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Changes in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell volume were measured by monitoring changes in intracellular tetramethylammonium (TMA) using double-barreled K-resin microelectrodes. Hyperosmotic addition of 25 or 50 mM mannitol to the Ringer of the apical bath resulted in a rapid (approximately 30 s) osmometric cell shrinkage. The initial cell shrinkage was followed by a much slower (minutes) secondary shrinkage that is probably due to loss of cell solute. When apical [K+] was elevated from 2 to 5 mM during or before a hyperosmotic pulse, the RPE cell regulated its volume by reswelling towards control within 3-10 min. This change in apical [K+] is very similar to the increase in subretinal [K+]o that occurs after a transition from light to dark in the intact vertebrate eye. The K-dependent regulatory volume increase (RVI) was inhibited by apical Na removal, Cl reduction, or the presence of bumetanide. These results strongly suggest that a Na(K),Cl cotransport mechanism at the apical membrane mediates RVI in the bullfrog RPE. A unique aspect of this cotransporter is that it also functions at a lower rate under steady-state conditions. The transport requirements for Na, K, and Cl, the inhibition of RVI by bumetanide, and thermodynamic calculations indicate that this mechanism transports Na, K, and Cl in the ratio of 1:1:2.  相似文献   

The regulation of anionic amino acid transport, using radiolabelled D-aspartate as a tracer, by rat mammary tissue explants has been examined. Na(+)-dependent D-aspartate uptake by mammary tissue increased between late pregnancy and early lactation and again at peak lactation but thereafter declined during late lactation. In contrast, the Na(+)-independent component of D-aspartate uptake by mammary explants did not change significantly with the physiological state of the donor animals. Premature weaning of rats during peak lactation markedly decreased Na(+)-dependent D-aspartate uptake by mammary tissue. In addition, premature weaning also reduced the effect of reversing the trans-membrane Na(+)-gradient on the fractional loss of D-aspartate from mammary tissue explants. Unilateral weaning of rats during peak lactation revealed that milk accumulation per se reduced the Na(+)-dependent moiety of D-aspartate uptake by mammary tissue suggesting that the transport of anionic amino acids is regulated to match supply with demand. Treating lactating rats with bromocryptine reduced D-aspartate uptake by mammary tissue explants suggesting that the transport of anionic amino acids by the rat mammary gland is regulated by prolactin.  相似文献   

It has long been known thatNa+ channels in electrically tight epithelia are regulatedby homeostatic mechanisms that maintain a steady state and allow newlevels of transport to be sustained in hormonally challenged cells.Little is known about the potential pathways involved in theseprocesses. In addition to short-term effect, recent evidence alsoindicates the involvement of PKC in the long-term regulation of theepithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) at the protein level(40). To determine whether stimulation of ENaC involvesfeedback regulation of PKC levels, we utilized Western blot analysis todetermine the distribution of PKC isoforms in polarized A6 epithelia.We found the presence of PKC isoforms in the conventional ( and), novel (, , and ), and atypical (, , and) groups. Steady-state stimulation of Na+ transport withaldosterone was accompanied by a specific decrease of PKC proteinlevels in both the cytoplasmic and membrane fractions. Similarly,overnight treatment with an uncharged amiloride analog (CDPC), aprocedure that through feedback regulation causes a stimulation ofNa+ transport, also decreased PKC levels. These effectswere additive, indicating separate mechanisms that converge at thelevel of PKC. These effects were not accompanied by changes ofPKC mRNA levels as determined by Northern blot analysis. We proposethat this may represent a novel regulatory feedback mechanism necessary for sustaining an increase of Na+ transport.


