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Transfer of fresh pollen either by wind or by insects is strongly related to the degree of its stickiness. The sticky substances involved should be understood as pollenkitt. Ultrastructural investigations indicate that the sticky pollen of entomophilous angiosperms (in this publicationHamamelis vernalis andH. virginiana, Corylopsis platypetala) results from the deposition of usually electron-dense, homogeneous pollenkitt mainly on the outside layer of the exine. In contrast, the pollen of anemophilous angiosperms (in this publicationParrotia persica, Platanus orientalis, Thalictrum flavum andQuercus robur), but also of some entomophilous angiosperms with special pollination ecology (e.g.Aquilegia vulgaris) is rather dry and powdery. In these cases the pollenkitt often is electron-transparent and inhomogeneous and is mainly removed into the cavities of the exine. Ultrastructure and deposition of pollen and pollenkitt in ambophilous angiosperms (in this publicationThalictrum minus, Castanea sativa) are ± intermediate.

Some closely related members of the monocotyledonous familiesAlismataceae, Liliaceae, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae andAraceae with variable modes of pollination (insect- and wind-pollination) were studied in relation to the ultrastructure of pollenkitt and exine (amount, consistency and distribution of pollenkitt on the surface of pollen grains). The character syndromes of pollen cementing in entomophilous, anemophilous and intermediate (ambophilous or amphiphilous) monocotyledons are the same in principal as in dicotyledons. Comparing present with former results one can summarize: 1) The pollenkitt is always produced in the same manner by the anther tapetum in all angiosperm sub-classes. 2) The variable stickiness of entomophilous and anemophilous pollen always depends on the particular distribution and consistency of the pollenkitt, but not its amount on the pollen surface. 3) The mostly dry and powdery pollen of anemophilous plants always contains a variable amount of inactive pollenkitt in its exine cavities. 4) A step-by step change of the pollen cementing syndrome can be observed from entomophily towards anemophily. 5) From the omnipresence of pollenkitt in all wind-pollinated angiosperms studied one can conclude that the ancestors of anemophilous angiosperms probably have been zoophilous (i.e. entomophilous) throughout.

Several insect- and wind-pollinated species of the genusAcer have been investigated and compared in regard to pollen stickiness. The considerable amount of very inhomogeneous pollenkitt inA. negundo remains on the loculus wall or is deposited inside the exine cavities; thus the pollen is powdery. The small amount of non-homogeneous, granular pollenkitt inA. campestre mostly disappears into the exine cavities; only small droplets appear on the tectum surface; the pollen stickiness therefore is only moderate. On the other hand,A. pseudoplatanus andA. opalus produce an average amount of granular pollenkitt, which is deposited partially inside the exine and partially as a slender film on the tectum surface; in both the pollen is sticky.A. platanoides contains a great deal of granular and homogeneous pollenkitt; it does not only fill up the exine cavities but also extends as a thick, ± homogeneous, non-granular layer of pollenkitt over the tectum surface; therefore, the pollen is very sticky.—The characteristics of pollen agglutination together with other aspects of floral biology illustrate the wide spectrum between unequivocal entomophily and anemophily within the genusAcer: WhileA. negundo is anemophilous andA. platanoides is entomophilous, the remaining species investigated have a pollination syndrome with entomophilous and anemophilous features and are thus amphiphilous. The evolution withinAcer is tending not only towards dioecy, but also towards anemophily.
Herrn Prof. Dr.L. Geitler zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

The anther tapetum of the gymnospermGnetum gnemon produces no lipid osmiophilous droplets as pollenkitt forerunners. Thus—in contrast to entomophilous and anemophilous angiosperms—no pollenkitt is produced at all. From lack of pollenkitt in other gymnosperms, it appears to be restricted to angiosperms. This can be considered as new and additional proof for the hypothesis that the angiosperms are one coherent phylogenetic group, and that the development of pollenkitt in their ancestors was one of the main prerequisites for the adaptive switch to entomophily.  相似文献   

