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Our objective was to test the hypothesis that exposure to prolonged hypoxia results in altered responsiveness to chemoreceptor stimulation. Acclimatization to hypoxia occurs rapidly in the awake goat relative to other species. We tested the sensitivity of the central and peripheral chemoreceptors to chemical stimuli before and after 4 h of either isocapnic or poikilocapnic hypoxia (arterial PO2 40 Torr). We confirmed that arterial PCO2 decreased progressively, reaching a stable value after 4 h of hypoxic exposure (poikilocapnic group). In the isocapnic group, inspired minute ventilation increased over the same time course. Thus, acclimatization occurred in both groups. In goats, isocapnic hypoxia did not result in hyperventilation on return to normoxia, whereas poikilocapnic hypoxia did cause hyperventilation, indicating a different mechanism for acclimatization and the persistent hyperventilation on return to normoxia. Goats exposed to isocapnic hypoxia exhibited an increased slope of the CO2 response curve. Goats exposed to poikilocapnic hypoxia had no increase in slope but did exhibit a parallel leftward shift of the CO2 response curve. Neither group exhibited a significant change in response to bolus NaCN injections or dopamine infusions after prolonged hypoxia. However, both groups demonstrated a similar significant increase in the ventilatory response to subsequent acute exposure to isocapnic hypoxia. The increase in hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity, which was not dependent on the modality of hypoxic exposure (isocapnic vs. poikilocapnic), reinforces the key role of the carotid chemoreceptors in ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Ventilatory afterdischarge in the awake goat.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ventilatory afterdischarge (VAD) has been defined as a persistent gradually diminishing elevation of ventilatory activity that occurs after withdrawal of a variety of respiratory stimuli. The phenomenon has been well documented in the anesthetized cat, piglet, and lamb in response to electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerve. We sought to determine whether VAD could be demonstrated in the standing awake goat (n = 7) by use of an extracorporeal circuit to provide square-wave physiological stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptor (carotid body PO2 40 Torr). After 5 min of isolated carotid body stimulation, the mean time constants for diminishing inspired minute ventilation, tidal volume, and respiratory frequency were 27.7, 34.5, and 25.5 s, respectively. These results indicate that VAD does exist in the awake goat model. A critical factor for the demonstration of VAD is the maintenance of systemic arterial PCO2 (isocapnia) during the period of increased ventilatory activity. If arterial PCO2 is allowed to decrease even slightly during the hyperventilation, the magnitude and duration of VAD are greatly attenuated.  相似文献   

Smith, Curtis A., Craig A. Harms, Kathleen S. Henderson, andJerome A. Dempsey. Ventilatory effects of specific carotid bodyhypocapnia and hypoxia in awake dogs. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(3): 791-798, 1997.Specific carotidbody (CB) hypocapnia in the 10-Torr (less than eupneic) rangereduced ventilation in the awake and sleeping dog to the same degree asdid CB hyperoxia [CB PO2 (PCBO2);>500 Torr; C. A. Smith, K. W. Saupe, K. S. Henderson, and J. A. Dempsey. J. Appl. Physiol. 79:689-699, 1995], suggesting a powerful inhibitory effect ofhypocapnia at the carotid chemosensor over a range ofPCO2 encountered commonly inphysiological hyperpneas. The primary purpose of this study was toassess the ventilatory effect of CB hypocapnia on the ventilatoryresponse to concomitant CB hypoxia. The secondary purpose was to assess the relative gains of the CB and central chemoreceptors to hypocapnia. In eight awake female dogs the vascularly isolated CB was perfused withhypoxic blood (mild,PCBO2 50 Torr or severe, PCBO2 36 Torr) in a background of normocapnia or hypocapnia (10 Torr lessthan eupneic arterial PCO2) in theperfusate. The systemic (and brain) circulation was normoxicthroughout, and arterial PCO2 was notcontrolled (poikilocapnia). With CB hypocapnia, the peak ventilation(range 19-27 s) in response to hypoxic CB perfusion increased 48%(mild) and 77% (severe) due to increased tidal volume. When CBhypocapnia was present, these increases in ventilation were reduced to21 and 27%, respectively. With systemic hypocapnia, with the isolatedCB maintained normocapnic and hypoxic for >70 s, the steady-statepoikilocapnic ventilatory response (i.e., to systemic hypocapnia alone)decreased 15% (mild CB hypoxia) and 27% (severe CB hypoxia) from thepeak response, respectively. We conclude that carotid body hypocapniacan be a major source of inhibitory feedback to respiratory motoroutput during the hyperventilatory response to hypoxic carotid bodystimulation.


Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia were measured by indirect plethysmography in unanesthetized unrestrained adult rats injected neonatally with capsaicin (50 mg/kg) or vehicle. Such capsaicin treatment ablates a subpopulation of primary afferent fibers containing substance P and various other neuropeptides. Ventilation was measured while the rats breathed air, 12% O2 in N2, 8% O2 in N2, 5% CO2 in O2, or 8% CO2 in O2. Neonatal treatment with capsaicin caused marked alterations in both the magnitude and composition of the hypoxic but not hypercapnic ventilatory response. The increase in minute ventilation evoked by hypoxia in the vehicle-treated rats resulted entirely from an increase in respiratory frequency. In the capsaicin-treated rats the hypoxic ventilatory response was significantly reduced owing to an attenuation of the frequency response. Although both groups responded to hypoxia with a shortening in inspiratory and expiratory times, rats treated with capsaicin displayed less shortening of both respiratory phases. By contrast, hypercapnia induced a brisk ventilatory response in the capsaicin-treated group that was similar in magnitude and pattern to that observed in the vehicle-treated group. Analysis of the components of the hypercapnic ventilatory responses revealed no significant differences between the two groups. We, therefore, conclude that neuropeptide-containing C-fibers are essential for the tachypnic component of the ventilatory response to hypoxia but not hypercapnia.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate the effects of the negative pressure reflex on mechanically opposing pharyngeal muscles during wakefulness, slow-wave sleep (SWS), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. In four goats with isolated upper airways, we measured tracheal airflow and electrical activity of the thyropharyngeus (TP; constricting), the stylopharyngeus (SP; dilating), and the diaphragm (Dia). In the wakefulness state in response to negative pressure tests, TP decreased (65%), SP increased (198%), and tidal volume (VT) (66%) and rate of rise of Dia (Dia(slope), 69%) decreased (P < 0.02). Similarly, during SWS, the negative pressure response of TP (31%), VT (61%), and Dia(slope) (60%) decreased, whereas SP (113%) increased, relative to SWS control (P < 0.02). In REM sleep, the negative pressure response by TP and SP were small, whereas both VT (38%) and Dia(slope) (24%) were greatly decreased (P < 0.02) compared with REM control. Inspiratory duration remained unchanged in response to negative pressure tests in all states. These data provide evidence that mechanically opposing inspiratory and expiratory pharyngeal muscles are reciprocally controlled and their response to negative pressure are state dependent.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that carbenoxolone, a pharmacological inhibitor of gap junctions, would reduce the ventilatory response to CO(2) when focally perfused within the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN). We tested this hypothesis by measuring minute ventilation (V(E)), tidal volume (V(T)), and respiratory frequency (F(R)) responses to increasing concentrations of inspired CO(2) (Fi(CO(2)) = 0-8%) in rats during wakefulness. We confirmed that the RTN was chemosensitive by perfusing the RTN unilaterally with either acetazolamide (AZ; 10 microM) or hypercapnic artificial cerebrospinal fluid equilibrated with 50% CO(2) (pH approximately 6.5). Focal perfusion of AZ or hypercapnic aCSF increased V(E), V(T), and F(R) during exposure to room air. Carbenoxolone (300 microM) focally perfused into the RTN decreased V(E) and V(T) in animals <11 wk of age, but V(E) and V(T) were increased in animals >12 wk of age. Glyzyrrhizic acid, a congener of carbenoxolone, did not change V(E), V(T), or F(R) when focally perfused into the RTN. Carbenoxolone binds to the mineralocorticoid receptor, but spironolactone (10 microM) did not block the disinhibition of V(E) or V(T) in older animals when combined with carbenoxolone. Thus the RTN is a CO(2) chemosensory site in all ages tested, but the function of gap junctions in the chemosensory process varies substantially among animals of different ages: gap junctions amplify the ventilatory response to CO(2) in younger animals, but appear to inhibit the ventilatory response to CO(2) in older animals.  相似文献   

