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文章研究了在实验室条件下齐口裂腹鱼仔稚鱼耳石早期形态发育与生长特点、第一轮纹出现时间和轮纹沉积规律。结果表明: 在13.5-17.2℃孵化条件下,微耳石和矢耳石在出膜前形成,而星耳石于出膜后第12天出现。在仔稚鱼生长过程中,微耳石由近圆形发育成贻贝形,矢耳石经历近圆形、锲形后发育为箭矢状,星耳石形状由近圆形发育为星芒状。微耳石的前区、背区和腹区及矢耳石的背区和腹区生长呈幂函数关系,而微耳石的后区、矢耳石前区和后区生长以及两对耳石的前后区半径之和与全长均呈线性相关。在(18.50.5)℃和(15.61.1)℃条件下,50%矢耳石样本第一轮纹均在出膜后第 2 天形成(分别为出膜后18h和19h),以后每天形成一轮。微耳石和矢耳石轮纹数均与日龄呈线性相关,方程斜率均与1差异不显著(P0.05),表明两对耳石的轮纹沉积均为日周期性。这些结果为研究齐口裂腹鱼野生种群繁殖期和早期生活史特征等生态学问题提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

乌江上游四川裂腹鱼繁殖力的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
陈永祥  罗泉笙 《动物学研究》1995,16(4):324-324,342,348
乌江上游四川裂腹鱼繁殖力的研究陈永祥,罗泉笙(毕节师范专科学校生物系贵州毕节551700)(西南师范大学生物系重庆630715)关键词四川裂腹鱼,繁殖力,繁殖生物学THEFECUNDITYOFSchizothoraxkozloviFROMWURIVE...  相似文献   

四川裂腹鱼和重口裂腹鱼形态差异的多元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过聚类分析、判别分析和主成分分析3种多元分析方法,对乌江总溪河89尾四川裂腹鱼(Schizothorax kozlovi)和岷江青衣江33尾重口裂腹鱼(S.davidi)的10个常规可量性状与20个框架性状进行了比较研究。聚类分析结果显示,3次采集的四川裂腹鱼聚为一支,而重口裂腹鱼单独为一支;主成分分析结果显示,提取的8个主成分对总方差的累计贡献率为73.762%,贡献率大的性状集中在吻端和躯干后侧;通过两次判别分析,最终建立四川裂腹鱼和重口裂腹鱼两个判别方程,综合判别率为100%。研究结果显示,四川裂腹鱼和重口裂腹鱼是独立的两个种,在形态上的主要差异体现在吻端和躯干后侧,运用多元分析方法能有效地将其区分开来,而3次采样的四川裂腹鱼为同一种群。  相似文献   

乌江上游四川裂腹鱼的胚胎发育   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
陈永祥  罗泉笙 《四川动物》1997,16(4):163-167
观察了四川裂腹鱼胚胎发育过程中各个时期的形态特征。经人工授精获四川裂腹鱼的受精卵,其平均卵径2.65mm,吸水膨胀后达3.70mm,粘性。在水温11.0-21.℃,平均16.35℃条件下,受精后1小时形成胚盘,11小时进入囊胚期,23小时进入原肠胚期,41小时48分胚孔封闭,59小时肌肉开始收缩,83小时心脏开始搏动,130小时孵出。初孵鱼苗长7.8-8.5mm。孵化时间长、肌肉效应出现早,是其胚胎发育的显著特点。还就四川裂腹鱼与青海湖裸鲤胚胎发育的差异和温度对四川裂腹鱼胚胎发育的影响等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

用荧光物质浸泡标记重口裂腹鱼仔鱼耳石   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用荧光物质对重口裂腹鱼仔鱼浸泡标记表明,200~300 mg/L的茜素络合物溶液浸泡12 h对重口裂腹鱼仔鱼耳石有很好的标记效果,荧光和可见光下均能检测到明显的标记环;100~150 mg/L的标记能检测到荧光标记环,但可见光下标记环较微弱.相同浸泡时间,随着浸泡浓度的增加,耳石上标记环强度增加;相同浸泡浓度,随着浸泡时间的增加,耳石上标记环强度增加.3对耳石中,微耳石和矢耳石对茜素络合物较敏感,星耳石敏感性较低.盐酸四环素的标记效果很差,浸泡浓度为50~160 mg/L时,3对耳石上均不能检测到标记环,同时110~160 mg/L的盐酸四环素浸泡液对仔鱼有较高的致昏或致死作用.因此,茜素络合物是对重口裂腹鱼鱼苗进行化学标记比较合适的荧光物质,而盐酸四环素不适合于标记该鱼的耳石.  相似文献   

