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目的:应用CBCT观察快速扩弓前方牵引矫治替牙期骨性安氏Ⅲ类错合对上气道的影响。方法:选取替牙期骨性安氏Ⅲ类错合患者22例,采用上颌快速扩弓前方牵引治疗,应用CBCT评估矫治前后上气道的大小和形态的变化。结果:替牙期骨性安氏Ⅲ类错合患者矫治后上气道的总体积、腭咽、舌咽、喉咽及口咽体积显著增大(P0.05);软腭尖、会厌顶平面上气道的截面积及口咽段最小截面积、软腭尖平面矢状径、横径与会厌顶平面横径均显著增大(P0.05);硬腭平面的截面积、横径与矢状径及会厌平面的矢状径无显著变化(P0.05)。软腭尖平面上气道的矢横径比显著增大,会厌顶平面的矢横径比显著减小(P0.05)。结论:快速扩弓前方牵引矫治替牙期骨性安氏Ⅲ类错合患者后上气道变大。  相似文献   

本文对85例(男46,女39)国人寰椎进行了四项测量,其性差均非常显著,但两性重迭率≥38.9%。另算出两项指数,其性差不显著。从中挑选全宽(X_1)和矢径(X_2)两个变量经计算得判别式Z=X_1+2.21098x_2,临界值Z_0=172.9102。经组内外回代误判率分别为18.5%和12.9%。对四项测量作了相关分析,其中寰椎矢径与椎孔横径、全宽与椎孔矢径均呈中度正相关。并用寰椎矢径(X_2)推算椎孔横径(y),其男性Y=18.01±0.2579X_2,女性Y=4.88±0.5505X_2。  相似文献   

西安地区现代人胫骨的人类学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文对西安地区现代成人胫骨100副(男50,女50)进行了人类学的研究。按马丁方法测量了胫骨全长、髁踝长,上下段宽,上内侧和上外侧关节面的矢径,下段矢径,滋养孔平面最大横径和矢径,体最小周径和胫骨扭转角。计算出胫骨指数,长厚指数和胫股指数。并对一些数据进行了种族和地区的对比。  相似文献   

胫骨判定性别的逐步判别分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西安地区现代成人男女各50例的胫骨,进行12项测量,用逐步判别分析的方法进行研究。其结果:仅用下段宽判定性别,准确性达71%;而用下段宽,下段矢径和滋养孔平面最大矢径判定性别,准确性可达77%。并将该结果与美国白人和黑人的有关资料进行了对比。  相似文献   

记述了产自内蒙古呼和勃尔和剖面阿山头组的始施氏貘(Schlosseria magister)幼年头骨、头骨碎片及产自额尔登敖包底白层的S.magister成年头骨。幼年头骨在脊齿貘科属首次描述,成年头骨材料也是目前S.magister中首次描述。幼年头骨主要特征如下:头骨细长,脑颅部略有扩张,有眶后突,眶后收缩明显,矢状脊轻微发育;鼻切迹浅,位于前臼齿列之前,由前颌骨和鼻骨构成;眼眶大,眶前缘位于M1后部上方,眶下孔位于DP3-4之上;基蝶骨向后向中央逐渐加厚,末端隆起;翼蝶骨很大,从腹面看向后向背侧扩展,末端形成三角形的翼蝶骨突,覆盖在卵圆孔上;岩骨岬部表面有内颈动脉及其分支留下的3条沟痕;最内侧的为内颈动脉内侧沟,沿着岬部弯曲前行至最前部;镫骨动脉沟短小,横跨在圆窗前腹侧;岬动脉沟最长,起始于卵圆窗前内侧,沿岬部向前延伸;弓形下窝所在位置平滑,无凹陷。S.magister乳颊齿主要特征如下:DP2冠面大致呈三角形,前窄后宽,前缘较尖,长明显大于宽;外脊上仅有一个中央主尖前尖,一个非常不明显的小棱(可能为雏形的原脊)紧贴在前尖后舌侧壁上;前、后附尖不明显。DP3冠面呈梯形,与DP2相比明显增大,亚臼齿化,前附尖和后附尖略大,原、后脊明显。前尖大,后尖尚未分离;原尖很弱,几乎无法辨认,原脊低且不发育;次尖大而钝,比原尖更靠舌侧,后脊比原脊略发育,中部具小的后小尖;后脊在次尖处拐向后唇侧,使得磨蚀面呈V形。DP4冠面近方形,完全臼齿化,后尖已从外脊上分化出来,比前尖稍小,向舌侧倾斜,后尖肋明显;舌侧尖、脊发育完好,原尖和次尖大而钝,原脊、后脊近乎平行,比DP3的更高更长;两条脊分别在原尖和后尖处拐向后唇侧方,形成V形的磨蚀面。S.magister在由幼年向成年转变的过程中,主要变化趋势如下:1)吻部特征不同,主要表现为鼻切迹的位置、形态以及与之相关的前颌骨、上颌骨形态的差异。幼年头骨的鼻切迹位于前臼齿列之前,由前颌骨和鼻骨组成;成年头骨的鼻切迹后缩至M1-2之上,由鼻骨和上颌骨组成,并且因鼻切迹后缩造成鼻骨不与前颌骨接触。幼年和成年个体上颌骨的整体形态,眶前窝、眶下孔的位置和形态都差异显著。2)与咀嚼功能相关的结构改变。幼年个体的矢状脊微弱,而成年个体的则高且突起,暗示了后者具有相对强大的颞肌,以适应咀嚼功能。对比发现,S.magister与Lophialetes expeditus成年头骨在大小、整体形态和一些具有分类意义的特征上(如鼻骨和泪骨、前颌骨的接触方式,眶后突、关节后突、下颌关节窝的形状,矢状脊的高度等)非常接近。参照童永生、雷奕振(1984)对脊齿貘类头骨的划分方法,将Schlosseria magister的头骨与L.expeditus的划为一组,同时纠正了原有划分方案中存在的问题。  相似文献   

