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Mathematical modeling is an essential tool for the comprehensive understanding of cell metabolism and its interactions with the environmental and process conditions. Recent developments in the construction and analysis of stoichiometric models made it possible to define limits on steady-state metabolic behavior using flux balance analysis. However, detailed information on enzyme kinetics and enzyme regulation is needed to formulate kinetic models that can accurately capture the dynamic metabolic responses. The use of mechanistic enzyme kinetics is a difficult task due to uncertainty in the kinetic properties of enzymes. Therefore, the majority of recent works considered only mass action kinetics for reactions in metabolic networks. Herein, we applied the optimization and risk analysis of complex living entities (ORACLE) framework and constructed a large-scale mechanistic kinetic model of optimally grown Escherichia coli. We investigated the complex interplay between stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and kinetics in determining the flexibility and capabilities of metabolism. Our results indicate that enzyme saturation is a necessary consideration in modeling metabolic networks and it extends the feasible ranges of metabolic fluxes and metabolite concentrations. Our results further suggest that enzymes in metabolic networks have evolved to function at different saturation states to ensure greater flexibility and robustness of cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Accurate determination of physiological states of cellular metabolism requires detailed information about metabolic fluxes, metabolite concentrations and distribution of enzyme states. Integration of fluxomics and metabolomics data, and thermodynamics-based metabolic flux analysis contribute to improved understanding of steady-state properties of metabolism. However, knowledge about kinetics and enzyme activities though essential for quantitative understanding of metabolic dynamics remains scarce and involves uncertainty. Here, we present a computational methodology that allow us to determine and quantify the kinetic parameters that correspond to a certain physiology as it is described by a given metabolic flux profile and a given metabolite concentration vector. Though we initially determine kinetic parameters that involve a high degree of uncertainty, through the use of kinetic modeling and machine learning principles we are able to obtain more accurate ranges of kinetic parameters, and hence we are able to reduce the uncertainty in the model analysis. We computed the distribution of kinetic parameters for glucose-fed E. coli producing 1,4-butanediol and we discovered that the observed physiological state corresponds to a narrow range of kinetic parameters of only a few enzymes, whereas the kinetic parameters of other enzymes can vary widely. Furthermore, this analysis suggests which are the enzymes that should be manipulated in order to engineer the reference state of the cell in a desired way. The proposed approach also sets up the foundations of a novel type of approaches for efficient, non-asymptotic, uniform sampling of solution spaces.  相似文献   

In this study, prolonged chemostat cultivation is applied to investigate in vivo enzyme kinetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. S. cerevisiae was grown in carbon-limited aerobic chemostats for 70-95 generations, during which multiple steady states were observed, characterized by constant intracellular fluxes but significant changes in intracellular metabolite concentrations and enzyme capacities. We provide evidence for two relevant kinetic mechanisms for sustaining constant fluxes: in vivo near-equilibrium of reversible reactions and tight regulation of irreversible reactions by coordinated changes of metabolic effectors. Using linear-logarithmic kinetics, we illustrate that these multiple steady-state measurements provide linear constraints between elasticity parameters instead of their absolute values. Upon perturbation by a glucose pulse, glucose uptake and ethanol excretion in prolonged cultures were remarkably lower, compared to a reference culture perturbed at 10 generations. Metabolome measurements during the transient indicate that the differences might be due to a reduced ATP regeneration capacity in prolonged cultures.  相似文献   



Translating a known metabolic network into a dynamic model requires reasonable guesses of all enzyme parameters. In Bayesian parameter estimation, model parameters are described by a posterior probability distribution, which scores the potential parameter sets, showing how well each of them agrees with the data and with the prior assumptions made.


We compute posterior distributions of kinetic parameters within a Bayesian framework, based on integration of kinetic, thermodynamic, metabolic, and proteomic data. The structure of the metabolic system (i.e., stoichiometries and enzyme regulation) needs to be known, and the reactions are modelled by convenience kinetics with thermodynamically independent parameters. The parameter posterior is computed in two separate steps: a first posterior summarises the available data on enzyme kinetic parameters; an improved second posterior is obtained by integrating metabolic fluxes, concentrations, and enzyme concentrations for one or more steady states. The data can be heterogenous, incomplete, and uncertain, and the posterior is approximated by a multivariate log-normal distribution. We apply the method to a model of the threonine synthesis pathway: the integration of metabolic data has little effect on the marginal posterior distributions of individual model parameters. Nevertheless, it leads to strong correlations between the parameters in the joint posterior distribution, which greatly improve the model predictions by the following Monte-Carlo simulations.