Respiratory long-term facilitation (LTF) declines in middle-aged vs. adult male rats. Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH; 5 min 11-12% O2/5 min air, 12 h/night, 7 nights) enhances LTF in adult rats. However, LTF in immature rats and the effect of early CIH are unevaluated. The present study compared LTF in 1- and 2-mo-old rats and examined the effect of neonatal CIH (initiated at 2 days after birth) on the LTF. Ventilatory LTF, elicited by 5 (protocol 1) or 10 (protocol 2) episodes of poikilocapnic hypoxia (5 min 12% O2/5 min air), was measured twice by plethysmography on the same male conscious rat when it was 1 and 2 mo old. In untreated (without CIH) rats, both resting ventilation (54.7 +/- 0.6 vs. 43.0 +/- 0.2 ml.100 g(-1).min(-1)) and hypoxic ventilatory response (131 +/- 4 vs. 66 +/- 3% above baseline) were greater in 1- vs. 2-mo-old rats. Protocol 1 elicited LTF in 1-mo-old (12.5 +/- 1.0% above baseline) but not 2-mo-old rats. Protocol 2 elicited a greater LTF in 1-mo-old (24.3 +/- 0.8%) vs. 2-mo-old rats (18.2 +/- 0.5%). In CIH-treated rats, protocol 1 also elicited LTF in 1-mo-old (13.1 +/- 1.5%) but not 2-mo-old rats. Protocol 2 elicited LTF in both age groups, but LTF was enhanced by the CIH only in 1-mo-old rats (28.8 +/- 0.9%). These results suggest that ventilatory LTF and hypoxic ventilatory response are greater in male rats shortly before their sexual maturity and that the neonatal CIH somewhat enhances ventilatory LTF approximately 3 wk after CIH, but this enhancement does not last to adulthood.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which alpha(2)-adrenoceptor (alpha(2)-AR) pathways affect the central motor output to upper airway muscles that regulate airflow. Electromyogram (EMG) measurements were made from posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA), cricothyroid (CT), thyroarytenoid (TA), and middle (MPC) and inferior (IPC) pharyngeal constrictor muscles in awake standing goats. Systemic administration of the alpha(2)-AR agonist clonidine induced a highly dysrhythmic pattern of ventilation in all animals that was characterized by alternating episodes of tachypnea and slow irregular breathing patterns, including prolonged and variable expiratory time intervals. Periods of apnea were commonly observed. Dysrhythmic ventilatory patterns induced by clonidine were associated with differential recruitment of upper airway muscles. alpha(2)-AR stimulation preferentially decreased the activity of the PCA, CT, and IPC muscles while increasing TA and MPC EMG activities. Clonidine-induced apneas were associated with continuous tonic activation of laryngeal (TA) and pharyngeal (MPC) adductors, leading to airway closure and arterial oxygen desaturation. Tonic activation of the TA and MPC muscles was interrupted only during the first inspiratory efforts after central apnea. Laryngeal abductor, diaphragm, and transversus abdominis EMG activities were completely silenced during apneic events. Ventilatory and EMG effects were reversed by selective alpha(2)-AR blockade with SKF-86466. The results demonstrate that alpha(2)-AR pathways are important modulators of central respiratory motor outputs to the upper airway muscles.  相似文献   

Lai, Jie, and Eugene N. Bruce. Ventilatory stability totransient CO2 disturbances inhyperoxia and normoxia in awake humans. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(2): 466-476, 1997.Modarreszadeh andBruce (J. Appl. Physiol. 76:2765-2775, 1994) proposed that continuous random disturbances inarterial PCO2 are more likely toelicit ventilatory oscillation patterns that mimic periodic breathingin normoxia than in hyperoxia. To test this hypothesis experimentally,in nine awake humans we applied pseudorandom binary inspiredCO2 fraction stimulation innormoxia and hyperoxia to derive the closed-loop and open-loopventilatory responses to a briefCO2 disturbance in terms ofimpulse responses and transfer functions. The closed-loop impulseresponse has a significantly higher peak value [0.143 ± 0.071 vs. 0.079 ± 0.034 (SD)l · min1 · 0.01 lCO21,P = 0.014] and a significantlyshorter 50% response duration (42.7 ± 13.3 vs. 72.3 ± 27.6 s,P = 0.020) in normoxia than in hyperoxia. Therefore, the ventilatory responses to transientCO2 disturbances are less damped(but generally not oscillatory) in normoxia than in hyperoxia. For theclosed-loop transfer function, the gain in normoxia increasedsignificantly (P < 0.0005), while phase delay decreased significantly (P < 0.0005). The gain increased by 108.5, 186.0, and 240.6%, whilephase delay decreased by 26.0, 18.1, and 17.3%, at 0.01, 0.03, and0.05 Hz, respectively. Changes in the same direction were found for theopen-loop system. Generally, an oscillatory ventilatory response to asmall transient CO2 disturbance isunlikely during wakefulness. However, changes in parameters that leadto additional increases in chemoreflex loop gain are more likely toinitiate oscillations in normoxia than in hyperoxia.


