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为进一步研究肿瘤的免疫治疗,探索一种型特异、体专一的肿瘤免疫核糖核酸的制备方法。取一供体肺癌患者术后切下的病变组织免疫羊,再用羊的免疫器官提制核酸,然后回注射于供体。实验中制备的型、体特异性免疫核糖核酸,各种药理指标能够达到国家同类药品标准。此法可获得有实用价值的肿瘤免疫核糖核酸,为临床应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Baculovirus-derived recombinant simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (SV40 T-Ag) was used to immunize inbred strains of mice to compare the humoral immune responses. Specifically we examined the epitope specificities and idiotype (Id) expression on anti-(SV40 T-Ag) responses induced in BALB/c and C57BL/6 inbred strains of mice. The predominant SV40 T-Ag epitopes recognized by the anti-(SV40 T-Ag) responses appeared to differ between these two inbred strains, this being based on the ability of sera to inhibit the binding of several murine monoclonal antibodies specific for SV40 T-Ag. In addition, anti-(SV40 T-Ag) responses produced in C57BL/6 mice failed to express a previously described cross-reactive Id expressed in the anti-(SV40 T-Ag) response in BALB/c mice. This cross-reactive Id is detected by a mouse monoclonal anti-Id, designated 58D, which has been shown to represent a potential focal point for manipulating the humoral immune response to SV40-induced tumors in BALB/c mice. Together, these data indicate that the functional duality of the humoral immune response, as assessed by epitope recognition and Id expression, differs between these two inbred strains of mice when immunized with a recombinant SV40 T-Ag.  相似文献   

Summary Lymphocytes from two patients with multiple myeloma stage I and one patient with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance were found to proliferate specifically in response to low concentrations of F(ab)2 fragments of the autologous M component. T cell clones isolated from repeatedly stimulated cultures bound specifically the autologous idiotype and proliferated after addition of soluble idiotype and exogenous interleukin-2. The majority of clones were CD8+ and showed negligible staining for CD4. Idiotype-binding clones could not be isolated from cultures of lymphocytes from a healthy control stimulated under the same conditions. The study provides support for the existence of idiotype-reactive T cells in monoclonal gammopathies. Such cells might have a regulatory role on the tumour cell clone and may be important for a future therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma (MM) cells produce monoclonal immunoglobulin (Ig) which serves as a truly tumor-specific antigen. The tumor-specific antigenic determinants are localized in the variable (V)-regions of the monoclonal Ig and are called idiotopes (Id). We review here the evidence obtained in a T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mouse model that Id-specific, MHC class II–restricted CD4+ T cells play a pivotal role in immunosurveillance and eradication of MHC class II-negative MM cells. In brief, monoclonal Ig secreted by MM cells is endocytosed and processed by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the tumor. Such tumor-resident dendritic cell APCs in turn present Id peptide on their class II molecules to Id-specific CD4+ T cells which become activated and indirectly kill the MHC class II-negative myeloma cells. However, if the Id-specific CD4+ cells fail to eliminate the MM cells during their initial encounter, the increasing number of tumor cells secretes so much monoclonal Ig that T-cell tolerance to Id is induced. Extending these findings to MM patients, Id-specific immunotherapy should be applied at a time of minimal residual disease and when new Id-specific T cells have been educated in the thymus, like after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation.Abbreviations APC antigen-presenting cell - ASCT autologous stem cell transplantation - CDR complementarity-determining region - CFA complete Freunds adjuvant - DC dendritic cell - GM-CSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor - H heavy - Id idiotope or idiotype - Ig immunoglobulin - IL interleukin - L light - M-component monoclonal component - MGUS monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance - MHC major histocompatibility complex - MM multiple myeloma - MOPC mineral oil–induced plasmacytoma - TCR T-cell antigen receptor - V variableA. Corthay and B. Bogen are joint corresponding authors for this article.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination with the idiotype (Id) of tumour B-cell membrane immunoglobulins (Ig) is a validated strategy to induce tumour protection to several mouse lymphomas. The relative contribution of anti-Id antibodies and T lymphocytes to tumour rejection is still debated. Previous studies in the BCL1 lymphoma model showed that scFv DNA immunisation induces a polyclonal antibody response restricted to conformational epitopes formed by the parental VL/VH association. We implemented a system based on this specificity to investigate the mechanism of BCL1 lymphoma protection induced by DNA immunisation. Antibody response and survival of mice immunised with the tumour Id scFv were compared with those of mice immunised simultaneously with two chimeric scFvs, containing either the tumour-derived VL or VH paired to an irrelevant VH or VL domain, respectively. Animals vaccinated with one or both chimeric constructs were not protected, despite the exposure to all putative tumour Id-derived MHC class I and class II T-cell epitopes. In addition, conformational antibodies induced by DNA vaccination caused tumour cells apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in vitro and transferred protection in vivo. Therefore, lymphoma rejection appears to be completely dependent on the induction of anti-Id antibodies.  相似文献   

