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通过对华宁县建设项目征占用林地管理的调查研究,发现林地管理存在如下主要问题:1未批先占用林地项目时有发生;2林地管理机构不规范;3缺乏林业部门专家评审机构;4征占用林地审批过程存在缺陷。并针对这些问题提出加强华宁县林地资源管理工作的建议:1加强宣传;2健全管理机构,完善林地审批制度;3省级、市级成立专门林业部门专家评审机构,评审《项目使用林地可行性报告》的可行性;4完善征占用林地的审核材料,压缩一些材料,上一级行政主管部门适当的权力下放,一些项目可实施市、县级部门审批,避免层层请示所带来的时间、资金的浪费;5提前介入、主动服务、依法依规管理好用地单位。  相似文献   

目的 通过对所属医院2008—2011年洁净手术部检查结果的分析,找出手术室感染管理中存在的问题,提出有效的改进措施。方法 回顾性分析2008—2011年洁净手术部检查资料,了解所属医院洁净手术部感染管理改善情况,探讨手术室医院感染管理控制策略。结果 通过检查,为医院洁净手术部感染管理工作的进一步完善和提高起到了良好的促进作用。结论 在检查中发现的问题尚未对手术室洁净级别造成影响,但存在潜在的安全隐患,仍需高度重视手术室感染管理质量监测,制订健全的手术室医院感染管理制度,切实落实手术室医院感染管理控制措施,有效预防手术的相关感染。  相似文献   

目的 通过对医院洁净手术部综合性能和管理现状监测结果的分析,发现质量管理中存在的问题,促进医院加强管理,保障洁净手术部有效运行。方法 回顾性分析洁净手术部检查资料,了解质量管理中存在的问题及薄弱环节,提出有效的改进措施。结果 洁净手术部的管理还存在着一定的缺陷,应进一步加强管理力度,定期监测。结论 洁净手术部的管理涉及多专业,多学科,多部门,是对医院感染管理工作的挑战。需要制定与此相适应的科学合理的运行和管理的措施,以保障洁净手术部的安全运行。  相似文献   




????? 目的 通过对医院洁净手术部综合性能和管理现状监测结果的分析,发现质量管理中存在的问题,促进医院加强管理,保障洁净手术部有效运行。方法 回顾性分析洁净手术部检查资料,了解质量管理中存在的问题及薄弱环节,提出有效的改进措施。结果 洁净手术部的管理还存在着一定的缺陷,应进一步加强管理力度,定期监测。结论 洁净手术部的管理涉及多专业,多学科,多部门,是对医院感染管理工作的挑战。需要制定与此相适应的科学合理的运行和管理的措施,以保障洁净手术部的安全运行。  相似文献   

????? 目的 分析卫生专业技术资格评审结果的影响因素。 方法 对2010年北京部分三级甲等医院及科研机构的评审数据,分申报级别进行Logistic单因素回归分析。 结果 正高评审的影响因素包括:参评学历、考试成绩、论文总数、参评论文质量水平、专业技术工作情况、正高答辩情况;副高评审的影响因素包括:年龄、专业工作年限、参评论文是否真实客观、参评论文质量水平、专业技术工作情况;中级评审的影响因素包括:专业类别、参评论文质量水平、专业技术工作情况。 结论 评审过程基本上客观、公正,评审结果能反映申报人的能力和水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨按病种管理在降低抗菌药物使用强度中的应用效果。方法 通过对妇科4个病区5个常见病种(子宫平滑肌瘤、卵巢囊肿、卵巢恶性肿瘤、子宫内膜恶性肿瘤和宫颈恶性肿瘤)使用抗菌药物的对比分析,找到问题症结所在,对妇科围手术期抗菌药物使用存在问题进行改进,并将改进前后状况进行比较。结果 妇科抗菌药物使用强度从42DDD下降到38DDD,达到国家标准。结论 按病种管理在降低抗菌药物使用强度管理中取得了较好的效果,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的 探索适合我国医院的实验室生物安全管理模式和策略。方法和结果 通过比较医院实验室与科研院所实验室的不同特点,分析目前医院实验室安全管理的模式和管理内容所存在的问题和隐患;论述医院生物安全管理的范围和管理重点,讨论可行的实验室安全管理模式和策略。结论 医院的实验室生物安全管理与科研院所不同,要与临床医疗工作统筹兼顾,临床检验实验室和科研实验室有不同的管理内容和环节。  相似文献   