四川裂腹鱼乌江种群mtDNA控制区序列的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR扩增和直接测序法分析了四川裂腹鱼乌江种群32个个体mtDNA控制区的序列差异和遗传多样性.在该种群mtDNA控制区长度为464 bp的同源序列中,共计有9个变异位点,占总位点数的1.94%.32个个体共定义了9种单倍型,单倍型间平均遗传距离(P)为0.0060,单倍型多样度(Hd)为0.768.核苷酸多样性(π)为0.00324,平均核苷酸差异数(K)为1.500.用单倍型间遗传距离构建的NJ分子系统树聚为两个分支.结果提示四川裂腹鱼乌江种群遗传多样性匮乏,保护四川裂腹鱼乌江种群刻不容缓.  相似文献   

巨须裂腹鱼(Schizothorax macropogon)隶属裂腹鱼亚科, 裂腹鱼属, 是西藏特有经济鱼类, 因过度捕捞, 其种群数量和分布面积下降, 在2009年中国红色名录评为“濒危”等级。研究通过研究巨须裂腹鱼早期发育特征, 旨在为该鱼的科学养护提供技术支撑。结果表明: 巨须裂腹鱼受精卵直径3.0—3.2 mm, 遇水开始具有微黏性, 随后脱黏, 经过准备卵裂阶段、卵裂阶段、囊胚阶段、原肠胚阶段、神经胚阶段、器官分化阶段、 孵化阶段, 在水温10℃的条件下, 经过460.67h孵化出来。初孵仔鱼体长9.9—1.1 mm, 心率48—50次/min, 鳃盖骨清晰可见, 下颌原基、尾鳍下骨原基可见。第2天鼻凹出现; 第3天肝胰脏原基出现; 第4天鳃耙、肩带原基出现; 第6天仔鱼上下颌开始张合; 第7天心血管分化结束, 仔鱼开始进入混合营养期; 第14天鳔一室和体侧色素带形成; 第26天肋骨原基出现; 第35天鳔二室出现, 卵黄囊耗尽; 第63天背鳍分化结束; 第83天臀鳍分化结束。巨须裂腹鱼胚胎具有独特的发育时序: 体节的出现先于胚孔封闭, 是对高原环境的一种适应和进化。  相似文献   

1980年,我们在青衣江采得裂腹鱼属(Schizothorax)鱼类的一个新种。现记述如下。 异唇裂腹鱼(新种)Schizothorax heterochilus,sp,nov.(图1) 地方名 假重口 正模标本编号6—0539,体长285毫米,♀,1980年11月5日采自雅安草坝,海拔高度600米左右;配模标本编号6—0414,体长为360毫米,(?),1980年9月13日采自雅安周公河,海拔高度约600米;副模标本6尾,编号:6—0001,6—0188,6—0404,  相似文献   

农牧结合生态工程的基本理论与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农牧结合生态工程是一个复杂的农业生态、经济和技术系统工程,它由植物(种植业)、动物(养殖业)和微生物(连接种养业)3个子系统组成,其关键是建设一个以"四、三、二、一"畜牧业生产模式为主要内容的高效节粮型畜牧生态工程,它要求用尽可能少的自然资源,在尽可能短的周期内,生产尽可能多而优的农(牧)产品,以获取尽可能高的经济效益,达到或维持尽可能最佳的生态平衡.  相似文献   