贵州仁怀苗族头面部体质人类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对世居在贵州仁怀后山乡的378名(男196人, 女182人)年龄在21-60岁的苗族进行头面部活体观察和测量(观察项目6项, 测量项目16项)。结果表明, 仁怀苗族男女眼裂倾斜度水平、上眼睑有皱褶、睫毛长者占多数; 鼻尖类型钩型与直型出现率接近; 舌运动类型非卷型略占优势;前额发际男性尖型多于平型、女性平型稍多于尖型。头型以特圆、高、阔头型多见;面型以超狭面型为主; 属中鼻型。与我国南方其他5个苗族以及贵州其他族群的聚类分析显示, 仁怀后山乡苗族男性与贵州王卡苗族、贵州布依族男性最为接近, 女性与湖南苗族女性最为接近。  相似文献   

目的:研究Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术与上颌牙根尖的关系,为临床合理制订截骨平面提供解剖学依据.方法:选择上颌牙槽清晰或出土后仍有牙保留的颅骨,在颅骨梨状孔下缘至上颌结节作一连线作为模拟Le Fort Ⅰ型术式截骨水平,以上颌牙槽缘为标志,用游标卡尺测量每侧上颌各牙的牙槽缘至上述模拟截骨水平的距离及牙槽缘至各牙根尖端的长度,然后计算出上颌各牙根尖至Le Fort Ⅰ型术式截骨线的距离.结果:上颌各牙相对的牙槽缘至Le Fort Ⅰ型术式截骨线的距离,从中切牙至第二磨牙逐渐缩小,右侧中切牙为21.09±1.53 mm,左侧中切牙为20.96±1.64mm,右侧第二磨牙为14.94±1.52 mm,左侧第二磨牙为14.95±1.59mm;上颌各牙根尖至LeFort Ⅰ型术式截骨水平的距离,从中切牙至第二磨牙也逐渐缩小,而两侧尖牙牙根尖距离LeFort Ⅰ型术式截骨线的距离右侧为4.49±1.74mm,左倒为4.69±2.14mm,第二磨牙牙根尖距离Le Fort Ⅰ型术式截骨线的距离右侧为4.65±1.63mm,左侧为4.49±1.89,两侧尖牙牙根尖和第二磨牙牙根尖至LeFort Ⅰ型术式截骨水平的距离均比较接近.结论:上颌各牙根尖至LeFort Ⅰ型术式截骨线的距离均在4mm以上,根据前牙中尖牙牙根尖的位置和后牙中第二磨牙牙根尖的位置,LeFort Ⅰ型术式截骨线水平在13、23(3|3)根尖及27、27(7|7)根尖上方4mm以上,按此平面作截骨水平较为安全,不易损伤牙根.  相似文献   

