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A general understanding of biological invasions will provide insights into fundamental ecological and evolutionary problems and contribute to more efficient and effective prediction, prevention and control of invasions. We review recent papers that have proposed conceptual frameworks for invasion biology. These papers offer important advances and signal a maturation of the field, but a broad synthesis is still lacking. Conceptual frameworks for invasion do not require invocation of unique concepts, but rather should reflect the unifying principles of ecology and evolutionary biology. A conceptual framework should incorporate multicausality, include interactions between causal factors and account for lags between various stages. We emphasize the centrality of demography in invasions, and distinguish between explaining three of the most important characteristics by which we recognize invasions: rapid local population increase, monocultures or community dominance, and range expansion. As a contribution towards developing a conceptual synthesis of invasions based on these criteria, we outline a framework that explicitly incorporates consideration of the fundamental ecological and evolutionary processes involved. The development of a more inclusive and mechanistic conceptual framework for invasion should facilitate quantitative and testable evaluation of causal factors, and can potentially lead to a better understanding of the biology of invasions.  相似文献   

Evidence of climatic niche shift during biological invasion   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
Niche-based models calibrated in the native range by relating species observations to climatic variables are commonly used to predict the potential spatial extent of species' invasion. This climate matching approach relies on the assumption that invasive species conserve their climatic niche in the invaded ranges. We test this assumption by analysing the climatic niche spaces of Spotted Knapweed in western North America and Europe. We show with robust cross-continental data that a shift of the observed climatic niche occurred between native and non-native ranges, providing the first empirical evidence that an invasive species can occupy climatically distinct niche spaces following its introduction into a new area. The models fail to predict the current invaded distribution, but correctly predict areas of introduction. Climate matching is thus a useful approach to identify areas at risk of introduction and establishment of newly or not-yet-introduced neophytes, but may not predict the full extent of invasions.  相似文献   

Studying historic invasions can provide insight into the ongoing invasions that threaten global biodiversity. In this study, we reconsider the impacts of Littorina littorea and Carcinus maenas on the rocky intertidal community of the Gulf of Maine. Past research using invader-removal experiments demonstrated strong top-down effects of L. littorea on algal community structure; however, such removal experiments may overlook the long-term effects of niche shifts and local extinctions caused by invasive species. We considered how a niche-shift in the native littorine, Littorina saxatilis, may change the interpretation of L. littorea impacts. Using a factorial experiment crossing predator presence/absence with L. littorea presence/absence, we found that L. saxatilis is able to exert top-down control on ephemeral algae similar to that exerted by L.␣littorea and that both competition by L. littorea and predation by C. maenas have strong, negative impacts on L. saxatilis. We also found higher predation rates on protected shores and at lower tidal heights and preferential predation on L.␣saxatilis compared to L. littorea. While movement experiments demonstrate that behavioral response to tidal height is the proximate cause of L. saxatilis exclusion from the lower intertidal, our study suggests that the ultimate causes are the additive effects of competition from and predation by invasive species.  相似文献   

Plant invasions and the niche   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ecological and evolutionary insights from species invasions   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Species invasions provide numerous unplanned and frequently, but imperfectly, replicated experiments that can be used to better understand the natural world. Classic studies by Darwin, Grinnell, Elton and others on these species-invasion experiments provided invaluable insights for ecology and evolutionary biology. Recent studies of invasions have resulted in additional insights, six of which we discuss here; these insights highlight the utility of using exotic species as 'model organisms'. We also discuss a nascent hypothesis that might provide a more general, predictive understanding of invasions and community assembly. Finally, we emphasize how the study of invasions can help to inform our understanding of applied problems, such as extinction, ecosystem function and the response of species to climate change.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities, including the intentional releases of fish for enhancing populations (stocking), are recognized as adversely impacting the adaptive potential of wild populations. Here, the genetic characteristics of European barbel Barbus barbus were investigated using 18 populations in England, where it is indigenous to eastern‐flowing rivers and where stocking has been used to enhance these populations. Invasive populations are also present in western‐flowing rivers following introductions of translocated fish. Two genetic clusters were evident in the indigenous range, centered on catchments in northeast and southeast England. However, stocking activities, including the release of hatchery‐reared fish, have significantly reduced the genetic differentiation across the majority of this range. In addition, in smaller indigenous rivers, populations appeared to mainly comprise fish of hatchery origin. In the nonindigenous range, genetic data largely aligned to historical stocking records, corroborating information that one particular river (Kennet) in southeast England was the original source of most invasive B. barbus in England. It is recommended that these genetic outputs inform management measures to either restore or maintain the original genetic diversity of the indigenous rivers, as this should help ensure populations can maintain their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Where stocking is considered necessary, it is recommended that only broodstock from within the catchment is used.  相似文献   