野生和养殖裂腹鱼血液学指标的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对齐口裂腹鱼和重口裂腹鱼的野生和养殖个体血液学指标进行了比较研究.结果显示:重口裂腹鱼野生组的红细胞长径和短径、红细胞核长径和短径、嗜中性粒细胞长径和短径、淋巴细胞长径和短径、总蛋白和甘油三酯与齐口裂腹鱼野生组相应指标差异显著;齐口裂腹鱼野生组的嗜中性粒细胞长径、嗜中性粒细胞短径、淋巴细胞长径、淋巴细胞短径和淋巴细胞核长径显著大于养殖组;重口裂腹鱼野生组的红细胞短径明显小于养殖组重口裂腹鱼;齐口裂腹鱼野生组血液中TP、GLU和TG显著低于齐口裂腹鱼养殖组;重口裂腹鱼野生组TG、T-CHO与养殖组重口裂腹鱼差异显著.这些差异说明齐口裂腹鱼和重口裂腹鱼在生理适应方面存在差异,养殖活动对它们的生理状况有一定的影响.  相似文献   

The relationship between water temperature, growth rate, and otolith isotopic ratios was measured for juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) reared at two temperatures (11 and 17°C) and two feeding regimes (1 and 3 prey items·ml?1). The otolith isotope ratios in individual fish ranged from ?2 to ?4 for carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) and from 0.2 to 1.9 for oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O). The otolith oxygen isotope ratios were significantly affected by water temperature, but not by feeding level, and there were no significant synergistic effects. The fractionation of oxygen isotopes during otolith growth was independent of individual growth rate. Carbon isotope ratios were not significantly affected by food ration or water temperature, but were related to fish growth rate. The carbon isotope ratios were negatively correlated with fish length in the colder water treatments, and tended to increase with fish length in the warm water treatments. The laboratory-determined relationship between otolith oxygen isotope ratio and water temperature was applied to individuals of five species (plaice, cod, whiting, haddock, gurnard) collected in a single trawl sample. The otolith derived temperatures often overestimated measured water temperatures. The difference between real and estimated water temperatures varied between species, and the closest fit was for field-caught plaice.  相似文献   

为探究高海拔地区的植物碳(C)循环过程与其生境的关系,以生长在高山地区的豆科灌木鬼箭锦鸡儿为研究对象,沿着横跨我国东西部山区的样带采集35个样点的鬼箭锦鸡儿叶片和土壤样品,分析了鬼箭锦鸡儿叶片碳稳定同位素组成(δ13C)、土壤δ13C、叶片和土壤δ13C差值(Δδ13C)在不同采样点的特征及其与气候因子、叶片和土壤元素...  相似文献   

Mass-spectrometric investigation of carbon isotope composition (δ13C) was carried out for suspended organic matter and dissolved mineral compounds for the water column of some meromictic water bodies differing in salinity and trophic state. As a rule, a more pronounced carbon isotope fractionation (resulting from the metabolism of phytoplankton and anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria) was revealed in the zones of enhanced oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis. Carbon isotope fractionation at the border between oxidized and reduced waters depends both on the activity of microbial communities and on the dominant species of phototrophic microorganisms. Analysis of the distribution profiles of the isotopic composition of suspended organic matter and dissolved mineral carbon revealed active mineralization of the organic matter newly formed via anoxygenic photosynthesis in the monimolimnion by microbial communities, resulting in the release of isotopically light carbon dioxide. Mineral carbon in the anaerobic zones of highly productive meromictic water bodies is therefore enriched with the light 12C isotope.  相似文献   

土壤碳、氮稳定同位素自然丰度(δ13C和δ15N)随土壤深度变化的研究,对揭示碳、氮元素生物地球化学循环机制具有重要意义.本文在概述土壤剖面δ13C和δ15N垂直分布特征的基础上,重点介绍了土壤δ13C和δ15N垂直分布模式的影响机制.土壤剖面δ13C垂直分布模式的影响机制主要有3种:1)植被δ13C值的历史变化;2)...  相似文献   