以矢竹(Pseudosasa japonica)、花叶矢竹(P. japonica f. akebonosuji)和曙筋矢竹(P. japonica f. akebono)为研究对象, 借助叶绿体超微结构和荧光动力学曲线的变化揭示不同叶色矢竹的光系统活性及光合特性差异。结果表明: 3个竹种的光合色素含量差异明显, 除花叶矢竹条纹叶白色部分叶绿体内无完整类囊体片层结构外, 花叶矢竹绿条纹和曙筋矢竹的基粒数明显少于矢竹, 叶绿体发育成熟度不一致; OJIP曲线及参数表明, 花叶矢竹条纹绿叶和曙筋矢竹光系统II (PSII)反应中心开放降低程度低于矢竹, 捕获能量用于电子传递的份额变小, PSII活性变弱; 而曙筋矢竹叶片P700至初级电子受体(QA)的电子传递链氧化还原平衡偏向于还原侧, 推测其光系统I (PSI)反应中心P700至PSII QA电子传递链受损。因此, PSII活性变化导致叶绿体发育不成熟, 可能是引起矢竹类叶色差异的直接原因。  相似文献   

大囟散白蚁Reticulitermes gaoshi新种 有翅成虫(图1:A—F,表1) 体型中等偏小。头部、前胸背板和腹部背板棕褐色,后唇基、触角、后颏和腿节以上均为褐色,胫节上半部黄白色中带淡褐,胫节以下淡黄带白,翅淡褐色。头部和前胸背板有较多的长刚毛,腹部背板刚毛更为稠密。 头部长宽几等,近圆形。囟很大,圆形,位于头顶中央。触角斑十分明显。复眼大,椭圆形。单眼小,卵形。单、复眼间距约等于单眼的短径。复眼至头部下缘的距离约等于其  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析正畸正颌联合治疗骨性Ⅲ类错??畸形对患者锥形束计算机断层扫描(CBCT)检查侧貌软硬组织变化的影响。方法:以2017年12月~2020年12月第四军医大学口腔医院(空军军医大学第三附属医院)收治的骨性Ⅲ类错??畸形患者50例为研究对象,所有患者均接受正畸正颌联合治疗,治疗后随访6个月。比较患者治疗前和随访6个月后侧貌软硬组织的角度和厚度、软硬组织标记点到垂直参考线的距离及随访6个月后上下颌中切牙牙根体积和根长减小量及减少百分比、上下颌中切牙的根颈部与根体部体积减小量及减少百分比。结果:随访6个月后,骨性Ⅲ类错??畸形患者上唇缘点垂直参考线(UL-VRL)、鼻唇角(NLA)、上中切牙点矢状面距离(DUI)、上唇缘点矢状面距离(DUL'')较治疗前升高,MLA、鼻下点前下交角(MP-SN)、L1-SN、下唇缘点垂直参考线(LL-VRL)、Pog-VRL、颏唇沟点矢状面距离(DBs)、颏前点矢状面距离(DPo)、软组织颏前点矢状面距离(DPos)、下中切牙点矢状面距离(DLI)、下唇缘点矢状面距离(DLL'')、颏前点至鼻根点一下齿槽座点连线的垂直距离(Po-NB)较治疗前降低(P<0.05)。随访6个月后,上中切牙牙根总体积、牙根顶端体积高于下中切牙(P<0.05);根颈部上中切牙、下中切牙体积变化和体积减少百分比均低于根体部(P<0.05)。结论:正畸正颌联合治疗可改善骨性Ⅲ类错??畸形患者侧貌软硬组织,但可导致患者牙根吸收的发生。  相似文献   

Distributions of alleles at three apolipoprotein loci (APO E, APO H, and APO A-IV) and an insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism at the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) locus among 274 American Samoans are described here. Genotypes at each locus are examined for associations with quantitative lipid (total cholesterol (total-c), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-c), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c), and triglycerides) and apolipoprotein (APO AI, APO AII, APO E, and APO B) levels. Genotype frequencies at all four loci are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The most common APO A-IV genotype (1-1) was observed in 252 American Samoans (97%). The three most common APO E genotypes were 3-3 (47%), 3-4 (30%), and 2-3 (12%). The most frequent APO H genotype was 2-2 (86%). The most common ACE genotype (I/I) was observed in 75% of sampled individuals, and 23% were I/D heterozygotes. APO E genotypic variation was associated with total-c, HDL-c, LDL-c, and all four quantitative apolipoproteins (AI, AII, E, and B). APO A-IV genotypes were associated significantly with total cholesterol, LDL-c, and APO-B levels. APO H showed little association with any quantitative lipid or apolipoprotein. ACE D/D homozygotes had higher AII levels. ACE showed a consistent association with APO AII levels, with either APO A-IV or APO E as a covariate. The interaction term between ACE and APO E was also significantly associated with total-c and APO E levels, and the ACE genotype showed a significant main effect on APO AI levels in multivariate analyses.  相似文献   

