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Methanosarcina barkeri was recently shown to contain two cytoplasmic isoenzymes of methylcobalamin: coenzyme M methyltransferase (methyltransferase 2). Isoenzyme I predominated in methanol-grown cells and isoenzyme II in acetate-grown cells. It was therefore suggested that isoenzyme I functions in methanogenesis from methanol and isoenzyme II in methanogenesis from acetate. We report here that cells of M. barkeri grown on trimethylamine, H2/CO2, or acetate contain mainly isoenzyme II. These cells were found to have in common that they can catalyze the formation of methane from trimethylamine and H2, whereas only acetate-grown cells can mediate the formation of methane from acetate. Methanol-grown cells, which contained only low concentrations of isoenzyme II, were unable to mediate the formation of methane from both trimethylamine and acetate. These and other results suggest that isoenzyme II (i) is employed for methane formation from trimethylamine rather than from acetate, (ii) is constitutively expressed rather than trimethylamine-induced, and (iii) is repressed by methanol. The constitutive expression of isoenzyme II in acetate-grown M. barkeri can explain its presence in these cells. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of isoenzyme I and isoenzyme II were analyzed and found to be only 55% similar.Abbreviations H-S-CoM coenzyme M or 2-mercaptoethane-sulfonate - CH3-S-CoM methyl-coenzyme M or 2(methylthio)-ethanesulfonate - [Co] cobalamin - CH3-[Co] methylcobalamin - H4MPT tetrahydromethanopterin - CH3-H4MPT N 5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin - MT1 methyltransferase 1 or methanol: 5-hydroxybenzimidazolyl cobamide methyltransferase - MT2 methyltransferase 2 or methylcobalamin: coenzyme M methyltransferase - Mops morpholinopropanesulfonate - 1 U = 1 mol/min  相似文献   

Abstract Washed invested vesicle preparations of Methanosarcina strain Gö1 catalyzed the formation of methyl-CoM from formaldehyde, H2 and CoM in the presence of tetrahydromethanopterin and 2-bromoethanesulfonate. The reaction was associated with the translocation of sodium ions into the lumen of the vesicles. This translocation was abolished by the Na+ ionophore ETH 157 but it was insensitive to the addition of the uncoupler SF6847 and the Na+/H+ antiport inhibitor amiloride and, therefore, is the result of a primary Na+ pump. Since the translocation of Na+ was also observed when formaldehyde + tetrahydromethanopterin was replaced by methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin, it follows that the methyl transfer from tetrahydromethanopterin to CoM is the sodium-motive reaction. Methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin could be replaced by methyl-tetrahydrofolate.  相似文献   

An assay is described that allows the direct measurement of the enzyme activity catalyzing the transfer of the methyl group from N 5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin (CH3–H4MPT) to coenzyme M (H–S–CoM) in methanogenic archaebacteria. With this method the topology, the partial purification, and the catalytic properties of the methyltransferase in methanol- and acetate-grown Methanosarcina barkeri and in H2/CO2-grown Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum were studied. The enzyme activity was found to be associated almost completely with the membrane fraction and to require detergents for solubilization. The transferase activity in methanol-grown M. barkeri was studied in detail. The membrane fraction exhibited a specific activity of CH3–S–CoM formation from CH3–H4MPT (apparent K m=50 M) and H–S–CoM (apparent K m=250 M) of approximately 0.6 mol·min-1·mg protein-1. For activity the presence of Ti(III) citrate (apparent K m=15 M) and of ATP (apparent K m=30 M) were required in catalytic amounts. Ti(III) could be substituted by reduced ferredoxin. ATP could not be substituted by AMP, CTP, GTP, S-adenosylmethionine, or by ATP analogues. The membrane fraction was methylated by CH3–H4MPT in the absence of H–S–CoM. This methylation was dependent on Ti(III) and ATP. The methylated membrane fraction catalyzed the methyltransfer from CH3–H4MPT to H–S–CoM in the absence of ATP and Ti(III). Demethylation in the presence of H–S–CoM also did not require Ti(III) or ATP. Based on these findings a mechanism for the methyltransfer reaction and for the activation of the enzyme is proposed.Abbreviations H4MPT tetrahydromethanopterin - CH3–H4MPT N 5-methyl-H4MPT - H–S–CoM 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate or coenzyme M - CH3–S–CoM 2(methylthio)ethanesulfonate or methylcoenzyme M - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - DTT dithiothreitol - MOPS morpholinopropanesulfonate - CHAPS 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane-sulfonate - 1 U = 1 mol/min  相似文献   