昆虫抗药性的治理策略:一个数学模型的提出   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文用计算机模型分析及评价了昆虫抗药性的三种治理策略:顺序轮用,“高杀死”策略及棋盘式用药.假设昆虫具有一定的生物学特性:如抗性为单基因,单抗性,抗性基因为半显性,两性生殖,昆虫有扩散习性,感性系在不施药情况下有微弱的适应优势等.分析了用不同剂量造成的不同的死亡率,不同的反选择作用,不同的基因稀释作用等情况对三个策略的影响.结果显示出,在这些情况下,用3—5种杀虫剂隔代顺序轮用加上微弱的反选择作用是最为有效的.“高杀死”策略加上一定的稀释作用也极为有效.棋盘式用药在特殊情况下才有用.  相似文献   

Despite being one of the dominant groups in freshwater ecosystems, morphological and ontogenetic studies on aquatic Hemiptera have received little attention in the Oriental region. We present the ontogenetic trajectory and allometry of the widespread Oriental belostomatid species, Diplonychus rusticus (Fabricius) for the first time. We have measured nine different morphological variables throughout the growth of the bug using both field captured and laboratory reared specimens. Our results suggest that the developmental instars can be distinguished by the size variables, as seen in the Principal Component Analysis. On the basis of a CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) based regression tree, we also show that the characters – total length without head and maximum width – prove to be adequate for effective instar identification. The multivariate allometric growth pattern shows that different body parts exhibit different types of allometry. This is apparent in the allometry exhibited by forelegs and mid and hind legs, which show allometry of opposite polarities. This may be due to the different functions attributed to these body parts. Our results show that the growth pattern in D. rusticus is comparable with the New World genus Belostoma, suggesting a conserved growth pattern in the family Belostomatidae.  相似文献   

稻—萍—鱼系统中红萍氮素吸收利用及有效性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道以红萍为饵料,鱼类对红萍氮素消化吸收、转化情况。试验结果表明:草鱼和尼罗罗非鱼对红萍氮素的消化和吸收率约为60%,其中30%红萍氮素转化为鱼体动物蛋白,另外约30%氮素排出体外。在田间条件下,尼罗罗非鱼摄食红萍,每季平均增长率约为41—40%。稻田养鱼,以萍喂鱼,鱼粪肥田,萍体氮素得以吸收利用,效益明显。在稻萍鱼体系中,当季红萍氮素的总利用率可达45—50%,而红萍单作肥料处理其利用率仅为30—36%,第二季作物对红萍残留氮素回收率可达7.83—9.64%,比红萍单作肥料处理高3.33—4.11%。第二季残效明显优于红萍压施处理,晚季稻谷产量的增产率可达13—25%,比压施红萍作肥料处理高7—8%。  相似文献   

Porphobilinogen synthase (PBG synthase) gene from Pyrobaculum calidifontis was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified as an octamer and was found by mass spectrometry to have a subunit Mr of 37676.59 (calculated, 37676.3). The enzyme showed high thermal stability and retained almost all of its activity after incubation at 70 °C for 16 h in the presence of β-mercaptoethanol (β-ME) and zinc chloride. However, in the absence of the latter the enzyme was inactivated after 16 h although it regained full activity in the presence of β-ME and zinc chloride. The protein contained 4 mol of tightly bound zinc per octamer. Further, 4 mol of low affinity zinc could be incorporated following incubation with exogenous zinc salts. The enzyme was inactivated by incubation with levulinic acid followed by treatment with sodium borohydride. Tryptic digest of the modified enzyme and mass spectrometric analysis showed that Lys257 was the site of modification, which has previously been shown to be the site for the binding of 5-aminolevulinic acid giving rise to the propionate-half of porphobilinogen. P. calidifontis PBG synthase was inactivated by 5-chlorolevulinic acid and the residue modified was shown to be the central cysteine (Cys127) of the zinc-binding cysteine-triad, comprising Cys125, 127, 135. The present results in conjunction with earlier findings on zinc containing PBG synthases, are discussed which advocate that the catalytic role of zinc in the activation of the 5-aminolevulinic acid molecule forming the acetate-half of PBG is possible.  相似文献   