The thermal properties of various mixtures of two nonionic surfactants, decyldimethylphosphine oxide (APO10) and dodecyldimethylphosphine oxide (APO12) and two phospholipids, dimyristoylphosphatidyl choline (DMPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidyl choline (DPPC), were examined by differential scanning calorimetry at various mole fractions. The addition of APO12 to DMPC multilamellar vesicles lowered the temperature of the main transition, produced considerable broadening, and eliminated the pre-transition. Phase separation, as evidenced by the existence of a cloud point, T(cp), occurred when the mole fraction of APO12, with respect to DMPC was 0.58 and above. A small abrupt increase in heat capacity was observed at, or slightly above, the cloud point of APO12 and all mixed micelle solutions. It appeared that mixed micelles coexisted with mixed bilayers when the mole fraction was between 0.58 and 0.75 and perhaps as low as a mole ratio of 0.32. All of the mixtures, except APO12/DMPC, exhibited a clear endotherm below the temperature corresponding to the cloud point, which likely reflects the growth in micellar size. Overlapping chain length dependent endothermic peaks, perhaps resulting from reorganization and/or continued association of the micelles, were observed above the cloud point for all of the mixtures except for APO10/DMPC solutions. However, solutions of mixed micelles consisting of APO10/DMPC with mole fractions of surfactant between 0.81 and 0.93 portrayed a broad unidentified exotherm of about 2+/-1 kcal/mol, which was centered nearly 10-20 degrees C above the cloud point.  相似文献   

Cephalometric radiographs were taken of 111 skulls of skeletal remains of populations living in Israel and Jordan during the last 12,000 years. From these radiographs, skull length and height, and cranial thickness were measured. For each sex and period, high correlations were found between cranial thickness at vertex, bregma, and lambda. Cranial thickness at nasion was correlated with sinus width but not sinus height. All measurements were correlated with skull length but not skull breadth. Using multivariate analysis, no significant differences in cranial thickness were found between the sexes. Significant diachronic trends were found in lambda and sinus width, and they were independent of variation in skull length.  相似文献   

Expressed hypervariable polymorphism of apolipoprotein (a)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Elevated plasma lipoprotein (a) (LP(a] levels are an independent predictor of the development of premature atherosclerosis in humans. The LP(a) particle consists of two disulfide-linked proteins, apolipoprotein (APO) B and APO(a). The APO(a) is a highly glycosylated protein which carries the LP(a) antigen. Genetic polymorphism in the APO(a) molecule has been reported, and, depending on the sensitivity of the method used, 6-11 alleles at the APO(a) structural locus have been documented in the literature. In this investigation, we have used a high-resolution SDS-agarose electrophoresis method followed by immunoblotting to screen APO(a) polymorphism in 54 families with 130 offspring. This method identified a total of 23 different APO(a) isoforms, and their genetic basis was confirmed in families. In addition to the detectable products of 23 APO(a) alleles, the family data predict the existence of a "null" allele. Of the total 270 individuals tested, 209 (77.4%) revealed double-banded phenotypes and 61 (22.6%) revealed single-banded phenotypes. In the unrelated sample of 140 individuals, however, 114 (81.4%) and 26 (18.6%) had double- and single-banded phenotypes, respectively. When the segregation pattern of single-banded phenotypes in the unrelated sample was followed in families, only nine (6.4%) were found to be true homozygotes, and the remaining 17 (12.2%) were classified as heterozygotes for the null allele. Of the 276 possible phenotypes predicted for 23 alleles in a large population, we observed 115 (42%) phenotypes in our restricted sample. On the basis of our results from the family data, we hypothesize the existence of at least 24 alleles, including a null allele, at the APO(a) structural locus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background The pathophysiology of obesity is known to be influenced by alterations in lipid levels. We aimed to evaluate association of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) and apolipoprotein (APO) E gene variants with asymptomatic obesity. Methods A total of 437 subjects, 159 asymptomatic obese (BMI = 29.29 +/- 3.76) and 278 non-obese (BMI = 23.38 +/- 1.71) individuals, were included in this case-control study. Lipid levels were estimated using standard protocols. Analysis of CETP (TaqIB) and APOE (HhaI) gene polymorphisms was done using PCR-RFLP. Results We found significant difference in blood pressure (systolic, P < 0.0001 and diastolic, P < 0.0001), total cholesterol (P < 0.0001), LDL-cholesterol (P < 0.0001), and HDL-cholesterol (P < 0.0001) in obese as compared to non-obese group. Homozygous APO E4E4 genotype was only observed in 5.7% of obese individuals and none in non-obese group. APO E4 allele carriers were also susceptible for obesity (P = 0.016, OR = 1.73; 95% CI = 1.12-2.68) than non-carriers. Higher blood pressure (Systolic, P = 0.001 and Diastolic, P = 0.004) and triglyceride levels (P = 0.029) were observed in obese subjects with APO E4 allele than individuals without APO E4. However, CETP B1 variant allele carriers did not show alteration in blood pressure and lipid profile in asymptomatic obese subjects. Conclusions APO E4 genotype and allele were found to be associated with asymptomatic obesity, whereas CETP Taq1B polymorphism showed no such association in North Indian subjects.  相似文献   