The attachment of pollen grains among themselves, on the loculus wall, and on flower-visiting insects is quite different in entomophilous angiosperms using pollenkitt and those using viscin threads as pollen adhesives. The sticky and viscous pollenkitt makes the pollen grains adhere, while the thin, non-elastic, non-sticky, and flexible viscin fibers fasten them like ropes on insect hairs or bristles. Nectar vomited by honey-bees, sticky stigma secretions or other additional sticky substances further improve the pollen adherence to flower-visiting insects.
Herrn Univ.-Prof. Dr.Walter Leinfellner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Development, fine structure and distribution of pollenkitt is investigated inEuphorbia cyparissias, E. palustris, andMercurialis perennis. The predominantly anemophilousM. perennis produces a great amount of strictly homogeneous pollenkitt, which is deposited in the exine caves. In contrast to this and to all other angiosperms so far investigated, bothEuphorbia species produce large quantities of an extremely inhomogeneous and particular pollenkitt. Its ultrastructure is quite different, both during its development and after its deposition on the exine surface: Lipid particles with different electron density and size are wrapped in a strictly homogeneous electron transparent matrix. This can be considered as new and additional proof for the secondary entomophily ofEuphorbia.

Different members of the Angiosperm familiesOleaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Plantaginaceae andAsteraceae with variable modes of pollination were studied in relation to ultrastructure of pollenkitt and exine. In entomophilous representatives the mostly electron-dense and homogeneous pollenkitt is located on the outside layer of the exine, making the pollen sticky. In related anemophilous taxa the pollenkitt mostly is electrontransparent and inhomogeneous; it becomes inactive by remaining in the loculus or sinking to the bottom of the exine caves; this makes the pollen powdery. According to such criteria,Fraxinus ornus andRhinanthus serotinus are entomophilous, whileFraxinus excelsior is anemophilous. The pollen ofLathraea squamaria eventually becomes powdery and suited for wind dispersal. The broad transition field between entomo- and anemophily is demonstrated byPlantago andArtemisia. Plantago lanceolata is anemophilous, whilePl. serpentina andPl. media are amphiphilous.Artemisia nitida andA. mutellina are entomophilous,A. absinthium, A. pedemontana andA. gabriellae are amphiphilous, but tend towards entomo- (A. absinthium) or anemophily (A. gabriellae), whileA. chamaemelifolia and especiallyA. vulgaris are anemophilous.

The reproductive system ofProsopis chilensis, P. pugionata, P. flexuosa, andP. torquata is described. Observations were made of floral morphology, stigmatic receptivity, pollen grain viability, and the nature of pollen reserves. Scanning electrone microscopy and statistical analysis were carried out. The results allow us to conclude that: 1) The studied species have three distinct floral morphs characterized by significantly different style lengths and, to a lesser extent, different stamen lengths; 2) style precocity found in all species does not indicate protogyny; 3) flowers with shortest styles are not receptive; 4) the pollen grains of all floral morphs showed high viability; 5) peroxidase is present in both the pollen and pistil; 6) viable pollen grains invariably have both starch and pollenkitt; 7) the studied species are andromonoecious.  相似文献   

Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot) is a predatory mite widespread in the Mediterranean region considered to be important for the biological control of spider mites in citrus orchards. Development, survival and reproduction of this phytoseiid mite feeding on seven commercially obtained pollen were studied under constant laboratory conditions (20 ± 1°C, RH 65 ± 5%, photoperiod 16L: 8D h). Mites were kept individually at rearing units with ample quantity of almond (Prunus amygdalus Batch), apple (Malus domestica Borkh), apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), cherry (Prunus avium L.), pear (Pyrus communis L.), plum (Prunus domestica L.) and walnut (Juglans regia L.) pollen as food source. Developmental time from egg to adult varied between the several pollen tested from 8.38 ± 0.08 to 9.58 ± 0.11 days for females and from 8.23 ± 0.12 and 9.07 ± 0.12 days for males. Female longevity varied from 11.53 ± 1.22 to 51.38 ± 2.45 days, while fecundity ranged from 22.84 ± 2.30 to 43.61 ± 3.78 eggs/female. The predator was unable to reproduce when feeding on walnut pollen. Data were submitted to life table analysis and values of the intrinsic rate of increase were derived, ranging from 0.079 to 0.146 (day−1). The cumulative Weibull function that was used to describe the age specific survival of females produced excellent fits to the survival data. Results show that almond, plum, cherry and apricot pollen possess higher nutritional value for E. stipulatus than pear and apple pollen and thus may contribute in sustaining and increasing the predator population in field conditions. Walnut pollen can be utilized by the predator only to survive during short periods of time when principal or alternative food sources are scarce.  相似文献   

J. C. Audran 《Planta》1981,152(3):282-284
Mature pollen grains of Trachymene pilosa (Umbelliferae) were treated at 40° C in 2% aqueous osmium for one to six days. Exine observed by (TEM) were progressively destroyed. After six days, they were reduced to a three-dimensional structure composed only of pollenkitt.  相似文献   