The conversion of formaldehyde to methylcoenzyme M in cell-free extracts of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was stimulated up to 10-fold by catalytic amounts of the heterodisulfide (CoM-S-S-HTP) of coenzyme M and 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate. The stimulation required the additional presence of ATP, also in catalytic concentrations. ATP and CoM-S-S-HTP were mutually stimulatory on the methylcoenzyme M formation and it was concluded that the compounds were both involved in the reductive activation of the methyltetrahydromethanopterin: coenzyme M methyltransferase. Micromolar concentrations of benzyl viologen or cyanocobalamin inhibited the formaldehyde conversion; these compounds, however, strongly stimulated the reduction of CoM-S-S-HTP. The results described here closely resemble observations made on the activation and reduction of CO2 to formylmethanofuran indicating that this step and the reductive activation of the methyltransferase are controlled by some common mechanism.Abbreviations HS-CoM Coenzyme M, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate - CH3S-CoM methylcoenzyme M, 2-(methylthio)ethanesulfonate - H4MPT 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin - MFR methanofuran - HS-HTP 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate - CoM-S-S-HTP the heterodisulfide of HS-CoM and HS-HTP - BES 2-bromoethanesulfonate - TES N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonate - CN-Cbl cyanocobalamin - HO-Cbl hydroxycobalamin - HBI 5-hydroxybenzimidazole - DMBI 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole  相似文献   

Methanol:coenzyme M methyltransferase from methanogenic archaea is a cobalamin-dependent enzyme composed of three different subunits: MtaA, MtaB and MtaC. MtaA is a zinc protein that catalyzes the methylation of coenzyme M (HS-CoM) with methylcob(III)alamin. We report zinc XAFS (X-ray absorption fine structure) results indicating that, in the absence of coenzyme M, zinc is probably coordinated by a single sulfur ligand and three oxygen or nitrogen ligands. In the presence of coenzyme M, one (N/O)-ligand was replaced by sulfur, most likely due to ligation of the thiol group of coenzyme M. Mutations in His237 or Cys239, which are proposed to be involved in ligating zinc, resulted in an over 90% loss in enzyme activity and in distinct changes in the zinc ligands. In the His237-->Ala and Cys239-->Ala mutants, coenzyme M also seemed to bind efficiently by ligation to zinc indicating that some aspects of the zinc ligand environment are surprisingly uncritical for coenzyme M binding.  相似文献   

A new psychrotolerant methanogenic archaeon strain ZS was isolated from anoxic lake sediments (Switzerland). The cells of the organism were non-motile cocci, 1.5-3.5 microm in diameter. The cells aggregated and formed pseudoparenchyma. The cell wall was Gram-positive. The organism utilized methanol, mono-, di-, trimethylamine and H2/CO2 with methane production. The temperature range for growth was 1-35 degrees C with an optimum at 25 degrees C. The DNA G+C content of the organism was 43.4. mol%. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that strain ZS was phylogenetically closely related to members of the genus Methanosarcina, but clearly differed from all described species of this genus (95.6-97.6% of sequence similarity). The level of DNA-DNA hybridization of strain ZS with Methanosarcina barkeri and Methanosarcina mazei was 15 and 31%, respectively. Based on the results of physiological and phylogenetic studies strain ZS can be assigned to a new species of the genus Methanasarcina. The name Methanosarcina lacustris sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is ZS (= DSM 13486T, VKM B-2268).  相似文献   

