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Cannabinoids, hippocampal function and memory.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Prior studies from this laboratory have shown that the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), interferes with short-term memory (1-3) in both delayed match and nonmatch to sample tasks (DMS/DNMS). Recent experiments have shown that other cannabinoids such as the potent CB1 receptor agonist, WIN 55,212-2 produces a delay-dependent deficit in the DNMS task at a dose range (0.10-0.50 mg/kg) well below that of delta9-THC which was blocked by the CB11 receptor antagonist SR141716A (Sanofi Inc). The effects of WIN 55,212-2 at low doses were similar to those of isolated lesions of the hippocampus, whereas high doses (0.50 mg/kg, i.p.) produced effects similar to lesions of both hippocampus and surrounding retrohippocampal areas. The low dose effect was delay-dependent while the high dose introduced an additional deficit at short delays that was sensitive to both SR141716A and the GABA(B) receptor antagonist, phaclofen. Comparison of lesion vs. cannabinoid effects on DNMS performance suggests that CB1 receptors on hippocampal neurons interfere with the processing of DNMS task-specific information within a trial. CB1 receptors on hippocampal GABAergic interneurons and in retrohippocampal areas appear to influence the ability to maintain segregation of information between trials in the task.  相似文献   

Because developmental activity-dependent synaptic plasticity has been hypothesized to participate in network refinement, leading to the precise mapping of synaptic contacts constituting a functional brain, it is important to investigate the spatio-temporal structure of immature network activities. This article is briefly reviewing 15 years of studies on the immature rat hippocampus which, together with recent results obtained from awake rat pups, represent an important step toward the understanding of spontaneous patterns of activity and their potential implication in network maturation. Due to synergistic excitatory actions of GABA and glutamate receptor mediated signals during early postnatal life, spontaneous patterns of hippocampal activity that have been characterized both in vitro and in vivo are likely to provide hebbian modulation of developing glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses. Together with studies on trophic actions of these transmitters, study of the immature hippocampal network patterns and plasticities allows for multiple technical and conceptual approaches and represents an interesting experimental model for development studies.  相似文献   

Mouse alpha-macroglobulin (M-AMG) is believed to be a functional homologue of human alpha 2-macroglobulin (h-alpha 2M). The subunit composition, the tryptic cleavage pattern before and after methylamine incorporation and the two-dimensional tryptic-peptide mapping, however, indicate that these two proteins are structurally distinct. M-AMG is composed of two major types of polypeptides (Mr 163,000 and 35,000) together with a minor polypeptide (Mr 185,000), whereas h-alpha 2M has only one type of polypeptide (Mr 185,000). After incorporation of methylamine, there is no change in the normal tryptic-cleavage pattern of M-AMG; however, tryptic cleavage of h-alpha 2M is severely retarded [Hudson & Koo (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 704, 290-303]. The N-terminal sequence of the 163,000-Mr polypeptide of M-AMG shows sequence homology with the N-terminal sequence of h-alpha 2M. The amino acid compositions of M-AMG and its two major polypeptide chains are compared. Thermal fragmentation studies show that the 163,000-Mr polypeptide is broken down into 125,000-Mr and 29,000-Mr fragments. Trypsin-binding studies show that M-AMG can bind two molecules of trypsin/molecule. Inactivations of the trypsin-binding property of M-AMG and h-alpha 2M with methylamine show similar kinetics of inhibition at 4 degrees C. A structural model of M-AMG is proposed, based on accumulated data.  相似文献   

The present article develops quantitative behavioral and neurophysiological predictions for rabbits trained on an air-puff version of the trace-interval classical conditioning paradigm. Using a minimal hippocampal model, consisting of 8,000 primary cells sparsely and randomly interconnected as a model of hippocampal region CA-3, the simulations identify conditions which produce a clear split in the number of trials individual animals should need to learn a criterion response. A trace interval that is difficult to learn, but still learnable by half the experimental population, produces a bimodal population of learners: an early learner group and a late learner group. The model predicts that late learners are characterized by two kinds of CA-3 neuronal activity fluctuations that are not seen in the early learners. As is typical in our minimal hippocampal models, the off-rate constant of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor receptor gives a timescale to the model that leads to a temporally quantifiable behavior, the learnable trace interval.  相似文献   

D E Chandler 《Life sciences》1978,23(4):323-333
Secretion of digestive enzymes by the exocrine pancreas is thought to be initiated by a rise in cytosol Ca2+ activity. It is not yet clear whether influx of extracellular calcium or release of calcium from an intracellular site is responsible for this event. Review of the literature provides evidence that both extracellular and intracellular calcium regulate secretion and that under different circumstances each may be an important source of ‘messenger’ calcium.  相似文献   

An examination of Tschermak's two papers of 1900 not only reinforces our conclusion cited in our first paper on Tschermak that he was not a rediscoverer of Mendelism, but also he did not understand Mendel when he had read it. His concept of dominance differed from that of Mendel, and his use of his own concept is inconsistent and contradictory. His discussion of his backcross data indicated that he had no idea of the nature of Mendelian ratios. Nowhere did he develop the ideas of segregation and independent assortment.  相似文献   

Recently sociological analysis of what used to be identified as 'race' and 'race relations' has shifted to racism as an ideology and racialization as a process that ascribes physical and cultural differences to individuals and groups. While scholars have critically examined 'race' and 'race relations', the concept of racialization has received insufficient systematic attention. The purpose of this article is to trace the genealogy of concepts of racialization and deracialization and to demonstrate that the meaning of these designations has changed since their appearance in the late-nineteenth century to the emergence of racialization in contemporary debates on effects of racism; and to trace the different trajectories of racialization from the centre and from the periphery.  相似文献   

