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Long‐term ecological studies are critical for providing key insights in ecology, environmental change, natural resource management and biodiversity conservation. In this paper, we briefly discuss five key values of such studies. These are: (1) quantifying ecological responses to drivers of ecosystem change; (2) understanding complex ecosystem processes that occur over prolonged periods; (3) providing core ecological data that may be used to develop theoretical ecological models and to parameterize and validate simulation models; (4) acting as platforms for collaborative studies, thus promoting multidisciplinary research; and (5) providing data and understanding at scales relevant to management, and hence critically supporting evidence‐based policy, decision making and the management of ecosystems. We suggest that the ecological research community needs to put higher priority on communicating the benefits of long‐term ecological studies to resource managers, policy makers and the general public. Long‐term research will be especially important for tackling large‐scale emerging problems confronting humanity such as resource management for a rapidly increasing human population, mass species extinction, and climate change detection, mitigation and adaptation. While some ecologically relevant, long‐term data sets are now becoming more generally available, these are exceptions. This deficiency occurs because ecological studies can be difficult to maintain for long periods as they exceed the length of government administrations and funding cycles. We argue that the ecological research community will need to coordinate ongoing efforts in an open and collaborative way, to ensure that discoverable long‐term ecological studies do not become a long‐term deficiency. It is important to maintain publishing outlets for empirical field‐based ecology, while simultaneously developing new systems of recognition that reward ecologists for the use and collaborative sharing of their long‐term data sets. Funding schemes must be re‐crafted to emphasize collaborative partnerships between field‐based ecologists, theoreticians and modellers, and to provide financial support that is committed over commensurate time frames.  相似文献   

The study of ecosystem processes over multiple scales of space and time is often best achieved using comparable data from multiple sites. Yet, long‐term ecological observatories have often developed their own data collection protocols. Here, we address this problem by proposing a set of ecological protocols suitable for widespread adoption by the ecological community. Scientists from the European ecological research community prioritized terrestrial ecosystem parameters that could benefit from a more consistent approach to data collection within the resources available at most long‐term ecological observatories. Parameters for which standard methods are in widespread use, or for which methods are evolving rapidly, were not selected. Protocols were developed by domain experts, building on existing methods where possible, and refined through a process of field testing and training. They address above‐ground plant biomass; decomposition; land use and management; leaf area index; soil mesofaunal diversity; soil C and N stocks, and greenhouse gas emissions from soils. These complement existing methods to provide a complete assessment of ecological integrity. These protocols offer integrated approaches to ecological data collection that are low cost and are starting to be used across the European Long Term Ecological Research community.  相似文献   

Most studies regarding ant–aphid interactions focus only on the direct effects of ants on tended aphids and aphidophagous predators, or the indirect effects on the host plant. Studies evaluating the effects of aphid‐tending ants on more than one trophic level are rare and evaluate only the presence or absence of such effects. Here we assessed the effect sizes of ants in a tri‐trophic system (common bean plants, aphids and lacewing larvae). We tested if the presence of aphid‐tending ants has positive effects on aphid abundance and host‐plant production and negative effects on aphid predator abundance. We also hypothesized that aphid‐tending ants affect more intensely trophic levels that are more directly related to them (i.e., first aphids, then aphid predators and then host plants). We tested these hypotheses in field mesocosms experiments using the presence and absence of ants. We found that aphid‐tending ants have great positive effects on final aphid abundance. Ants also positively affected the number of seeds; however, it was not possible to measure the effect size for this trophic level. Furthermore, ants had negative effects on lacewing larvae only at first release. The effect size of ants was greater for aphids, followed by lacewing larvae, and with no effects on the number of seeds produced. Ants positively affect aphids and host‐plant production, probably by way of honeydew collection preventing the development of entomophagous/saprophytic fungi. On the other hand, ants negatively affect lacewing larvae by excluding them from the host plant. In natural systems, several ant species may attend aphids, differently affecting the organisms of the various trophic levels within the ant–aphid interaction, thereby obscuring the real effect size of ants. Assessing the effect size of aphid‐tending ants on the organisms involved in ant–aphid interactions provides more realistic information about the effects of this interaction on natural systems.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners of ecological restoration from South Africa and Western Australia recently undertook a travelling workshop across several South African biomes to discuss and evaluate the various approaches currently being utilised in the field. Key findings from the workshop highlighted the contrasting nature of ecological restoration undertaken in these two ecologically similar, but socially and politically different regions.  相似文献   

