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The O2(-)-forming respiratory burst oxidase is present in a dormant state in a fully soluble system containing both cytosol and a deoxycholate extract of membranes from resting human neutrophils. Sodium dodecyl sulfate at low concentrations converts this soluble dormant oxidase into its catalytically active form. The Vmax for the activated oxidase was 2.1 mumol of O2-/min/mg of membrane protein. Michaelis constants for NADPH and NADH (38 microM and 1.7 mM, respectively) were similar to those measured previously in other systems. Oxidase activity was not detected after sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment of systems containing solubilized neutrophil membranes obtained from patients with X-linked chronic granulomatous disease. These results suggest that the deoxycholate extract contains both the resting oxidase and those membrane-associated components needed for its activation, all in functioning states.  相似文献   

In neutrophils of patients with essential hypertension the NADPH-dependent O2- production elicited by stimulation with f-Met-Leu-Phe is three to four fold higher in comparison with neutrophils of normotensive control subjects. Neutrophils from hypertensive patients are less responsive to priming, by non-stimulating doses of the agonist, as compared to control cells, which following this pretreatment augment superoxide anion production up to levels close to those expressed by neutrophils from hypertensive patients. No difference in NADPH oxidase activity, between neutrophils from the two groups of subjects, was observed when the rate of O2- production was evaluated in a reconstructed cell-free system containing the membrane fraction and the cytosolic cofactors. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that differences in the functional organization of the oxidase at the membrane level in neutrophils of hypertensive are responsible for the enhanced O2- production following agonist stimulation.  相似文献   

In a fully soluble system from resting human neutrophils, activation of the respiratory burst oxidase under defined conditions was found to follow first-order kinetics. The manner in which this first-order activation process varied with the concentrations of the individual components in the activating system suggested the following. 1) The respiratory burst oxidase occurs in two forms that can be distinguished by their Km values for NADPH. The low-affinity form contains one component (M) from the membrane and two components (S and C alpha) from the cytosol, while the high-affinity form contains an extra cytosolic component (C beta). 2) The active forms of the oxidase are generated in the following reactions: (formula; see text) where S is a stabilizing component and where M.S is an activated form of M.S that is capable of binding C alpha and C beta to produce the active oxidase species M.S.C alpha (the low-affinity form) and M.S.C alpha C beta (the high-affinity form). 3) SDS activates the oxidase by mediating the conversion of M.S to M.S.  相似文献   

Neutrophils play a central role in the innate immune response and a critical role in bacterial killing. Most studies of neutrophil function have been conducted under conditions of ambient oxygen, but inflamed sites where neutrophils operate may be extremely hypoxic. Previous studies indicate that neutrophils sense and respond to hypoxia via the ubiquitous prolyl hydroxylase/hypoxia-inducible factor pathway and that this can signal for enhanced survival. In the current study, human neutrophils were shown to upregulate hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α-dependent gene expression under hypoxic incubation conditions (3 kPa), with a consequent substantial delay in the onset of apoptosis. Despite this, polarization and chemotactic responsiveness to IL-8 and fMLP were entirely unaffected by hypoxia. Similarly, hypoxia did not diminish the ability of neutrophils to phagocytose serum-opsonized heat-killed streptococci. Of the secretory functions examined, IL-8 generation was preserved and elastase release was enhanced by hypoxia. Hypoxia did, however, cause a major reduction in respiratory burst activity induced both by the soluble agonist fMLP and by ingestion of opsonized zymosan, without affecting expression of the NADPH oxidase subunits. Critically, this reduction in respiratory burst activity under hypoxia was associated with a significant defect in the killing of Staphylococcus aureus. In contrast, killing of Escherichia coli, which is predominantly oxidase independent, was fully preserved under hypoxia. In conclusion, these studies suggest that although the NADPH oxidase-dependent bacterial killing mechanism may be compromised by hypoxia, neutrophils overall appear extremely well adapted to operate successfully under severely hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