利用稳定氢氧同位素定量区分白刺水分来源的方法比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
巩国丽  陈辉  段德玉 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7533-7541
水是影响植物分布的重要生态因子之一,对植物水源的研究有助于在全球变化背景下了解植物的时空分布格局.根据同位素质量守恒,利用稳定氢氧同位素可以确定植物水分来源,相关的方法也不断改进.利用三源线性混合模型、多源线性混合模型、吸水深度模型以及动态模型分别对格尔木白刺(Nitraria Tangutorum)的水分来源进行了对比研究,发现格尔木白刺主要吸收利用50-100 cm处的土壤水及地下水.在研究方法上,各模型都有自己的应用范围和局限:三源线性混合模型一般只能在植物吸收的水分来源不超过3个的情况下运行;多源线性混合模型弥补了三源线性混合模型的不足,可以同时比较多种来源水各自对白刺的贡献率及贡献范围;吸水深度模型弥补了混合模型中不能计算白刺对土壤水的平均吸水深度的缺陷;动态模型则会为未来降水格局变化对植物的时空分布的影响研究起很大作用.针对不同的适用范围,模型的选择及综合应用会更广泛.但是,该技术还存在一些不足,需要结合测定土水势,富氘水的示踪等方法来弥补.  相似文献   

Geladas were long supposed to be the only living primates feeding almost entirely on graminoids and accordingly display dramatic dental and manual adaptive traits. A recent study of Theropithecus gelada, the first in a relatively undisturbed habitat, revealed a more diverse diet, also incorporating large quantities of forbs. The peculiar adaptive traits of T. gelada are also observed in extinct Theropithecus as early as 3.7 Ma. Stable carbon isotopic data of extinct Theropithecus from eastern Africa indicate that specimens older than 3 Ma consumed a significant proportion of C3 plants (on average ca. 40% of total food intake) whereas specimens younger than 2 Ma consumed more C4 plants (on average ca. 80%). Recent paleobotanical evidence suggests that C3 herbaceous plants were still present in non‐negligible proportions in Plio‐Pleistocene lowland tropical ecosystems. Together, the shared morphological adaptive traits of extant and extinct Theropithecus and the varied diets of extant T. gelada suggest that the paleodiets of Theropithecus may have been dominated by herbaceous plants, comprising both C3 forbs and graminoids and C4 graminoids. The changes in stable carbon isotopes could correspond to a replacement of C3 plants by C4 plants within the herbaceous strata rather than a shift from C3 woody vegetation to C4 graminoids. This synthesis highlights the need for a more exhaustive knowledge of the ecology of extant species to achieve meaningful paleodietary and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. A strong selectivity for food resources that are rare in the landscapes (as in T. gelada) should also be considered when interpreting stable carbon isotopes of extinct African mammals (and notably hominids).  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘荒漠区土壤碳分布及其稳定同位素变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以亚洲中部干旱区准噶尔盆地南缘荒漠区为研究区,根据荒漠距离绿洲的距离,分别在荒漠边缘、中部和腹地设置3条样带,并采集2 m深的土壤剖面样品,研究土壤有机碳(SOC)、无机碳(SIC)含量及其稳定碳同位素的分布,探讨土壤碳变化与距绿洲距离的关系.结果表明: SOC含量随剖面土层深度增加而减少.受距绿洲距离的影响,SOC含量表现为荒漠边缘>荒漠中部>荒漠腹地.荒漠边缘SOC的δ13C值范围为-21.92‰~-17.41‰,且随深度增加而递减;荒漠中部和荒漠腹地的δ13C值范围为-25.20‰~-19.30‰,且随深度增加先增后减,由此推断准噶尔盆地南缘荒漠中部和腹地地表植被以C3植物为主,而绿洲边缘经历了从C3植物为主到C4植物为主的演替过程.荒漠边缘SIC平均含量为38.98 g·kg-1,是荒漠腹地的6.01倍,表明0~2 m深度内大量SIC在荒漠边缘呈聚集趋势.SIC的δ13C值随深度增加先减后增,底层富集,主要受原生碳酸盐含量和剖面土壤CO2的影响.  相似文献   