All genera ofAnnonaceae endemic in Australia (Ancana, Fitzalania, Haplostichanthus) show almost exactly the same type of disulcate (disulculate) pollen with intact exine extending over the sulci. Tetrad stages inHaplostichanthus andAncana reveal a latudinal subequatiorial orientation of the two sulci at the proximal hemisphere. Sometimes they fuse into a ±zonosulcate aperture.Fissistigma pollen grains are ±globose and have a flattened pole with a central elevation and a concentric groove, covered by a somewhat reduced exine. This palynological characters give further support for separating the generaAncana andFissistigma. Germination was observed inHaplostichanthus where the pollen tube emerges at one of the two sulci and inFissistigma where the flattened part breaks up during germination. The aperture types described here are obviously transitional stages between aperturate and inaperturate pollen grains and are discussed in regard to pollen evolution.  相似文献   

The pollen grains ofLauraceae andHernandiaceae are characteristic in having a tubular exine of ± microfibrillar structure. This is coated with a layer of medium electron-dense globules and very peculiar spines, made up of a substance differing from that of the exine. Such a pollen wall structure is otherwise unknown in seed plants and thus adds to the list of odd features erratically present in various taxa of the Ranalean complex.  相似文献   

Viscin threads and other pollen connecting threads of some angiosperm families were investigated, especially those ofEricaceae. According to the definition adopted, viscin threads are ± long exinous processes which consist of exinous material and connect pollen grains or tetrads. Such viscin threads are found within theOnagraceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Ericaceae, andMimosaceae only. While they differ in structure and composition, they always consist of sporopollenin and exhibit a very strong stickiness, even after all viscid substances have been removed by acetolysis. In contrast, the pollen connecting scleroprotein threads ofOrchidaceae and the cellular threads ofStrelitzia reginae Aiton. (Musaceae) are not connected with the exine surface, are destroyed by acetolysis, and thus do not correspond to viscin threads.

Schrankia nuttalii flowers through late spring on the tallgrass prairie. Although each stem produces an average of 26 capitate inflorescences only 12% of those inflorescences will open each day to disperse and receive polyads. Each inflorescence may live up to 48 hours but anthers abscise by late afternoon on the first day and the filaments change color and lose their scent. The 78–93 florets comprising each inflorescence open synchronously before dawn or during early morning hours. First day inflorescences ofS. nuttallii are herkogamous and fragrant. They are nectarless. Bombyliid flies and male bees are infrequent floral foragers so the major pollinators include female bees representing five families;Anthophoridae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, andMegachilidae. All foraging insects ignore second day inflorescences although stigmas are still receptive. Although 97% of all bees collected onS. nuttallii carrySchrankia polyads in their scopae or corbiculae 59% also carry the pollen/pollinaria of one or more coblooming angiosperms. At least 98% of all bees carrying mixed pollen loads incorporate the pollen/pollinaria of one or more nectariferous taxa (e.g.Asclepias spp.,Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Delphinium spec., etc.). Species of halictid bees are more likely to carry pure loads ofS. nuttallii polyads (70%) than bees of the four remaining families. Due to the nectarless florets and high degree of polylectic foraging bee-pollination inS. nuttallii converges more closely with the pollination systems of some AustralianAcacia spp. than with most other xeric/tropical genera of mimosoids studied in the western hemisphere.  相似文献   

The flowers of Mammea (Clusiaceae) have been reported to be androdioecious, a rare condition in the angiosperms. Pollen from eight taxa from most of the geographic range of the genus was examined to clarify the type of flowers, and thus the breeding system, of the genus. In six of these taxa pollen from both morphologically perfect and male flowers was examined, while in the other two, only pollen from the perfect flowers was used. In all cases pollen from perfect flowers was inaperturate, while that from the staminate flowers was aperturate. Since the inaperturate pollen probably cannot germinate, it is concluded that the perfect flowers are functionally female. Therefore, Mammea has a cryptic dioecious breeding system.The author would like to thank Peter Endress, Michael Hesse, Toby Kellogg, P. Mick Richardson, and Peter F. Stevens for editorial comments and advice. Andrew Doust, Sara Fuentes and Ken Hiser helped on the SEM. Much thanks goes to Peter F. Stevens for his helpful support throughout this project.  相似文献   

The pollenkitt ofTilia platyphyllos andT. tomentosa is produced during the tetrade-stage by the tapetum plastides. After tapetum degeneration pollenkitt and accompanying substances are deposited predominantly in the intrabacular spaces of the exine, and only in small quantities on the surface of the exine itself.