The concept of function arises at all levels of biological study and is often loosely and variously defined, especially within ecology. This has led to ambiguity, obscuring the common structure that unites levels of biological organisation, from molecules to ecosystems. Here we build on already successful ideas from molecular biology and complexity theory to create a precise definition of biological function which spans levels of biological organisation and can be quantified in the unifying currency of biomass, enabling comparisons of functional effectiveness (irrespective of the specific function) across the field of ecology. We give precise definitions of ecological and ecosystem function that bring clarity and precision to studies of biodiversity– ecosystem function relationships and questions of ecological redundancy. To illustrate the new concepts and their unifying power, we construct a simple community‐level model with nutrient cycling and animal‐plant mutualism, emphasising the importance of its network structure in determining overall functioning. This type of network structure is that of an autocatalytic set of functional relationships, which also appears at biochemical, cellular and organism levels of organisation, creating a nested hierarchy. This enables a common and unifying concept of function to apply from molecular interaction networks up to the global ecosystem.  相似文献   

Aims Woody invasions into grasslands have increased globally due to changing land use, climate and introduced woody species, but spatial processes generating and sustaining these invasions are not well understood. To gain insight into the patterns of spread of tree populations within grasslands, and to propose a full spatial analytical toolbox for studying native and non-native woody species spread when long-term data are not available, we tested if 50 years of grassland invasion in Western Carpathians by Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) proceeded by one of the two traditionally competing hypotheses of species spread: (i) by frontier expansion, or (ii) by advanced groups established ahead of the population frontier. We also tested whether the pattern of invasion changed over time.Methods We analyzed the spatial demographic and genetic patterns of a Norway spruce population invading a Western Carpathian grassland using Ripley's L (t) and genetic kinship coefficients (F ij). We mapped and genotyped spruce trees across the invasion front (from the invasion leading edge to fully colonized grassland near the source population) using three demographic classes (adults, juveniles and seedlings) to approximate the temporal aspects of the invasion. We studied how the spatial patterns of invasion by individual demographic classes and their genetic kinship varied among adjacent plots established at different distances from the source population (ranging from 0 to 160 m, in 40-m distance increments).Important findings Juveniles were positively genetically related to adults on fine scales (<4 m), suggesting that adults within the grassland acted as a seed source and accelerated early invasion. However, adults did not act as nucleation centers for the formation of advanced juvenile groups. Instead, genetically unrelated juveniles formed groups independently of adults. These groups were small and separate at the leading edge but they increased in size and graded into a continuous zone near the source population. Thus, juvenile recruitment occurred as a frontier expansion near the source population and as advanced groups controlled by environmental variation at the leading edge. Unlike juveniles, seedlings were clustered on all scales across the invasion front and formed groups around adult crowns at the invasion leading edge. The bulk of seedling establishment occurred at intermediate distances from the source population, independently from the adults, suggesting that the invasion front continued to expand as a frontier, gradually coalescing with the advanced groups at the leading edge. Thus, the grassland invasion was driven by a gradual frontier expansion of the original population during the first 50 years, with advanced groups enhancing but not driving the invasion process. Frontier expansion appeared more important as a mechanism of woody species spread early in the invasion process in this study, while advanced groups may play a larger role over longer temporal scales.  相似文献   

Population dynamics and ecological impacts of the cirriped Balanus improvisus, the polychaete Marenzelleria neglecta and the cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi were investigated in the north-eastern Baltic Sea. After an increase during the first decade of invasion, the density of M. neglecta and C. pengoi declined afterwards. The studied abiotic environmental variables did not explain the interannual variability in the seasonal cycles of M. neglecta and C. pengoi indicating that the species are at their initial phase of invasion. The population dynamics of B. improvisus was best described by water temperature. B. improvisus promoted the growth of the green alga Enteromorpha intestinalis. M. neglecta enhanced the content of sediment chlorophyll a and reduced growth and survival of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor and growth of the amphipod Monoporeia affinis. Concurrent with the invasion of C. pengoi the abundance of small-sized cladocerans declined, especially above the thermocline. C. pengoi had become an important food for nine-spined stickleback, bleak, herring and smelt.  相似文献   