肿瘤免疫逃逸与T淋巴细胞关系的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐明肿瘤免疫逃逸是防止肿瘤发生、诊断肿瘤发展以及治愈肿瘤的关键。肿瘤逃避免疫监视(immunosurveillance)已知与宿主免疫低下、T细胞无能,和肿瘤抗原缺失和调变、肿瘤漏逸、缺乏共刺激通路信号等相关,总结了近期研究进展,围绕肿瘤和T淋巴细胞相互关系,从T细胞对肿瘤识别和耐受、肿瘤下调识别分子导致活化T细胞丧失识别能力、肿瘤抵抗凋亡助其逃逸免疫、肿瘤通过抑制性受体和分子诱导T细胞无能耐受和凋亡、肿瘤细胞攻击T细胞逃避免疫、和肿瘤依赖Treg和MDSC抑制免疫等方面总结了理解思路,对肿瘤免疫消除(elimination)、免疫相持(equilibrium)和免疫逃逸(escape)三个阶段对抗T细胞免疫监视的机理提供参考,对肿瘤治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Follicular lymphoma (FL) is a disease that responds to current treatment regimens; however, patients in general relapse with increasingly refractory disease. Idiotype-based vaccines are currently under trial for the treatment of FL. These vaccines comprise the patient’s BCR idiotype (Id) as the tumor antigen conjugated to the protein carrier Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH); however, other protein carriers may enhance the immune response to the lymphoma Id. In this study we investigated whether an alternate carrier, Listeriolysin O (LLO), would amplify the immune response to Id protein and provide better protection against challenge by 38C13 murine lymphoma. The Id-LLO vaccine compared favorably against Id-KLH in tumor-protection studies and both vaccines provided systemic immunity against 38C13 lymphoma. However, the immune response to the two conjugates was different in that Id-LLO induced a more powerful Th1 response characterized by high titer IgG2a anti-Id antibodies after one immunization and the presence of CD4 cells secreting IFN-γ. In vivo studies demonstrated that immune serum contributed to the anti-lymphoma efficacy seen following Id-LLO immunization. Interestingly, Id-LLO immunized mice, when challenged twice with 38C13 lymphoma provided better protection against challenge by the BCR loss variant 38C13-V2, suggesting that Id-LLO immunized mice have more potential to develop epitope spreading than Id-KLH. In conclusion, Id-LLO compared favorably against Id-KLH in its anti-lymphoma efficacy. Furthermore, Id-LLO induced a more potent humoral and cell-mediated immune response and promoted epitope spreading after lymphoma challenge. Thus, anti-Id vaccines incorporating LLO may be a better therapeutic option for treatment of B-cell lymphoma. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy of cancer with dendritic-cell-based vaccines   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
 Animal studies have shown that vaccination with genetically modified tumor cells or with dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with tumor antigens are potent strategies to elicit protective immunity in tumor-bearing animals, more potent than “conventional” strategies that have been tested in clinical settings with limited success. While both vaccination strategies are forms of cell therapy requiring complex and costly ex vivo manipulations of the patient’s cells, current protocols using dendritic cells are considerably simpler and would be more widely available. Vaccination with defined tumor antigens presented by DC has obvious appeal. However, in view of the expected emergence of antigen-loss variants as well as natural immunovariation, effective vaccine formulations must contain mixtures of commonly, if not universally, expressed tumor antigens. When, or even if, such common tumor antigens will be identified cannot be, predicted, however. Thus, for the foreseeable future, vaccination with total-tumor-derived material as source of tumor antigens may be preferable to using defined tumor antigens. Vaccination with undefined tumor-derived antigens will be limited, however, by the availability of sufficient tumor tissue for antigen preparation. Because the mRNA content of single cells can be amplified, tumor mRNA, or corresponding cDNA libraries, offer an unlimited source of tumor antigens. DC transfected with tumor RNA were shown to engender potent antitumor immunity in animal studies. Thus, immunotherapy using autologous DC loaded with unfractionated tumor-derived antigens in the form of RNA emerges as a potentially powerful and broadly useful vaccination strategy for cancer patients. Received: 10 October 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Tumor vaccines     
F K Stevenson 《FASEB journal》1991,5(9):2250-2257
Vaccination against tumor, either as a prophylactic procedure or as a mode of treatment, has been a distant goal of immunologists for many years. Ideally, the less specific therapies such as chemotherapy would be replaced by an anti-tumor immune response in the host that would be present on a continuing basis. However, progress has been hampered by a lack of understanding of the role of viruses in human tumor development and the molecular nature of tumor-associated antigens. Recent developments using the techniques of molecular biology and monoclonal antibody reagents are beginning to remedy this deficiency so that vaccination has become a real possibility for certain human cancers. The natural fluctuations in growth rates of some human tumors, and the observation that tumors can occasionally remain dormant for years, has led to the idea that the host has an intrinsic ability to control tumor growth, and that this ability is a property of the immune system. Attempts to enhance this putative control are being made by treating the host with defined biological modifiers that stimulate cells involved in immunity in vivo, and by seeking and expanding such cells in vitro before reinfusing them into the host. These attempts to harness the immune system to attack tumor cells that have evaded the host's defenses might be considered optimistic, but they will at least tell us a great deal about tumor cell behavior and the ability of the host to influence it.  相似文献   