In order to characterise current and historical pattern of heavy metal (HM) pollution in Estonia, this article will compare the concentrations and stocks of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn represented in current deposition (data from 18 local precipitation stations) with natural media of three different ages: 1–3-year-old moss carpet (ICP Vegetation moss survey data from 99 open area plots), 3–5-year-old litter layer, and several-decades-old organic layer (mor humus) of coniferous forest, in mostly podzolic soils (ICP Forest soil survey data, 75 stands).Objectives of this study are (1) to assess differences in HM retention and accumulation in various aged media of coniferous stands (2) to estimate territorial differences in current HM distribution and previously accumulated concentrations and stores of HM (3) to compare territorial distribution of HM concentration in Estonia between five different regions: N-W; N-E; S-W; S-E and Western insular region, whereas the local oil shale industry in N-E part of Estonia has been the main source of HM pollution over a long period of time and therefore may have an effect on HM regional distribution.Comparing the studied media, three types of HM retention patterns were detected: (1) for Cu, Ni, Cr (2) for Cd, Pb, (3) for Zn. The mean current level of HM deposition in Estonia is low comparison to previous decades, especially the 1980s. The effect of the previously significantly higher exposure of HM emissions and deposition is preserved in older part of soil organics (OF), where the highest stocks and concentrations of HMs (with the exception of Zn) are currently found. The HM proportions in fly ash of oil shale and in OF layer of soil were very similar with regards to Ni and Cr—indicating their origin from the oil shale industry in the N-E region. According to spatial distribution analysis, the greatest accumulated storages of Ni and Cr in OF layer of coniferous forest soils are characteristic to S-W Estonia.  相似文献   

The soil microalgae of the genus Heterococcus are found in cold environments and have been reported for the terrestrial ecosystems of several Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Islands. This study focused on resistance of Heterococcus sp. to sub-zero temperature. Heterococcus sp. was isolated from soil samples from James Ross Island, Antarctica. Culture of Heterococcus sp. grown in liquid medium were used to study ribitol effects at sub-zero temperatures on the species resistance to rapid freezing (RF, immersion of a sample into liquid nitrogen) and consequent cultivation on agar. Before the experiment, Heterococcus sp. was cultured in liquid medium for 11 months and then treated in ribitol concentrations of 32 or 50 mM for 2 h. Then, 1 ml samples were frozen to −196 °C in liquid nitrogen (day 0) and inoculated on BBM agar after thawing. Number of living and dead cells was evaluated and the cell viability (Pν) was calculated repeatedly using the optical microscopy approach. The addition of ribitol caused a noticable increase in Pν on days 9, 12, 14 (with a Pν of 25–45% in ribitol-treated samples compared to 10% in the untreated control). In the following period (d 16–19), the positive effect of ribitol on Pν was less pronounced but still statistically significant. To evaluate the negative effects of RF on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, the potential yield of photochemical reactions in PS II (FV/FM), and the effective quantum yield of photochemical reactions in PS II (ФPSII) were measured immediately before and after RF. Consequently, FV/FM and ФPSII of agar inoculates were measured repeatedly for 30 d cultivation in 3 d interval. Both the 32 and the 50 mM addition of ribitol caused earlier detection of the parameters (d 16) compared to the control measurements (d 23) as well as reaching the maximum values of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters earlier (d 23 in ribitol-treated samples compared to d 25 in control samples). Heterococcus sp. proved to be a species resistant to rapid freezing. The ability may help the species to survive in harsh Antarctic environments typified by rapid fluctuations in temperature that may bring a rapid freezing of the alga.  相似文献   