The "affinity maturation" of the humoral immune response is driven by antigen-activated somatic hypermutation (SHM) of the genes that encode antibody variable regions and the subsequent antigenic selection of mutant clones. The molecular mechanism of SHM is yet to be completely elucidated. SHM affects cytosine-guanine (C/G) and adenine-thymine (A/T) pairs with approximately equal frequency in vivo. The proposition that error-prone DNA-dependent DNA synthesis explains A/T-targeted hypermutagenesis seems to have mainstream support within the hypermutation research community at present. A major feature of SHM in vivo is that C/G hypermutation is strand unbiased, whereas A/T hypermutation is strand biased. We show that the "DNA-based polymerase error" model of A/T-targeted hypermutagenesis does not explain this important aspect of SHM.  相似文献   

In this short discussion note, I discuss whether any of the generalizations made in biology should be construed as laws. Specifically, I examine a strategy offered by Elliot Sober (1997) and supported by Mehmet Elgin (2006) to reformulate certain biological generalizations so as to eliminate their contingency, thereby allowing them to count as laws. I argue that this strategy entails a conception of laws that is unacceptable on two counts: (1) Sober and Elgin’s approach allows the possibility of formulating laws describing any biological phenomenon whatsoever; and (2) on Sober and Elgin’s view, any interesting contrast between so-called laws and obviously accidental generalizations collapses. I conclude by offering suggestions to refine their view in order to avoid these theoretical problems.  相似文献   

Following cellular stress or tissue injury, the proteasome plays a critical role in protein degradation and signal transduction. The present study examined the β-subunit expression of constitutive proteasomes (β1, β2, and β5), immunoproteasomes (β1i, β2i, and β5i) and the 11S proteasome activator, PA28α, in the rat CNS after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Concomitant measures assessed changes in proteasome activities. Quantitative real time PCR results indicated that β1 and β2 mRNA levels were not changed, while β5 mRNA levels were significantly decreased in injured CNS following TBI. However, β1i, β2i, β5i, and PA28α mRNA levels were significantly increased in the injured CNS. Western blotting studies found that β1, β2, β5, β2i, and β5i subunit protein levels remained unchanged in the injured CNS, but β1i and PA28α protein levels were significantly elevated in ipsilateral cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Proteasome activity assays found that peptidyl glutamyl peptide hydrolase-like and chymotrypsin-like activity were significantly reduced in the CNS after TBI, and that trypsin-like proteasome activity was increased in the injured cerebral cortex. Our results demonstrated that both proteasome composition and function in the CNS were affected by trauma. Treatments that preserve proteasome function following CNS injury may be beneficial as an approach to cerebral neuroprotection.  相似文献   

The main objective of this review is to provide an appraisal of the current status of the relationship between energy intake and the life span of animals. The concept that a reduction in food intake, or caloric restriction (CR), retards the aging process, delays the age-associated decline in physiological fitness, and extends the life span of organisms of diverse phylogenetic groups is one of the leading paradigms in gerontology. However, emerging evidence disputes some of the primary tenets of this conception. One disparity is that the CR-related increase in longevity is not universal and may not even be shared among different strains of the same species. A further misgiving is that the control animals, fed ad libitum (AL), become overweight and prone to early onset of diseases and death, and thus may not be the ideal control animals for studies concerned with comparisons of longevity. Reexamination of body weight and longevity data from a study involving over 60,000 mice and rats, conducted by a National Institute on Aging-sponsored project, suggests that CR-related increase in life span of specific genotypes is directly related to the gain in body weight under the AL feeding regimen. Additionally, CR in mammals and “dietary restriction” in organisms such as Drosophila are dissimilar phenomena, albeit they are often presented to be the very same. The latter involves a reduction in yeast rather than caloric intake, which is inconsistent with the notion of a common, conserved mechanism of CR action in different species. Although specific mechanisms by which CR affects longevity are not well understood, existing evidence supports the view that CR increases the life span of those particular genotypes that develop energy imbalance owing to AL feeding. In such groups, CR lowers body temperature, rate of metabolism, and oxidant production and retards the age-related pro-oxidizing shift in the redox state.  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychiatrists invariably consider schizophrenia to be a paradox: how come natural selection has not yet eliminated the infamous ‘genes for schizophrenia’ if the disorder simply crushes the reproductive success of its carriers, if it has been around for thousands of years already, and if it has a uniform prevalence throughout the world? Usually, the answer is that the schizophrenic genotype is subject to some kind of balancing selection: the benefits it confers would then outbalance the obvious damage it does. In this paper, however, I will show that the assumptions underlying such evolutionary accounts of schizophrenia are at least implausible, and sometimes even erroneous. First of all, I will examine some factual assumptions, in particular about schizophrenia’s impact on reproductive success, its genetics, its history, and its epidemiology. Secondly, I will take a critical look at a major philosophical assumption in evolutionary psychiatric explanations of schizophrenia. Indeed, evolutionary psychiatrists take it for granted that schizophrenia is a natural kind, i.e. a bounded and objectively real entity with discrete biological causes. My refutation of this natural kind view suggests that schizophrenia is in fact a reified umbrella concept, covering a heterogeneous group of disorders. Therefore, schizophrenia, as we now know it, simply doesn’t have an evolutionary history.  相似文献   

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