It is known that in respiratory burst oxidase preparations engaged in O2- production, cytochrome b558, a characteristic oxidase component, is partly reduced. This result has been interpreted in terms of a mechanism in which cytochrome b558 functions as an electron-carrying component of the respiratory burst oxidase, its level of reduction reflecting a steady-state partitioning of the cytochrome between reduced and oxidized forms as it ferries electrons from NADPH to oxygen. Kinetic arguments based on this interpretation have supported the proposal that the cytochrome is reduced at a rate sufficient to account for the rate of O2- production by activated neutrophils. We have confirmed the partial reduction of cytochrome b558 in neutrophil cytoplasts and in oxidase preparations exposed to NADPH, but have found that the reduction of the cytochrome bears no apparent relation to the activity of the oxidase, and can occur when NADPH is added to neutrophil membrane preparations that are unable to manufacture O2-. We therefore conclude that the NADPH-dependent reduction of cytochrome b558 seen in these preparations is unlikely to be a reflection of a catalysis-related steady state and that inferences drawn from such observations regarding the kinetic competence of the cytochrome may need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

A superoxide-forming oxidase from activated human neutrophil membranes was solubilized by two slightly different methods, then purified by "dye-affinity" chromatography. Kinetic studies of the purified preparations gave Vmax values of 5-10 mumol of O-2/min/mg of protein, and Km values for NADH and NADPH that were in reasonable agreement with values determined previously using particulate and crude solubilized preparations of the respiratory burst oxidase. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed prominent bands at 67, 48, and 32 kDa, together with some minor contaminants, whereas gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions gave a single major band that when eluted and re-electrophoresed in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate showed bands at 67, 48, 32 kDa. We believe that all three bands represent oxidase components. The flavin content of the purified enzyme was 20.4 +/- 2.0 S.E. pmol of FAD/microgram of protein, whereas heme averaged 0.1 +/- 0.02 pmol/microgram and ubiquinone could not be detected. Assuming that the enzyme is composed of one 67-kDa subunit, one 48-kDa subunit, and one 32-kDa subunit (i.e. that its molecular mass is approximately 150 kDa), it can be calculated to have a turnover number of 700-1500 min-1, in agreement with a value reported previously for oxidase in a particulate O-2-forming system (Cross, A. R., Parkinson, J. F., and Jones, O. T. G. (1985) Biochem. J. 226, 881-884), and to contain the following quantities of redox carriers (mol/mol): FAD, 3.0; heme, 0.015; ubiquinone, less than 0.06. It remains to be determined whether this preparation represents the complete respiratory burst oxidase or is only the pyridine nucleotide dehydrogenating component of a more complex enzyme.  相似文献   

Y Fukuhara  Y Ise  K Kakinuma 《FEBS letters》1988,229(1):150-156
Recently, a flavin enzyme (pI 5.0), that is probably responsible for superoxide (O2-)-generated oxidase activity, was separated by isoelectric focusing-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (IEF-PAGE) from neutrophil membranes in our laboratory [(1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 12316-12322]. In the present work, we performed immunological studies on this enzyme derived from pig blood neutrophils. The enzyme extract obtained on IEF-PAGE was injected into guinea pigs to raise antibodies. IgG antibody against the pI 5.0 protein inhibited maximally 54% of the O2- -generating activity of the membrane-solubilized oxidase, whereas the normal serum IgG was not inhibitory at all. Our results further confirmed that the enzyme (PI 5.0) is one of the component(s) of the O2- -generating system. The enzyme gave rise to a band corresponding to a major protein of 72 +/- 4 kDa on both non-denaturing and SDS-PAGE. Immunoblotting after SDS-PAGE demonstrated labelling of peptides of 70-72, 28-32 and 16-18 kDa.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of a 47 kDa protein in human neutrophils is induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), opsonized latex beads, fMet-Leu-Phe, calcium ionophore A23187 and fluoride. All of these stimuli activate the specialized microbicidal respiratory burst of neutrophils, and in each case the kinetics of activation correspond with the kinetics of phosphorylation of the 47 kDa protein. Trifluoperazine (50 microM) and chlorpromazine (100 microM), inhibitors of calmodulin and protein kinase C, abolish the increase in oxygen consumption and selectively prevent phosphorylation of the 47 kDa protein after PMA stimulation. Treatment of neutrophils with pertussis toxin totally inhibits both superoxide production and phosphorylation of this protein in response to fMet-Leu-Phe, but not in response to PMA, indicating that a GTP-binding protein modulates the fMet-Leu-Phe receptor signal. Phosphorylation of the 47 kDa protein, a phenomenon absent from the neutrophils of subjects with autosomal recessive chronic granulomatous disease, which lack the respiratory burst, appears to be the common trigger for activation of the burst in normal neutrophils.  相似文献   

