have spread with pastoralism and we propose that by looking at the relevant mutations in and around the lactase gene in human populations, we can gain insight into the origin(s) and spread of dairying. We genotyped the putatively causal allele for lactose tolerance (–13910T) and constructed haplotypes from several polymorphisms in and around the lactase gene (LCT) in three North African Berber populations and compared our results with previously published data. We found that the frequency of the –13910T allele predicts the frequency of lactose tolerance in several Eurasian and North African Berber populations but not in most sub-Saharan African populations. Our analyses suggest that contemporary Berber populations possess the genetic signature of a past migration of pastoralists from the Middle East and that they share a dairying origin with Europeans and Asians, but not with sub-Saharan Africans.  相似文献   

New approaches to dating suggest a recent age for the human mtDNA ancestor.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The most critical and controversial feature of the African origin hypothesis of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) evolution is the relatively recent age of about 200 ka inferred for the human mtDNA ancestor. If this age is wrong, and the actual age instead approaches 1 million years ago, then the controversy abates. Reliable estimates of the age of the human mtDNA ancestor and the associated standard error are therefore crucial. However, more recent estimates of the age of the human ancestor rely on comparisons between human and chimpanzee mtDNAs that may not be reliable and for which standard errors are difficult to calculate. We present here two approaches for deriving an intraspecific calibration of the rate of human mtDNA sequence evolution that allow standard errors to be readily calculated. The estimates resulting from these two approaches for the age of the human mtDNA ancestor (and approximate 95% confidence intervals) are 133 (63-356) and 137 (63-416) ka ago. These results provide the strongest evidence yet for a relatively recent origin of the human mtDNA ancestor.  相似文献   

The protein Bc059385, whose solution structure is reported here, is the human representative of a recently identified family of membrane-anchored ubiquitin-fold (MUB) proteins. Analysis of their similarity to ubiquitin indicates that homologous amino acid residues in MUBs form a hydrophobic surface very similar to the recognition patch surrounding Ile-44 in ubiquitin. This suggests that MUBs may interact with proteins containing an alpha-helical motif similar to those of some ubiquitin binding domains. A disordered loop common to MUBs may also provide a second protein interaction site. From the available data, it is probable that this protein is prenylated and associated with the membrane. With <20% identity to ubiquitin, the MUB family further expands the sequence space that maps to the beta-grasp fold, and adds membrane localization to its list of functional roles.  相似文献   

MiRNAs play an essential role in the networks of gene regulation by inhibiting the translation of target mRNAs. Several computational approaches have been proposed for the prediction of miRNA target-genes. Reports reveal a large fraction of under-predicted or falsely predicted target genes. Thus, there is an imperative need to develop a computational method by which the target mRNAs of existing miRNAs can be correctly identified. In this study, combined pattern recognition neural network (PRNN) and principle component analysis (PCA) architecture has been proposed in order to model the complicated relationship between miRNAs and their target mRNAs in humans. The results of several types of intelligent classifiers and our proposed model were compared, showing that our algorithm outperformed them with higher sensitivity and specificity. Using the recent release of the mirBase database to find potential targets of miRNAs, this model incorporated twelve structural, thermodynamic and positional features of miRNA:mRNA binding sites to select target candidates.  相似文献   

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