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In this paper, two methods for assessing the degree of melanization of pupal exuviae from the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis, Fabricius 1775 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiini) are compared. In the first method, which was qualitative, the exuviae were classified by scoring the degree of melanization, whereas in the second method, which was quantitative, the exuviae were classified by optical density followed by analysis with appropriate software. The heritability (h(2)) of the degree of melanization was estimated by regression and analysis of variance. The estimates of h (2) were similar with both methods, indicating that the qualitative method could be particularly suitable for field work. The low estimates obtained for heritability may have resulted from the small sample size (n = 7-18 broods, including the parents) or from the allocation-priority hypothesis in which pupal color would be a lower priority trait compared to morphological traits and adequate larval development.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression has been reported in various groups of organisms, including insects. Estimates of inbreeding consequences were obtained by comparing 12 life‐history and morphological traits among nine inbred families (F = 0.25) and 16 outbred families (F = 0) of the Neotropical butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis. A Student's t‐test showed statistically significant differences for pupal weight and right forewing area, both in males and in females, between inbred and outbred families. Survival during development, from egg hatching to adulthood, also differed significantly between inbred and outbred families. The average number of haploid lethal equivalents was 0.17 for pupal weight, 0.15 for forewing area and 0.71 for survival from hatching to adulthood. The results of this study confirm that the consequences of inbreeding are more deleterious to life history traits than to morphological ones.  相似文献   

Of the 15 species of passion vines recorded for the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, nine are used by Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius, 1775). The larvae of this species feed preferentially on Passiflora misera H.B.K., which confers greater performance despite presenting smaller amounts of nutrients than other host plants. Thus, the performance associated with the consumption of a passion vine is possibly related not only to its nutritional content but also to the morphological and behavioral mechanisms involved in the feeding. In this study, the difficulties in accessing food imposed by the hosts (P. misera, Passiflora suberosa L., Passiflora caerulea L., Passiflora edulis Sims, and Passiflora alata Dryand.) were evaluated. Focal observations were performed every 2 min during 6-h sessions (sequential sampling), and the relative time spent for different behaviors (resting, feeding, walking, tasting, and vein cutting) was quantified on both young and old leaves. Larvae devoted more time feeding on P. misera in most cases. Larvae observed on P. alata devoted more to time resting and less time feeding, performing one or two meals of small duration, every 6 h. First instar caterpillars on old leaves of P. suberosa and P. caerulea spent more time walking, searching for a favorable feeding site. The hardness of leaves may be a limiting factor for the initial instars in this heliconian.  相似文献   

The colour patterns of Heliconius butterflies are composed from a relatively simple set of pattern elements whose homologues are recognizable throughout the genus. Although Heliconius colour patterns look quite different from those of most nymphalids, these pattern elements are seen to derive from the generalized nymphalid groundplan. The differences arise primarily from the loss or positional shift of certain pattern elements, a high degree of fusion between individual pattern elements, and, in the forewing, asymmetries of the pattern elements relative to the wing-cell midline. The scheme of homologies we present is consistent with what is currently known about the comparative morphology and developmental physiology of colour pattern formation in Lepidoptera, and provides a framework for the interpretation of developmental, evolutionary and genetic studies in Heliconius.  相似文献   

Heliconius charithonia is a widespread species which, unlike many Heliconius, is non-mimetic and shows little racial differentiation. Only one form, 'peruvianus', which occurs in the dry forest habitats of western Ecuador and Peru, has a distinct and clearly mimetic colour pattern. Here it was shown that H. peruvianus was distinct from H. charithonia bassleri at allozyme loci (D = 0.25 over 22 loci). This differentiation was ten times greater than that between H. charithonia sampled from Ecuador and the Caribbean (D = 0.027) and was consistent with analysis of mitochondrial sequence data (3.4-4% sequence divergence between H. peruvianus and H. charithonia). One individual with a H. peruvianus colour pattern and allozyme genotype was collected in an area where H. charithonia was known to be common, demonstrating that contact between the taxa occurs in western Ecuador. Furthermore, the allozyme genotype of another individual was heterozygous for four of five diagnostic loci and was most likely an F1 hybrid between H. charithonia and H. peruvianus. These data imply that H. charithonia and H. peruvianus are distinct species which hybridize occasionally. This species pair show many similarities with H. erato and H. himera, which are similarly differentiated genetically and also show ecological and colour pattern differences. These species fulfil some of the predictions of both allopatric refugium and parapatric adaptationist models of speciation in the neotropics, suggesting that elements of both hypotheses may be true.  相似文献   