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is able to activate the respiratory burst oxidase in a system containing cytosol and solubilized membranes from human neutrophils. When SDS was used to treat cytosol in an otherwise identical system in which the solubilized membrane solution was omitted, the ability of the SDS-treated cytosol to support O2- production was lost in a first-order reaction whose rate constant was virtually identical to the rate constant for the first-order activation of the oxidase in the complete system. Studies with chronic granulomatous disease cytosols showed that the component whose activity was lost was the oxidase-related 67-kDa cytosolic protein. The similarity in the rates of oxidase activation and p67 inactivation suggested that the activation of the respiratory burst oxidase in the cell-free system could involve an SDS-mediated alteration in p67. Further support for this idea was provided by kinetic experiments demonstrating that, although the yield of oxidase showed a 2.5-order dependence on cytosol concentration, oxidase activation was nevertheless kinetically irreversible. These two findings, incompatible in general, can be reconciled by a mechanism in which SDS acts specifically on a single oxidase component (i.e. p67), but with an effect that depends on circumstances: oxidase activation, if the SDS-sensitive component is part of a completely assembled oxidase precursor; loss of p67 activity, if not.  相似文献   

1. A microtechnique for quantitating human neutrophil NADPH oxidase in a cell-free system is described. 2. This spectrophotometric discontinuous (fixed time) method is less material-consuming than existing methods and is more useful for experiments in which superoxide production by neutrophils must be measured in a large number of samples. 3. Measurement of NADPH oxidase using the new method can be accomplished in a final vol of 0.15 ml. 4. In the assay, neutrophil membranes solubilized with deoxycholate were incubated for 3 min with cytosolic fractions, magnesium, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and cytochrome c in the absence of NADPH to preincubate the oxidase before the addition of the reducing agent. 5. The reaction was started by adding NADPH and 2 min later terminated by adding superoxide dismutase. 6. The apparent Km for NADPH obtained by the new method was almost the same as that by the authorized method (39.2 +/- 3.1 SD vs 36.8 +/- 1.6). Activation of neutrophil NADPH oxidase was characterized using the new assay method.  相似文献   

Heat shock inhibits NADPH oxidase in human neutrophils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The heat shock response is a conserved, physiological, transient cellular response to injury. Several studies have suggested a link between the heat shock response and oxidative injury. We have investigated the effects of heat shock on superoxide anion generation by human neutrophils stimulated with opsonized zymosan or phorbol myristate acetate. Human neutrophils exposed to elevated temperatures or to the heavy metal cadmium synthetized a variety of heat shock proteins. In parallel to this protein synthesis, we observed a selective, reversible and temperature-dependent inhibition of NADPH oxidase activation, which was independent from variations of cytosolic pH or thiol group oxidation. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase by heat shock appeared related to the synthesis of heat shock proteins and may represent an intrinsic cellular mechanism to down regulate superoxide production.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have examined the potential ability of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) to modulate NADPH oxidase activity in human neutrophils. AMPK activated with either 5'-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR) or with 5'-AMP significantly attenuated both phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine-stimulated superoxide anion O2- release by human neutrophils, consistently with a reduced translocation to the cell membrane and phosphorylation of a cytosolic component of NADPH oxidase, namely p47phox. AMPK was found to be present in human neutrophils and to become phosphorylated in response to either AICAR or other stimulators of its enzyme activity. Furthermore, AICAR also strongly reduced PMA-dependent H2O2 release, and induced the phosphorylation of c-jun N-terminal kinase 1 (p46), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase. Present data demonstrate for the first time that the activation of AMPK, in states of low cellular energy charge (such as under high levels of 5'-AMP) or other signals, could be a factor contributing to reduce the host defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