Anti-Id antibodies that have biologic activity as stimulators of specific immunity have been used in experimental vaccines and tumor protection models. However, very little is known about the therapeutic potential of anti-Id antibodies in animals and men. In this study we explored the combination of anti-Id and chemotherapy in a murine tumor system for which we had previously generated protective anti-Id mAb. First, we investigated various protocols by using a protective anti-Id in active immunization. Mice preimmunized before tumor transfer and challenged again after tumor survived significantly longer. Next, we explored the use of soluble anti-Id as immunostimulator in tumor-bearing mice. Although this treatment did not induce long-term survival, it significantly increased survival time. Interestingly, this anti-Id effect was dose dependent, whereby large and small doses had no effect. Finally, stimulatory anti-Id therapy and cyclophosphamide (Cy) treatment was combined. Tumor bearing mice were given a single dose of Cy followed by different doses of soluble anti-Id. The optimal effect on tumor growth and survival was achieved with 80 mg/kg Cy and 10 micrograms/mouse of anti-Id, where 80% of mice survived longer than 100 days. These results provide guidelines for developing clinical protocols for cancer patients by using combination therapy of anti-Id and chemotherapy.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS has become the most devastating pandemic in recorded history. It has killed 40 million people in the last 20 years and the World Health Organisation estimated that at least 14,000 new infections occurred daily in 2001. There will be up to 100 million new infections in the next 10 years (for current updates, visit http://www.unaids.org/epidemic_update/). Most HIV infections occur in the developing world, and the adverse social and economic impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, particularly in the developing world, is unprecedented. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has had significant effects on HIV/AIDS in the developed world. The drugs have acted to prolong survival, reduce the viral load, and to alleviate suffering. However, the incidence of side effects and resistance is high and the drugs are unaffordable and unavailable in the developing world. HAART regimens are difficult to comply with. Public health efforts to modify the behaviour, attitude and culture that accelerate the spread of HIV/AIDS have had only modest success. There is urgent need for a prophylactic and/or therapeutic HIV vaccine. This is a review of the obstacles and current trends in HIV vaccine development.  相似文献   