Nanomaterials (NMs) are particles with at least one dimension between 1 and 100 nm and a large surface area to volume ratio, providing them with exceptional qualities that are exploited in a variety of industrial fields. Deposition of NMs into environmental waters during or after use leads to the adsorption of an ecological (eco‐) corona, whereby a layer of natural biomolecules coats the NM changing its stability, identity and ultimately toxicity. The eco‐corona is not currently incorporated into ecotoxicity tests, although it has been shown to alter the interactions of NMs with organisms such as Daphnia magna (D. magna). Here, the literature on environmental biomolecule interactions with NMs is synthesized and a framework for understanding the eco‐corona composition and its role in modulating NMs ecotoxicity is presented, utilizing D. magna as a model. The importance of including biomolecules as part of the current international efforts to update the standard testing protocols for NMs, is highlighted. Facilitating the formation of an eco‐corona prior to NMs ecotoxicity testing will ensure that signaling pathways perturbed by the NMs are real rather than being associated with the damage arising from reactive NM surfaces “acquiring” a corona by pulling biomolecules from the organism's surface.  相似文献   

In the face of rapid environmental and cultural change, long‐term ecological research (LTER) and social‐ecological research (LTSER) are more important than ever. LTER contributes disproportionately to ecology and policy, evidenced by the greater proportion of LTER in higher impact journals and the disproportionate representation of LTER in reports informing policymaking. Historical evidence has played a significant role in restoration projects and it will continue to guide restoration into the future, but its use is often hampered by lack of information, leading to considerable uncertainties. By facilitating the storage and retrieval of historical information, LTSER will prove valuable for future restoration.  相似文献   

Calanus finmarchicus is a key‐structural species of the North Atlantic polar biome. The species plays an important trophic role in subpolar and polar ecosystems as a grazer of phytoplankton and as a prey for higher trophic levels such as the larval stages of many fish species. Here, we used a recently developed ecological niche model to assess the ecological niche (sensu Hutchinson) of C. finmarchicus and characterize its spatial distribution. This model explained about 65% of the total variance of the observed spatial distribution inferred from an independent dataset (data of the continuous plankton recorder survey). Comparisons with other types of models (structured population and ecophysiological models) revealed a clear similarity between modeled spatial distributions at the scale of the North Atlantic. Contemporary models coupled with future projections indicated a progressive reduction of the spatial habitat of the species at the southern edge and a more pronounced one in the Georges Bank, the Scotian Shelf and the North Sea and a potential increase in abundance at the northern edge of its spatial distribution, especially in the Barents Sea. These major changes will probably lead to a major alteration of the trophodynamics of North Atlantic ecosystems affecting the trophodynamics and the biological carbon pump.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities, such as grazing by domestic animals, are considered drivers of environmental changes that may influence the structure of interaction networks. The study of individual‐based networks allows testing how species‐level interaction patterns emerge from the pooled interaction modes of individuals within populations. Exponential random graph models (ERGMs) examine the global structure of networks by allowing the inclusion of specific node (i.e. interacting partners) properties as explanatory covariates. Here we assessed the structure of individual plant–frugivore interaction networks and the ecological variables that influence the mode of interactions under different land‐use (grazed versus ungrazed protected areas). We quantified the number of visits, the number of fruits removed per visit and the interaction strength of mammal frugivore species at each individual tree. Additionally we quantified ecological variables at the individual, microhabitat, neighborhood and habitat scales that generated interaction network structure under the different land uses. Individual plant–frugivore networks were significantly modular in both land uses but the number of modules was higher in the grazed areas. We found interaction networks for grazed and ungrazed lands were structured by phenotypic traits of individual trees, by the microhabitat beneath the tree canopy and were affected by habitat modifications of anthropogenic origin. The neighborhood surrounding each individual plant influenced plant–frugivore interactions only at the grazed‐land trees. We conclude that anthropogenic land uses influence the topological patterns of plant–frugivore networks and the frugivore visitation to trees through modification of both habitat complexity and the ecological traits underlying interactions between individual plants and frugivore species.  相似文献   