We present a standardised method to translate metabolic networks into dynamic models. To determine the model parameters, evidence from various experimental data is combined and weighted using Bayesian parameter estimation. The resulting posterior parameter distribution describes a statistical ensemble of parameter sets; the parameter variances and correlations can account for missing knowledge, measurement uncertainties, or biological variability. The posterior distribution can be used to sample model instances and to obtain probabilistic statements about the model's dynamic behaviour.  相似文献   



Determining the parameters of a mathematical model from quantitative measurements is the main bottleneck of modelling biological systems. Parameter values can be estimated from steady-state data or from dynamic data. The nature of suitable data for these two types of estimation is rather different. For instance, estimations of parameter values in pathway models, such as kinetic orders, rate constants, flux control coefficients or elasticities, from steady-state data are generally based on experiments that measure how a biochemical system responds to small perturbations around the steady state. In contrast, parameter estimation from dynamic data requires time series measurements for all dependent variables. Almost no literature has so far discussed the combined use of both steady-state and transient data for estimating parameter values of biochemical systems.


In this study we introduce a constrained optimization method for estimating parameter values of biochemical pathway models using steady-state information and transient measurements. The constraints are derived from the flux connectivity relationships of the system at the steady state. Two case studies demonstrate the estimation results with and without flux connectivity constraints. The unconstrained optimal estimates from dynamic data may fit the experiments well, but they do not necessarily maintain the connectivity relationships. As a consequence, individual fluxes may be misrepresented, which may cause problems in later extrapolations. By contrast, the constrained estimation accounting for flux connectivity information reduces this misrepresentation and thereby yields improved model parameters.


The method combines transient metabolic profiles and steady-state information and leads to the formulation of an inverse parameter estimation task as a constrained optimization problem. Parameter estimation and model selection are simultaneously carried out on the constrained optimization problem and yield realistic model parameters that are more likely to hold up in extrapolations with the model.  相似文献   

Systems biology provides new approaches for metabolic engineering through the development of models and methods for simulation and optimization of microbial metabolism. Here we explore the relationship between two modeling frameworks in common use namely, dynamic models with kinetic rate laws and constraint-based flux models. We compare and analyze dynamic and constraint-based formulations of the same model of the central carbon metabolism of Escherichia coli. Our results show that, if unconstrained, the space of steady states described by both formulations is the same. However, the imposition of parameter-range constraints can be mapped into kinetically feasible regions of the solution space for the dynamic formulation that is not readily transferable to the constraint-based formulation. Therefore, with partial kinetic parameter knowledge, dynamic models can be used to generate constraints that reduce the solution space below that identified by constraint-based models, eliminating infeasible solutions and increasing the accuracy of simulation and optimization methods.  相似文献   

Here we expand an earlier study of feedback activation in simple linear reaction sequences by searching the parameter space of biologically realistic rate laws for multiple stable steady states. The impetus for this work is to seek the origin of decision making strategies at the metabolic level, with particular emphasis on the switching between the operating conditions needed to meet changing substrate availability and organism requirements. The control loop considered herein is a linear reaction chain in which the end product of the reaction sequence feedback activates the first reaction in the sequence to produce feedback control. It has been found that the criteria for the existence of multiple steady state solutions in such loops involve only the kinetics of the regulatory enzyme controlling the first reaction and that of end product removal. The effects of these kinetics are examined here using two representative models for the regulatory enzyme: the lumped controller, based on Hill-type kinetics, and the symmetry model. The behavior of these two models is qualitatively similar, and both show the characteristics needed for switching between low and high substrate utilization. The removal rate is assumed to be of the Michaelis-Menten type. Judicious scaling of the governing equations permits separation of genetically determined kinetic parameters from concentration dependent ones. This allows us to conclude that, for a fixed set of kinetic parameters, the steady state flux through the loop can be switched between stable steady states by merely varying metabolite or enzyme concentrations. In particular, when the initial substrate exceeds a certain critical level, the loop can be "switched on" (by a discontinuous increase in the flux through the chain), and similarly, when it falls below a critical level, the pathway is shut down. Similar effects can be realized by varying the ratios of enzyme concentrations. It is proposed that by identifying these critical points one can gain significant insight into the objectives of decision making at the metabolic level.  相似文献   