We describe the morphology of alar androconia and the female abdominal scent gland of Heliconius erato phyllis, Heliconius ethilla narcaea, and Heliconius besckei. Androconial scales of Heliconius, which are arranged in overlapping wing bands, release pheromones during courtship, probably through vibratory movements of male wings over the female to induce her to mate. An antiaphrodisiac is produced by glands located in the valves of the male and is transferred during copulation to the yellow dorsal abdominal sac present in the virgin female, causing this sac to emit a scent that reduces the attractiveness of the female for courtship with other males. Stereomicroscopy, SEM, and TEM analyses were conducted to describe the morphology of the internal and external scales and the external abdominal scent sac. The findings revealed different sizes of external androconial scales and an internal group of porous structural vesicles that are probably related to the preservation of internal space, reception and storage of secretions, and elimination of volatiles when the male is actively involved in courtship. Translucent projections on the female abdominal scent sac create open reservoirs for the reception, storage, and emission of antiaphrodisiac volatiles along with stink clubs. Male valve denticles vary in form and probably attach securely to the female sac during mating, thus ensuring secretion transfer. These features are discussed in the context of a comparative analysis.  相似文献   

This study reports on the embryogenesis of Heliconius erato phyllis between blastoderm formation and the prehatching larval stage. Syncytial blastoderm formation occurred approximately 2 h after egg laying (AEL) and at about 4 h, the cellular blastoderm was formed. The germ band arose from the entire length of the blastoderm, and rapidly became compacted occupying approximately two‐thirds of the egg length. At about 7 h AEL, protocephalon and protocorm differentiation occurred. Continued proliferation of the germ band was followed by penetration into the yolk mass, forming a C‐shaped embryo at about 10 h. Approximately 12 h AEL, the gnathal, thoracic and abdominal segments became visible. The primordium of the mouthparts and thoracic legs formed as paired evaginations, while the prolegs formed as paired lobes. At about 30 h, the embryo reversed dorsoventrally. Approximately 32 h AEL, the protocephalon and gnathal segments fused, shifting the relative position of the rudimentary appendages in this region. At about 52 h, the embryo was U‐shaped in lateral view and at approximately 56 h, the bristles began evagination from the larval cuticle. Larvae hatched at about 72 h. We found that H. erato phyllis followed an embryonic pattern consistent with long‐germ embryogenesis. Thus, we believe that H. erato phyllis should be classified as a long‐germ lepidopteran. The study of H. erato phyllis embryogenesis provided a structural glimpse into the morphogenetic events that occur in the Heliconius egg period. This study could help future molecular approaches to understanding the evolution of Heliconius development.  相似文献   

The present study examines the influence of nitrogen on growth rates, morphological and nutritional characteristics of Passiflora suberosa L., and the corresponding consequences for Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius) growth and oviposition. The treatments consisted of different nitrogen doses (0, 150 and 300 mg L(-1)) applied to the soil. Newly emerged larvae were individually reared in the laboratory (25+/-1 degree C) on branches of P. suberosa obtained from plants grown under the three nitrogen levels, and field collected females were submitted to oviposition choice tests. P. suberosa growth rates, leaf area and internode length increased significantly when grown with nitrogen enriched soil. P. suberosa presented significantly greater leaf toughness when grown without nitrogen addition. Leaves of this species also presented lower water content and toughness. Nitrogen addition increased the concentration of nitrogen and potassium on plant leaf tissues. The greater nitrogen concentration on plants did not affect H. erato phyllis larval survival, but led to a reduction in larval development time and increased adult size. Females significantly preferred to lay eggs in plants cultivated in nitrogen enriched soil. This choice was positively correlated with larval performance, which could be a possible explanation for the maintenance of that behaviour, as well as the choice of larger branches as reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

