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1. Nerve growth factor (NGF) induced differentiation of human neuroblastoma cell line. 2. The differentiated cells had a relatively high activity of adenylate cyclase and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, and a high intracellular level of cyclic AMP. 3. These cells synthesized a higher amount of met5-o-enkephalin than undifferentiated cells. 4. Undifferentiated cells bound less met5-enkephalin than differentiated cells. The maximum number of [3H]met5-enkephalin receptor sites per mg of membrane protein increased more in differentiated cells. 5. Previous observations taken together with our results suggests that increased intracellular levels of cyclic AMP after treatment with NGF induced differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells. Reversal of undifferentiated tumor cells into the differentiated changes the capacity of synthesis of met5-enkephalin and its interaction with receptors.  相似文献   

The differentiation pattern of two related human neuroblastoma cell lines, SK-N-SHF and SK-N-SHN, induced by retinoic acid and staurosporine was studied. Immunohistochemical and electron microscopic examination of the cells indicated that the SHF variant could undergo differentiation along a melanocytic route when treated with retinoic acid and to neuronal cells when treated with retionic acid and staurosporine together. Treatment of SHN cells with either or both these agents caused neuronal differentiation. The melanocytic pathway was characterized in part by the flattening of the cells, the appearance of melanocytic antigens and various forms of melanosomes, an increase in tyrosinase activity, and the absence of neuronal marker proteins. The neuronal route was typified by the development of long neuritic processes containing microtubules and numerous neurosecretory granules as well as by immunohistochemical reactions for neural cell adhesion molecule, synaptophysin, and neurofilament proteins. The significance of these results is discussed in terms of the differentiation responses of neuroblastoma cells to chemical agents as well as some of the factors involved in the regulation of phenotype expressions of these cells.  相似文献   

The potential of plant expression systems to produce functional recombinant proteins was used to produce human prohormone insulin-like growth factor-1B (pro-IGF-1B). Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) plays a role in normal growth, development and cell division. The analysis of IGF-1 cDNAs predicted two prohormone precursors (pro-IGF-1A and pro-IGF-1B) with distinct C-terminal E domains. The functions of these precursors, and the E-peptides generated on cleavage to mature IGF-1, are unknown. We expressed human pro-IGF-1B in transgenic tobacco plants and to our knowledge this is the first report of the plant-based recombinant prohormone. The plant-expressed pro-IGF-1B caused proliferation and differentiation of human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y comparable to human IGF-1. This implies a distinct biological role for pro-IGF-1B. It also suggests that pro-IGF-1B may play a role in tumorigenesis. These results are important in view of obtaining a better knowledge of the role of pro-IGF-1B in human neuroblastoma cells and its relationship to IGF-1. The data also confirm the feasibility of using plant expression system as a cheap and safe bioreactor to produce the recombinant protein for further analysis.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor and neuroblastoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The cytidine analog 5-AZA-2'-deoxycytidine (5-AZA-CdR) has been demonstrated to induce cellular differentiation; on the other hand, induction of differentiation has been suggested as a possible form of therapy for leukemic cells. We have evaluated the possibility that the neuroblastoma malignant tumor growth could be controlled by treatment that promotes the differentiation of immature tumor cells. We have previously reported on differentiation of murine neuroblastoma cells (41A3) treated with 5-AZA-CdR. In this paper, we describe the effect of 5-AZA-CdR on human neuroblastoma cell line CHP-100. The drug-treated cells show some degree of differentiation, demonstrated by morphological and biochemical markers. A significant DNA hypomethylation and partial inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell proliferation is also observed. This effect is more stable than that caused by another cytidine analog, Cytosine-beta-D-Arabinofuranoside (ARA-C).  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation of pheochromocytoma PC12 cells transiently increased the intracellular concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This increase was blocked by the chemical antioxidant N-acetylcysteine and a flavoprotein inhibitor, diphenylene iodonium. NGF responses of PC12 cells, including neurite outgrowth, tyrosine phosphorylation, and AP-1 activation, was inhibited when ROS production was prevented by N-acetylcysteine and diphenylene iodonium. The expression of dominant negative Rac1N17 blocked induction of both ROS generation and morphological differentiation by NGF. The ROS produced appears to be H(2)O(2), because the introduction of catalase into the cells abolished NGF-induced neurite outgrowth, ROS production, and tyrosine phosphorylation. These results suggest that the ROS, perhaps H(2)O(2), acts as an intracellular signal mediator for NGF-induced neuronal differentiation and that NGF-stimulated ROS production is regulated by Rac1 and a flavoprotein-binding protein similar to the phagocytic NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

Fourteen human neuroblastoma cell lines were studied for expression and regulation of neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes. All cell lines contained enzyme activities of adrenergic and/or cholinergic neurons and 13 expressed activities for both. None contained enzymes for serotonergic or G AB Aergic neurons. Enzyme activity was characteristic for a given cell line. Enzyme activity in cell lines was sensitive to growth phase, culture medium, and concentration of fetal bovine serum.  相似文献   