Background: Compared with visual torque-onset-detection (TOD), threshold-based TOD produces onset bias, which increases with lower torques or rates of torque development (RTD). Purpose: To compare the effects of differential TOD-bias on common contractile parameters in two torque-disparate groups. Methods: Fifteen boys and 12 men performed maximal, explosive, isometric knee-extensions. Torque and EMG were recorded for each contraction. Best contractions were selected by peak torque (MVC) and peak RTD. Visual-TOD-based torque-time traces, electromechanical delays (EMD), and times to peak RTD (tRTD) were compared with corresponding data derived from fixed 4-N m- and relative 5%MVC-thresholds. Results: The 5%MVC TOD-biases were similar for boys and men, but the corresponding 4-N m-based biases were markedly different (40.3 ± 14.1 vs. 18.4 ± 7.1 ms, respectively; p < 0.001). Boys–men EMD differences were most affected, increasing from 5.0 ms (visual) to 26.9 ms (4 N m; p < 0.01). Men’s visually-based torque kinetics tended to be faster than the boys’ (NS), but the 4-N m-based kinetics erroneously depicted the boys as being much faster to any given %MVC (p < 0.001). Conclusions: When comparing contractile properties of dissimilar groups, e.g., children vs. adults, threshold-based TOD methods can misrepresent reality and lead to erroneous conclusions. Relative-thresholds (e.g., 5% MVC) still introduce error, but group-comparisons are not confounded.  相似文献   

This pilot study investigated the effect of age on the ability of motor prediction during self-triggered drop perturbations (SLF) to modulate startle-like first trial response (FTR) magnitude during externally-triggered (EXT) drop perturbations. Ten healthy older (71.4 ± 1.44 years) and younger adults (26.2 ± 1.63 years) stood atop a moveable platform and received blocks of twelve consecutive EXT and SLF drop perturbations. Following the last SLF trial, participants received an additional EXT trial spaced 20 min apart to assess retention (EXT RTN) of any modulation effects. Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded bilaterally over the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), medial gastrocnemius (MG), and tibialis anterior (TA). Whole-body kinematics and kinetic data were recorded. Stability in the antero-posterior direction was quantified using the margin of stability (MoS). Compared with EXT trials, both groups reduced SCM peak amplitude responses during SLF and EXT RTN trials. VL/BF and TA/MG coactivation were reduced during SLF FTR compared to EXT FTR (p < 0.05) with reduced peak vertical ground reaction forces (vGRF) in both younger and older adults (p < 0.05). Older adults increased their MoS during SLF FTR compared to EXT FTR (p < 0.05). Both groups performed more eccentric work during SLF trials compared to EXT (p < 0.05). These findings indicate that abnormal startle effects with aging may interfere with balance recovery and increase risk of injury with external balance perturbations. Motor prediction may be used to acutely mitigate abnormal startle/postural responses with aging.  相似文献   

BackgroundQuantified gait analysis is a rising technology used increasingly to assess motor disorders. Normal reference data are required in order to evaluate patients, but there are no reference data available for the Tunisian healthy population.AimTo assess the features of normal Tunisian gait pattern, and examine the intrinsic reliability of spatio-temporal, kinematic and kinetic parameters within a new specific reference database.MethodsEighteen healthy active-young adults (age: 23.30 ± 2.54 years, height: 1.78 ± 0.04 m and, weight: 70.00 ± 4.80 kg) have participated to five trials of step gait where the dominant lower limb were recorded. Two over the five trials were randomly selected to be further analyzed. Twenty-three spatio-temporal, kinematic and kinetic parameters determined from 3-dimensional gait analysis. The intrinsic reliability was examined for each variable and our results were compared with those available in the literature.ResultsTwelve over 23 parameters have an excellent intrinsic reliability (P > 0.05, ICC > 0.9 and SEM < 5% of the grand mean). There are similarities with other studies (P < 0.05) but we noticed the existence of some specificity (the height of hip extension peak and the low cadence of gait) that could characterize the Tunisian population.ConclusionA specific reference database of the gait cycle has been established for healthy Tunisian active-young adults and excellent inter-trial reliability may be observed for different variables.  相似文献   

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