During growth on acetate, Methanosarcina barkeri expresses catabolic enzymes for other methanogenic substrates such as monomethylamine. The range of substrates used by cells grown on acetate was further explored, and it was found that cells grown on acetate also converted dimethylsulfide (DMS) and methylmercaptopropionate (MMPA) to methane. Cells or extracts of cells grown on trimethylamine or methanol did not utilize either DMS or MMPA. During growth on acetate, cultures demethylated MMPA, producing methane and mercaptopropionate. Extracts of acetate-grown cells possessed DMS- and MMPA-dependent coenzyme M (CoM) methylation activities. The activity peaks of CoM methylation with either DMS or MMPA coeluted upon gel permeation chromatography of extracts of acetate-grown cells consistent with an apparent molecular mass of 470 kDa. A 480-kDa corrinoid protein, previously demonstrated to be a CoM methylase but otherwise of unknown physiological function, was found to methylate CoM with either DMS or MMPA. MMPA was demethylated by the purified 480-kDa CoM methylase, consuming 1 mol of CoM and producing 1 mol of mercaptopropionate. DMS was demethylated by the purified protein, consuming 1 mol of CoM and producing 1 mol of methanethiol. The methylthiol:CoM methyltransferase reaction could be initiated only with the enzyme-bound corrinoid in the methylated state. CoM could demethylate, and DMS and MMPA could remethylate, the corrinoid cofactor. The monomethylamine corrinoid protein and the A isozyme of methylcobamide:CoM methyltransferase (proteins homologous to the two subunits comprising the 480-kDa CoM methylase) did not catalyze CoM methylation with methylated thiols. These results indicate that the 480-kDa corrinoid protein functions as a CoM methylase during methanogenesis from DMS or MMPA.  相似文献   

B Hippler  R K Thauer 《FEBS letters》1999,449(2-3):165-168
In methanogenic archaea the transfer of the methyl group of N5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin to coenzyme M is coupled with energy conservation. The reaction is catalyzed by a membrane associated multienzyme complex composed of eight different subunits MtrA-H. The 23 kDa subunit MtrA harbors a corrinoid prosthetic group which is methylated and demethylated in the catalytic cycle. We report here that the 34 kDa subunit MtrH catalyzes the methylation reaction. MtrH was purified and shown to exhibit methyltetrahydromethanopterin:cob(I)alamin methyltransferase activity. Sequence comparison revealed similarity of MtrH with MetH from Escherichia coli and AcsE from Clostridium thermoaceticum: both enzymes exhibit methyltetrahydrofolate:cob(I)alamin methyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

The enzyme systems involved in the methyl group transfer from methanol and from tri- and dimethylamine to 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid (coenzyme M) were resolved from cell extracts of Methanosarcina barkeri Fusaro grown on methanol and trimethylamine, respectively. Resolution was accomplished by ammonium sulfate fractionation, anion-exchange chromatography, and fast protein liquid chromatography. The methyl group transfer reactions from tri- and dimethylamine, as well as the monomethylamine:coenzyme M methyltransferase reaction, were strictly dependent on catalytic amounts of ATP and on a protein present in the 65% ammonium sulfate supernatant. The latter could be replaced by methyltransferase-activating protein isolated from methanol-grown cells of the organism. In addition, the tri- and dimethylamine:coenzyme M methyltransferase reactions required the presence of a methylcobalamin:coenzyme M methyltransferase (MT2), which is different from the analogous enzyme from methanol-grown M. barkeri. In this work, it is shown that the various methylamine:coenzyme M methyltransfer steps proceed in a fashion which is mechanistically similar to the methanol:coenzyme M methyl transfer, yet with the participation of specific corrinoid enzymes and a specific MT2 isoenzyme.  相似文献   

The gene of the new site-specific methyltransferase M.SscL1I belonging to the same modification-restriction system as the previously described by us site-specific endonuclease SscL1I has been cloned from the natural strain Staphylococcus sp. L1. A plasmid to express the methylase gene under control of the T7 phage-specific promotor has been constructed. Conditions were found to express the recombinant methylase M.SscL1I and to purify it to near homogeneity. It is shown that the methylase modifies the adenine base in the recognition site 5;-GANTC-3;.  相似文献   