The effects of spontaneous swallows on breathing before, during, and after solitary swallows were investigated in 13 awake goats. Inspiratory (TI) and expiratory (TE) time and respiratory output were determined from inspiratory airflow [tidal volume (VT)] and peak diaphragmatic activity (Dia(peak)). The onset time for 1,128 swallows was determined from pharyngeal muscle electrical activity. During inspiration, the later the swallowing onset, the greater increase in TI and VT, whereas there was no significant effect on TE and Dia(peak). Swallows in early expiration increased the preceding TI and reduced TE, whereas later in expiration swallows increased TE. After expiratory swallows, TI and VT were reduced whereas minimal changes in Dia(peak) were observed. Phase response analysis revealed a within-breath, phase-dependent effect of swallowing on breathing, resulting in a resetting of the respiratory oscillator. However, the shift in timing in the breaths after a swallow was not parallel, further demonstrating a respiratory phase-dependent effect on breathing. We conclude that, in the awake state, within- and multiple-breath effects on respiratory timing and output are induced and/or required in the coordination of breathing and swallowing.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine 1) the effects of increased respiratory dead space (VD) on the ventilatory response to exercise and 2) whether changes in the ventilatory response are due to changes in chemoreceptor feedback (rest to exercise) vs. changes in the feedforward exercise stimulus. Steady-state ventilation (VI) and arterial blood gas responses to mild or moderate hyperoxic exercise in goats were compared with and without increased VD. Responses were compared using a simple mathematical model with the following assumptions: 1) steady state, 2) linear CO2 chemoreceptor feedback, 3) linear feedforward exercise stimulus proportional to CO2 production (VCO2) and characterized by an exercise gain (Gex), and 4) additive exercise stimulus and CO2 feedback producing the system gain (Gsys = delta VI/delta VCO2). Model predictions at constant Gex [assuming VD-to-tidal volume (VT) ratio independent of VCO2] are that increased VD/VT will 1) increase arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) and VI at rest and 2) increase Gsys via changes in chemoreceptor feedback due to a small increase in the PaCO2 vs. VCO2 slope. Experimental results indicate that increased VD increased VD/VT, PaCO2, and VI at rest and increased Gsys during exercise. However, measurable changes in the PaCO2 vs. VCO2 slope occurred only at high VD/VT or running speeds. Gex was estimated at each VD for each goat by using the model in conjunction with experimental measurements. With 0.2 liter VD, Gex increased 40% (P less than 0.01); with 0.6 liter VD, Gex increased 110% between 0 and 2.4 km/h and 5% grade (P less than 0.01) but not between 2.4 and 4.8 km/h. Thus, Gex is increased by VD through a limited range. In goats, increases in Gsys with increased VD result from increases in both Gex and CO2 chemoreceptor feedback. These results are consistent with other experimental treatments that increase the exercise ventilatory response, maintaining constant relative PaCO2 regulation, and suggest that a common mechanism linked to resting ventilatory drive modulates Gex.  相似文献   

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