Problems in ion and fluid transfer across the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are a probable cause of inappropriate accumulations of fluid between the photoreceptors of the retina and the RPE. The activities of Cl- transporters involved in basal fluid transfer across the RPE have been compared to determine whether Ca2+- or cAMP-dependent channels may be responsible for basal housekeeping levels of secretory activity in this tissue. The role of a candidate Ca2+-dependent CLCA protein in the basal RPE transport of Cl- has been investigated. Low concentrations of the Cl- conductance inhibitors glibenclamide and 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoate reduced the short-circuit current in dog RPE preparations mounted in Ussing chambers and decreased the Ca2+-dependent Cl- efflux from fibroblasts expressing the pCLCA1 Cl- conductance regulator. However, these same agents did not inhibit the rate of Cl- release from cultured fibroblasts expressing the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) conductive Cl- channel. Addition of ionomycin to primary cultures of canine RPE cells or to fibroblasts expressing the pCLCA1 channel regulator increased the rate of release of Cl- from both types of cultured cells. However, the presence of pCLCA1 also increased cAMP-dependent Cl- release from fibroblasts expressing CFTR. We conclude that Ca2+-dependent Cl- transport may be more important than cAMP-dependent Cl- transport for normal fluid secretion across the RPE. Furthermore, CLCA proteins expressed in the RPE appear to regulate the activity of other Cl- transporters, rather than functioning as primary ion transport proteins.  相似文献   

Impairment of transport and metabolism of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) has been recognized to play a role in the development of diabetic macular edema. To understand the mechanism(s) of action of high glucose levels in alteration of RPE metabolism, primary cultures of RPE cells were used as an in vitro model of diabetic retinopathy/maculopathy. RPE cells were grown with 5 mM (control) or 40 mM glucose (a monosaccharide that enters the cells), or 40 mM sucrose (a disaccharide that does not enter the cells), and the extent of Na(+)-dependent active transport of an osmolyte ([3H]-myo-inositol, MI, 10 microM) into cells was determined. While 40 mM glucose down-regulated 3H-MI transport, 40 mM sucrose stimulated it, compared to 5 mM glucose feeding. Addition of 1 mM amiloride, an inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchanger, in the incubation media, significantly inhibited MI transport. Cells treated with high sucrose or high glucose were more sensitive toward amiloride inhibition, compared to controls. Inhibition of either pump or leak pathway alone was not sufficient to completely inhibit MI transport, but simultaneous inhibition of both pathways, by amiloride and ouabain (1 mM each), strongly inhibited osmolyte accumulation. The strongest inhibition of uptake occurred when 150 mM NaCl in the incubation media was replaced by 150 mM choline-Cl, and the percent inhibition of uptake, with choline-Cl, was highest with sucrose-fed cells, compared to normal or high glucose-fed cells. Imposition of a pH gradient [pHi (6.1) less than pH0 (8.0)] across the cell membrane, a condition that stimulates Na+/H+ exchange activity, also reduced MI accumulation. Cellular water content, measured by the extent of [3H]-3-O-methyl glucose uptake, in the presence of balanced salt solution (BSS), BSS containing half the ionic strength (hypotonic solution), or BSS containing 20 mM K+, for induction of cell swelling, varied when cells were fed with various sugars. Cells fed with high glucose were less sensitive toward media tonicity compared to normal. These results suggested that in cultured RPE cells, changes in Na+/H+ exchanger activity (intracellularly or extracellularly), through its inhibition by amiloride, its activation via intracellular acidification, or perhaps by chronic feeding with high sucrose or high glucose, affected the Na(+)-dependent active accumulation of MI. A metabolic factor involved in the development of diabetic macular edema is perhaps associated with glucose-induced alterations in Na+ fluxes (e.g., changes in Na+/H+ exchanger activity), which can secondarily influence osmolyte accumulation, impairment of pump-leak balance, and/or intracellular pH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Citrate transport via CitS of Klebsiella pneumoniae has been shown to depend on the presence of Na+. This transport system has been expressed in Escherichia coli, and uptake of citrate in E. coli membrane vesicles via this uptake system was found to be an electrogenic process, although the pH gradient is the main driving force for citrate uptake (M. E. van der Rest, R. M. Siewe, T. Abee, E. Schwartz, D. Oesterhelt, and W. N. Konings, J. Biol. Chem. 267:8971-8976, 1992). Analysis of the affinity constants for the different citrate species at different pH values of the medium indicates that H-citrate2- is the transported species. Since the electrical potential across the membrane is a driving force for citrate transport, this indicates that transport occurs in symport with at least three monovalent cations. Citrate efflux is stimulated by Na+ concentrations of up to 5 mM but inhibited by higher Na+ concentrations. Citrate exchange, however, is stimulated by all Na+ concentrations, indicating sequential events in which Na+ binds before citrate for translocation followed by a release of Na+ after release of citrate. CitS has, at pH 6.0 and in the presence of 5 mM citrate on both sides of the membrane, an apparent affinity (K(app)) for Na+ of 200 microM. The Na+/citrate stoichiometry was found to be 1. It is postulated that H-citrate2- is transported via CitS in symport with one Na+ and at least two H+ ions.  相似文献   