The peacock moraeas are South African geophytes withIris-like flowers that are characterized by broad outer tepals with iridescent spots. Three of the seven species were studied and found to be exclusively visited and pollinated by beetles. The primary pollinators were hopliine (Scarabaeidae) beetles in the generaPeritrichia, Monochelus, Anisonyx andAnisochelus. These beetles visit flowers for nectar, pollen and mating.Peritrichia rufotibialis was the primary pollinator ofMoraea villosa, P. abdominalis was the primary pollinator ofM. tulbaghensis, whileMonochelus sp. nov. was the primary pollinator of the third species,M. neopavonia. High levels of fruit set attest to the effectiveness of these beetles as pollinators. Average fruit set ranged from 83.5 ± 34.8% (M. villosa) to 97.2 ± 11.6% (M. tulbaghensis). Average seed set in the various populations was more variable, but was also quite high, ranging from 77.3 ± 40.8 (M. villosa) to 342.2 ± 115.0 (M. neopavonia) seeds per capsule. Although hopliine beetles are abundant and diverse in southern Africa and commonly visit flowers, this is the first well-documented report of pollination by these beetles.  相似文献   

In direct contrast to mostHibbertia spp., the flowers ofH. fasciculata R. Br. ex D. C. bear only a single whorl of stamens and these stamens are arranged separately (not in typical bundles). The short filaments are appressed to the three carpels so that the inflated, porose and introrsive anthers form a centralized cluster obscuring the three ovaries. The three slender styles emerge at right angles from between the filaments. These styles curve upward and the stigmas form the three points of a triangle; each stigma is approximately one millimeter outside the centralized cluster of anthers. The flowers are nectarless and bear a bright yellow corolla. A pungent and unpleasant fragrance appears to be concentrated within the pollenkitt. When native bees attempt to forage for the pollen, within the cluster of anthers, the ventrally deposited loads of pollen, on the bees' abdomens, contact the outer triangle of stigmas. The major pollinators ofH. fasciculata are female bees in the polylectic genera,Lasioglossum (subgenusChilalictus, Halictidae) andLeioproctus (Colletidae). These bees carry an average of more than two pollen taxa when they are caught foraging onH. fasciculata. 78% of the 47 bees, captured onH. fasciculata carried the pollen from at least one sympatric taxon bearing nectariferous flowers (e.g., genera in theMyrtaceae, Compositae, andEpacridaceae). The pollination biology ofH. fasciculata is assessed in relation to the known radiation of bee-pollinated flowers in the genusHibbertia, and within theDilleniaceae s. l.  相似文献   

The tapetal development ofCichorium intybus L. is investigated using LM and TEM and discussed in relation to the development in other species. During the second meiotic division the tapetal cells become binucleate and lose their cell walls. They intrude the loculus at the time of microspore release from the meiotic callose walls, which means that a locular cavity is never present in this species. During pollen development they tightly junct the exine, especially near the tips of the spines. During the two-celled pollen grain stage they degenerate and most of their content turns into pollenkitt. Until anther dehiscence they keep their individuality, which means that these intruding tapetal cells never fuse to form a periplasmodium. The ultrastructural cytoplasmatic changes during this development are discussed in relation to possible functions.  相似文献   

Studies on the reproduction, longevity and life table parameters of Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) were carried out under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 1 °C, 75 ± 5% RH and 16L:8D h. As food sources for the predatory mite, Ricinus communis L. pollen, all stages of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) larvae, and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs were selected. All diets were accepted as food by the adult mites. Female longevity ranged from 29.5 to 42.4 days, the highest value was recorded on a diet of Ephestia eggs. The highest percentage of females escaping the experimental arena was observed on the diet consisting of thrips larvae. The highest oviposition rate (1.9 eggs/female.day) was recorded when the predator was fed on spider mites on an artificial substrate. For other diets, oviposition rates ranged from 1.0 to 1.3 eggs/female.day. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) of I. degenerans varied between 0.015 and 0.142 females/female.day. The diet consisting of castor bean pollen resulted in the highest population growth whereas the diet on spider mites brushed off onto a bean leaf arena resulted in the slowest population growth. This can be explained by the inability of the predator to cope with the webbing of T. urticae, and the high escape rate of the progeny when reared on spider mites. The percentage of females in the offspring ranged from 40 to 73%.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

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