利用裸鼠建立人泌尿生殖系统肿瘤细胞系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的建立人泌尿系肿瘤无限细胞系,为泌尿系肿瘤研究提供实验模型.方法无菌取下肿瘤标本后,将标本剪成大小约1.0mm3的组织块,在裸鼠右后肢皮下包埋,当皮下肿瘤块发生明显增殖并长到一定程度后,再行裸鼠体内传代两次,最后取下组织块进行原代培养.培养细胞传代超过20代后按建系标准[2]进行检测.结果共取40例标本,裸鼠体内传代F1代成功6例,F3代成功3例,该3例标本行原代培养后建成3个无限细胞系人肾透明细胞癌RCC-9863,人膀胱癌BC-6,人前列腺癌PC-98106,全部细胞传代1年以上,生长稳定,传代周期固定,其形态结构,分化程度与原发瘤保持一致,染色体形态仍为人类核型.结论裸鼠肿瘤皮下种植法是泌尿系肿瘤建系的一个较好方法.  相似文献   

Tumor antigen-specific T helper cells in cancer immunity and immunotherapy   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
Historically, cancer-directed immune-based therapies have focused on eliciting a cytotoxic T cell (CTL) response, primarily due to the fact that CTL can directly kill tumors. In addition, many putative tumor antigens are intracellular proteins, and CTL respond to peptides presented in the context of MHC class I which are most often derived from intracellular proteins. Recently, increasing importance is being given to the stimulation of a CD4+ T helper cell (Th) response in cancer immunotherapy. Th cells are central to the development of an immune response by activating antigen-specific effector cells and recruiting cells of the innate immune system such as macrophages and mast cells. Two predominant Th cell subtypes exist, Th1 and Th2. Th1 cells, characterized by secretion of IFN- and TNF-, are primarily responsible for activating and regulating the development and persistence of CTL. In addition, Th1 cells activate antigen-presenting cells (APC) and induce limited production of the type of antibodies that can enhance the uptake of infected cells or tumor cells into APC. Th2 cells favor a predominantly humoral response. Particularly important during Th differentiation is the cytokine environment at the site of antigen deposition or in the local lymph node. Th1 commitment relies on the local production of IL-12, and Th2 development is promoted by IL-4 in the absence of IL-12. Specifically modulating the Th1 cell response against a tumor antigen may lead to effective immune-based therapies. Th1 cells are already widely implicated in the tissue-specific destruction that occurs during the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis. Th1 cells directly kill tumor cells via release of cytokines that activate death receptors on the tumor cell surface. We now know that cross-priming of the tumor-specific response by potent APC is a major mechanism of the developing endogenous immune response; therefore, even intracellular proteins can be presented in the context of MHC class II. Indeed, recent studies demonstrate the importance of cross-priming in eliciting CTL. Many vaccine strategies aim to stimulate the Th response specific for a tumor antigen. Early clinical trials have shown that focus on the Th effector arm of the immune system can result in significant levels of both antigen-specific Th cells and CTL, the generation of long lasting immunity, and a Th1 phenotype resulting in the development of epitope spreading.  相似文献   

Numerous immunotherapy trials have been carried out in prostate cancer (PC) patients, with induction of antigen-specific T cells in some cases. Despite this capability, limited success is seen in terms of tumor regression or survival. In this review, we discuss the evidence for tumor escape strategies that may contribute to vaccine failure in the setting of PC. These include defects in antigen presentation, production of immunosuppressive substances, induction of T cell death, T cell receptor dysfunction, and the presence of tolerogenic dendritic cells and regulatory T cells inside prostate tumors. It is clear that novel strategies aimed at preventing tumor escape, such as small molecular weight inhibitors of immunosuppressive molecules, adoptive transfer of TCR transgenic T cells, removal of Tregs, combined with anti-androgen therapy and prostate-specific vaccines, need to be examined further in PC patients.This article is a symposium paper from the conference Progress in Vaccination against Cancer 2005 (PIVAC 5), held in Athens, Greece, on 20–21 September 2005.  相似文献   