Since the capacity of nucleic acid digestion and absorption appears to be comparatively high in the pig, we investigated the properties of transport of (3)H-labelled nucleosides across the porcine intestinal brush border membrane (BBM) using BBM vesicles isolated from the small intestine of slaughter pigs. In the presence of a transmembrane Na(+) gradient, uridine, thymidine and guanosine transiently accumulated in the vesicular lumen beyond the equilibrium (60 min) value suggesting the presence of Na(+)/nucleoside cotransporters in the BBM. The findings of inhibitory studies are consistent with the presence of two Na(+)-dependent nucleoside transporters with overlapping substrate specificity, one for pyrimidine nucleosides (N2) and one for purine nucleosides (N1). Guanosine appeared to be a specific substrate for N1, while this applies to thymidine for N2. Transport of thymidine and guanosine were also inhibited by 2 mmol/l D-glucose and alpha-methyl-D-glucoside. The maximal transport capacity (V(max)) for Na(+)-dependent thymidine and guanosine transport were much higher than reported for other monogastric species. Unlike in other species tested, there was no proximal-to-distal gradient, neither in nucleoside transport activity nor in the inhibition of nucleoside transport by monosaccharides in the porcine small intestine. The high intestinal nucleoside transport activity may contribute to the high digestive capacity for nucleic acids in the pig.  相似文献   

Negatively charged amino acids, such as aspartate and glutamate, were selected as substrates by low- and high-Km components of mediated Na(+)-dependent transport in preimplantation mouse blastocysts. These and other relatively small anionic amino acids with two carbon atoms between the negatively charged groups (or up to three carbon atoms when the groups were both carboxyl groups) interacted strongly with the low-Km component of transport, whereas larger anionic amino acids interacted weakly or not at all. The low-Km system was also stereoselective except in the case of aspartate. Moreover, transport was Cl(-)-dependent and slower at pH values outside the range 5.6-7.4. L-Aspartate, D-aspartate and L-glutamate each interacted strongly with the low-Km component of transport with Km values for transport nearly equal to their Ki values for inhibition of transport of one of the other amino acids. By these criteria, the low-Km component of transport of anionic amino acids in blastocysts appears to be the same as the familiar system X-AG that is present in other types of mammalian cells. In contrast, the high-Km component of transport in blastocysts preferred L-aspartate to L-glutamate, whereas the reverse is true for fibroblasts. Therefore, transport of anionic amino acids in blastocysts may occur via at least one process that has not been described in other types of cells. Roughly half of mediated glutamate and aspartate transport in blastocysts may occur via the high-Km component of transport at the concentrations of these amino acids that may be present in uterine secretions.  相似文献   

Na(+)-dependent, active and Na(+)-independent facilitated nucleoside transport were characterized in mouse spleen cells using rapid kinetic techniques and formycin B, a metabolically inert analog of inosine, as substrate. The Michaelis-Menten constants for formycin B transport by the two transporters were about 30 and 400 microM, respectively. The first-order rate constant for Na(+)-dependent transport was about 4-times higher than that for facilitated formycin B transport. The Na(+)-dependent carrier is specific for uridine and purine nucleosides and accumulates formycin B concentratively in an unmodified form. Concentrative accumulation was inhibited by ATP depletion and gramicidin and ouabain treatment of the cells. Our data indicate a single Na(+)-binding site on the Na(+)-dependent nucleoside carrier and a Michaelis-Menten constant for Na+ of about 10 mM. This transporter was not significantly inhibited by dipyridamole and nitrobenzylthioinosine, inhibitors of the facilitated transporter. The Na(+)-independent, facilitated nucleoside transporter of spleen cells exhibits properties comparable to those of the carriers present in mammalian cells in general. The B lymphocytes remaining after depletion of spleen cell populations of T lymphocytes by incubation with a combination of T-cell specific monoclonal antibodies plus complement exhibited about the same activities of active and facilitated nucleoside transport as the original suspension.  相似文献   