James Mallet 《Oecologia》1986,68(2):210-217
Summary Heliconius butterflies have been found to have low rates of dispersal in previous mark-recapture studies, and this lack of movement is due home-range behavior. An experiment on Heliconius erato was designed to investigate movement from the site of pupal eclosion. It was found that most of the movement occurs before the first capture of an individual in a mark-recapture study. After incorporating this early movement, the dispersal parameter, , is estimated to be at least 296 m (±30 m jackknifed standard error), and the neighborhood population size, N, is about 50–150 individuals. These estimates of and N are more than 2 and 5 times larger, respectively, than estimates based on standard mark-recapture data, though they are small compared with estimates from other butterfly species. Severe limitations of using dispersal experiments to estimate gene flow and neighborhood size are discussed. Genetic data from color pattern loci in hybrid zones and from electrophoresis suggest that, if anything, the estimates of and N that I have obtained are still too low. Genetic and dispersal data together show that kin selection is an unlikely mechanism for the evolution of warning color and other supposed altruisms in Heliconius, unless occasional genetic drift is also involved.  相似文献   

Abstract Adult body size, a key life history component, varies strongly within and between Heliconius erato phyllis (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) populations. In the present study, we determined whether seasonal variation in adult body size is temperature related and/or determined by seasonal changes of host plants (Passifloraceae) used by the larval stage. A population of H. erato phyllis located in a Eucalyptus plantation (Barba Negra Forest, Barra do Ribeiro County, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil) was sampled every 45 days from March 1997 to October 1998 to quantify seasonal variation in adult body size and use of larval host plants. In the laboratory, the effects of the following factors on adult body size were quantified: (i) host plant species (Passiflora misera or Passiflora suberosa); (ii) food quantity consumed by larvae (experimentally manipulated for each passion vine species); (iii) winter and summer temperatures (15 and 25°C, respectively); and (iv) the interaction between host plant species and temperature. Adults emerging during summer were larger than those emerging in other seasons. Female butterflies oviposited selectively on P. misera even when the dominant passion vine was P. suberosa. They only switched from using P. misera to P. suberosa during later autumn and winter, when P. misera vines were completely defoliated. The laboratory feeding trials with both passion vines showed a strong positive association between food quantity consumed by larvae and adult size. They also confirmed that adults are larger when their larvae are reared on P. misera than on P. suberosa. Temperature during larval development had no effect on H. erato phyllis adult size. Thus, seasonal variation of H. erato phyllis adult size in a given place is primarily determined by the availability and quality of host plant species used by the larval stage.  相似文献   

This study examines the pattern of opsin nucleotide and amino acid substitution among mimetic species 'rings' of Heliconius butterflies that are characterized by divergent wing colour patterns. A long wavelength opsin gene, OPS1 , was sequenced from each of seven species of Heliconius and one species of Dryas (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). A parsimony analysis of OPS1 nucleotide and amino acid sequences resulted in a phylogeny that was consistent with that presented by Brower & Egan in 1997, which was based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II as well as nuclear wingless genes. Nodes in the OPS1 phylogeny were well supported by bootstrap analysis and decay indices. An analysis of specific sites within the gene indicates that the accumulation of amino acid substitutions has occurred independently of the morphological diversification of Heliconius wing colour patterns. Amino acid substitutions were examined with respect to their location within the opsin protein and their possible interactions with the chromophore and the G-protein. Of the 15 amino acid substitutions identified among the eight species, one nonconservative replacement (A226Q) was identified in a position that may be involved in binding with the G-protein.  相似文献   

The colour patterns of Heliconius butterflies are built up from an array of serially homologous pattern elements known as the nymphalid groundplan. An analysis of the phenotypic effects of ten genetic loci from H. melpomene and H. cydno reveals that each alters the expression either of a single element of the groundplan or of an entire row of serially homologous elements. Five of the ten loci affect the size (or presence/absence) of specific pattern elements, two affect the colour in which a pattern element is expressed, two affect pattern-inducing activity of the wing veins, and one appears to affect an overall threshold for pattern determination. Three of the ten loci have identical effects on homologues of the fore- and hindwing. We show that most of the apparently large and qualitative phenotypic effects of these genes can be readily explained by relatively small and quantitative changes in the dimensions or positions of specific pattern elements.  相似文献   