Here we report a systematic method for constructing a large scale kinetic metabolic model and its initial application to the modeling of central metabolism of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, a methylotrophic and environmental important bacterium. Its central metabolic network includes formaldehyde metabolism, serine cycle, citric acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, gluconeogensis, PHB synthesis and acetyl-CoA conversion pathway, respiration and energy metabolism. Through a systematic and consistent procedure of finding a set of parameters in the physiological range we overcome an outstanding difficulty in large scale kinetic modeling: the requirement for a massive number of enzymatic reaction parameters. We are able to construct the kinetic model based on general biological considerations and incomplete experimental kinetic parameters. Our method consists of the following major steps: 1) using a generic enzymatic rate equation to reduce the number of enzymatic parameters to a minimum set while still preserving their characteristics; 2) using a set of steady state fluxes and metabolite concentrations in the physiological range as the expected output steady state fluxes and metabolite concentrations for the kinetic model to restrict the parametric space of enzymatic reactions; 3) choosing enzyme constants K’s and K’eqs optimized for reactions under physiological concentrations, if their experimental values are unknown; 4) for models which do not cover the entire metabolic network of the organisms, designing a dynamical exchange for the coupling between the metabolism represented in the model and the rest not included.  相似文献   

The stability characteristics of a class of unstructured models of continuous bioreactors are analyzed using elementary concepts of singularity theory and continuation techniques. The class consists of models for which the non-biomass product formation rate is linearly proportional to the utilization rate of limiting substrate. The kinetics expressions of cell growth and product synthesis are allowed to assume general forms of substrate and product. Global analytical conditions are derived that allow the construction of a practical picture in the multidimensional parameter space delineating the different static behavior these models can predict, including unique steady states, coexistence of non-trivial steady states with wash-out conditions, and multistability resulting from hysteresis. These general results are applied to specific examples of bioprocesses and allow the study of the effect of kinetic and operating parameters on the stability characteristics of these models.  相似文献   

A model is presented to describe the observed behavior of microorganisms that aim at metabolic homeostasis while growing and adapting to their environment in an optimal way. The cellular metabolism is seen as a network with a multiple controller system with both feedback and feedforward control, i.e., a model based on a dynamic optimal metabolic control. The dynamic network consists of aggregated pathways, each having a control setpoint for the metabolic states at a given growth rate. This set of strategies of the cell forms a true cybernetic model with a minimal number of assumptions. The cellular strategies and constraints were derived from metabolic flux analysis using an identified, biochemically relevant, stoichiometry matrix derived from experimental data on the cellular composition of continuous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Based on these data a cybernetic model was developed to study its dynamic behavior. The growth rate of the cell is determined by the structural compounds and fluxes of compounds related to central metabolism. In contrast to many other cybernetic models, the minimal model does not consist of any assumed internal kinetic parameters or interactions. This necessitates the use of a stepwise integration with an optimization of the fluxes at every time interval. Some examples of the behavior of this model are given with respect to steady states and pulse responses. This model is very suitable for describing semiquantitatively dynamics of global cellular metabolism and may form a useful framework for including structured and more detailed kinetic models.  相似文献   

Glucose is the primary fuel for brain function, and determining the kinetics of cerebral glucose transport and utilization is critical for quantifying cerebral energy metabolism. The kinetic parameters of cerebral glucose transport, K(M)(t) and V(max)(t), in humans have so far been obtained by measuring steady-state brain glucose levels by proton ((1)H) NMR as a function of plasma glucose levels and fitting steady-state models to these data. Extraction of the kinetic parameters for cerebral glucose transport necessitated assuming a constant cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMR(glc)) obtained from other tracer studies, such as (13)C NMR. Here we present new methodology to simultaneously obtain kinetic parameters for glucose transport and utilization in the human brain by fitting both dynamic and steady-state (1)H NMR data with a reversible, non-steady-state Michaelis-Menten model. Dynamic data were obtained by measuring brain and plasma glucose time courses during glucose infusions to raise and maintain plasma concentration at ~17 mmol/l for ~2 h in five healthy volunteers. Steady-state brain vs. plasma glucose concentrations were taken from literature and the steady-state portions of data from the five volunteers. In addition to providing simultaneous measurements of glucose transport and utilization and obviating assumptions for constant CMR(glc), this methodology does not necessitate infusions of expensive or radioactive tracers. Using this new methodology, we found that the maximum transport capacity for glucose through the blood-brain barrier was nearly twofold higher than maximum cerebral glucose utilization. The glucose transport and utilization parameters were consistent with previously published values for human brain.  相似文献   