Sustainability of urban areas is paramount in the coming years as cities continue to grow in population and resource consumption. A number of methods to model cities have been developed, including material flow analysis and urban metabolism, but these accounting methods do not fully analyze the complex network dynamics present within cities. Ecological network analysis (ENA) provides a new perspective into these urban areas by using metrics designed for analysis of natural ecosystems. This study analyzes 29 urban–industrial ecosystems using ENA, comparing the networks to each other as well as comparing them to previously analyzed eco‐industrial parks and natural food webs. It is found that these systems perform similar to other human‐designed systems, which consistently lack in ecological performance when compared with the natural ecosystems. Additionally, the impact of specific actor types within these networks is shown indicating the importance of industry, agriculture, and the natural environment. Finally, the types of networks are determined to affect the ecological metrics, with the more linear‐based energy networks having the worst performance. This new dataset of ecologically analyzed networks provides a deeper understanding of urban networks and their infrastructure, while providing useful information on how to potentially improve their sustainability.  相似文献   

China is coal dependent, and this situation will persist for a long time. Because more and more attention has been paid to energy security, the coal‐chemical industry has become a hot topic and has developed quickly. To improve efficiency and reduce emissions, industrial symbiosis (IS) can be introduced when establishing a coal‐chemical eco‐industrial system to achieve harmonious development between nature, industry, and society. In order to learn the influence of IS on the current industrial system, a model of coal‐chemical eco‐industrial systems was built. Using scenario optimization and linear programming, the behaviors and optimal industrial structures of the system under different scenario settings were compared, and industrial ecological analysis was performed. By comparative analysis, results showed that the greatest proportional decrease in the use of coal for coking was 15% compared with actual data for 2005. The resource‐productivity and eco‐productivity were 828 yuan/ton and 2.51, which are much higher than the values of 548 yuan/ton and 1.23 in 2005. The symbiosis index and the link density were found to be 0.675 and 1.67, compared with 0.588 and 0.94 in 2005. Research results showed that the coal‐chemical eco‐industrial system achieved a high value‐added utilization of coal and an updated product profile. Such systems will constitute the main direction and the inevitable trend of China's coal utilization in the future, which will reduce the harm to the environment from increased coal use and benefit the energy industry, the economy, and society.  相似文献   

Natural capital degradation worldwide signals the growing need for larger investments in both nature conservation and ecosystem services provision and management. The role of large‐scale ecological restoration is a vital part of the work that is needed. One important way to advance the science, practice, and policy on ecological restoration is to develop and promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation among and within countries. In this article, we explore prospects for south–south cooperation for large‐scale ecological restoration. Emphasis is given to experience and expertise sharing, cofinancing, and codevelopment of new knowledge and know‐how for more effective policy and practice worldwide, especially in developing and newly industrialized countries.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic structure of species is essential for conservation. It is only with this information that managers, academics, user groups and land‐use planners can understand the spatial scale of migration and local adaptation, source‐sink dynamics and effective population size. Such information is essential for a multitude of applications including delineating management units, balancing management priorities, discovering cryptic species and implementing captive breeding programmes. Species can range from locally adapted by hundreds of metres (Pavey et al. 2010 ) to complete species panmixia (Côté et al. 2013 ). Even more remarkable is that this essential information can be obtained without fully sequenced or annotated genomes, but from mere (putatively) nonfunctional variants. First with allozymes, then microsatellites and now SNPs, this neutral genetic variation carries a wealth of information about migration and drift. For many of us, it may be somewhat difficult to remember our understanding of species conservation before the widespread usage of these useful tools. However most species on earth have yet to give us that ‘peek under the curtain’. With the current diversity on earth estimated to be nearly 9 million species (Mora et al. 2011 ), we have a long way to go for a comprehensive meta‐phylogeographic understanding. A method presented in this issue by Campbell and colleagues (Campbell et al. 2015 ) is a tool that will accelerate the pace in this area. Genotyping‐in‐thousands (GT‐seq) leverages recent advancements in sequencing technology to save many hours and dollars over previous methods to generate this important neutral genetic information.  相似文献   