Females of the neotropical butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis lay eggs individually, which, after hatching into caterpillars, can be cannibalistic towards neighboring eggs. Laboratory experiments were conducted to test for kin recognition between first instar caterpillars and eggs. Two experiments were performed, putting three eggs in the vertices of an equilateral triangle made of green paper with side length of 0.5 cm. In the first experiment, two of the three eggs were full siblings; in the second experiment, one group consisted of three eggs from three independent nonrelated females, and in the other group all three eggs were full siblings. The frequency of cannibalism in experiment 1 (SSN, sibling–sibling–nonsibling) was 66% for nonrelated eggs and 34% for sibling eggs (P = 0.0018). In experiment 2, in group NNN (three nonsibling eggs) it was 83%, and for group SSS (three sibling eggs), the frequency of cannibalism was 53% (P < 0.0001). These results indicate kin recognition (caterpillar–egg). This recognition may have been important in the evolution of some of the butterfly’s adaptations, and possibly as an opportunity for kin selection.  相似文献   

Butterflies in the genus Heliconius have undergone rapid adaptive radiation for warning patterns and mimicry, and are excellent models to study the mechanisms underlying diversification. In Heliconius, mimicry rings typically involve distantly related species, whereas closely related species often join different mimicry rings. Genetic and behavioural studies have n how reproductive isolation in many pairs of Heliconius taxa is largely mediated by natural and sexual selection on wing colour patterns. However, recent studies have uncovered new cases in which pairs of closely related species are near‐perfect mimics of each other. Here, we provide morphometric and genetic evidence for the coexistence of two closely related, hybridizing co‐mimetic species on the eastern slopes of the Andes, H. melpomene amaryllis and H. timareta ssp. nov. , which is described here as H. timareta thelxinoe . A joint analysis of multilocus genotyping and geometric morphometrics of wing shape shows a high level of differentiation between the two species, with only limited gene flow and mixing. Some degree of genetic mixing can be detected, but putative hybrids were rare, only one of 175 specimens being a clear hybrid. In contrast, we found phenotypic differentiation between populations of H. timareta thelxinoe , possibly indicative of strong selection for local mimicry in different communities. In this pair of species, the absence of breakdown of genetic isolation despite near‐identical wing patterns implies that factors other than wing patterns keep the two taxa apart, such as chemical or behavioural signals, or ecological adaptation along a strong altitudinal gradient. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 830–847.  相似文献   

在2017年6-7月对藏东南地区蝶类资源进行调查时,于墨脱县采集到了2枚芒蛱蝶Euripusnyctelius(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科)标本,经鉴定为西藏新纪种,同时也是首次在西藏发现芒蛱蝶属;于察隅县采集到1枚黄缘蛱蝶Nymphalisantiopa(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科),兹此列举诸多川藏地区黄缘蛱蝶的历史采集记录;并结合西藏处于古北区和东洋区生物交界带的地理位置,对在西藏发现两种蝴蝶的特殊意义进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

Four polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in the butterfly Speyeria idalia. We constructed a phagemid library and screened approximately 120 000 inserts. Probing with GT15, we identified 36 positives and designed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for 12 potential loci. Of those loci, only four consistently produced polymorphic, diallelic PCR products in the expected size range. These results are consistent with previous studies concerning the low frequency of microsatellite loci in the lepidoptera, although these four loci are highly polymorphic and therefore likely to provide information on the fine scale genetic structure among populations in this species.  相似文献   

The process of adaptive radiation and convergence, usually regarded as a feature of macro-evolution, can be seen in the mimetic colour patterns of the butterflies within the confines of the South American genus Heliconius. This can be shown by dividing the genus into subgroups on the basis of adult, pupal and larval morphology: the theory that the mimicry between species results solely from close systematic relationships is thereby refuted, as members of the same morphological group can display widely divergent mimetic patterns, and conversely mutual mimics may belong to several different morphological groups. Various forms of parallel and convergent evolution are thought to account for the present pattern of mimicry, the process is known to start even before full speciation has taken place. A new subgenus (Neruda) is created to contain three atypical members of the genus.  相似文献   

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