Invasion by exotic species is one of the serious socio-economic, environmental and ecological problems currently faced by mankind. Biological invasions have changed the species composition, structure and function of ecosystems, and are seriously threatening global biodiversity, economy and human health (Iqbal et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2021; Zhao et al. 2020; Zheng et al. 2015). Biological invasions have resulted in an economic loss of at least US$ 1.288 trillion over the past few decades worldwide (Diagne et al. 2021). As a consequence of these far-reaching impacts, biological invasions have become a hot research topic in modern ecology, and attract major attention from international organizations, governments and scientists all over the world. There is a complex interaction between biological invasions and global environmental change. Biological invasions are not only passengers of global change, but can also be major drivers of global change (MacDougall and Turkington 2005). Other components of global change, such as atmospheric CO2 enrichment, global warming, nitrogen deposition, changes in precipitation regimes, habitat fragmentation and land-use change, affect species distributions and resource dynamics of ecosystems, and consequently drive invasion success of many exotic species. On the other hand, invasion by exotic species can also alter basic ecosystem properties, which in turn affect many components of global change. Research on the patterns, processes and mechanisms of biological invasion can shed light on the drivers and consequences of biological invasions in the light of global change, and serve as a scientific basis for forward-thinking management plans. The overarching challenge is to understand the basic ecological interactions of, e.g., invasive and native species, plants and soil, and plants and animals.  相似文献   

Allee effects in biological invasions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Understanding the dynamics of small populations is obviously important for declining or rare species but is also particularly important for invading species. The Allee effect, where fitness is reduced when conspecific density is low, can dramatically affect the dynamics of biological invasions. Here, we summarize the literature of Allee effects in biological invasions, revealing an extensive theory of the consequences of the Allee effect in invading species and some empirical support for the theory. Allee effects cause longer lag times, slower spread and decreased establishment likelihood of invasive species. Expected spatial ranges, distributions and patterns of species may be altered when an Allee effect is present. We examine how the theory can and has been used to detect Allee effects in invasive species and we discuss how the presence of an Allee effect and its successful or unsuccessful detection may affect management of invasives. The Allee effect has been shown to change optimal control decisions, costs of control and the estimation of the risk posed by potentially invasive species. Numerous ways in which the Allee effect can influence the efficacy of biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Shifts between native and alien climatic niches pose a major challenge for predicting biological invasions. This is particularly true for insular species because geophysical barriers could constrain the realization of their fundamental niches, which may lead to underestimates of their invasion potential. To investigate this idea, we estimated the frequency of shifts between native and alien climatic niches and the magnitude of climatic mismatches using 80,148 alien occurrences of 46 endemic insular amphibian, reptile, and bird species. Then, we assessed the influence of nine potential predictors on climatic mismatches across taxa, based on species' characteristics, native range physical characteristics, and alien range properties. We found that climatic mismatch is common during invasions of endemic insular birds and reptiles: 78.3% and 55.1% of their respective alien records occurred outside of the environmental space of species' native climatic niche. In comparison, climatic mismatch was evident for only 16.2% of the amphibian invasions analyzed. Several predictors significantly explained climatic mismatch, and these varied among taxonomic groups. For amphibians, only native range size was associated with climatic mismatch. For reptiles, the magnitude of climatic mismatch was higher for species with narrow native altitudinal ranges, occurring in topographically complex or less remote islands, as well as for species with larger distances between their native and alien ranges. For birds, climatic mismatch was significantly larger for invasions on continents with higher phylogenetic diversity of the recipient community, and when the invader was more evolutionarily distinct. Our findings highlight that apparently common niche shifts of insular species may jeopardize our ability to forecast their potential invasions using correlative methods based on climatic variables. Also, we show which factors provide additional insights on the actual invasion potential of insular endemic amphibians, reptiles, and birds.  相似文献   

The fungal dimension of biological invasions   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Fungi represent an essential component of biodiversity, not only because of the large number of species, but also for their ecological, evolutionary and socio-economic significance. Yet, until recently, fungi received scant consideration in ecology, especially invasion ecology. Their under-representation is largely the result of a lack of scientific knowledge of fungal biodiversity and ecology. With the exception of pathogenic fungi, which cause emergent infectious diseases, the impact of fungal invasions is often difficult to quantify owing to limited baseline data on fungal communities. Here, we aim to raise awareness among mycologists and ecologists of the fungal dimension of invasions and of the need to intensify research in fungal ecology to address issues of future introductions.  相似文献   

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