Methyl-coenzyme M formation from coenzyme M and methanol in Methanosarcina barkeri is catalysed by an enzyme system composed of three polypeptides MtaA, MtaB and MtaC, the latter of which harbours a corrinoid prosthetic group. We report here that MtaC can be substituted by free cob(I)alamin which is methylated with methanol in an MtaB-catalysed reaction and demethylated with coenzyme M in an MtaA-catalysed reaction. Methyl transfer from methanol to coenzyme M was found to proceed at a relatively high specific activity at micromolar concentrations of cob(I)alamin. This finding was surprising because the methylation of cob(I)alamin catalysed by MtaB alone and the demethylation of methylcob(III)alamin catalysed by MtaA alone exhibit apparent Km for cob(I)alamin and methylcob(III)alamin of above 1 mm. A possible explanation is that MtaA positively affects the MtaB catalytic efficiency and vice versa by decreasing the apparent Km for their corrinoid substrates. Activation of MtaA by MtaB was methanol-dependent. In the assay for methanol:coenzyme M methyltransferase activity cob(I)alamin could be substituted by cob(I)inamide which is devoid of the nucleotide loop. Substitution was, however, only possible when the assays were supplemented with imidazole: approximately 1 mm imidazole being required for half-maximal activity. Methylation of cob(I)inamide with methanol was found to be dependent on imidazole but not on the demethylation of methylcob(III)inamide with coenzyme M. The demethylation reaction was even inhibited by imidazole. The structure and catalytic mechanism of the MtaABC complex are compared with the cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase.  相似文献   

采用bacitracin-Sepharose 4B亲和层析的方法得到凝胶电泳均一的来自极端嗜盐古生菌(Natrinema sp.)R6-5的胞外嗜盐蛋白酶。经SDS-PAGE分析该酶亚基分子量为62kDa。PMSF对它的活性完全抑制,表明它是一种丝氨酸蛋白酶,该酶反应的最适NaCl浓度为3mol/L,最适温度为45℃,最适pH值为8.0。在高盐条件下能维持高活性并十分稳定,具有重要的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

The N5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin:coenzyme M methyltransferase is a membrane-bound cobalamin-containing protein of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 that couples the methylation of coenzyme M by methyltetra-hydrosarcinopterin to the translocation of Na+ across the cell membrane (B. Becher, V. Müller, and G. Gottschalk, J. Bacteriol. 174:7656-7660, 1992). We have partially purified this enzyme and shown that, in addition to the cobamide, at least one iron-sulfur cluster is essential for the transmethylation reaction. The membrane fraction or the partly purified protein contains a "base-on" cobamide with a standard reduction potential (Eo') for the Co2+/1+ couple of -426 mV. The iron-sulfur cluster appears to be a [4Fe-4S]2+/1+ type with an Eo' value of -215 mV. We have determined the methyltransferase activity at various controlled redox potentials and demonstrated that the enzyme activity is activated by a one-electron reduction with half-maximum activity occurring at -235 mV in the presence of ATP and -450 mV in its absence. No activation was observed when ATP was replaced by other nucleoside triphosphates or nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs.  相似文献   

Benzoate:CoA ligase (BZL) was partially purified from flowers of the annual California plant Clarkia breweri. BZL catalyzes the formation of benzoyl-CoA and anthraniloyl-CoA, important intermediates for subsequent acyltransferase reactions in plant secondary metabolism. The native enzyme is active as a monomer with a molecular mass of approximately 59-64.5 kDa, and it has K(m) values of 45, 95, and 130 microM for benzoic acid, ATP, and CoA, respectively. BZL is most active in the pH range of 7.2-8.4, and its activity is strictly dependent on certain bivalent cations. BZL is an AMP-forming enzyme. Overall, its properties suggest that it is related to the family of CoA ligase enzymes that includes the plant enzyme 4-hydroxycinnamate:CoA ligase.  相似文献   

The terrestrial diatom Microcostatus schoemanii sp. nov. is described from dry soils of the Faan Meintjies Nature Reserve (North‐West Province, South Africa). Microcostatus cholnokyi sp. nov. and Microcostatus angloensis sp. nov. are described from sandy soils at a colliery near the town of Kriel (Mpumalanga Province, South Africa). The morphology of these taxa is examined using both light and scanning electron microscopy and new taxa are compared with similar species. In M. schoemanii the density of the striae combined with the valve outline and the distance between the central raphe endings are the main distinguishing morphological features. M. cholnokyi is differentiated by the presence of a conopeum and the distinct structure of the microcostae. M. angloensis is similar to M. schoemanii but differentiated by the shape of the cell and the apices, the angle of striation and the distance in between the proximal raphe endings.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Legionella pneumophila, the etiologic agent of Legionnaires disease, is able to invade and multiply intracellularly in human macrophages. This process is controlled by several bacterial virulence factors. As recently demonstrated, one of these virulence factors, the macrophage infectivity potentiator (Mip) protein, is important for invasion and proper intracellular establishment of L. pneumophila in macrophages and protozoa. Knockout mutants devoid of a functional mip-gene enter host cells much less effectively but intracellular replication is not affected. Using a P(mip)-green fluorescent protein reporter construct in L. pneumophila substrain Corby, P(mip) was recently shown to be constitutively active in replicating bacteria. A stringent regulation during the infection process could not be observed, neither in intracellular nor in BYE broth-grown bacteria. For enhanced temporal and quantitative resolution, we examined the activity of mip on RNA level in order to detect short transient regulatory events. Our results show that P(mip) of L. pneumophila is temporarily repressed directly after invasion of the monocytic human cell line MonoMac 6 and regains activity after 24 h of intracellular replication.  相似文献   