Muscarinic receptors are the predominant cholinergic receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Recently, activation of muscarinic receptors was found to elicit pigment granule dispersion in retinal pigment epithelium isolated from bluegill fish. Pigment granule movement in retinal pigment epithelium is a light-adaptive mechanism in fish. In the present study, we used pharmacological and molecular approaches to identify the muscarinic receptor subtype and the intracellular signaling pathway involved in the pigment granule dispersion in retinal pigment epithelium. Of the muscarinic receptor subtype-specific antagonists used, only antagonists specific for M1 and M3 muscarinic receptors were found to block carbamyl choline (carbachol)-induced pigment granule dispersion. A phospholipase C inhibitor also blocked carbachol-induced pigment granule dispersion, and a similar result was obtained when retinal pigment epithelium was incubated with an inositol trisphosphate receptor inhibitor. We isolated M2 and M5 receptor genes from bluegill and studied their expression. Only M5 was found to be expressed in retinal pigment epithelium. Taken together, pharmacological and molecular evidence suggest that activation of an odd subtype of muscarinic receptor, possibly M5, on fish retinal pigment epithelium induces pigment granule dispersion.  相似文献   

In the intact eye, the transition from light to dark alters pH, [Ca2+], and [K] in the subretinal space (SRS) separating the photoreceptor outer segments and the apical membrane of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In addition to these changes, oxygen consumption in the retina increases with a concomitant release of CO2 and H2O into the SRS. The RPE maintains SRS pH and volume homeostasis by transporting these metabolic byproducts to the choroidal blood supply. In vitro, we mimicked the transition from light to dark by increasing apical bath CO2 from 5 to 13%; this maneuver decreased cell pH from 7.37 ± 0.05 to 7.14 ± 0.06 (n = 13). Our analysis of native and cultured fetal human RPE shows that the apical membrane is significantly more permeable (≈10-fold; n = 7) to CO2 than the basolateral membrane, perhaps due to its larger exposed surface area. The limited CO2 diffusion at the basolateral membrane promotes carbonic anhydrase–mediated HCO3 transport by a basolateral membrane Na/nHCO3 cotransporter. The activity of this transporter was increased by elevating apical bath CO2 and was reduced by dorzolamide. Increasing apical bath CO2 also increased intracellular Na from 15.7 ± 3.3 to 24.0 ± 5.3 mM (n = 6; P < 0.05) by increasing apical membrane Na uptake. The CO2-induced acidification also inhibited the basolateral membrane Cl/HCO3 exchanger and increased net steady-state fluid absorption from 2.8 ± 1.6 to 6.7 ± 2.3 µl × cm−2 × hr−1 (n = 5; P < 0.05). The present experiments show how the RPE can accommodate the increased retinal production of CO2 and H2O in the dark, thus preventing acidosis in the SRS. This homeostatic process would preserve the close anatomical relationship between photoreceptor outer segments and RPE in the dark and light, thus protecting the health of the photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Cell membrane depolarization induced by intraluminal injection of lysine was entirely independent of the presence of Na+ in Triturus proximal tubule, confirming our previous observation. The amplitude of the depolarization conformed to Michaelis-Menten kinetics regardless of the presence or absence of Na+ in the perfusion solutions. pH of the intraluminal solution had no effect on the electrical response in its range from 5.5 to 8.5. In a Na(+)-free medium, particularly in a Tris-substituted medium, the depolarization induced by a constant concentration of lysine gradually decreased in its size when injection followed by washout of lysine was repetitively tested. The addition of Na+ to the peritubular side after extinction of the responsiveness resulted in a significant restoration of the voltage response to intraluminal lysine. In addition, influx of Na+ from the peritubular fluid into the cells was significantly greater in lysine-loaded tubules than in nonloaded tubules as indicated by a greater rate of increase in intracellular Na+ activity in the presence of ouabain. The data strongly suggest that lysine enters the cells via an electrogenic uniport mechanism and leaves the cells via Na+:amino acid exchange transport mechanism.  相似文献   

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