Apolipoproteins E and CI are the predominant components of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. The genes are located in one gene cluster and both are polymorphic. Three allelic (epsilon2, epsilon3 and epsilon4) polymorphisms of the APOE gene influence plasma cholesterol levels. The distribution of these alleles differ between ethnic groups. PCR genotyping was used to determine the APOE and APOCI allele incidence in a representative group of 653 probands (302 men and 351 women) of Czech origin. The observed relative frequencies for the epsilon2, epsilon3 and epsilon4 alleles were 7.1 %, 82.0 % and 10.9 %, respectively, and are similar to other middle European populations. APO epsilon4 carriers have the highest and APO epsilon2 carriers the lowest levels of plasma total cholesterol (p<0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (p<0.0001). The frequency of the insertion (I) allele (HpaI restriction site present) of the APOCI polymorphism was 18.5 %. APOCI I/I homozygotes have the highest level of triglycerides (p<0.003). An almost complete linkage disequilibrium of the insertion allele of APOCI with the APOE alleles epsilon2 and epsilon4 has been detected and suggests that the deletion in the APOCI gene probably follows the deriving of all three APOE alleles on the APO epsilon3 allele background.  相似文献   



APO866 is a new anti-tumor compound inhibiting nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). APO866 has an anti-tumor effect in several pre-clinical tumor models and is currently in several clinical phase II studies. 3′-deoxy-3′-[18F]fluorothymidine ([18F]FLT) is a tracer used to assess cell proliferation in vivo. The aim of this study was non-invasively to study effect of APO866 treatment on [18F]FLT and 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose ([18F]FDG) uptake.


In vivo uptake of [18F]FLT and [18F]FDG in human ovary cancer xenografts in mice (A2780) was studied at various time points after APO866 treatment. Baseline [18F]FLT or [18F]FDG scans were made before treatment and repeated after 24 hours, 48 hours and 7 days. Tumor volume was followed with computed tomography (CT). Tracer uptake was quantified using small animal PET/CT. One hour after iv injection of tracer, static PET scans were performed. Imaging results were compared with Ki67 immunohistochemistry.


Tumors treated with APO866 had volumes that were 114% (24 h), 128% (48 h) and 130% (Day 7) relative to baseline volumes at Day 0. In the control group tumor volumes were 118% (24 h), 145% (48 h) and 339% (Day 7) relative to baseline volumes Day 0. Tumor volume between the treatment and control group was significantly different at Day 7 (P = 0.001). Compared to baseline, [18F]FLT SUVmax was significantly different at 24 h (P<0.001), 48 h (P<0.001) and Day 7 (P<0.001) in the APO866 group. Compared to baseline, [18F]FDG SUVmax was significantly different at Day 7 (P = 0.005) in the APO866 group.