Archaeoglobus fulgidus and Methanopyrus kandleri are both extremely thermophilic Archaea with a growth temperature optimum at 83°C and 98°C, respectively. Both Archaea contain an active N 5,N 10-methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase. The enzyme from M. kandleri has recently been characterized. We describe here the purification and properties of the enzyme from A. fulgidus.The cyclohydrolase from A. fulgidus was purified 180-fold to apparent homogeneity and its properties were compared with those recently published for the cyclohydrolase from M. kandleri. The two cytoplasmic enzymes were found to have very similar molecular and catalytic properties. They differed, however, significantly with respect of the effect of K2HPO4 and of other salts on the activity and the stability. The cyclohydrolase from A. fulgidus required relatively high concentrations of K2HPO4 (1 M) for optimal thermostability at 90°C but did not require salts for activity. Vice versa, the enzyme from M. kandleri was dependent on high K2HPO4 concentrations (1.5 M) for optimal activity but not for thermostability. Thus the activity and structural stability of the two thermophilic enzymes depend in a completely different way on the concentration of inorganic salts. The molecular basis for these differences are discussed.Abbreviations H4MPT tetrahydromethanopterin - MFR methanofuran - CH3–H4MPT N 5-methyl-H4MPT - CH2=H4MPT N 5,N 10-methylene-H4MPT - CH2H4MPT N 5,N 10-methenyl-H4MPT - CHO–H4MPT N 5 formyl-H4MPT - CHO-MFR formyl-MFR - cyclohydrolase N 5,N 10-methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino) propane sulfonic acid - TRICINE N-tris (hydroxymethyl) methyl glycine - 1 U=1 mol/min  相似文献   

A green fluorescent protein from the coral Dendronephthya sp. (Dend FP) is characterized by an irreversible light-dependent conversion to a red-emitting form. The molecular basis of this phenomenon was studied in the present work. Upon UV-irradiation at 366 nm, the absorption maximum of the protein shifted from 494 nm (the green form) to 557 nm (the red form). Concurrently, in the fluorescence spectra the emission maximum shifted from 508 to 575 nm. The green form of native Dend FP was shown to be a dimer, and the oligomerization state of the protein did not change during its conversion to the red form. By contrast, UV-irradiation caused significant intramolecular changes. Unlike the green form, which migrates in SDS-polyacrylamide gels as a single band corresponding to a full-length 28-kD protein, the red form of Dend FP migrated as two fragments of 18- and 10-kD. To determine the chemical basis of these events, the denatured red form of Dend FP was subjected to proteolysis with trypsin. From the resulting hydrolyzate, a chromophore-containing peptide was isolated by HPLC. The structure of the chromophore from the Dend FP red form was established by methods of ESI, tandem mass spectrometry (ESI/MS/MS), and NMR-spectroscopy. The findings suggest that the light-dependent conversion of Dend FP is caused by generation of an additional double bond in the side chain of His65 and a resulting extension of the conjugated system of the green form chromophore. Thus, classified by the chromophore structure, Dend FP should be referred to the Kaede subfamily of GFP-like proteins.  相似文献   

The fourth DNA-methyltransferase of the BstF5I restriction-modification (RM) system from Bacillus stearothermophilus F5 (M.BstF5I-4) was discovered, which modifies the adenine residue within the upper strand of the recognition site 5'-GGATG-3'/5'-CATCC-3'. Thus, unlike other known RM systems, the BstF5I RM system comprises four genes encoding DNA-methyltransferases, three of which possess the same substrate specificity and methylate adenine within the 5'-GGATG sequence. The English version of the paper.  相似文献   

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