肿瘤多药耐药(multi-drug resistance,MDR)所导致的化疗失败,依旧是肿瘤治疗中存在的难点。虽然针对MDR,已经成功开发了三代靶向三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运体(ATP binding cassette transporter,ABC)的抑制剂,也有MDR调节剂和化学增敏剂,多功能纳米载体和RNA干扰等方法可有效逆转MDR,但是由于肿瘤多药耐药机制的复杂性,MDR依然是肿瘤治疗中面临的难题。将从目前研究比较集中的ABC转运体异常表达; DNA损伤修复的改变和细胞凋亡的异常;自噬诱导与耐药及肿瘤干细胞与耐药等四方面入手,针对目前MDR机制的研究进展做一综述,旨在为MDR的研究提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

Late endocytic compartments, containing MHC class II molecules in antigen presenting cells, fuse to each other in order to deliver antigens to these molecules. We have shown previously that fusion of late endocytic compartments takes place also in hybridomas. Therefore, we investigate here whether the level of fused late endocytic compartments affects the immunostimulatory capacity of hybridomas obtained by the electrofusion of dendritic and tumor cells. The level of fused late endocytic compartments in a single hybridoma cell was assessed and samples of electrofused cells were then cocultured with autologous T cells, resulting in the priming of naïve T cells. To test the immunostimulatory capacity of hybridoma cells, T-cell-induced cytotoxicity of tumor cells was assayed. The results demonstrate that in vitro cytotoxic T cell responses are enhanced if a higher percentage of fused late endocytic compartments is present in the cell population of electrofused hybridoma cells.  相似文献   

The systemic administration of an agonist antibody against glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor related (GITR) protein has been shown to be effective in overcoming immune tolerance and promoting tumor rejection in a variety of murine tumor models. However, little is known regarding the functional consequence of ligation of GITR with its natural ligand (GITR-L) in the context of regulatory T cell (Treg) suppression in vivo. To determine the mechanism of GITR-L action in vivo, we generated a panel of tumor cell clones that express varying levels of GITR-L. The ectopic expression of GITR-L on the tumor cell surface was sufficient to enhance anti-tumor immunity and delay tumor growth in syngeneic BALB/c mice. Within the range examined, the extent of anti-tumor activity in vivo did not correlate with the level of GITR-L expression, as all clones tested exhibited a similar delay in tumor growth. The localized expression of GITR-L on tumor cells led to a significant increase in CD8+ T cell infiltration compared to the levels seen in control tumors. The increased proportion of CD8+ T cells was only observed locally at the tumor site and was not seen in the tumor draining lymph node. Depletion studies showed that CD8+ T cells, but not CD4+ T cells, were required for GITR-L mediated protection against tumor growth. These studies demonstrate that signaling between GITR-L and GITR in the tumor microenvironment promotes the infiltration of CD8+ T cells, which are essential for controlling tumor growth. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing number of immunotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of cancer, most approaches have failed to correlate the induction of an anti-tumor immune response with therapeutic efficacy. We therefore took advantage of a successful vaccination strategy-combining dendritic cells and irradiated GM-CSF secreting tumor cells-to compare the immune response induced against 9L gliosarcoma tumors in cured rats versus those with progressively growing tumors. At the systemic level, the tumor specific cytotoxic responses were quite heterogeneous in uncured vaccinated rats, and were surprisingly often high in animals with rapidly-growing tumors. IFN-gamma secretion by activated splenic T cells was more discriminative as the CD4+ T cell-mediated production was weak in uncured rats whereas high in cured ones. At the tumor level, regressing tumors were strongly infiltrated by CD8+ T cells, which demonstrated lytic capacities as high as their splenic counterparts. In contrast, progressing tumors were weakly infiltrated by T cells showing impaired cytotoxic activities. Proportionately to the T cell infiltrate, the expression of Foxp3 was increased in progressive tumors suggesting inhibition by regulatory T cells. In conclusion, the main difference between cured and uncured vaccinated animals does not depend directly upon the induction of systemic cytotoxic responses. Rather the persistence of higher CD4+ Th1 responses, a high intratumoral recruitment of functional CD8+ T cells, and a low proportion of regulatory T cells correlate with tumor rejection.  相似文献   

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