The rat pheochromocytoma clone PC12 responds to nerve growth factor through the expression of a number of differentiated neuronal properties. One of the most rapid changes is a large, transient increase in the activity of ornithine decarboxylase. These cells also show an increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity in response to the mitogen, epidermal growth factor, but do not respond morphologically as they do to nerve growth factor. Specific, high-affinity epidermal growth factor receptors are present on the cells. When the cells are differentiated with nerve growth factor, the response to epidermal growth factor is markedly diminished and there is a marked reduction in the binding of epidermal growth factor to the cells.  相似文献   

Two new neuroblastoma (NB) cell lines, NUB-6 and NUB-7, were established from recurrent and primary NB tumours respectively and identified conclusively as NB by their phenotypic characteristics, catecholamine production and N-myc amplification. The cell lines could be distinguished on the bases of distinctive growth patterns in monolayer culture and semi-solid media (collagen gel and agarose), neurite formation and their response to four classes of growth and differentiation modulators. The NUB-6 cell line consisted of two distinct cell subtypes, small typical neuroblasts and larger spheroid-forming cells, while NUB-7 was homogeneously neuroblastic. Class-I agents (dibutyrl cyclic AMP [dbcAMP], butyrate, and papaverine) inhibited growth of both cell lines, while only dbcAMP stimulated the formation of short neurites by NUB-6 neuroblast cells in monolayer culture and collagen. Of the class-II agents (vitamins), retinoic acid inhibited growth of both cell lines and stimulated formation of long neurites by NUB-6 cells and NUB-7 cells in later passages. In contrast, vitamin E inhibited growth of NUB-6 and late-passage NUB-7, but stimulated early passage NUB-7. The class III agent (nerve growth factor) resembled vitamin E. The class-IV agents (interferons; rIFN-alpha 2a and rIFN-gamma 1) inhibited growth of both cell lines in monolayer culture and agarose, but stimulated NUB-6 neuroblasts and early passage NUB-7 cells to form long neurites. Thus phenotypically distinct NB cell lines were established in vitro and shown to be differentially influenced by various growth and differentiation modulators. The potent effect of IFN suggests a role for these modulators in NB behaviour in vivo.  相似文献   

Human cell lines with neuronal and neuroendocrine features were examined for their expression of pp60c-src, the cellular homolog of the transforming gene product pp60v-src of Rous sarcoma virus. Four neuroblastoma (LA-N-5, SH-SY5Y, Paju, and SK-N-MC) and three small-cell lung carcinoma (U-2020, U-1690, and U-1285) cell lines were selected on the basis of their stage of neurocrine differentiation, as determined by the expression of neuron-specific enolase. In an immune complex protein kinase assay, all seven cell lines displayed c-src kinase activity which was considerably higher than that found in nonneurocrine cells (human diploid fibroblasts, glioma, and non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines). Furthermore, the c-src kinase activity, as determined by autophosphorylation or phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate, enolase, correlated with the stage of neurocrine differentiation. There was an approximately 30-fold difference in c-src kinase autophosphorylation activity between the cell lines representing the highest and lowest stages of neurocrine differentiation. A similar variation was found in the steady-state levels of the c-src protein of these cell lines. Highly differentiated neuroblastoma cells expressed two forms of the src protein. Digestion by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease did reveal structural diversity in the amino-terminal ends of these c-src molecules. In summary, we found a clear correlation between c-src kinase activity and the stage of neuronal and neuroendocrine differentiation. Thus, the phenotypic similarity between neurons and neuroendocrine cells includes high c-src expression.  相似文献   

We localized REG protein in Paneth cells and nonmature columnar cells of the human small intestinal crypts and speculated that this protein was associated with growth and/or differentiation. The aim of this study was to determine whether REG protein is present in two human colon cancer cell lines that exhibit enterocytic differentiation after confluence and to investigate changes in the level of its expression during growth and differentiation. Results were compared to those obtained on cells that remain undifferentiated. Western immunoblotting and immunofluorescence demonstrated the presence of REG protein in the three cell lines. With the antisera against human REG protein, the staining was diffusely spread throughout the cytoplasm at Day 2, and after Days 3-4 it appeared to have migrated to cell boundaries. After confluence, we observed only a punctate staining array along cell boundaries, which disappeared at Day 15. REG mRNA expression was demonstrated by RTPCR and REG mRNA hybridization until Day 13, but not after, in the three cell types. REG protein may be involved in cellular junctions. Its presence appears to be associated with the cell growth period and the protein must be downregulated when growth is achieved and differentiation is induced.  相似文献   