APO866 treatment caused a significant decrease in [18F]FLT uptake 24 and 48 hours after treatment initiation. The early reductions in tumor cell proliferation preceded decrease in tumor volume. The results show the possibility to use [18F]FLT and [18F]FDG to image treatment effect early following treatment with APO866 in future clinical studies.  相似文献   

Theodorsson A  Theodorsson E 《Peptides》2005,26(11):2257-2264
A distinctive feature of galanin expression is that it is extensively increased by neuronal injury, estrogens, Alzheimer's disease and during development. Since stroke is amongst the clinically most important causes of neuronal injury we studied the tissue concentrations of galanin in a rat stroke model and the possibility of modulating this effect with estrogen. Transient focal middle cerebral artery ischemia was induced in rats that 2 weeks earlier underwent ovariectomy and received 1.5mg 17beta-estradiol slow-release or placebo pellets. The concentrations of galanin and neuropeptide Y were measured after observation periods of 3, 7 and 14 days in extracts of punch biopsies from both the lesioned and the contra lateral control hemisphere. The galanin levels were not changed in any of the brain regions studied except in the hippocampus where they were lower in the ischemic hemisphere in both the estrogen- and placebo-treated animals compared to the corresponding contra lateral intact hemisphere (p=0.015). Estrogen treatment up-regulated galanin concentrations in both the ventral and dorsal hippocampus (p=0.003). The effects on the galanin concentrations were similar after all observation periods: 3, 7 and 14 days (p=0.144). No significant changes were observed in the concentration of neuropeptide Y in response to the lesions. The ischemic lesions were markedly larger in the estrogen-treated animals observed after 3 days compared to the corresponding control group. In the estrogen group the lesion was largest at bregma and the slice 2mm anterior to the bregma, 82% and 435% larger than in the control group (p<0.001). A similar, but much less pronounced (not statistically significant) difference was seen in the groups observed after 7 and 14 days. Earlier studies of lesions in the peripheral and central nervous systems have generally shown an up-regulation of galanin markers in response to but at a distance from the injury. Our results indicate that galanin is not involved in the response of the ischemic penumbra itself to stroke, whereas it may participate in the reactions of the neural stem-cell rich hippocampus to stroke.  相似文献   

The introduction of disulfide bonds into proteins creates additional mechanical barriers and limits the unfolded contour length (i.e., the maximal extension) measured by single-molecule force spectroscopy. Here, we engineer single disulfide bonds into four different locations of the human cardiac titin module (I27) to control the contour length while keeping the distance to the transition state unchanged. This enables the study of several biologically important parameters. First, we are able to precisely determine the end-to-end length of the transition state before unfolding (53 Angstrom), which is longer than the end-to-end length of the protein obtained from NMR spectroscopy (43 Angstrom). Second, the measured contour length per amino acid from five different methods (4.0 +/- 0.2 Angstrom) is longer than the end-to-end length obtained from the crystal structure (3.6 Angstrom). Our measurement of the contour length takes into account all the internal degrees of freedom of the polypeptide chain, whereas crystallography measures the end-to-end length within the "frozen" protein structure. Furthermore, the control of contour length and therefore the number of amino acids unraveled before reaching the disulfide bond (n) facilitates the test of the chain length dependence on the folding time (tau(F)). We find that both a power law scaling tau(F) lambda n(lambda) with lambda = 4.4, and an exponential scaling with n(0.6) fit the data range, in support of different protein-folding scenarios.  相似文献   

We studied the ultrastructure of Torulopsis sphaerica yeast cells irradiated with He-Ne laser (lambda = 632.8 nm, dose--460 J/m2) and then cultured for 6 h in the nutrient with 1% glucose by aeration. The length of membranes of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the number of its associations with mitochondria (M) and plasma membrane (PM) were measured on ultrathin sections. A distance of less than 50 nm between heterogeneous membranes was considered as an "association". The cells from irradiated cultures are characterized by the following features: 1) the length of cortical ER membranes in relation to cellular perimeter, and the length of perinuclear ER membranes in relation to nuclear perimeter increase, resp., by 21 and 79%; 2) the number of ER-PM associations per cellular section, and that per unit of PM length increase, resp., by 26 and 41%; 3) the number of ER-M association in relation to the total mitochondrial perimeter, and to perimitochondrial ER increase by 80 and 87%, resp. The latter may be associated with Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria associated with ER, which results in activation of respiration and ATP production.  相似文献   

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