The relationship between physiology and temperature has a large influence on population-level responses to climate change. In natural settings, direct thermal effects on metabolism may be exaggerated or offset by behavioural responses influencing individual energy balance. Drawing on a newly developed proxy, we provide the first estimates of the thermal performance curve of field metabolism in a wild fish. We investigate the thermal sensitivity of field metabolic rate in two sympatric, genetically distinct ecotypes of Atlantic cod from the Skagerrak coast of southern Norway. The combined ecotype median of field metabolic rate increased with increasing temperature until around 16°C, coincident with the thermal optimum for growth for juvenile Atlantic cod. Individual cod experienced temperatures in excess of the thermal optimum for field metabolic rate, indicating some degree of thermal limitation of field metabolism in a complex natural environment with the potential for thermal refugia. The two cod ecotypes showed different thermal performance curves for field metabolic rate, revealing that genetic components to temperature sensitivity persist beyond acclimation effects. The cold-adapted fjord ecotype maintained higher field metabolic rates at cooler temperatures than the warm-adapted North Sea ecotype, which showed clear preference for warmer waters around the thermal optimum. Field metabolic rates of the two ecotypes were strongly influenced by year and location of sampling, implying more complex behavioural responses to environmental conditions. We emphasise that the energy uses reflecting physiological conditions in the field should be considered in the evaluation of the effect of climatic variables on fish population dynamics and demonstrate that otolith isotopes provide an analytical framework to answer this question.  相似文献   

Omnivorous animals feed on several food items that often differ in macronutrient and isotopic composition. Macronutrients can be used for either metabolism or body tissue synthesis and, therefore, stable C isotope ratios of exhaled breath (delta(13)C(breath)) and tissue may differ. To study nutrient routing in omnivorous animals, we measured delta(13)C(breath) in 20-g Carollia perspicillata that either ate an isotopically homogeneous carbohydrate diet or an isotopically heterogeneous protein-carbohydrate mixture. The delta(13)C(breath) converged to the delta(13)C of the ingested carbohydrates irrespective of whether proteins had been added or not. On average, delta(13)C(breath) was depleted in (13)C by only ca. -2 per thousand in relation to the delta(13)C of the dietary carbohydrates and was enriched by +8.2 per thousand in relation to the dietary proteins, suggesting that C. perspicillata may have routed most ingested proteins to body synthesis and not to metabolism. We next compared the delta(13)C(breath) with that of wing tissue (delta(13)C(tissue)) in 12 free-ranging, mostly omnivorous phyllostomid bat species. We predicted that species with a more insect biased diet--as indicated by the N isotope ratio in wing membrane tissue (delta(15)N(tissue))--should have higher delta(13)C(tissue) than delta(13)C(breath) values, since we expected body tissue to stem mostly from insect proteins and exhaled CO(2) to stem from the combustion of fruit carbohydrates. Accordingly, delta(13)C(tissue) and delta(13)C(breath) should be more similar in species that feed predominantly on plant products. The species-specific differences between delta(13)C(tissue) and delta(13)C(breath) increased with increasing delta(15)N(tissue), i.e. species with a plant-dominated diet had similar delta(13)C(tissue) and delta(13)C(breath) values, whereas species feeding at a higher trophic level had higher delta(13)C(tissue) than delta(13)C(breath) values. Our study shows that delta(13)C(breath) reflect the isotope ratio of ingested carbohydrates, whereas delta(13)C of body tissue reflect the isotope ratio of ingested proteins, namely insects, supporting the idea of isotopic routing in omnivorous animals.  相似文献   

库姆塔格柽柳沙包年层稳定碳同位素与气候环境变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用年层环境分析法,建立库姆塔格沙漠柽柳沙包年层稳定碳同位素序列,并利用记录的环境信息和附近气象资料,分析柽柳沙包稳定碳同位素与气候环境变化。结果表明:(1)柽柳沙包年层稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)在20世纪40—60年代出现波动,80年代后趋于下降,δ13C序列变化符合全球树轮δ13C下降趋势,表明大气CO2浓度增加会对柽柳沙包年层δ13C造成影响。(2)柽柳沙包年层稳定碳同位素分辨率(Δ)与全球气候变化趋势相一致,120a以来,全球气候变暖,柽柳沙包Δ偏重,为干热的气候环境,19世纪80年代以前,气温偏低,柽柳沙包Δ值偏轻,代表冷湿的气候环境。(3)不同生境环境下柽柳沙包年层Δ值对气候环境要素产生不同的响应,高海拔的山前柽柳沙包Δ值与年降水、湿度及季节性气压、光照相关性显著,Δ值受多个气候要素的影响,其滞后作用不明显;低海拔的干旱沙漠区柽柳沙包Δ值对年气温及季节性降水、湿度特别敏感,Δ值存在明显的滞后效应。  相似文献   

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