S Umeki 《Life sciences》1990,46(16):1111-1118
Kinetics of activation of the NADPH oxidase in a fully soluble cell-free system from phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated human neutrophils were investigated. In a cell-free system in which Mg2+ and sodium dodecyl sulfate, an anionic detergent required for the activation of NADPH oxidase are contained, cytosol prepared from PMA-stimulated neutrophils failed to activate PMA-stimulated neutrophil oxidase. However, cytosol prepared from resting (control) neutrophils was capable of activating PMA-stimulated neutrophil oxidase in a cell-free system in which its Km for NADPH was almost similar to that of control neutrophil oxidase. Cytosol from PMA-stimulated neutrophils could not activate control neutrophil oxidase, although it did not contain any inhibitors of NADPH oxidase activation. These results suggest that, in PMA-stimulated neutrophils, cytosolic activation factors may be consumed or exhausted, and that the affinity for NADPH of PMA-stimulated neutrophil oxidase may be the same as that of control neutrophil oxidase.  相似文献   

To assess the role of protein kinase C (Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme) in the activation of the human neutrophil respiratory burst, we have utilized an ether lipid of the type 1-O-alkyl-2-O-methylglycerol (AMG), recently shown to be an inhibitor of this kinase. AMG-C16 (with an hexadecyl chain at the sn-1 position) was found to inhibit the respiratory burst induced by sub-optimal concentrations of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. Respiratory burst activity was recovered by subsequent addition of a supraoptimal dose of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, indicating that in the presence of the inhibitor only the activation of the NADPH:O2 oxidoreductase via protein kinase C is inhibited, but not the oxidoreductase itself. The respiratory burst induced by the chemoattractant N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) was also inhibited in the presence of AMG-C16, the extent of inhibition being dependent on the concentration of fMLP. At the concentrations applied in these studies, AMG-C16 had no effect on cell viability, did not affect the formation of inositol phosphates induced by fMLP, and did not affect the characteristics of the Ca2+ fluxes induced by the same stimulus. In a cell-free assay system, AMG-C16 had no effect on the activity of cAMP-dependent or Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase but inhibited protein kinase C in a dose-dependent fashion. To characterize the inhibitory action of AMG-C16 on the respiratory burst activity in more detail, we studied protein phosphorylation in relation to respiratory burst activity in neutrophil cytoplasts. We focused on the phosphorylation of the 47-kDa protein, because this protein is functionally associated with the NADPH:O2 oxidoreductase. At suboptimal concentrations of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, AMG-C16 inhibited phosphorylation of proteins, including that of the 47-kDa protein. Recovery of protein phosphorylation in parallel to recovery of respiratory burst activity was obtained by addition of increasing doses of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. Recovery of respiratory burst activity at intermediate concentrations of fMLP did not result in a proportional increase in 47-kDa protein phosphorylation; phosphorylation of the 47-kDa protein was recovered only at high concentrations of fMLP. From these data we conclude that protein kinase C is involved in the activation of the respiratory burst by phorbol esters and fMLP. However, with fMLP as a stimulus, a second signal seems to be triggered, which is insensitive to AMG-C16.  相似文献   

Pig blood neutrophils were briefly activated by various fatty acids and then fractionated into membrane vesicles with different NADPH oxidase activities. Treatment of these membranes with a detergent, octyl glucoside, resulted in a high yield of solubilized oxidase, which was subjected to isoelectric focusing on gels (pI 4.0-8.0). 1) A distinct band staining with NADPH-nitroblue tetrazolium focused at pI 5.0. The enzyme (pI 5.0) showed high specificity for NADPH and similar characteristics to the oxidase involved in the respiratory burst. 2) The enzyme was extracted from gel slices and analyzed. When measured promptly after its extraction, its NADPH oxidase activity was high, but there was apparent superoxide dismutase-insensitive cytochrome c reduction, probably due to direct electron transfer to the heme protein. However, it could produce superoxide anion (O2-) under some micelle conditions. 3) Therefore, the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase was employed for the detection of H2O2. A fresh extract of stimulated cells catalyzed equimolar NADPH oxidation and H2O2 production of 306 and 300 nmol min-1 (mg protein)-1, respectively. The Km value of the enzyme for NADPH was 30 +/- 13 (S.D.) microM. The recovery of the extract (pI 5.0) was 19% of the total activity. 4) The enzyme extract contained 1.1-1.9 nmol of FAD/mg of protein, giving a turnover number of 300-600 min-1 in terms of O2- generation/FAD. No heme protein was found in the enzyme. The enzyme was mainly of 67-kDa molecular mass.  相似文献   