Expression of HOX homeogenes in human neuroblastoma cell culture lines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammalian genes containing a class-I homeobox (HOX genes) are highly expressed in the embryonic nervous system. As a first step towards the molecular analysis of the role these genes play in neural cells, we studied the expression of four human HOX genes in five neuroblastoma (NB) cell lines - SK-N-BE, CHP-134, IMR-32, SK-N-SH and LAN-1 - during the process of differentiation induced by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). The four genes, HOX1D, 2F, 3E and 4B, located at corresponding positions in the four HOX loci, share a high degree of sequence similarity with the Drosophila Deformed homeotic gene and constitute a homology group, group 10. One of these genes, HOX1D, is not expressed in the cells used, whereas the other three are highly expressed in untreated and RA-induced NB cells, even though the expression pattern in the various lines is slightly different for the three genes. Our analysis reveals a complex and specific expression pattern in these lines, paving the way to an identification of different NB-cell populations by means of specific HOX gene expression schemes. On the other hand, in every line studied, morphological maturation toward a neuronal differentiated phenotype appears to be associated with increased HOX gene expression.  相似文献   

FXIII is a transglutaminase consisting of two catalytic (FXIIIA) and two non-catalytic subunits (FXIIIB) in plasma, where this enzyme is responsible for stabilizing fibrin clots. Although possible functions of intracellular FXIIIA have been proposed, these remain to be established. We show that a 40 kDa protein species of FXIIIA is present in the human neuroblastoma cell lines SH-SY5Y and LAN5. These data reveal the presence of a new uncharacterised variant of FXIIIA, possibly due to an alternative splicing, in nervous cells.  相似文献   

Expression of a multidrug resistance gene (mdr1) and its protein product, P-glycoprotein (Pgp), has been correlated with the onset of multidrug resistance in vitro in human cell lines selected for resistance to chemotherapeutic agents derived from natural products. Expression of this gene has also been observed in normal tissues and human tumors, including neuroblastoma. We therefore examined total RNA prepared from human neuroblastoma cell lines before and after differentiation with retinoic acid or sodium butyrate. An increase in the level of mdr1 mRNA was observed after retinoic acid treatment of four neuroblastoma cell lines, including the SK-N-SH cell line. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis demonstrated concomitant increases in Pgp. However, studies of 3H-vinblastine uptake failed to show a concomitant Pgp-mediated decrease in cytotoxic drug accumulation. To provide evidence that Pgp was localized on the cell surface, an immunotoxin conjugate directed against Pgp was added to cells before and after treatment with retinoic acid. Incorporation of [3H]leucine was decreased by the immunotoxin in the retinoic acid-treated cells compared with the undifferentiated cells. These results demonstrate that whereas expression of the mdr1 gene can be modulated by differentiating agents, increased levels of expression are not necessarily associated with increased cytotoxic drug accumulation.  相似文献   

We established many immunoglobulin-null immature B cell lines transformed by tsOS-59, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Abelson murine leukemia virus. In different cell lines cell growth was depressed and cell differentiation (generation of intracytoplasmic mu-positive cells from Ig- cells) was induced by the shift of culture temperature from low (35 degrees C) to high (39 degrees C). Cell lines were categorized into four groups: (i) temperature sensitive (ts) to both cell growth and differentiation, (ii) ts to cell growth but not to cell differentiation, (iii) ts to cell differentiation but not to cell growth, and (iv) ts to neither cell growth nor differentiation. These results indicated that the depression of cell growth did not necessarily induce cell differentiation, and that cell differentiation was induced regardless of whether cell growth was depressed or not. Furthermore, the results showed that the depression of cell growth and the induction of cell differentiation occurred without the reduction of tyrosine kinase activity of P120gag-abl at high, nonpermissive temperature. Our cell growth and differentiation system described here should provide us with the interesting findings of the relation between B cell growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of a human neuroblastoma cell line, LA-N-5, were studied with the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique before and after the induction of differentiation by retinoic acid, a vitamin A metabolite. Action potentials could be elicited from current clamped cells before the induction of differentiation, suggesting that some neuroblasts of the developing sympathetic nervous system are excitable. The action potential upstroke was carried by a sodium conductance, which was composed of two types of sodium currents, described by their sensitivity to tetrodotoxin (TTX) as TTX sensitive and TTX resistant. TTX-sensitive and TTX-resistant sodium currents were blocked by nanomolar and micromolar concentrations of TTX, respectively. The voltage sensitivity of activation and inactivation of TTX-resistant sodium current is shifted -10 to -30 mV relative to TTX-sensitive sodium current, suggesting that TTX-resistant sodium current could play a role in the initiation of action potentials. TTX-sensitive current comprised greater than 80% of the total sodium current in undifferentiated LA-N-5 cells. The surface density of total sodium current increased from 24.9 to 57.8 microA/microF after cells were induced to differentiate. The increase in total sodium current density was significant (P less than 0.05). The surface density of TTX-resistant sodium current did not change significantly during differentiation, from which we conclude that an increase in TTX-sensitive sodium current underlies the increase in total current.  相似文献   

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