A 'first-passage-time' analysis is applied to enzyme kinetics. It is shown that the residence times determined in this way are directly related to the steady-state parameters and are particularly useful in analysis of isotopic exchange. A simple linear means is used for the calculation of these residence times that makes this method easily applicable to the numerical evaluation of complex models. This stochastic type of approach provides an alternative that avoids the classical steady-state approximation that the concentrations of enzyme intermediates are constant. Instead, steady state is defined as the randomization of the states of the enzyme following initial mixing due to completion of the turnovers of individual enzyme molecules at different times.  相似文献   

The complete static behavior of a large class of unstructured models of continuous bioprocesses is classified using elementary concepts of the singularity theory and continuation techniques. The class consists of models for which the cell growth rate is proportional to the rate of utilization of limiting substrate while the kinetics of cell growth, utilization of limiting substrate and synthesis of the desired non-biomass product are allowed to assume general forms of substrate and product. This class of models was used extensively in the literature to model fermentation processes. Global analytical conditions are derived that allow the construction of a practical picture in the multidimensional parameter space delineating the different static behavior these models can predict, including unique steady states, coexistence of wash-out conditions with non-trivial steady states and multistability resulting from hysteresis. These general results are applied to a number of experimentally validated models of fermentation processes, and allow the study of the effect of kinetic and operating parameters on the stability characteristics of these models. Practical criteria are also derived for the safe operation of the bioprocesses.  相似文献   

The transformation technique of Na and Na (Math. Biosci., 6 , 25, 1970) is extended to convert boundary-value problems involving the steady-state diffusion equation for spherical immobilized enzyme particles exhibiting substrate and product inhibition to initial-value problems. This allows a study of the influence of external mass transfer resistances on the effectiveness factors. It also considerably reduces the number of calculations required to investigate the effect of changes in the kinetic parameters on the overall rate of reaction. The existence of multiple steady states for substrate inhibition kinetics in spherical catalyst particles is illustrated and a criterion for uniqueness of steady states is developed. Effectiveness factors for competitive and noncompetitive product inhibition increase with increasing value of the Sherwood number for the substrate and increasing value of the ratio of substrate to product effective diffusivities within the particle.  相似文献   

Constraint-based models of metabolism have been used in a variety of studies on drug discovery, metabolic engineering, evolution, and multi-species interactions. These genome-scale models can be generated for any sequenced organism since their main parameters (i.e., reaction stoichiometry) are highly conserved. Their relatively low parameter requirement makes these models easy to develop; however, these models often result in a solution space with multiple possible flux distributions, making it difficult to determine the precise flux state in the cell. Recent research efforts in this modeling field have investigated how additional experimental data, including gene expression, protein expression, metabolite concentrations, and kinetic parameters, can be used to reduce the solution space. This mini-review provides a summary of the data-driven computational approaches that are available for reducing the solution space and thereby improve predictions of intracellular fluxes by constraint-based models.  相似文献   

Equivalence of aggregated Markov models of ion-channel gating   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
One cannot always distinguish different Markov models of ion-channel kinetics solely on the basis of steady-state kinetic data. If two generator (or transition) matrices are related by a similarity transformation that does not combine states with different conductances, then the models described by these generator matrices have the same observable steady-state statistics. This result suggests a procedure for expressing the model in a unique form, and sometimes reducing the number of parameters in a model. I apply the similarity transformation procedure to a number of simple models. When a model specifies the dependence of the rates of transition on an experimentally variable parameter such as the concentration of a ligand or the membrane potential, the class of equivalent models may be further restricted, but a model is not always uniquely determined even under these conditions. Voltage-step experiments produce non-stationary data that can also be used to distinguish models.  相似文献   

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