Respiratory burst activity and phosphorylation of an NADPH oxidase component, p47(phox), during neutrophil stimulation are mediated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K) activation. Products of PI-3K activate several kinases, including the serine/threonine kinase Akt. The present study examined the ability of Akt to regulate neutrophil respiratory burst activity and to interact with and phosphorylate p47(phox). Inhibition of Akt activity in human neutrophils by an inhibitory peptide significantly attenuated fMLP-stimulated, but not PMA-stimulated, superoxide release. Akt inhibitory peptide also inhibited hydrogen peroxide generation stimulated by bacterial phagocytosis. A direct interaction between p47(phox) and Akt was shown by the ability of GST-p47(phox) to precipitate recombinant Akt and to precipitate Akt from neutrophil lysates. Active recombinant Akt phosphorylated recombinant p47(phox) in vitro, as shown by (32)P incorporation, by a mobility shift change detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and by immunoblotting with phospho-Akt substrate Ab. Mutation analysis indicated that 2 aa residues, Ser(304) and Ser(328), were phosphorylated by Akt. Inhibition of Akt activity also inhibited fMLP-stimulated neutrophil chemotaxis. We propose that Akt mediates PI-3K-dependent p47(phox) phosphorylation, which contributes to respiratory burst activity in human neutrophils.  相似文献   

The chemokinetic test (ameboid motility) and enhancement of oxygen-dependent metabolism of neutrophils (the NBT test) were considered in human blood stimulated with Staph. aureus allergen. There were three variants of stimulated cells: 1) neutrophils developing ameboid motility (13,5 +/- 1,7% cells), 2) neutrophils with activated oxygen-dependent metabolism (11.5 +/- 0.6%), 3) neutrophils positive in both the tests (2.6 +/- 0.8%). Unstimulated cells accounted for 71.6 +/- 4.1%. Considerable differences were recorded for each variant. The data obtained are regarded as evidence of dissimilar capability of neutrophils of the realization of effector functions.  相似文献   

Carotenoid supplementation in the treatment of diseases associated with oxidative stress has been recently questioned because of the cell damage and the increased risk of lung cancer in male smokers. Because of the complex role of neutrophils in lung diseases, we investigated whether carotenoid derivatives could affect respiratory burst and apoptosis of human neutrophils purified from peripheral blood. Stimulation of superoxide production was induced by nanomolar and micromolar concentrations of carotenoid cleavage products with aliphatic chains of different length, but not by carotenoids lacking the carbonyl moiety. The stimulatory effect of carotenoid cleavage products was observed in cells activated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), while a slight inhibition of superoxide production was noticed with cells activated by the chemotactic tripeptide N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (f-MLP). At higher concentrations, carotenoid cleavage products inhibited superoxide production in the presence of both PMA and f-MLP. In the presence of 20 microM carotenoid cleavage products, inhibition of superoxide production was accompanied by DNA fragmentation and increased level of intracellular caspase-3 activity.  相似文献   

Electropermeabilization creates small pores in the plasma membrane allowing the introduction of low-molecular-weight modulatory components, such as ions and nucleotides, into the cytosol. The present study investigates fluoride-mediated stimulation of the signal transduction pathway that activates the respiratory burst in electropermeabilized neutrophils. In marked contrast to intact (i.e., non-electropermeabilized) neutrophils, cells permeabilized by this technique demonstrated an immediate and potent stimulation of the superoxide (O2-)-generating NADPH oxidase in response to the addition of fluoride. Furthermore, permeabilization of neutrophils in the presence of exogenously added ATP enhanced the rate of F(-)-mediated O2- production. Fluoride-stimulated O2- production in electropermeabilized neutrophils was antagonized by GDP beta S and dependent upon the presence of Mg2+ in the medium, but was insensitive to pertussis toxin treatment, consistent with the hypothesis that fluoride activates a G protein, probably Gp, by interacting with the nucleotide-binding site on the G alpha subunit. In addition, electropermeabilized neutrophil O2- release triggered by F- was blocked by staurosporine and H-7, indicating that this pathway proceeds largely through protein kinase C activation. However, nucleotide-enhanced O2- production was only partially blocked by these inhibitors, suggesting that under such conditions ATP either competes with the inhibitor-protein kinase interaction or affects the signaling pathway(s) in such a way that protein kinase C may no longer be necessary for the activation of NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

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