The cell numbers and ecological characteristics of the distribution of certain species of butyric acid bacteria (BABs) of the genus Clostridium in the bottom sediments of inland basins of different types were studied using the optimal nutrient media. The seasonal dynamics of clostridial vegetative cells and spores in sediments with different ecological conditions were revealed. The cell numbers of the dominant BAB species were shown to depend on the redox potential of the sediments, the amount and composition of Corg, and the trophic state of the basin in general. C. pasteurianum was found to predominate in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs (5–11 × 106 cells/cm3), C. butyricum and C. felsineum predominated in mesotrophic ones (2–11 × 106 cells/cm3), and C. acetobutylicum was predominant in acidic chthonioeutrophic lakes and reservoirs (0.1–0.5 × 106 cells/cm3). The lowest cell numbers of BABs were found in river sediments, whereas the highest numbers were recorded in the sediments of polysaprobic zones (0.1–1.0 × 103 and 0.5–2.0 × 107 cells/cm3 respectively).Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 1, 2005, pp. 119–125.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dzyuban.  相似文献   

The goals of the subproject “molluscs” within the inter‐disciplinary research project “Indicator systems for the characterisation and prediction of ecological changes in floodplain systems” were: – develop further existing mollusc‐based indicator systems of site quality and to test their transferability, – characterise grassland sites within the recent floodplains of three study areas along the Elbe River, – analyse the relationships between indicator species‐/groups and abiotic parameters, – compile and use selected species traits in the analytical process. The results clearly show several characteristic species groups related to the hydrology of the sites (i.e. inundation and desiccation regime) and on to the degree of agricultural use. These dependencies can be interpreted by the simultaneous analysis of the species traits. “Models” are proposed, that are applicable to nature protection measures at the landscape scale. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In bird species that have a high movement capacity, dispersal may connect subpopulations over vast geographical regions, with important consequences for the design of conservation management strategies. Here we used a molecular approach to infer the patterns and rates of dispersal among eight Mediterranean subpopulations of the endangered Bonelli's Eagle, based on 245 individuals screened at 17 microsatellite loci. There was moderate genetic differentiation between subpopulations sampled in the western (Iberia and Morocco) and eastern (Cyprus) Mediterranean, whereas differentiation among subpopulations in the former region was weak to moderate and followed a pattern of isolation by distance. Within the western Mediterranean, the small, peripheral and ecologically unique population of southwest Portugal had the lowest genetic diversity and the highest differentiation. The remaining subpopulations formed two loose clusters, one including Morocco and southwest and eastern Spain, and the other northeast Portugal and western and central Spain. Few recent migrants were detected, and they originated primarily from adjacent subpopulations. Our findings suggest that western Mediterranean Bonelli's Eagles may have a large‐scale metapopulation structure, with subpopulations connected to some extent by distance‐dependent dispersal, probably influenced by natal philopatry and the geographical configuration of subpopulations. The combination of marked ecological and genetic divergence suggests that the peripheral subpopulation of southwest Portugal may be regarded as a distinct management unit.  相似文献   

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